How and where can a psychologist look for clients on the Internet? Review of the best sites

Today, there is no doubt that psychology plays a very important role in the life of absolutely any person . If you are not psychologically attuned to something specific, then it will be impossible to achieve the desired result. Various theoretical and practical methods that have existed in psychology for quite a long time help a person achieve his goals in life.

Before a person begins to make his plans and goals, it is very important to know why this is being done. Is this really necessary for a happy life? Psychology helps answer many questions that people have faced for many decades.

Child psychology

Child psychology perhaps occupies the most important place in life. After all, everything begins with the birth of a baby. Child psychology studies his personality at various age periods of his life. It helps to understand their inner world and understand what is really necessary for the normal development of the child.

Child psychology helps to build a competent learning process and understand the character of a little person. During the game, the basic properties and characteristics of the personality are also revealed, which can only be understood by child psychology.

It becomes obvious that without knowledge of child psychology, raising a child competently will be very difficult. Therefore, future parents need to know at least the basics of this interesting science. Read articles about child psychology

How can a psychologist look for clients on social networks?

We recommend using several platforms at once: Instagram, VKontakte, YouTube, TikTok. Let's look at how to work with each of them.

Instagram Recommendations

  • The visual component is important here. Posts should be designed in the same style so that subscribers recognize them in the feed.
  • It is enough to publish updates from 1-2 times a day to once every 3-4 days. It is not advisable to abandon your account for a week or more. Network algorithms work in such a way that posts from inactive authors may be shown to users less often.
  • The maximum length of a post on Instagram is about 2000 characters. Large topics that cannot be covered in one publication are usually divided into a series.
  • Subscribers can be encouraged to leave comments, like, and add a post to favorites. For example, ask a question at the end of the message. It is advisable to respond to comments: reply or at least like. They stimulate game activity well.
  • You can conduct “live broadcasts” and post stories with videos. Users see stories more often than posts from the feed.
  • After gaining subscribers, bloggers often hold competitions. For example, the winner receives consultation. Examples of participation conditions: be subscribed to the account, post a link, write a post and tag several friends. To take clients for a free consultation, psychologist Olga Spiridonova advises holding it for no more than 20 minutes and not making it too detailed.

An Instagram account is also used to earn extra money. The income in this social network is described in detail in this article on

You can take a free class on Instagram trends. It is periodically held at the University of Netology, and helps to obtain useful information about promotion in this network, especially for beginners.

Tips for

The principles are similar to running Instagram, but there are differences. Here you have the opportunity to promote not a personal page, but a group or public page. They invite friends to it and, having received their first subscribers, begin to post.

On VKontakte, the maximum length of a message is about 16,000 characters, which allows you to consider almost any topic. However, readers prefer short stories, step-by-step guides, and tests. Additionally, you can attract participants using targeted advertising (this will not require a large budget).


. Tips for developing a channel are outlined in the article How to make money on YouTube on


. This is a relatively new social network. Competition here may be lower than on other sites.

Women's psychology

The psychology of women is quite interesting and unusual. Very often it is compared with the psychology of the Japanese. Because there are also many inconsistencies and incomprehensible moments. Very often, women can say one thing and think completely differently. Such behavior of the weaker sex is possible only in the case of a detailed study of female psychology.

The psychology of any woman is based on the fact that she is very emotional and willful. A woman always pays attention to various little things and is very sensitive to every situation, which cannot be said about many men. The woman is used to analyzing all the events in her life. Very often she makes a decision not because it is necessary, but because her inner voice tells her so.

A woman is very amazing by nature, and it is very difficult to understand what is happening in her head at a given moment in time. In order to make it easy and comfortable to communicate with a woman, work and simply live, you need to understand all these subtleties. This is precisely where female psychology helps, which has been revealing all the secrets of a woman’s personality for quite a long time. Read articles about female psychology

How to attract people to consultations?

Regardless of where you post information about yourself, there are a number of rules. Compliance with them helps to receive more orders. What you need to do if you are promoting yourself on the Internet:

1. Monitor and respond to comments

A psychologist can respond to comments from subscribers on his social network or blog. Communicate on forums, thematic communities and websites. Leave comments on the materials of other specialists (essentially without advertising services). This helps to build a personal brand, become noticeable, and expand your circle of professional contacts.

2. Describe how the consultation proceeds

People who seek psychological help for the first time may have misconceptions and concerns about it. To attract clients, it is worth describing in detail how the conversation with the psychologist goes. What will happen on it. Post photos of the office if the specialist sees you in person. Explain what follows the first consultation, what progress is possible and in what time frame.

3. Tell us in detail about yourself

It is important for a person who plans to sign up for a consultation to get to know the specialist in person in order to understand whether he is suitable for him or not. As a personal presentation, you can post information about yourself, articles, reviews, scans of education certificates, photographs.

According to a survey on the website, clients choose a psychologist based on a number of factors, among which the leaders are:

  • Personal data (age, gender, etc.)
  • Working methods.
  • Photography (to be liked and to inspire confidence).
  • Author's articles.
  • Education.

Building a personal brand is described in detail in an article on

Subscribe on social networks

When therapy is over, you can offer to subscribe to your account on social networks, newsletters from the website, YouTube channel. This way you will remain visible and will be able to attract the client again if he needs the help of a psychologist again.

Male psychology

The psychology of men is no less interesting than the psychology of women. Many of the weaker sex are of the opinion that the psychology of men is very primitive and has no meaning in life. In fact, these are incorrect conclusions. After all, if everyone knew the psychology of a man, then building relationships, starting a family, and simply avoiding conflict situations and quarrels with the stronger sex would be much easier. Also, knowledge from the field of male psychology will not be superfluous for the man himself. He should strive to obtain as much information about himself as possible. This will be useful to him in his daily life and will help him build healthy and trusting relationships with the people around him.

The psychology of a man lies in the study of his individual qualities and the manifestation of character in a given situation. After all, there is no doubt that every man is different from each other, and it is very difficult to predict how he might react to this or that event. It is these issues that the psychology of men deals with. If you fully understand this science, then it will not be as useless as many people think. Read articles about male psychology

How can a novice psychologist find his first clients?

We have collected 7 ways. All of them are free and only require free time.

No. 1. Develop a YouTube channel. People search the Internet for videos with advice on various issues. They can turn to someone who can competently talk about their problem. For example, on YouTube there is a popular channel by Veronica Stepanova with an audience of more than 2 million subscribers. In 2022, an appointment with her cost 35,000 rubles, judging by the video with a review filmed by another blogger:

No. 2. Maintain social networks. This is a space where both beginners and experienced psychologists can successfully seek clients. Users subscribe to the account and read posts. Gradually, they develop trust in the blogger, and at some point they may make an appointment. You can master promotion on social networks for personal purposes on your own. A lot of useful information on this topic is collected in the article about SMM specialists.

No. 3. Offer popular sites to post your articles. Interesting materials with attribution work like advertising.

No. 4. Conduct free webinars and master classes. Some listeners may be interested in the services. Some will subscribe to social networks and order a consultation later.

No. 5. Lead a psychological circle, club or support group. Its members can contact you for a paid service.

No. 6. Start word of mouth. Recommendations from friends will help a novice psychologist find his first clients and gain reviews. For it to work, you need to tell those around you what you do and ask for recommendations.

No. 7. Take advantage of in-house job opportunities, if available. For example, school psychologists often counsel parents privately on issues unrelated to their direct responsibilities at their primary location.

Psychology of Personality

Personality psychology is one of the most unusual branches of psychology. She studies personality as a separate individual. She tries to get to the bottom of its most hidden corners and reveal the essence of all mental processes that happen to a person. The central part of this field is the personality itself, which from time immemorial has attracted the attention of many psychoanalysts. The personality in this case acts as a phenomenon that reveals itself very widely from each side in various life situations.

Having at least a little knowledge in this branch of psychology, you can understand why a person gets angry, why he wants to eat, sleep and rest. It is even possible to understand the differences that exist between a man and a woman and study in detail the phenomenon of sexual attraction of both sexes.

Personality psychology is of great importance in life. After all, only it helps a person to reveal himself from a new side and learn what a person did not know until that time. Read articles about personality psychology

What you need to know about marketing?

In order for the choice to be made in favor of a specific specialist, it is important to explain how you can help. Often a person feels the need to come to an appointment, but is not clearly aware of what he wants to receive. It’s worth thinking for him, helping him make a choice. To do this, answer the questions from the table for yourself.

Who do you work with or want to work with? Create a portrait of your target audience. Are they women, men, parents with children? What age? Where do they live? What do they need?
Why should I contact you? Describe the benefits. To effectively search for clients on the Internet, a psychologist needs to stand out in some way. Do you have a unique experience? Do you know certain techniques and techniques?
What does the service consist of? Write a detailed description of the service, taking into account the target audience and the benefits found. You need to convince people that your help is the ideal choice to solve a certain problem.

It is better to write down the answers and keep them in sight. Use them to write descriptions in catalogs, add them to your resume, or add them to your website or blog.

Psychology of communication

The psychology of communication is necessary in a person’s life in order to understand how to properly find a common language with people in various situations. Having an idea of ​​how to behave correctly and what to say, you can achieve great success at work, as well as make friends with a large number of people.

This branch of psychology allows you to become familiar with various communication methods that can be used for different situations and groups of individuals. Having some knowledge, you can determine and understand a lot from the gestures and facial expressions of your interlocutor. In order to have success and respect from others, it is very necessary to be tactful and sociable. This is exactly what the psychology of communication teaches. Read articles about the psychology of communication

How to increase your earnings? Part-time job options

  1. Conduct webinars, groups, clubs. Webinars can be recorded and then sold access to the video materials.
  2. Conduct corporate trainings. Full-time business coaches can earn up to 100,000 rubles per month. The income of private owners may be higher. They depend on the number of events held and the level of fees for each.
  3. Write articles for websites. You can search for such orders on freelance exchanges, for example, For good content they pay from 100-150 rubles per 1000 characters. The cost of one article can be from 1000-1500 rubles and more. Texts are usually ordered by website owners who need them for promotion in search engines.
  4. Prepare content for social networks (for example, lead a group at a psychological center). On we found a vacancy as an SMM specialist for a popular psychologist with a salary starting from 70,000 rubles. You can work remotely, that is, from home.
  5. Write books. Many publishing houses cooperate with beginning authors. Their list is presented here. We also recommend reading the article on how to write and publish your book. The author's royalty is usually a percentage of the book's cost to the publisher. With a good circulation, it can amount to a substantial amount.
  6. Do student work on psychology. If you get the hang of it, income from helping students can exceed earnings from consulting. During the season, some authors of student papers receive more than 100 thousand rubles per month.
  7. Combine consulting with teaching courses at a university. For a novice psychologist, such work can also be a way to look for clients. For example, you can run a circle and periodically invite those interested to paid trainings.

Psychology of relationships

Relationship psychology is the most mysterious part of science. After all, if you do not have any knowledge or experience, then it will be almost impossible to survive in the human society of our time. Since a person’s whole life consists of the fact that he communicates with someone every day, gets to know someone or starts a relationship, this branch of psychology is more necessary than ever for every person. Achieving success in life and building happy relationships with other people will be possible only when a person independently learns how to competently build and maintain them.

The main advantage of the knowledge that is acquired as a result of the psychology of relationships is that a person can immediately put it into practice and use it in everyday life, communicating, for example, with his parents, friends or just acquaintances at work. Of course, each person will behave completely unpredictably. Therefore, to build normal relationships, a person will greatly benefit from his intuition and life experience that he has received up to this point.

Relationship psychology is an integral part of family psychology. Because in order to create a strong family, it is very important to understand each other and find the right approach to your soul mate in every situation, no matter what it turns out to be. Read articles on relationship psychology

How to learn this?

Naturally, knowledge about psychology is not present in us from birth, but is formed throughout life. Some people, of course, have a predisposition to psychology. Such people often become psychologists, intuitively understand people, and look at life a little differently. Others have to specifically study psychological knowledge and put more effort and patience into mastering it. But, in any case, you can learn anything. And master the skill of applying psychological knowledge – even more so. Moreover, you can do this yourself.

There are two aspects to learning this skill - theoretical and practical.

1The theoretical aspect of psychology is the knowledge that is taught in educational institutions and is also given in the presented course;
2The practical aspect of psychology is the application of new knowledge in life, i.e. transition from theory to practice.

But it often happens that a theory remains a theory, because people simply do not know what to do with the information that they now possess. Any lessons, courses, trainings, lectures, seminars, etc. should be aimed at the practical application of knowledge in real life.

Taking this feature into account, the course, the introduction to which you are now reading, was compiled. The purpose of this course is not only to give you a good theoretical basis of psychological knowledge, but also to teach you how to use this knowledge. All course lessons have a two-way focus - theory and practice. The theoretical part contains the most important knowledge on the topic of human psychology and represents its quintessence. The practical part, in turn, consists of recommendations, advice, psychological methods and techniques designed for you to use them.

This course “Human Psychology” is:

  • Systematized and understandable material for anyone, presented in a simple, interesting and accessible form.
  • A collection of useful tips and tricks that are easy to put into practice from the very first day.
  • The opportunity to see yourself and your life, as well as other people from a new, previously unknown side.
  • The opportunity to increase the level of your intelligence, education and erudition by several levels, which undoubtedly plays a significant role in the life of a modern person.
  • The opportunity to find the main motivating force that will encourage you to go forward and achieve success.
  • An opportunity to grow as a person and improve the level and quality of your life.
  • The opportunity to learn how to establish contact with any people (from your own children and parents to bosses and hooligans on the street).
  • A way to achieve harmony and happiness.

Want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how suitable it is for you, you can take our test. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

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Family psychology

Family psychology studies the relationships of people who are married. It reveals the reason for their construction and development. Family psychology examines the emotional sphere of each family member and identifies negative aspects that may appear at any time.

The topic of family and marriage has always been of interest to many scientists, including psychoanalysts. That is why the psychology of family relationships arose. If a person is initially able to correctly understand himself and his partner, then problems that may arise in marriage can be avoided. The right decisions and at least a little knowledge from the field of family psychology will help every person build a happy and understanding family that will amicably solve all the difficulties and troubles that come their way! Read articles about family psychology

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