Useful review. 28 Books That Influenced, Inspired, or Made Me a Better Person

We all have moments when we get tired of routine, experience a drop in motivation and feel like squirrels in a wheel. And then “our hearts demand change.” But deciding to make changes is not so easy. So we start looking for something that can help us get off the ground.

Below you will find the top inspiring books, after reading which you will definitely have the desire and attitude to begin your path to positive changes in your worldview and lifestyle.

2. “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, Robert T. Kiyosaki

This book is one of the most frequently recommended. It is a must read. As one of my friends, a former physical education teacher and now a very successful person, told me: “If I hadn’t read this book at the age of 30, I would still be collecting balls in the gym for a pittance salary.”

This book is on the list of books that changed my life. And I know many people whose careers began by reading this book. It should be one of the first to read.

Richard Branson “To hell with everything. Take it and do it!”

One of the richest people in the UK and the world, the founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, began his huge business by founding a small music store. Branson is not only a businessman and the author of many creative ideas, he is brave and loves to take risks: he has repeatedly managed to break the world record by crossing the Atlantic in a hot air balloon and the English Channel in an amphibious vehicle. He has acted in television series and reality shows and is also the author of several books.

The most famous of them are “Naked Business”, “Losing My Virginity”, “To hell with everything. Take it and do it! In the latter, he talks about how he sets goals and achieves them, as well as the rules of his life. “I don’t dream the impossible,” he says.

Branson writes that every person has a choice about how to manage their life. If work has become hateful, then you need to look around and think about what else you can do so as not to “drive back and forth along a tired rut.” He says that he owes the best traits of his character to his mother, who, through her example, developed perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals in her children. “If you want milk, don’t sit in the middle of the pasture waiting for the cow to give you her udder,” she said.

His grandmother lived to be 99 years old, and she was not at all the kind of grandmother one might imagine. At 89, she learned to dance advanced Latin American dances, played golf, driving the ball into the hole with one hit, at 95, she read “A Brief History of Time” by S. Hawking and went on a trip around the world. She lived by the principle: a chance called Life should be used to the maximum. And Richard Branson himself lives by the same principle.

"The Speed ​​Reader" by Tony Buzan

Once you learn how to structure information, speed up your reading speed.

This book is perhaps the best in this area. Read it, and your reading speed will increase by at least 2-3 times, i.e. books that you read for 10 hours, you can read in 3-5 hours.

Colin Tipping. "Radical Forgiveness" (1997)

The author proceeds from the idea that anger, anger, and resentment give rise to difficult life circumstances and deteriorating health. These old internal conflicts block the energies and vibrations of happiness. To get rid of negativity, the author offers a spiritual tool - radical forgiveness.

What is Colin Tipping's book "Radical Forgiveness: A Spiritual Technology for Healing Relationships, Relieving Anger and Guilt, and Finding Understanding in Any Situation" about? The author encourages you to reconsider your outlook on life and learn to forgive with all your heart. An example outlines a method of dealing with personal psychological blocks, which frees up energy and leads to a healthier body and improved relationships with the world. As a result, a person gains the joy of accepting life.

Complex philosophical, psychological, esoteric concepts are presented simply, accessible to a wide range of readers, which provided the book with a high Goodreads rating of 4.12.

“Mani, or the ABC of Money”, Bodo Schaefer

A book by one of the most successful financial advisors that will help you look at the world of money differently. A very light, even children's book with an adult meaning.

My daughter read it in 3 hours, it opened her eyes to the question “what is money?” After this book, other books by this author will be more interesting and understandable to you.

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"Rice Storm" by Michael Micalko

Creativity is another skill that can be developed. Igor Mann’s favorite book “Rice Storm” will help with this, which outlines techniques and exercises for effective idea generation. In this book, you'll find challenges, games, and puzzles that challenge lateral thinking and learn about the creative breakthroughs that changed the world.

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"Think Like a Mathematician" by Barbara Oakley

Many humanists believe that the precision and logic of mathematical thinking are beyond their reach. Auckland University professor Barbara Oakley refutes this postulate and volunteers to teach everyone the techniques used by specialists in the exact sciences. The author tells how basic knowledge in the field of mathematics helps to absorb information in any field, be it biology, finance or psychology.

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"Einstein Walks on the Moon" by Joshua Foer

US Memory Championship winner Joshua Foer explains how he trained his memory for a year. Also in the book “Einstein Walks on the Moon” you can find effective memorization techniques, conclusions of scientific research on the topic and an excursion into the past on the function of memory over thousands of years.

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The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh

The Simpsons writing team includes holders of advanced degrees in mathematics. It’s no wonder that episodes of animated series are filled with Easter eggs that are not noticeable and understandable to everyone. Simon Singh's book will tell you what you probably haven't noticed, teach you how to look for hidden messages in cultural objects, give you some mathematical knowledge and tell you about fun facts.

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"The Skeptic" by Michael Shermer

We constantly receive new information, but not all of it is true. Michael Shermer, in his book The Skeptic, tells how to use a rational approach to discover the truth and gives vivid examples of misconceptions from life. The book will be especially useful for those who want to understand science.

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11. “Take action! 10 commandments of success”, Yitzhak Pintosevich

One of the best books by Itzhak Pintosevich, along with the book “Awaken the Giant Within”, it will help you be happy. The book is written in such a way that it can be read in one sitting. After reading this book, you will look at the world with different eyes, the main thing is to do all the tasks that are in the book.


  1. "Games People Play" Eric Lennard Berne
  2. "People Who Play Games" by Eric Lennard Byrne
  3. "The Psychology of Influence" Robert Cialdini
  4. "The Psychology of Persuasion" Robert Cialdini
  5. “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Breckenridge Carnegie
  6. "Mental Traps" Mark Goulston
  7. "Make yourself. Tips for those who want to leave their mark" Tina Seelig
  8. “Trust yourself. The path to freedom and self-expression" Shakti Gawain
  9. “The Language of Conversation” by A. Pease and Barbara
  10. “Say Yes to Life!” Victor Frankl

With a diploma you can earn a living. Self-education will make you a fortune

Bernard Werber

This is a modern French writer, philosopher. He has quite a lot of books of interest; I advise you to pay attention to the book series “Thanatonauts” and “Ants”.

These are works of art with a very fascinating plot, in which the author reveals his original and very interesting view of the world, more precisely, the Universe, which will allow you to take a different look at what surrounds you.

Adam J. Jackson "10 Secrets of Love"

Englishman Adam Jackson is a lawyer by training, but he had to leave the practice of law due to health problems. He became interested in the natural medical sciences, developed a cure for his psoriasis, became a motivational speaker, and wrote several books. In addition to the one mentioned above, these are “10 secrets of health”, “10 secrets of happiness”, “10 secrets of wealth” and “10 secrets of success”.

The book “10 Secrets of Love” is called a modern parable about love and wisdom, changing the life of everyone who reads it. People want to love and be loved. In their youth, they believe that they will definitely meet their love. Some rely on chance - “we met by chance, my most important person.” Others do not want to wait and are looking for their one or only one. And finally here it is - love for life! But, as our contemporary Frenchman Frederic Beigbeder assures, “love lasts three years” - approximately the same amount of time it takes for a strong emotional attachment to another person to pass, which contributes to the production of the hormone of joy and happiness - dopamine. And then - disappointment and conclusion: “Apparently, it’s not fate, apparently, there’s no love.”

Whether it is dopamine that is to blame for the fact that two people, who recently found it difficult to part with each other even for five minutes, become bored together, or the people themselves, who were unable to maintain the relationship, is not important. The main thing is that having been burned once, they are afraid to enter into a new relationship and often prefer to remain single, just so as not to experience the pain of separation again. Of course, in most cases they meet new love, but at the same time many no, no, and even remember their previous relationships with regret, saying to themselves: “Old love does not rust.” In addition, in new relationships they often make old mistakes, and this leads them to think that “all men (women) are the same.”

“Love, unlike physical attraction and infatuation, does not come by itself. It is created, and everyone can do it,” Adam Jackson.

The book begins with the fact that a young man, invited to a wedding, watches the happy groom and thinks why he himself does not have long-term relationships with girls, because he would so much like to meet the only one and live with her all his life. He blames the stars for destining him to be lonely.

One of the guests, an elderly Chinese man with whom he struck up a conversation, remarked that the only thing that matters in our lives is love. And the golden rule of love: “If you want to be loved, love yourself.” Everyone can meet their love, but first they must find it in themselves, because we receive from others what we give to them ourselves. Whether we are lonely or not, happy or unhappy, is up to us to choose. And the old man initiated the young man into the secrets of true love. Which? This is what the book talks about.

“The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Your Life in 4 Weeks,” Joe Dispenza

And the last book on this list, but, in my opinion, the most valuable. After reading it, you can easily change all your negative emotions to positive ones, and your life will be bright and happy.

This is only a part of the books that contain the most important and interesting things that I managed to read in 2 years. I also recommend reading the works of Carlos Castaneda, and, of course, special literature on your niche.

Top 50 books that will change your Thinking and Life!

Top 50 books that changed my thinking and life. (Voloshanenko A.) ​​Repost to save it and have something to read at hand.

I'll start with the 10 most significant and favorite for me, which most influenced who I am now:

1. The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho). A book that helps you learn to dream and go towards your dreams, following your heart.

2. Without self-pity (Eric Bertrand Larssen). The best motivational book that helps you start taking action right now.

3. Atlas Shrugged Volume 3 (Ayn Rand). A story that cultivates a person into a thinker and a doer helps to understand the meaning of creating value for people.

4. Awaken the giant within you (Tony Robbins). A brilliant book that gives specific tools on how to change your life.

5. How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie). A phenomenal book about how to build relationships with people.

6. Morning Magic (Hal Elroth). An incredibly motivating book about how to add truly important things to your life.

7. Bible. I believe in what is written in it and try to live by its principles.

8. Elon Musk. Tesla, SpaceX and the road to the future (Ashley Vance). The book is about a man who himself changes the movement of human development towards renewable electricity and flights to other planets.

9. Bricks (Daniyar Sugralinov). About the formation and path from a weak loser to a strong person who has taken control of his life.

10. The last check (Victor Henkin). A book about chess, I know it almost by heart. On it I learned to think both strategically and tactically.

Other books that influenced me and played an important role in my life:

11. Be the best version of yourself. (Waldschmidt Dan). Based on many examples, it shows that nothing is impossible.

12. Millionaire in a minute (Hansen Mark). A fictional novel and a step-by-step plan on how to reach a new level in money.

13. Whole life (Jack Canfield). What areas of life should you pay attention to in order to be happy in life and successful in business.

14. Change your thinking and you will change your life (Brian Tracy, I really like all his books). About correct beliefs, and that nothing is impossible.

15. Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki). About the thinking of rich people.

16. Laws of winners (Bodo Schaefer). The principles of successful people are described.

17. Geniuses and Outsiders (Malcolm Gladwell). The key success factors of well-known personalities in business and sports are analyzed.

More on the blog: How mindfulness can change your life

18. Business and Life (Andrey Parabellum). An example of how to create yourself in business from scratch.

19. 4-hour work week (Tim Ferriss). About efficiency techniques and how you can free up more time for yourself.

20. The power of self-confidence (Brian Tracy). About the great power of self-belief, and what miracles it can work.

21. How to stop worrying and start living (Dale Carnegie). A very deep book about how to be happy now.

22. Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi). About how to enter the most resourceful state and find a business that lights you up.

23. A book that doesn’t exist (Alex Novak). On the basic principles of correct beliefs.

24. A book about power over yourself (Tony Robbins). Tony's first book is about ways to manage your life.

25. To heaven in S-class (Oleg Kalashnikov). A set of beliefs about how to be successful in terms of both material and spiritual things.

26. Transurfing reality (Vadim Zeland). About changing the reality of your life and reaching a new level.

27. Think and grow rich (Napoleon Hill). Basic principles and beliefs about how to be rich.

28. Life without borders (Nick Vujicic). About the path to happiness, fame and success, despite the absence of legs and arms.

29. Life at full capacity (Tony Schwartz). About the 4 main components of human energy.

30. The Pit (Seth Godin). About the period when no progress is visible and about the benefits if this hole is overcome.

31. Psychology of Influence (Robert Cialdini). Psychological research about the factors that really influence the behavior of a person.

32. Last lecture (Randy Pausch). The book is about how to be happy no matter what, and even if you have a couple of weeks left to live.

33. Book of Heroes (Vladimir Tarasov). A fundamental philosophical book about the principles of life.

34. Man is from Mars, woman is from Venus (John Gray). An excellent book that helps you understand relationships and better understand the opposite sex.

35. Book of Mormon . I believe this is a true book in addition to the Bible.


36. Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson). About the man who created the most valuable company in the world and a new era in the development of phones and Internet services.

37. Nikola Tesla. Inventor of the future. (Bernard Carlson). About the insane passion for his work of the most brilliant scientist of all time.

38. Shoe salesman (Phil Knight). About Nike's start from scratch and its victory over the giants Adidas and Puma.

More on the blog: 25 books that will change your worldview

39. Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari). Biography of Humanity as a species. Why exactly people became the most powerful creatures on the planet.

40. Say “Yes” to life (Viktor Frankl). About the choice to stay and live in a concentration camp when there is no hope.


41. It’s hard to be God (Strugatsky brothers). About the difficulties of choice and action, being in the society of less developed strata of humanity.

42. Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts). A book about the dark side of the beautiful country of India, about people's happiness in small, intangible things.

43. The End of Eternity (Isaac Asimov). A book about choosing people who know how.

44. The Lord is my broker (Christopher Buckley). About the adventures of a stock exchange player who went to a monastery.

45. Post Office (Charles Bukowski). About how to be your true self even despite the fact that you are a drunk and a homeless person.

46. ​​Hard Time Management (Parabellum and Tolkachev).


47. Hard Management (Dan Kennedy). A book about management control in the modern world.

48. Full control (Itshak Pintusevich). The book contains many laws on how to start acting more effectively.

49. Number 1 (Igor Mann). A step-by-step guide to becoming number 1 in any field.

50. No Excuses (Brian Tracy). About how to start taking action no matter what.

Books that I recommend reading, but they are not included in the top 50.

51. 12 weeks a year (Brian Moran). About efficiency and how to achieve annual plans in 3 months.

52. The Richest Man in Babylon (George Clason). About how to create your wealth no matter how much you earn.

53. Lateral marketing (Phillip Kotler). About how marketing has changed recently and where it is going.

54. The shortest history of time (Stephen Hawking). I think that everyone needs to know for general education.

55. Game theory (Avinash Dixit, Barry Nalbuff). About people's thinking in games.

56. Cash Flow Quadrant (Robert Kiyosaki). About how to move to another level and become financially independent.

57. Picnic on the roadside (Strugatsky brothers). About a person’s desire to find his own path and choose which side of good and evil to take.

58. Inhabited island (Strugatsky brothers). About the struggle of a group of people against a regime that suppresses them.

Please write the books that influenced you the most.

And if this post was useful to you, repost it, and may there be more people in the world who read correct literature.

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Author of the work: Elinor Porter.

Do you know how to see the positives even in the most difficult situations? Looking for more in small and white in black?

But the little Pollyanna girl can. And she has already managed to infect the entire town with her optimism, shaking up this depressive swamp with her smile and ability to enjoy life.

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Life on borrowed time

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When there is nothing to lose, the feeling of “nothing is sorry” opens the door to a new world. Where deadlines, boundaries and conventions that constrain us are erased. Where death is real, love is like an avalanche, and there is no point in thinking about the future.

But that makes life more beautiful, because it still has a continuation.

A state-of-the-art book without the author's moralizing: is it worth leaving everything as it is, or is it time to reevaluate your attitude towards life?

Hal Elrod. "The magic of the morning. How the first hour of the day determines your success" (2012)

What is Hal Elrod's book “The Magic of the Morning” about? How does the first hour of the day determine your success? The book explains that the success of a person's life depends on how he spends the first hour of a new day. A properly spent hour after getting up helps to unlock a person’s potential and completely change his life. Pleasant morning rituals give you vigor, optimism, and strength to carry out your plans. Practical advice has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their lot.

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Children's Law

Author: Ian McEwan.

Bestseller for intellectuals.

Could you take responsibility for someone else's fate? For Judge Fiona May, the moment has come when no one and nothing can help in making a decision, including professionalism and the usual uncompromisingness.

The boy Adam urgently needs a blood transfusion, but his parents are against it - religion will not allow it. The judge is faced with a choice - to save Adam's life and go against the will of his fanatical parents, or to preserve the support of his family for the boy, but allow him to die...

An atmospheric book from a brilliant author that will not let you go for a long time after reading it.

Where are you?

Author of the work: Mark Levy.

A wonderful life, full of joy and love, connected the hearts of Susan and Philip since childhood. But the death of loved ones always changes plans and turns the familiar world upside down. Susan couldn't stay the same either.

After the death of his parents, he decides to leave his native country to help everyone who is in trouble and in need of help.

Who said that love means meeting each other every morning? Love is also “let go if your feelings are true.”

A novel that reminds the reader of what is most important.

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