A categorical person is... Definition, characteristics, features

The word "categorically" is an adverb. It answers the question “how?” or “how?” It is easy to guess that it indicates the mode of action, the way it proceeds. This adverb comes from the adjective “categorical”. If you need to find the meaning of the word “categorically”, then the dictionary will contain a link to the corresponding adjective. Therefore, you need to analyze its meaning and then transform it into an adverb form.

Definition and concept

The explanatory dictionary says: “Categorical is one who is confident in all his judgments, who does not allow objections.”

You've probably met people with whom it is extremely difficult to communicate. They do not compromise and rarely listen to other people's opinions. It is almost impossible to convince such people, because they have their own point of view on absolutely any topic. It is better not to argue with them, because even a peaceful discussion can develop into a large and serious conflict. So what kind of a categorical person is this?


Categoricalism manifests itself in different ways. For example, a person may be convinced of something. For example, he is sure that the sun rises in the south. You can give him a thousand arguments, scientific research. But he will remain unconvinced.

What to do in such cases? If a person is categorical in his beliefs, then do not incite conflict. As soon as you find out that he has a different opinion from yours, simply walk away from the conversation. Say you were wrong or that you don't have time for discussion. It will be difficult for you to conflict with a person whose main argument is “because I know.”

If such a person is your close relative or partner, then it is better to break off the relationship. No matter how hard it may be, no matter how well you live together, sooner or later such categoricalness will become unbearable for you.

Harsh judgments and statements

A categorical person is one who behaves uncompromisingly. You can easily recognize him in society by paying attention to his behavior and manner of speech. Listen to what your interlocutor is saying and remember his answers.

In a conversation, you will not hear certain statements, only a clear opinion, which is expressed with assertiveness and confidence. They always say a strict “no”, without allowing any “buts” or “maybes”. Such people confuse their interlocutors, cutting off their opinion with phrases such as “This is not true,” “It cannot be otherwise.” If a categorical person agrees with you, he will always support “Of course, this is so.”

Certain statements (“It seems to me,” “Probably,” etc.) make the dialogue smoother, softer and calmer. Using categorical phrases turns a discussion into a heated debate. Pay attention, do you want to make excuses or confirm some facts to such a person? A categorical person is a kind of energy vampire who is always open to argument, because he is used to standing his ground, and any interlocutor will try to convince him.

Categorical attitude in different areas of life

Many people who deal with self-centered bosses believe that categoricalness is a sign of narrow-mindedness. Well, to some extent this is true. Some bosses try to use this trait to raise their leadership status, show influence and indicate that they are superior to other employees. But this is unlikely to give an effective result. Few people want to work with a categorical boss.

This character trait may be appropriate in the case of communication between an adult and a younger person. Let's say your parents categorically forbid you to get a tattoo at the age of 15. This is justified, since at this age the character is unstable, and there is no guarantee that by the age of 20 the drawing made on the body will still be relevant.

If categoricalness is manifested in communication between equal people, then the person shows disrespect or tries to put himself above the interlocutor.

In relationships between loved ones, unpleasant moments are often forgiven. It is better to remain silent and agree than to spoil the relationship. However, categoricalness is not a character trait that will go away on its own. On the contrary, such people become unbearable over time.

Life position

Most people say, “She’s too opinionated!” The meaning of the phrase is often attributed to elderly people who are accustomed to living by old rules and are not ready to accept all the changes in the world.

Do not under any circumstances confuse confidence in yourself and your life with categoricalness. Such people know for sure that all their actions and decisions are the only correct ones, even if they entail serious consequences or cause a conflict.

Be careful, they are not familiar with personal space and the right to choose. On the contrary, these people strive to give yet another “practical” advice, which may not be needed at all. So what does a categorical person mean? This is the one who does not give freedom to his loved ones and friends. He always knows how to do the right thing, and is offended if others do not follow his advice.

He cannot be convinced of anything, even if he really needs help. If categorical people believe that traditional medicine helps cure cancer, then they will never go to an oncologist, but will drink infusions and decoctions. If they think that accounting is the only worthy profession, then all their relatives and friends should have studied for it.

How to behave?

Let's imagine that a categorical boss has already driven you crazy, but you cannot leave your job or transfer to another department. In this case, you need to understand how to react to different conflict situations.

It is worth noting that often categorical people quickly become aggressive. Your task is to remain extremely calm. There is no need to incite conflict. As many psychologists say, this is what categorical people seek—argument and discussion.

Every time you start to get nervous, you need to remind yourself that you can’t convince a person. That he clearly stands in his position, and it will be easier for you to redo the work than to get involved in a conflict.

Try to immediately smooth out unpleasant moments. Control your behavior, your gaze, and the intonation you use in conversation.

Some categorical people begin to impose their opinions. You try to avoid the conversation, but they continue to stir up conflict. What to do in such cases? Again, don't be nervous. Say that you will go to the toilet, throw out your emotions there, imagine how you will take revenge, but go into battle with such a person with a clear head. You will need eloquence. Smile, don't ignore. Don't respond with short answers such as "I agree with you." It won't help. Try to tell in vivid colors how you were wrong.

If you cannot tolerate categoricalness, then get out of such relationships: work or personal. Remember that people don't change, and over time this character trait will become simply unbearable.

Philosophy will help you understand

In philosophy there is such a thing as “categorical thinking.” This means that such people will think broadly and perceive the world as it really is. However, there is a contradictory concept - “categorical person”. This indicates that he is accustomed to limiting his perception. A person creates a completely different world around himself, which includes only certain comfortable and relatively correct things. At the same time, the surrounding reality does not interest him - it is vicious, vast, complex and difficult to understand.

The meaning of “categorical” speaks for itself. A person adheres to a certain position in life, a certain type of thinking. The category he chose is optimal and correct.

Here are some examples:

  1. There are no boundaries between good and evil. In such a person's world there are either good or bad people.
  2. There are no millions of shades, because there is only black and white, red and blue, yellow and green.
  3. There are no other clothes other than those chosen by a categorical person. This could be a formal suit, jeans with a T-shirt or skirts. The very thought that one day he will have to diversify his wardrobe evokes disgust, fear and even hatred in him. And all the people who dress differently live completely wrong.

How to communicate with categorical people?

It is very easy to recognize a categorical personality among friends. If your relative or friend is not going to ever give in to his own judgments, but is not able to give arguments on them, does not perceive reality, denies the facts, he is definitely a categorical person.

It is not necessary to fight categoricality. This type of thinking can no longer be changed. You can only come to terms with him and end your relationship with a categorical person.

If your relative or friend is able to think categorically, but can behave adequately, does not try to impose his point of view, insult, or violate personal boundaries, you don’t have to worry. After all, every person has their own disadvantages.

In other cases, the only and correct way out of the current situation will be to break off contacts and minimize them. If it is not possible to erase a categorical person from your life, it is important to remember one rule - arguing with them is useless and pointless. It is generally better to immediately put an end to such situations where a dispute may arise, and when it arises, immediately put an end to it with a simple phrase: “each of us has our own opinion on this issue, let it be so, let’s not impose an opinion on each other.”

Is it possible to get rid of categoricalness?

Now you know what it means to be categorical, but is it possible to change? If you look at it from a philosophical point of view, the concept itself is a symbol of selfishness and pride. Such people, as a rule, are closed from the outside world, they think narrowly and live in a limited way. They create boundaries and barriers for themselves that they will never cross. All these dogmas are not supported by anything, except perhaps by personal opinion and confidence that they are the only correct ones.

Dealing with your ego will be difficult and may take years. But when a person realizes that he lives in a vacuum created by himself, he will be able to destroy the barriers in just a few seconds.

How to get rid of categoricalness:

  1. Learn to compromise. Your opinion is not the only correct one, so try to listen to others and agree with them.
  2. Immerse yourself in yourself and eradicate all the fears that prevent you from living a full life. For example, a little girl was scolded by her parents for wearing pants, because all ladies wear skirts. When the child grew up, he was convinced that all women in trousers were masculine and rude. The fear of disgracing yourself at school, the fear of having to report to your parents again for your choice left a mark in the subconscious, which is why cliches and dogmas were born.
  3. Learn to feel other people. You can't just offend or offend someone.
  4. Don't be afraid to try something new, even if you already have grandchildren. Do you want to learn how to ride a bike without thinking that it is a dangerous sport? Do you want to visit a neighboring country, but are you afraid that they might steal and put you in prison? Get rid of your fears and just take action.

Qualities and traits that interfere with life

Let go of pride so that you can improve your relationships with others, meet new people, and become open to the world. The next step is to destroy stubbornness: listen to what they tell you, practice and gain new experience. Yes, sometimes it can be bitter and not all advice can really help, but you will try, and this is the result.

Now you know what “categorical woman or man” means. Don't close yourself off from people and the world. Show respect for other people's opinions and choices.

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