What is intelligence: definition, examples. Educated, cultured and intelligent person

In the eighteenth century, the writer P. Bobrykin introduced the word “intellectual” into use. The roots of the word itself come from the Latin “intellect”, which means mind. At that time, the intelligentsia included people who were engaged in mental work: writers, scientists, teachers, engineers and artists. More precisely, these were all those who did not work in the fields, workshops and mines. People engaged in mental work were distinguished by their education and were considered “white bones” among the masses of their kind. Is it appropriate today to confuse the concepts of “education” and “intelligence”? Does it mean that every educated person is necessarily intelligent, and vice versa?

Etymology of the word

“Intelligence” is a word that comes from Latin. Intelligentsia is a cognitive power, the ability of perception, which, in turn, comes from the Latin intellectus - understanding, thinking. Despite the Latin origin of the word, the concept of “intellectual” is considered originally Russian and in the vast majority of cases is used only in the territory of the former USSR and among Russian-speaking segments of the population.

The father of the term “intelligentsia” is considered to be the Russian liberalist writer Pyotr Bobrykin (1836-1921), who repeatedly used it in his critical articles, essays and novels. Initially, this was the name given to people of mental work: writers, artists and teachers, engineers and doctors. In those days there were very few such professions and people were grouped according to common interests.


30px Wikiquote has a page on the topic of Intellectuals

  • Ivanov-Razumnik
    . [https://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/History/intell/ivan_chtotak.php What is the intelligentsia?] // gumer.info
  • [https://vikent.ru/enc/3557 The emergence of the term “intelligentsia” in Russian]
  • Gramsci A. [https://www.revkom.com/index.htm?/biblioteka/levie/gramshi/gr-ogl.htm Formation of the intelligentsia]
  • Trotsky L.
    [https://www.magister.msk.ru/library/trotsky/trotl491.htm About the intelligentsia]
  • G. Fedotov
    [https://gondola.zamok.net/154/154fedotov_1.html Tragedy of the intelligentsia]
  • Uvarov Pavel Borisovich
    [https://www.cspu.ru/uchenomu/nauchnoe_obshestvo/nauchnie_raboti.html Children of Chaos: a historical phenomenon of the intelligentsia]
  • Abstract of the article by A. Pollard. [https://modernproblems.org.ru/inlellig/pollard The origin of the word “intelligentsia” and its derivatives].
  • [https://www.ng.ru/ideas/2008-01-22/10_socialism.html Conversation between I. Stalin and L. Feuchtwanger] //NG
  • I. S. Kon.
    [https://scepsis.ru/library/id_1199.html Reflections on the American intelligentsia] // “New World”, 1968, No. 1. - P. 173-197
  • [https://ec-dejavu.ru/i/intelligentia_2.html Russian intelligentsia and Western intellectualism. Proceedings of the international conference. Compiled by B. A. Uspensky].
  • Kormer V.
    Double consciousness of the intelligentsia and pseudo-culture (published under the pseudonym
    — In the book: Kormer V.
    Mole of History. - M.: Time, 2009. - P. 211−252. — ISBN 978-5-9691-0427-3 ([https://antology.igrunov.ru/70-s/periodicals/rshd/altaev.html electronic version]).
  • Alex Tarn. [https://www.alekstarn.com/stru.html Portrait of P. B. Struve in the twilight of the intelligentsia.]
  • Pomeranz G. [https://www.pomeranz.ru/p/lect_intell.htm Intelligentsia, intellectuals and intelligence] - lecture, June 21, 2001
  • Bitkina S.
    It's not just about the hat. What a real intellectual should be like // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2014. No. 58.
  • Slyusar V. H.
    [https://eprints.zu.edu.ua/10452/1/Slyusar_intellig1.pdf Intelligentsia as an object of violence during the period of transformation of society] // Modern intelligentsia: problems of social identification: collection of scientific works: in 3 volumes . / answer ed. I. I. Osinsky. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat State University Publishing House, 2012. - T. 1. - P. 181-189.
  • [https://echo.msk.ru/programs/speakrus/504436-echo Game program about the word “intelligentsia”] in “Speaking Russian” on Echo of Moscow (March 30, 2008)
  • Filatova A.
    [https://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/number/51/11.pdf The concept
    of intelligentsia
    in the semantic space of modern Russian culture] // Logos, 2005, No. 6. - P. 206-217.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

  • Intelligentsia // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg, 1907-1909.
  • Intelligentsia // Encyclopedia "Around the World".
  • Intelligentsia // Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / ch. ed. B. M. Volin, D. N. Ushakov (vol. 2-4); comp. G. O. Vinokur, B. A. Larin, S. I. Ozhegov, B. V. Tomashevsky, D. N. Ushakov; edited by D. N. Ushakova. - M.: GI "Soviet Encyclopedia" (vol. 1) : OGIZ (vol. 1) : GINS (vol. 2-4), 1935-1940.
  • Intelligentsia
    - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • Memetov V. S., Rastorguev V. N.
    [https://bigenc.ru/domestic_history/text/2013995 Intelligentsia] // Great Russian Encyclopedia. M., 2008. T. 11.
  • Intelligentsia // Dictionary of Social Sciences
  • Intelligentsia // Encyclopedia of Sociology

Who is an intelligent person?

“Cultural and not swearing,” many will say. Some will add: “Smart.” And then they’ll add something about being educated and well-read. But are all doctors of science and great minds of this world intellectuals?

There are enough people in the world with a huge amount of knowledge, who have read thousands of books, polyglots and true masters of their craft. Does this automatically make them part of the intelligentsia, the social stratum?

What does intelligentsia mean?

The word “intelligentsia” refers to a community of people who are engaged in intellectual work, strive to accumulate knowledge and transfer it to other people. It is interesting that, although this is not explicitly stated, the intelligentsia includes mainly representatives of humanitarian professions: writers, poets, artists, literary critics, historians.

Representatives of the intelligentsia are characterized by a high level of morality and moral and ethical qualities. At the same time, they, regardless of the scale of their personality and degree of fame, strive to make the world a better place by passing on knowledge and beliefs, therefore they are often engaged in educational and teaching activities.

The most famous representatives of the Russian intelligentsia include such outstanding figures of science and art as Mikhail Lomonosov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lermontov, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Glinka and Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Each of them had a colossal influence on the science, literature or culture of their time. At the same time, they are usually classified as intelligentsia not because of their education or erudition, but because of their special view of the world and their persistent desire to make it better.

The simplest definition of intelligence

One of the greatest minds of the Silver Age gave a very short but succinct definition of the concept of intelligence: “This is the highest culture of the human spirit, aimed at preserving the dignity of one’s neighbor.”

Such intelligence is that daily work is constant self-improvement, the result of a huge educational process on oneself, one’s personality, which first of all cultivates in a person the ability to be attentive and empathetic towards another living being. An intellectual, even if he commits a dishonest act under the will of circumstances, will suffer greatly from this and be tormented by remorse. He will rather do harm to himself, but will not be tainted by base things.

Universal human values ​​inherent in an intellectual

According to the results of a social survey, the majority of people indicated the importance of education and good manners. But the great Faina Ranevskaya said: “It is better to be known as a good, but swearing, than a well-mannered bastard.” Therefore, higher education and knowledge of etiquette do not mean that you are an old-school intellectual. The following factors are more important:

  • Compassion for the pain of others, no matter whether it is a person or an animal.
  • Patriotism, expressed in actions, and not in shouting from the podium at rallies.
  • Respect for other people's property: therefore, a true intellectual always pays debts, but takes them out extremely rarely, in the most critical cases.
  • Politeness, compliance and gentleness of character are mandatory - they are the first calling card of the intelligentsia. Tactfulness is at the top of their attitude towards people: he will never put another person in an uncomfortable position.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • Absence of rudeness towards anyone: even if an impudent person pushes an intellectual, he will be the first to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Just don’t confuse this with cowardice: a coward is afraid, but an intellectual respects all people, no matter what they are.
  • Lack of intrusiveness: out of respect for strangers, they are more likely to remain silent than to be frank with just anyone.
  • Sincerity and unwillingness to lie: again, out of decency and love for the people around you, but more out of respect for yourself.
  • An intellectual respects himself so much that he will not allow himself to be uneducated, unenlightened.
  • A craving for beauty: a hole in the floor or a book thrown into the dirt excites their soul more than the lack of dinner.

From all this it becomes obvious that education and intelligence are not related concepts, although they interact. An intellectual is a rather complexly structured personality, which is why he is never loved by the lower strata of society: against the backdrop of an esthete who has a keen sense of the world, they feel flawed and do not understand anything, which is why anger manifests itself, leading to violence.

article by Vyacheslav Ivanov entitled: “The Face and Masks of Russia”

Faces of Russia

Russia has two faces. I listed them above. These are all their pseudonyms. And these are their real names. Let's get acquainted now.

Lucifer and Ahriman

Vyacheslav Ivanov immediately says that he does not introduce these names in order to “convince enlightened contemporaries of their real existence.” But because these bright characters and their ideas are imprinted in different guises throughout Russia and constitute the main essence of our national empty discussion - who is right: who scolds the people or who scolds the intelligentsia who scold the people.

Lucifer and Ahriman are two god-fighting principles, which are both engaged in the fight with God. But they are one. These are “two different faces of a single force, whose name is Satan.”

This idea is a legacy of the ancient Gnostic tradition of the West and East; Ivanov did not invent it himself.

Lucifer is the spirit of indignation, the spirit of revolution, the spirit of selfhood.

Ahriman is the spirit of corruption, the spirit of ossification, the spirit of “it doesn’t matter.”

St. Augustine also called them both:

  • "world rulers of the darkness of this age"
  • and “military leaders of the Earthly City.”

Dostoevsky also called the demon Ahriman - “the demon of vulgarity and flatness”, Sologub - “a small demon”, “a weakling”.

But the best way for us to understand what Ahriman is is Vyacheslav Ivanov himself. Ahriman is where a person is deliberately corrupted and scattered into trifles, where a person is deliberately humiliated, “lowered into the very dirt,” presented as petty, insignificant. Where lawlessness reigns. The complete program of Ahriman (says Ivanov) is to lure the soul into Chaos, into inert matter - with crude sensual lures. And then the light will be “embraced by darkness”, will decay and fade away in it.

The program and ideology of Lucifer seem to be completely opposite. Lucifer is where people are exalted, where everything is refined, where the phrase “you will be like gods” and “What do you need gods for when you yourself are like gods?” is pronounced...

Ahriman is a soul spit on from birth, a dirty tavern, a barracks, drunken hari, murder for three rubles and boots taken from a dead man, child molestation, lack of paved roads, beatings and swearing over a child’s cradle. This is the absence of laws.

Lucifer is pride and individualism, this is “self-love to the point of hatred of God,” this is progress and science, the organization of society on “reasonable principles,” energy, will and self-affirmation, this is the thirst for immortality on earth. This is the triumph of the Law. (Above Conscience).

The sober brother Lucifer traditionally hates his drunken brother Ahriman, disdains him, reproaches him for his dirt and “ragged appearance,” for the unsanitary conditions, for the ugliness of his dirty face.

Ahriman also hates Lucifer, reproaches him for snobbery and pride, for sterility and for the ugliness of his face, too clean, too washed with soap, like Chichikov’s full cheeks.

But both of them, I repeat, are one. This is the secret. Dear ones scold only for fun.

It is not difficult to guess that the founder of Luciferic Russia is Peter the Great. Following him, the “party of Lucifer” was born in Russia.

Their main merit and work lies in the fact that they tirelessly spoke and continue to speak about the tricks of Ahriman in Russia, denouncing the builders:

  • “Rus of decay”, opposite to “Rus of resurrection”,
  • highlight Rus''s arbitrariness, violence and oppression,
  • Rus' does not keep silent about atrocities, drunkenness, moral dullness and savagery,
  • Rus' of rotten vulgarity,
  • Rus' "desecration of the shrine of the human face"
  • fury and malevolent destruction.

This part of the people, who saw all this, tried to create a new Russia, not Ahriman’s. On Luciferic cultural principles.

The leaven of Luciferic culture is the ideas of the French Revolution, atheism, democracy, citizenship and individualism. You will be like gods.

There is only one complaint that can be made against people who acutely hated “Rus Arimanova” with cockroaches in cabbage soup, and this is it.

These people saw with their own eyes only Ahriman’s Rus'. This is good. But they no longer saw “Holy Rus'” and, moreover, they did not believe in the possibility of its existence - whether in the past, in the present, in the future - or in some parallel reality, like Daniil Andreev.

And they taught their vision and their faith (the lack of faith in the possibility of Holy Rus') to others.

Modern intellectual

What is intelligence today? Is it even possible to be like this in the arena of total degradation and dullness from the media, social networks and television shows?

All this is true, but universal human values ​​do not change from era to era: at any time, tolerance and respect for others, compassion and the ability to put oneself in the place of another are important. Honor, inner freedom and depth of soul, together with a keen mind and a thirst for beauty, have always been and will be of paramount importance for evolution. And today's intellectuals are not much different from their brothers in the spirit of the century before last, when man - this really sounded proud. They are modest, honest with themselves and others, and are always kind from the heart, and not for the sake of PR. On the contrary, a spiritually developed person will never boast of his actions, achievements and actions, but at the same time he will try to do everything possible to become at least a little better, knowing that by changing himself, he changes the entire world around him for the better.

[edit] In literature

Voluminous quotes:
“An intellectual does not like risk and is moderately red, like a radish. “— Mayakovsky I don’t believe in our intelligentsia, hypocritical, false, hysterical, ill-mannered, lazy, I don’t even believe when it suffers and complains, because its oppressors come from its own depths. I believe in individual people, I see salvation in individual individuals scattered here and there throughout Russia - whether they are intellectuals or peasants - there is strength in them, although they are few. A prophet is not righteous in his own country; and the individuals I am talking about play an invisible role in society, they do not dominate, but their work is visible; whatever it is, science is moving forward and forward, public self-awareness is growing, moral questions are beginning to acquire a restless character, etc., etc. - and all this is being done in addition to prosecutors, engineers, tutors, in addition to the intelligentsia en masse and Despite everything. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: Letter to N.I. Orlov, February 22, 1899. The spherical intellectual in a vacuum is described by Ilf and Petrov in the novel “The Golden Calf.” Vasisualiy himself never served anywhere. Service would have prevented him from thinking about the significance of the Russian intelligentsia, to which social stratum he considered himself. Thus, Lokhankin’s long thoughts boiled down to a pleasant and close topic: “Vasisualiy Lokhankin and his significance”, “Lokhankin and the tragedy of Russian Liberalism”, “Lokhankin and his role in the Russian Revolution”. It was easy and calm to think about all this, walking around the room in felt boots bought with Varvara’s money, and looking at his favorite closet, where the roots of the Brockhaus encyclopedic dictionary shimmered in church gold. Vasisuali stood for a long time in front of the closet, looking from spine to spine. The rankings include marvelous examples of bookbinding art: the Great Medical Encyclopedia, “The Life of Animals,” the weighty volume “Man and Woman,” as well as “Earth and People” by Elisée Reclus. “Next to this treasury of thoughts,” Vasisualiy thought leisurely, “you become purer, you somehow grow spiritually.” Having come to this conclusion, he sighed joyfully, pulled out from under the cabinet “Motherland” for 1899, bound in sea green with foam and splashes, looked at pictures of the Boer War, an advertisement from an unknown lady, entitled: “This is how I increased my six-inch bust,” and other interesting things. Also, the same authors in “12 Chairs” also have “” Polesov, whose activity is slightly less than entirely composed of epic refusals and.

Do modern society need intellectuals?

Education and intelligence are now as important an aspect as global warming or cruelty to animals. The thirst for money and universal adoration has so captured society that modest attempts by individuals to raise the level of human awareness resemble the painful efforts of a woman giving birth, who, despite all the pain, sacredly believes in a successful outcome.

It is necessary to believe that intelligence is such a culture of the soul. This is not the amount of knowledge, but actions in accordance with moral principles. Perhaps then our world, mired in the mud of a distorted mind, will be saved. Humanity needs bright-hearted individuals, intellectuals of the spirit, who will promote the purity of relationships without mercantile motives, the importance of spiritual growth and the need for knowledge as the initial basis for subsequent development.

When does the formation of moral qualities occur?

In order to be, or rather, to feel like an intellectual and not be burdened by this burden, it is necessary to absorb the inclinations with mother’s milk, to be brought up in the appropriate environment and environment, then highly moral behavior will be like a part of the being, like a hand or an eye.

It is for this reason that it is important not only to raise a child in the right direction, but also to set a clear example with rational actions, correct actions, and not just words.


  1. ↑ [https://linguaeterna.com/vocabula/index.php Dictionary] by I. Kh. Dvoretsky
  2. Kiselnikova T.V.
    [https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=12157895 From the history of socialist thought. Socialism and philistinism in the discussions of Russian socialists at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries] // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. - Tomsk: National Research Tomsk State University, 2005. - No. 288. - P. 133. - ISSN [https://www.sigla.ru/table.jsp?f=8&t=3&v0=1561-7793&f=1003&t=1&v1 =&f=4&t=2&v2=&f=21&t=3&v3=&f=1016&t=3&v4=&f=1016&t=3&v5=&bf=4&b=&d=0&ys=&ye=&lng=&ft=&mt=&dt=&vol=&pt=&iss=&ps =&pe=&tr=&tro=&cc=UNION&i=1&v=tagged&s=0&ss=0&st=0&i18n=ru&rlf=&psz=20&bs=20&ce=hJfuypee8JzzufeGmImYYIpZKRJeeOeeWGJIZRrRRrdmtdeee88NJJJJpeeefTJ3peKJJ3UWWPtzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzbzzvzzpy5zzjzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzvzzzzzzyeyTjkDnyHzTuueKZePz9decyzzLzzzL*.c 8.NzrGJJvufeeeeeJheeyzjeeeeJh*peeeeKJJJJJJJJJmjHvOJJJJJJJJJfeeeieeeeSJJJJJSJJJ3TeIJJJJ3..E.UEAcyhxD.eeeeeuzzzLJJJJ5.e8JJJheeeeeeeeeeeeeK3JJJJJJJJ*s7defee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSJJJJJJJJZIJJzzz1.. 6LJJJJJJtJJZ4….EK*&debug=false 1561-7793].
  3. [https://avtonom.org/old/lib/theory/gramshi_ttetradi.html?q=lib/theory/gramshi_ttetradi.html Prison notebooks. The emergence of the intelligentsia]
  4. Lenin V.I.
    Complete works. - M.: Publishing House of Political Literature, 1970. - T. 51. - P. 134-135.
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