Rational and irrational: definition and characteristics

Rational and irrational are two completely opposite personality types, which in the same situations tend to make different decisions. Working with both the first and second types of clients is difficult only until you understand the model of their behavior and decision-making. As soon as you learn to determine what is rational and what is irrational when making decisions, it will be easier for you to understand what is right for him and in what form he needs to present it. This is what we will look into now.

Rational aspects

Logic and ethics are functions with the help of which a person makes certain decisions. Decisions based on logic appeal either to facts and cause-and-effect relationships (black, also known as business logic), or to abstract structures and systems (white logic). Decisions based on ethics are based either on subjective ideas about morality, relationships, good and evil (white ethics), or on ideas about external aesthetics, emotions, external human reactions (black ethics). Logic and ethics are called decisive and therefore rational aspects. Carriers of psychological types, the basic function of which is one of the forms of logic or ethics, are called rationals.

Irrational aspects

Sensory and intuition are perceptive functions. With their help, a person perceives the surrounding reality, orienting himself in it. Because they focus specifically on perception rather than decision-making, they are also called irrational aspects. Sensory perception implies either one’s own and others’ physical sensations (white sensory), or a feeling of one’s own and others’ power potential (black sensory). An intuitive sense of reality involves either perceiving reality as a dynamic process extended over time (white intuition) or as a static space with countless options and possibilities (black intuition). Carriers of psychological types, the basic function of which is one of the forms of sensory or intuition, are called irrationals.

Rational and irrational

Both representatives have completely opposite ways of thinking. A rational person always knows exactly what he needs and what he wants, and therefore formulates his thoughts clearly and clearly. At the same time, he rarely accepts alternative proposals. In order to make the necessary decision, he needs to simulate the situation in his head. When communicating, he assigns a large role to speech and auditory perception, which means that when working with such a client, it is necessary to focus on these channels of information transmission. An irrational person in communication often and quite easily gets lost in his thoughts. Trying to make the right decision, he tries to mentally explain to himself why he should do this and not another. He perceives the surrounding reality globally, that is, he tries to embrace it entirely, without going into details, even if the overall picture consists of elements that are not logically connected to each other. When communicating, he assigns a large role to visual images, which means that when working with him, you need to focus specifically on conducting a visual presentation of goods or services.

  • Rational. He always tries to plan his activities and bring the work he starts to the end. Predisposed to long-term and stable work for results. During the work, he tries to avoid making any changes to the schedule. He is highly disciplined and at the same time demands the same from those around him. He is characterized by punctuality and accuracy. Any wardrobe item, item on the table or tools should always be in their place.
  • Irrational. Can take on several tasks at the same time and may not complete any of them. Its performance is affected by weather, mood and other external and internal factors. Schedules and plans enslave him, which is why he tries to improvise more. Shows curiosity about literally everything, which is why he switches from one task to another. Loves spontaneity. The wardrobe, things on the table, tools or other items are usually in a state of disorder.

Features of irrationals

So, rationals and irrationals, no matter what anyone says, are very different. Irrational people tend to listen to their own feelings in everything. They focus on the environment. They seem to listen to the vibrations of existence, trying to navigate the myriad of sensory and intuitive signals. Because of this, their decisions often look spontaneous, thoughtless, taken at random. Rationals often reproach irrationals for the unplanned and chaotic nature of their actions. But in fact, this apparent chaos has its own internal logic, based on a deep understanding of the surrounding reality, characteristic of irrationals.

Irrational intuitives tend to rely in everything on their premonitions, fantasies and insights. The whole world for them is an endless thin space woven from images, trends, dynamics and possibilities. They move through this space, relying on their basic function - black or white intuition. Among these people are many writers, poets, futurologists, shamans and fortune tellers.

Irrational sensorics literally “live” in the material world, “breathe” matter. They perfectly sense both the capabilities and state of their own body, as well as the physical properties of surrounding objects. Thanks to this ability, they stand firmly on their feet and “pull up” their duals in this - somewhat overly pliable, careless and irrational intuitives cut off from life. All decisions made by irrational sensors are based on the well-recognized properties and features of the material world.

1.10. Scale “Rational – Irrational”

Table 4
They live according to an internal plan , they may not write it, but somewhere inside they have it.
They strive to plan everything and love a clearly organized life.
They live according to their internal state , according to the situation, or according to the principle “We’ll start a new life on Monday.”
They have another principle: “Stop living haphazardly, let’s live as we have to.”
All things are completed.
If rationals have planned something, only circumstances can force them to abandon this matter. They will put it aside, but then return to it
Not all things are completed.
Irrationals can easily give up on something they have started if they don’t like it or aren’t in the mood. In such cases, you can hear the following: “What do circumstances have to do with it if there is no mood? We didn’t manage to finish it – well, okay.”

If an irrational person has abandoned something, this does not mean that he will ever return to it. Sometimes the case itself reminds you of itself.

They can start many things at once, and then abandon some of them along the way.

Disciplined. Organized. Consistent Uninhibited. Sometimes lazy. Impulsive (obeys impulse)
Plan. Schedule Improvisation. the freedom of action
Result (structure). Results-oriented Actions, process. Action-oriented, process-oriented. Flow
They strive to manage life, to do it as planned.
They love order. Manage
They go more “with the flow”, do what is more suitable now, it works out better.
DefiniteIndicative (“It will be seen there”)
An unexpected change in the situation unsettles you.
It is difficult to rebuild (for this you need to re-plan everything, weigh everything).

Protect their decisions and plans

They easily adapt and adapt to unexpected changes in the situation. Uncertainty is not depressing.

Easily adjust plans and decisions

Acts rhythmically and steadily. Strives for stability Operates at a changing rhythm
They perceive the world indirectly, through the laws of matter and energy.
Logicians (squares) and Ethics (circles)
The perception of the world is alive and immediate, through the coordinates of time and space, in which there is a place for random factors.
Intuitives (zigzags) and Sensors (triangles)
Predictability and consideration of patternsRandomness, suddenness and unpredictability
Collected, purposeful, decisive.
They do what they promised. Failure to fulfill obligations irritates them
Relaxed, not always collected, sometimes absent-minded, softer.
They easily change plans and can become immersed in an interesting activity that comes their way, forgetting about other matters and obligations.
They are working at workThey rest at work and work the rest of the time.
They come on time and leave on timeThey never arrive on time. True, they are never late, they are just delayed
When finishing work, be sure to evaluate the results of your activities.The irrational has one assessment: “Ugh, I did it! Now what's next?
Of course, he can brag on occasion, but in reality he doesn’t need this assessment inside.

Did the job - a weight off my shoulders

First, read the instructions for using the equipment, then turn on the equipmentFirst, turn on the equipment, then read the instructions
Allocation of time in advanceIn order to meet deadlines, they make a last-minute push
Preparing for exams: a rational person will calculate what he needs to read, how much time is left, divide it all into equal parts and purposefully carry out his plan.
After exam. The rational person comes out and says: “Why did I teach so much? If only I had known that I would get this ticket, I would have learned it!”
Preparing for exams: an irrational person will calculate that there are two weeks left before the exams and you can still rest.
Then: there are still three whole days left and, finally, the last night. After thinking about it, he realizes that he still won’t have time to prepare, and decides that he will go to the exam without preparation. After exam. The irrational says: “Oh, if I had read more, I would have told him that!”
Cooking: in the morning they start thinking about what to cook for dinnerCooking: they start thinking about what to cook when they want to eat

If the intuitive and the sensory, the logician and the ethicist complement each other and are comfortable in communication, then the rational is uncomfortable with the irrational , it is easier for each of them to interact with people like themselves.

Their actions, thoughts, approaches to business do not complement each other, but, on the contrary, contradict, therefore it is difficult for the rational and the irrational to find a common language and interact, this communication is painful.

To quickly visually determine a person’s sociotype on the “Rational – Irrational” scale, answer the following questions:

Does he live according to his internal plan or according to his internal state? What is more important to him, saving the plan or the fortune? The internal state of this person is more accurately described by which phrase: “We’ll see” or “First we need to think everything through”?

To answer these questions, take a closer look at the person and tune in to him with your consciousness. Feel the inner sensations of the answers to these questions.

When you make the correct guess, you will feel agreement and a sense of relief. You will feel that you have hit the nail on the head with this assumption.

And if you put forward an incorrect (inaccurate) assumption, you will discover internal disagreement, tension, and a feeling will arise: something is not right, and this person is not right.

We all feel each other, without always realizing it, so you need to trust your inner feelings, trust yourself. Of course, you can make a mistake, but it can be corrected.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; it’s more important to develop a vision of a particular phenomenon or concept to which you are tuning in, and a feeling about the accuracy or inaccuracy of the definition.

Do you feel a lack of flexibility (stiffness) in your body movements, or are your movements fluid and soft? Are the movements planned or improvised? In movements and actions, does a person definitely know how to do it, or is he oriented on how to do it? Composite movements or looseness? Is the intention to act (move) rigid, unambiguous, persistent, or an intention that can change at any moment due to the person’s impulsiveness or because he simply changed his mind?

It is not always easy to determine rationality or irrationality by appearance without some observational practice. If possible, you should ask the subject several leading questions that will clarify the situation, for example:

Does he finish all the things he has started, or can he put something he has started aside if he doesn’t like it and forget about it? How does he live - according to plan or according to condition (at random, as necessary)? Is it easy or difficult for you to adjust (change) your plans and decisions?

You can create the questions yourself, based on the table above (Table 4).

N.B. If you could not determine whether this person was rational or irrational, it’s okay - you will get two sociotypes (two options), from which you can easily determine which sociotype this person belongs to, knowing the characteristics of sociotypes and, moreover, having some experience with them visual definition.

Rational figures stand opposite each other in the Information Space Model, just like irrational ones (Fig. 12) .

Rice. 12. Model 10. Rational - Irrational

So, the eighth characteristic for establishing a sociotype is a definition on the “Rational - Irrational” scale.

Visual material according to the definition of Rational and Irrational


Determine on the “Rational – Irrational” scale:

• myself; • family members; • friends and acquaintances.

Using this scale, try to identify people on the street, in public places, etc.

Features of rationals

Rationals and irrationals think completely differently. The stereotypical rational is a classic Stolz from a famous work of Russian literature. These are people for whom the ability to act and make decisions is much more important than the feeling and perception of the surrounding reality. They tend to follow plans and schedules, live according to routines, and follow long-established rules. These are a kind of demiurges who are trying to rewrite the laws of reality to suit themselves, their plans and ideas about the rational (fair, aesthetic, logical) structure of the world. Among these people, most are neat people, early risers, workaholics, and guardians of order. Their psyche is structured in such a way that adherence to a specific program of action is for them a simpler and more convenient form of interaction with the world than the somewhat extravagant, but flexible and easily adaptable activity of irrationals.

The example of rational logicians best illustrates how to distinguish a rational from an irrational. Rational logicians tend to draw graphs, create systems, come up with rules and regulations that, from their point of view, simplify life (in fact, they really simplify it - but only for the same rationalists). They see the world in terms of ordered logical patterns and cause-and-effect relationships. To irrationals, their activities and worldview may seem somewhat ridiculous, but rational logicians, as a rule, are distinguished by a practical mind and stable performance, and therefore can quickly and easily (and most importantly, in practice) prove the advantage of their approach to life.

Rational ethicists (especially those with creative intuition) perfectly see the essence of the people around them, and act based on stable, fixed and often very subjective ideas about how to build relationships, show emotions, communicate with people, etc. These are people who live according to the laws of feelings, emotions, some invisible energy, which brings people together and makes them reach out to each other, forming pairs, groups, families and companies. Feelings, emotions and relationships, oddly enough, have their own internal logic and their own laws, which is why ethics is a purely rational aspect, along with the aspect of logic. Rational ethicists can be pedants and neatness no worse than rational logicians, and sometimes even surpass them in this. These are people who live according to the laws of feelings - strict, stable and even logical in their own way.

However, they most often ask themselves the question: “How can I determine whether I myself am rational or irrational?” The fact is that ethics (emotions, feelings, relationships) are mistakenly considered an irrational phenomenon due to its opposition to logic.

Personality type: rational

They are able to optimize and streamline their daily routine and activities, which puts them in a more advantageous position over irrational people. Accordingly, they get angry if something goes wrong in the pre-planned schedule and new circumstances arise. The rational person is prone to pedantry, which constantly pushes him to not finish the work until every detail falls into place. He is deeply convinced that the world can only become a better place if everyone does what they do best.

The rational person does not accept surprises at all, which he tries to bring to the attention of those around him. For him, even a surprise must be planned in advance. He tries to keep a diary and enter most of his affairs and activities into it, so that later he can either add or cross out anything. For the rational, peace of mind is possible only in conditions of complete order. Folders, pens, paper clips, everything should be where it should be. Often a rational person is accused of allegedly losing his temper and raising his voice, although it seems to him that he is simply expressing his point of view. People of this breed love to finish what they start. The feeling of a completed task gives them special inner satisfaction, sometimes even euphoria.

Advantages and disadvantages of irrationals

In order to understand the differences between rationals and irrationals, their qualities should be briefly listed. The obvious advantages of an irrational mentality include:

  • flexibility;
  • adaptability;
  • susceptibility;
  • prudence;
  • multitasking;
  • internal independence from rules and regulations.

The disadvantages of irrationals include:

  • spontaneity;
  • inconsistency;
  • unstable performance;
  • poor planning abilities;
  • in the long term - lack of punctuality.

Choice of profession

In order for you to feel as comfortable as possible in your future job, it is very important to choose it correctly. One way is to focus specifically on this typology. So, what types of activities are suitable for rationals and not for irrationals?

For rational individuals

They feel best in professions that require precise execution of tasks. Rationals often excel in programming, statistics and accounting, accounting and finance. You can also consider professions related to public catering, livestock and crop production, engineering, surgery, pedagogy (especially the exact sciences), and linguistics.

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