Features and psychological characteristics of successful people

Today almost everyone talks about human success, but few people are clearly aware of what success is and what it depends on. In this sense, success is somewhat akin to love, when everyone imagines what it is, but is completely unable to clearly explain their ideas to others. So what is success? Let's try to figure it out.


One of the signs of the psychology of modern people is their desire for success. The word “success” is written on the banner of many endeavors and is present in commercials of a wide variety of firms and companies. A large amount of literature is published on this topic, business trainings are conducted to help people move towards success. Success is the slogan of our time.

Success is most often understood as a person’s achievements in the outside world, as material success. Today's time is called the esoteric teachings of Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, and is characterized by a massive desire of people for material values. No matter who they declare themselves to be, atheists or religious people, their real behavior is the behavior of materialists who view the external world as an arena for the manifestation of their own ambitions, and in fact profess the psychology of “we live only once.” Hence the cult of external success, the desire to own a lot of money, achieve high positions, and receive various pleasures. One of the signs of the modern world is the dominance of quantity over quality. The French esoteric philosopher Rene Guenon called one of his books “The Kingdom of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.” Nowadays, quantity is recognized as the measure of success. However, the amount of material wealth on earth is limited, so competition, battles and fights arise, sometimes taking rough and sometimes sophisticated forms.

Despite their desire, despite a large number of benefits and trainings, a huge number of people do not achieve success. Someone comes to external achievements, but does not experience even a small amount of the expected satisfaction.

Mass culture has led to a certain shift in people's consciousness in understanding what success is, and this is clearly expressed in modern literature on this topic. There are purely esoteric books that talk about inner growth and inner success. I have been involved in esoteric teachings for twenty-five years, and therefore I see how focusing only on these areas affects people’s lives. Quite often this turns into an attitude towards recluse, non-participation in the world and its affairs, which makes followers of this way of thinking unsuitable for life in society. Most people who take this path experience a feeling of inferiority when they see others overtaking them in worldly affairs. A good half of esoteric and religious books do not provide knowledge on how to combine external and internal success, being hostile or indifferent to the topic of external success.

Vulgar esoteric books are full of advice to meditate on the image of money. Calls of this level, as a rule, do not work, and I have been convinced of this many times. Books of this kind are graceless; they lack the proper energy saturation and correct understanding of the problems. Primitive psychological books focus a person on wealth at any cost, however, often to the detriment of his inner world, spiritual growth and inner depth.

From my point of view, there is a very serious shortage of books that present a balanced theory of life, aimed at achieving a balance between inner and outer life, helping to understand and build it. The problem of success is the problem of a person’s realization on a difficult life path.

As a practicing psychologist, I met a variety of people, among them there were many interesting and happy people who were realized on the external plane. At some point, I began to specifically study the lives of successful people who set big external goals and achieved them. I was interested in the patterns that unite dissimilar stories. Of course, it is impossible to copy someone’s life, and a person learns all serious truths on his own, opening his inner experience. Everyone has their own unique path to success. However, many methods and correct approaches can be learned: that’s why knowledge transfer systems exist.

The trainings that I have been conducting for many years do not so much teach people success in the purely external, philistine sense of the word, but are designed to help them discover their inner path, their as yet unrecognized road on which they would be happy and fulfilled. Nevertheless, many, having gone through training, also achieve external success.

People who want to become successful, both poor and rich, often came to me for consultations. The poor, as a rule, were interested in their external situation, the rich wanted either to strengthen themselves even more materially, or were looking for solutions to internal problems. The very fact that they come suggests that these people cannot successfully solve problems on their own. As a rule, behind every problem that cannot be solved independently, there is an incorrect attitude towards life in general. The solution to one particular problem in such cases is ineffective: the stigma of failure will be placed on the person’s subsequent actions until he understands the underlying reasons for his failure and begins to educate himself as a new, successful person.

Here is another book in the “Key to Awakening” series, dedicated to the secrets of success in life. I approached the coverage of this very important topic for our time after in the book “Invisible Armor,” which was published first, we examined in detail the issues of human security at different levels, in the second book, “Master of Life,” we examined what concerns mastery in everyday behavior, and in the third book - “The Path to Yourself” - we focused on the problems of man’s spiritual quest.

Indeed, only a secure person who strives to become a master of life and is a spiritual seeker can be truly successful. Many people have suffered a fiasco in life precisely because either they turned out to be very weak, and life penetrated their personal defenses, or they did not know how to live well, work and communicate with other people, or they went against spiritual laws and were far from the sphere of the spirit.

I have always really wanted to help people become more successful, able to choose the right goals, achieve them and experience happiness at the same time. In order to master the secret science of life success, which is not taught in schools and universities, I had to study many areas of knowledge - Western and Eastern religions, philosophical doctrines, the latest psychological systems, world history, biographies of famous people who had major achievements both in terms of external life, so in spiritual improvement, finally, ancient and modern esoteric teachings.

The question may arise: how can religions and esoteric teachings, which much more often speak not about worldly, but about spiritual matters, help people in the area of ​​success in life? However, this is only true at first glance, if we understand success only in the external sense of the word. Upon careful examination, you can see that true success, which unites both the external and internal aspects of life, is a deeply sacred concept, involving the use of hidden forces and resources. In addition, many esoteric teachings of the twentieth century, which orient a person not towards monastery-ashram methods of work, but towards serving the truth in the world and life’s struggles, contain invaluable advice and practical knowledge that helps to achieve just such external-internal success.

Everything that I was able to extract from this treasury of esoteric teachings - both ancient and modern, I tried to present in the book, using the language and concepts of today. The book also draws on the experience of my many years of psychological consultations and training seminars, through which thousands of people interested in improving their lives have passed. I am convinced that the most serious systems that help a person achieve good heights must synthesize ancient and new knowledge about man and the world.

The book includes chapters, each of which highlights one facet of success. It contains not only discussions about success in various types of human activity, but also direct advice, stories, examples, exercises, psychological techniques and methods of various traditions. I would recommend reading the book carefully, thinking and listening to yourself. Look with your inner vision at the impulse in your heart that is born in you when reading its pages - it is quite possible that the awakened energy will help you achieve what you dream of in the depths of your own heart. Try not just to read this book and be inspired by its sentiments, but also to apply what you read in relation to your own life, observing the principle of environmental friendliness in relation to your nature and selecting, first of all, what is in tune with you.

This book should not be considered as a kind of textbook containing rigid schemes and algorithms for life success that you just need to learn and mechanically implement into your life. Alas, success cannot be taught as some set of techniques and prescribed operations. Just like the miracle of life, born from nothingness in a mysterious and incomprehensible way, success contains mysterious and inexplicable moments. His achievement is always associated with creativity and the discovery of a new combination of life experiences, a new view of the world. Achieving success means not so much learning something from the outside, but rather discovering something new within yourself. Training presupposes mastery of practical methods leading to such a discovery.

While working on the book, I wanted to help people who want to become more successful, teach them how to build their lives more harmoniously. While dealing with this problem, I tried to combine the approaches of esotericism and the most modern psychological concepts, technologies and methods. As a result, I managed to create a practical system that makes it easier for a person to get closer to his desired goal. Over the years, many people have gone through it, some of whom later admitted to me that the resulting attitudes, energy charge and psychological techniques radically changed their lives. I would like to introduce the reader to the general provisions of this system in this book.

The concept of success is deeply connected with karma. If karma does not allow, a person can do anything and fight like a fish against ice, but still not achieve his plans. Therefore, it is important to learn how to work with your karma, as they say in the East, to work it off. The book contains several chapters devoted to the influence of karma on the success of human endeavors, as well as the topic of specific methods of a person’s work to improve his karma.

Striving for success, we must not forget that success is a fusion of many aspects, a balance between external and internal, between the ability to accept oneself and the mindset for comprehensive self-improvement.

Success brings, first of all, the ability to maintain a positive attitude in life in a variety of situations: in routine, in extreme situations, in a state of fatigue or overflowing with vitality. A successful life attitude helps in various areas of life: when studying, when applying for a job, when building relationships with colleagues, subordinates and superiors, when getting a promotion, when changing jobs. Everywhere we are faced with the problems of competent goal setting and following our intentions, with the problems of preserving and accumulating energy. To achieve success, it is very important to act correctly in situations of opposition to your goals: to respond correctly to obstacles, failures and misfortunes. Success in family life requires the ability to build plans and relationships, the ability to determine your priorities, and focus on harmony. Success implies a certain way of life that does not interfere with the realization of our goals, but works for them and brings us the greatest satisfaction. Success in communication lies in the ability to attract the people you need and distance yourself from those whose influence you perceive as harmful. All this is included in the complex of success. These topics will be covered in our book, accompanied by examples and exercises. I hope that the advice and exercises I have given will help those who need it in overcoming negative karma and creating positive karma that contributes to success.

“Success is a matter of pure chance.

Any loser will tell you that."

(Earl Wilson)


The word success is of Russian origin, but the concept itself in our society bears a touch of Western worldview.

The attitude towards success and successful people in our country and in the West is very different. If in the West there are entire schools of development of success and success is cultivated as a certain style of behavior and life, then our attitude to this topic is more complex. In Soviet times, successful people were called upstarts and careerists; the ideal was modest heroes without silver. Today, rich and successful people are often the targets of all sorts of attacks - although in our country they often deserve such treatment. There is no cult of success in our society and never has been. This goes back to the Christian tradition, which condemned earthly prosperity and believed that it interfered with spiritual growth and advancement. The more you humiliate yourself in the earthly world, the higher you rise in spirit - such a cause-and-effect relationship was recognized as obvious. The transfer of religious concepts to worldly life has largely become part of the flesh and blood of our people. We do not have a developed harmonious theory of success, but we have natural complexes and an almost archetypal rejection of it, there is no culture of success. Our country and nation have not come to a consensus on what success in life is. For some, these are only spiritual aspirations and the denial of the worldly; for others, the worldly is also important, but they are unsuccessful, and this is the source of their protest against success as such. Still others have achieved success, but through unjust means (as Ostap Bender said, “all modern large fortunes were acquired dishonestly”), but they do not think at all about others and, out of habit, are busy demonstrating their own wealth. They play success with absolutely no rules, sometimes frightening with their barbaric worldview and behavior. These three classes of people cannot agree among themselves: they do not have common criteria for life. The large gap between rich and poor people - and in our country it is tens of times greater than in the West - does not contribute to the success of the country as a whole. Russia's crises largely stem from the lack of common ideals of success. What is success, where and how to look for it, the question of the combination of spiritual and worldly principles - there are no general socially accepted criteria for answering these questions, which gives rise to conflicts in society. Trying to define these concepts without calling for copying the Western worldview, but focusing on the Russian mentality is the author’s goal. I hope that this book will help you properly manage your psychological, mental and spiritual capital, and not waste it.


The word success itself, if you think about the meaning of its original meaning, is associated with the concept of “being in time.” “Successful” means one who has time, “one who succeeds” means doing something on time, being able to coordinate one’s plans and aspirations with the real coordinates of one’s life time. A successful person is a person who sets long-term goals and knows how to achieve them competently: in a timely manner, with minimal energy expenditure, in harmony with life and circumstances. If a person achieves his goals with great difficulty, he can be called successful, but with certain reservations and amendments. The price paid for such success is sometimes too great: mental energy is spent, the nervous system breaks down, strength and health are wasted. Success won at too high a cost is not complete and one hundred percent. Successful people in the deep understanding of this word are not darlings of fate to whom everything floats into their hands, but people who know how to achieve the greatest results with the least amount of energy. Their success is connected precisely with the ability to be on time, not to be late, with the ability to sense the situation, to use means that are adequate to the task at hand, and not contrary to it. Each step leading to the set goal is achieved in a timely manner, and this brings a feeling of deep satisfaction.

True success is not only the satisfaction of basic needs, but a feeling of development and growth. That’s why it’s so useful to set goals for yourself – so that you have something to strive for and achieve.

Success is a real living energy that a person owns, with the help of which he attracts other people to himself, creating around himself a kind of whirlwind of circumstances, opportunities, obstacles and ways to resolve them.

Differences between successful people and unsuccessful people

Any way of thinking works for success or failure. By choosing your attitude, you choose the result. Differences between successful people and losers:

Successful manJonah
Radiates positivityTends to be negative
Not afraid of mistakesPerceives a mistake as a disaster
Believes in himselfNot confident in my abilities
Looking for opportunitiesLooks for excuses for inaction
Really evaluates himself and circumstancesProne to self-deception
Constantly moving forwardNot moving anywhere
Prone to flexible approaches and creative solutionsStubborn
Works with the present and thinks about the futureObsessed with the past
Able to form his own opinionTend to agree with the majority


What is the criterion for success? This problem has two sides - external and internal. From the outside, the criteria for success are a person’s material and social well-being: good money, good work, good life circumstances, an interesting circle of friends. The internal criterion of success is a feeling of harmony in one’s life, satisfaction from the possession of acquired benefits, a positive worldview; absence of feelings of unfulfillment, insufficiency, uselessness, being thrown out of life. A realized person is well-fed in the psychological sense of the word, most of his material and spiritual needs are satisfied, aspirations and hopes that have not yet been realized have a chance to be fulfilled over time. Therefore, this is good “fullness”, which has nothing to do with satiety.

As a rule, it happens in life (and this is very important for human development) that somewhat less is achieved than we would like. A feeling of mild dissatisfaction can become a powerful incentive for further activity. The main thing is not to let it grow, not to let discontent consume you, not to make it the center of your inner life, not to let it poison the soul. There is no need to compare your successes with the achievements of other people. Most monetary capital is nothing compared to Rockefeller's fortune; fame, talent, power, beauty - all these are relative concepts, just like the concept of success itself. If you seriously compare yourself with the heroes of modern myths, then you are unlikely to come to any positive results and constructive solutions. Focus on your personal resources and capabilities, create your personal space, work on yourself, try to move forward, defeating the forces of inertia and chaos, the destructive influences of society and your own character.

If a person is completely dissatisfied with his occupation, financial situation, personal life, social status, environment, spiritual level, then even if he receives something from life, he is unlikely to be able to appreciate anything good in his life. This kind of person simply cannot be successful due to the qualities of his character - he seeks happiness not there, only outside himself. True success always presupposes the presence of inner satisfaction coming from the depths of the human being, faith in oneself and in one’s capabilities.

The solution to external problems in itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Nothing durable can be built on sand; the inner foundation must be strong and reliable, and the soul must be ready to accept and nurture the seeds of success. You need to work on your inner state first of all, otherwise you simply will not be able to use the favorable opportunities provided by fate. I knew one writer who worked on a book for a long time, putting all his soul and all his experience into it. The book came out, became fashionable and popular, money and fame came. How did this person use his new opportunities? He started drinking for six months, “according to traditional Russian custom.” A person who is not internally prepared for success is very often unable to use it correctly, its fruits are either squandered without much benefit, or they cultivate negative character traits - pride, a sense of permissiveness, conformism, insincerity.

Practical understanding of the psychology of success

To understand what the psychology of a winner means, it is important to remember any triumph. Everyone has had moments like this. For example, a satisfactory grade at a university in a difficult discipline. This is euphoria and complete self-satisfaction. It seems that after such a result anything is possible. This state is the psychology of success. People can always experience such feelings, no matter how fate turns out.

A person can have financial and personal difficulties and have the mentality of a winner. This attitude motivates the individual to achieve results. Ultimately this is what happens.

Proper concentration and self-confidence are the key to a successful enterprise. If you make an effort and overcome difficulties, you can achieve mega results. There are many such examples in the modern world. Some bloggers quit their activities if the number of subscribers is small for a long time. Others, on the contrary, are looking for a way to improve their situation, work, and spend years to achieve the goal. What is the result? Please - a million subscribers and the “Golden Button” from YouTube. The bloggers found themselves in the same situation; it was difficult for both of them. Only iron willpower, determination and courage help not to give up halfway. The characteristics described can be obtained through DNA. Most of the properties that contribute to success are developed independently.

Life is in full swing around a person. For society as a whole, any events concerning an individual are neutral. People decorate what happened in bright or dull colors. This means that the individual has the right to choose how to perceive different situations. This is the practical meaning of how to become successful? Real negativity cannot be transformed into positivity. But you can learn a lesson even from a bad story or be angry about spending the rest of your days and find yourself in similar situations all the time. The main thing is to set yourself up for success. If you believe that it is possible to achieve an incredible goal, the fickle lady Aunt Fortune will pay attention to you. As a rule, this lady can transform life, decorate it with bright colors and shower it with gifts!


Of course, the path to success is very difficult. It starts with setting a goal, with work, with effort. If the goal is chosen correctly, then, with the right strategy and systematic investment of effort, it will sooner or later be realized. For example, a person has an internal attraction to a career. He goes to some company, corporation, to a modest place. However, his psychological make-up, his orientation, his aspiration attract the necessary circumstances over time, the situation changes, his career growth takes place and his internal desire for success comes into balance with external circumstances. On the other hand, if fate takes a person who is not internally ready for a career to the top, to leadership positions, he feels uncomfortable. There must be a correspondence between what a person wants, what a person strives for, and what he receives.

True success never comes out of nowhere; it is always supported by a person’s efforts and efforts and his correct inner attitude towards success and difficulties that are inevitable along the way. A person of the “successful type” perceives difficulties as training equipment, thanks to which his strong-willed muscles are trained. The internal attitude towards success should be calm, focused on the process, not the result. A successful person in the process of work thinks about the work itself, and not about the result. He does not affirm himself in art - this is the result, but art in itself - this is a process. This Stanislavsky formula is quite applicable to the concepts of success and success.

What makes a person rich?

The rules that we have outlined are universal for any goal, be it successful education, sports achievements, health, success in your personal life or career. However, most trainings on the psychology of success are still developed for those who want to achieve material wealth.

The algorithm is the same, the main thing is to concentrate on goals that will lead to the desired heights.

  • set achievable goals;
  • break them down into tasks needed to achieve them;
  • plan your time;
  • keep a calendar of achievements;
  • When you reach a new goal, move the bar higher.


Almost always, along with success, new obligations and new restrictions come to a person. A success-oriented person needs to approach this burden psychologically, otherwise a state of psychological discomfort, neurosis, and depression will become his lot. In the past, this was often the fate of the children of royalty; today it is a common fate for the children of rich, famous people. They are put in a kingdom, in a place, but they feel it as oppression, as something imposed on them against their will, they are tormented by the discrepancy between their internal aspirations and the external situation. As a rule, they really turn out to be bad leaders, which aggravates the situation of stress and neurosis. Can their situation be called successful? In our opinion, the path of an ordinary person who has not received such a big head start, slowly, step by step, climbing the steps of his career, independently overcoming obstacles on the way to his chosen goal, is more fruitful, more consistent with the concept of success and fulfillment. Too much of a head start often brings harm, has a destructive effect on the individual, deprives him of the incentive to action, activity and independence - if the person does not consciously develop these qualities in himself. A successful social role must correspond to the inner human potential, choices and aspirations of a particular individual, only then is it possible to achieve harmony and happiness.

If external success comes to a person too early, then a frequent consequence of such a turn of fate is the so-called “star fever”, which gives rise to irresponsibility and a feeling of groundless euphoria. A person begins to feel like a darling of fate, lucky, and thinks that this state will last forever. There is even such an expression as “dizziness from success.” This is a sign of an internally weak person who is unable to carry the burden of success on his shoulders in a mature and balanced manner. Life severely punishes him for these illusions - unprepared success is fraught with future defeats. Imaginary and real success; distinguishing between these concepts is very important. Pasternak said very well about imaginary success: “It’s shameful, meaning nothing, to be a byword on everyone’s lips.” An advertising portrait of success - quick, free - develops in a person the psychology of a gambler who wants to break the bank. Bad money goes away quickly. Bad, undeserved success can easily subside. How to remain successful when the wave of favorable circumstances begins to recede, and life is a wave-like process, where a white streak is always replaced by a black one. Therefore, true success is the fruit of skill and experience, a general outlook on life and the ability to apply it in a variety of specific situations.


It happens that a person is seen as successful, spends a lot of effort to maintain the created image, shows off, puffs out his cheeks, but in reality he is a complete bankrupt, an empty creature who has nothing but an external image. Sooner or later, this imaginary, empty success will need to be confirmed, the bills will need to be paid - such a moment always comes. The collective opinion created about you in society, of course, has a great influence on your self-esteem and opportunities for self-disclosure, so maintaining the image of a successful person is an important task. Human behavior largely depends on the socio-psychological expectations of society and its immediate circle of friends. Others are drawn to people with a reputation for success and behave with them in accordance with their expectations - as if they were successful. And as a result, more favorable circumstances actually develop around them, a certain field is created in which they can easily solve their problems.

It is true that successful people are not always loved by public opinion, especially if they are provocatively successful. An intelligent person is unlikely to ostentatiously demonstrate his satiety in front of hungry people. This kind of people usually causes envy and irritation, attracting other people's negative emotions. Successful people are always visible and their shortcomings become all the more noticeable. If success is bought at the cost of losing the soul, causing harm to other people, then it will be difficult for such a person to count on a good attitude towards himself.

But it is important to think not only about the external side of the issue, but to fill your image with real content that corresponds to the image, to develop, and not engage in falsification. The fact is that, with time and effort, you can really become different, happier, more harmonious, more successful, and find a face you like. So why do you need a mask, a mask that is so easy to tear off? What about the fear of exposure, the danger of losing an unsupported reputation? A bad reputation is a much more lasting thing than a good reputation. This is the property of the human race - to pay more attention to other people's vices, shortcomings, defects than to the merits and achievements of fellow human beings. A bad reputation is a certain subtle material force, a certain energy that envelops a person, lowers his capabilities, and forces him to behave in accordance with the negative expectations of other people. It is extremely difficult for a person with a bad reputation to break out of this ring, since each of us depends to a huge extent on socio-psychological expectations, on the roles that society imposes on us. If a person is used to playing the role of a jester, then he will look very strange in the role of a serious tragedian, and most likely he will simply not be offered such a role. Therefore, in order to become successful, you should never demonstrate your past defeats and failures. It is better not to advertise your problems in society too much. Such honest confessions and revelations can only have a positive impact on people close to you who want to help you, while those far away have less reason to love you and help you. They try to avoid losers, and all they can do is try to break through the walls of the prison that they have built for themselves.


On the one hand, you don’t need to create an empty image of yourself, far from your inner content, on the other hand, you need to hide your failures from outsiders. It would seem that these two theses contradict each other, but they are two sides of the same coin. Indeed, external success, an external image, not supported by internal strength and perfection, like any education that is empty inside, will be destroyed by an aggressive environment, stronger and more successful people. Otherwise, if we want to move towards success, we must master the territory of success, get used to the image of a successful person. If we talk about our defeats at every corner, we create a real material force that keeps us in the circle of imperfection. When a person is humiliated in his own eyes, it is difficult for others to treat him differently. The problem of success is largely a problem of taking the right internal position in relation to oneself and to the world. We should neither reject this world nor merge with it completely, but take our and only our place in it, find in it the points of space that suit us most. At the same time, it is imperative to color your actions with some higher spiritual meaning. True success is impossible without the participation of the soul and spirit. The body, money, fame, profession and success in this area, like everything external, does not bring complete satisfaction.

If these benefits are the only thing a person strives for, then even acquiring them becomes very difficult. It often happens that all these benefits are given to a person, and then successively taken away if he does not cease to focus only on them, not understanding the relativity of earthly things. External goals are one of the conditions for full-fledged success, but that’s not everything. Of course, in modern society it is unlikely that a person sitting in rags next to a barrel will be recognized as successful, especially in our climatic conditions. External life must be debugged: some position in society, financial solvency, family happiness, a sense of need for society for a modern successful person are necessary. Basic needs must be met. However, success largely depends not on the amount of money and other benefits, but on a person’s attitude towards himself. For one hundred dollars is wealth, for another ten thousand dollars is the limit of poverty and the source of suffering, because his neighbor has a million dollars. He who has a million is jealous of a billionaire. These are the consequences of comparisons. When a person constantly compares his success with the achievements of other people, this means that he does not have true success. Real success is realized happiness, confirmed by deeds and inner sense of self. There are no comparisons there. When a person, comparing himself with others, seeks opportunities to tell himself how unhappy he is, to envy someone, this does not lead to anything good.

Basic mistakes

What prevents a person from achieving success?

  1. The opinion that nothing can be changed.
  2. Self-doubt and fear of failure.
  3. Fear of change.
  4. Fussiness is when a person rushes from one idea to another.
  5. Shifting responsibility to others. As a result, the person continues to do things that lead to an even greater aggravation of the problem.
  6. Self-pity. Sometimes you need to suffer a little in the current moment in order to get something more in the future. And if you feel sorry for yourself excessively, a person begins to avoid negative experiences and, as a result, misses the result. After some time, the habit of feeling sorry for oneself goes into the subconscious, and the person ceases to be aware of it, but it continues to destroy his life.
  7. Lack of flexibility of thinking. There is a very good metaphor that describes the differences between a successful person and an unsuccessful one. The last one will come to the party to find love. If you fail to meet a person of the opposite sex, then unsuccessful men or women leave in upset feelings. A successful person, even if he doesn’t find love, meets good friends.
  8. Thinking in a negative way. Anthony Robbins said that we often overestimate ourselves in the present moment and underestimate ourselves in the future. Therefore, you need to be optimistic and understand that everything will end well in the end. Then they won’t give up if something doesn’t work out now. Moreover, in order to become rich and successful, psychologists say that you need to set goals in a positive form. It is correct to ask the question: “how to become financially independent”, “how to get out among people” instead of “how to stop being a loser” or “how to get out of poverty”. The dominant motivation of successful people is to achieve, not to avoid. The same goes for envy. Successful people learn from people who have achieved more. Losers simply envy them and do nothing.
  9. The lack of support and understanding from others unsettles you. A successful person does not depend on other people's opinions.
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