How to think to become rich. Psychology of successful people. How to learn to attract money. Rich and successful people. Money and psychology

How to think to become rich? If you are asking this question, it means you are thinking differently. And before we share some tips, we ask: do you really want to start thinking “like a millionaire”? Change yourself, “set yourself up” to receive serious money? What if, having started to change your psychology, others won’t like you (and even yourself)? After all, happiness really is not in money, and not in its quantity. Happiness lies in people and in maximum self-realization.

Big money often comes on its own – to those who do their job well, are talented and energetic. For example, let's look at famous figures of art and culture.

The famous conductor Valery Gergiev is a millionaire. The director of the Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky, is a millionaire. The popularly beloved artist Oleg Tabakov is a millionaire... It is unlikely that when they entered the profession they thought about how to get rich. Money was “attracted” to success in the profession and being in demand among the viewer.

The role of Lady Luck in all these cases, we think, is also enormous. A lot of talented people in their field have vegetated and vegetated in obscurity and practical poverty. What does a person need to change the situation? How are money and psychology connected? What is the secret of rich and successful people? Is it all about luck or is a person the architect of his own happiness?

“The one who is lucky is lucky.” Increasing the likelihood of success

Relying on luck alone is like playing in a casino all your life: you can end up without your last shirt. Let us repeat, no one has canceled the role of Fortune, but if we do not create situations with our own hands in which we can be lucky, then the probability of success tends to absolute zero. The point is in the elementary law of probability: to find a treasure, you need to SEARCH for it, and not wait for it to appear on the threshold: it won’t. You weren't lucky the first time, the second time, the third time, you'll be lucky the tenth time. In the end, instead of the treasure, there will be something else, but also very valuable.

Putting aside the story of the treasure, let's turn to the story of finding a job. If you look for it, you will definitely find it. If you didn’t have any, at first any one will do, just to start earning money. And once you start doing this, you can look for more suitable options. The main thing is to be able to “handle” failures, or, more simply, to maintain presence of mind. Presence of spirit is the most important quality of any successful person. Failures and failures happen to everyone, but some get up and move on, while others drop out of the game.

Successful people create situations in which the likelihood of success is increased. They are not afraid to take risks, take responsibility, and are not lazy to think about their moves in advance, just as a good chess player thinks through combinations and the strategy of the future game as a whole.

A wealthy person created his own wealth. He did not expect favors from nature, society, the state or the Universe. If you earn little, then nothing will change until you yourself begin to change the situation. It is very possible that you will have to learn something in order to get additional income. For example, the same exchange trading on Forex. Competent traders make great money, verified by personal experience. Maybe this is your chance too?..

The Great Power of Deed

The secret of successful people is that they do Actions. With a capital “A,” Action is an action that should change the situation radically and involves other people, material resources, and ideas into its orbit. A common example of an Action is “starting life again.” Let's say, change your profession and place of residence. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” our ancestors said, and they were absolutely right.

Often the Action itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy expenditure. And the effect of it can be truly enormous, when everything turns upside down and the balance of power on the “battlefield” changes dramatically.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be taken into account. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person’s desire to take action. First: psychologically prepare for the worst case scenario. Second: “spread straws” for this worst option. Third: Having prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

The technology of the Deed is reminiscent of the preparation and conduct of combat operations. A good officer always remembers the possibility of failure of the operation and loss of personnel. But a good officer prepares for battle in such a way that, ideally, he preserves all the people and equipment, and calculates the options for defense and retreat.

Thus, Peter the Great, when founding St. Petersburg, decided to build the most modern fortress at that time for defense against the enemy. The fact is that the city was founded in a very dangerous place, and a Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka never took part in hostilities, but in the event of aggression the enemy would be in great trouble.

The life of the first Russian emperor can be considered a model of how one should perform actions, defeat enemies and achieve success.

The price of success

Let’s be realistic: you can’t just learn to “attract money.” This is all mysticism, and there are no magnets that can enrich the owner. Whether wealth, fame, success is the result of enormous and hard work. Moreover, we are also powerfully influenced by the opinions of others, especially relatives, who may not understand or accept many of our decisions.

Taking a step towards success, we must leave our comfort zone! That’s it, there will be no more quiet evenings on the couch watching TV, there will be no more hours-long “meetings” on social networks. There will be a lot of work and learning new knowledge... You need to be prepared for this, otherwise there is no point in starting.

Rich, famous and powerful people have such a quality as the ability to “turn their face to the wind.” When the others hide in the hold of the ship, they take the helm into their own hands, not shying away from the hurricane, but looking straight into the eyes of danger. And danger gives way under the gaze of a strong man.

Psychology of the rich

The psychological make-up of wealthy, successful people is characterized by the following features:

Self confidence

Wealthy and successful people are often spoken about in a negative way, considering them arrogant, arrogant and insolent. In fact, rich people are characterized by self-confidence, which is confused with arrogance. A person who has managed to earn a fortune is accustomed to taking risks, and rarely experiences disappointment even if he loses. Having realized the mistakes they have made, rich people try not to repeat them in the future, which makes them arrogant in the eyes of dissatisfied ordinary people.

Perception of money

Poor people tend to save money or make deposits, hoping for passive income. The psychology of the rich is to perceive money as a tool for further development and the key to material independence. They will not trust the earned resources to banking structures, because they understand that they have the power to multiply them much more efficiently. Money for them is not a way of showing off and a method of upgrading social status, but a means by which they achieve their goals.

Attitude towards failure

Most people have a desire for psychological, emotional and physical comfort. Wealthy people who have managed to achieve success without outside help are familiar with the fact that the desire to live in luxurious conditions is very destructive. Therefore, they are very cynical about social status, and are ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of further material well-being. In order to earn a large sum, you need to have strength and patience, and treat failures as motivation for new achievements.

Circle of friends

There is an expression among people: “whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” This saying is not without meaning, so the rich tend to select friends and acquaintances from among people who have influence and have managed to emerge victorious in the fight against poverty. Communication with wealthy people allows you to gain valuable experience and make new useful contacts. Like attracts like.

Attitude to work and study

A rich person who has earned capital through his own labor most often has a positive worldview, according to which the world around him is not at all cruel and merciless, but fair and capable of providing a lot of opportunities to the seeker. They are willing to be lifelong learners and forge new paths to achieve their goals. Poor people are not inclined to perceive new things, and prefer to walk the beaten path all their lives. A person with this type of thinking will not be able to master a new specialty or come up with a business idea that will be successful.

You don't go after a bear without a gun

To go out to sea, you need at least a boat. To kill a bear, you must first buy a gun and ammunition (and learn how to shoot). Of course, you can hope for luck and that you will be able to scare the animal with a stick...

A successful person always prepares for a project in advance and according to plan, collects resources, and only if they are available enters the game. One of the common reasons why many good endeavors fail is lack of preparation.

You cannot immediately gather significant resources to start a serious project. Do you have plans, do you have attractive goals? Make a plan right now, where to get it and what resources are needed to implement them? Start small. Is there an opportunity to lay the first stone in the foundation of success right now? Get started!

In our work, we are guided by the principle of the famous British businessman and billionaire Richard Branson: “To hell with everything, go ahead and do it!” Branson is the owner of the diversified corporation “Virgin”, which does everything: even space flights. Richard even has his own island, and he achieved all this himself. Branson was born into an ordinary lawyer’s family, and Fate intended him to have a quiet and typical life as a British lawyer. Branson refused this fate, and one can only envy his super-busy life.

Some more practical tips

Those who know how to count money become rich. If you cannot say how much money you currently have in your pocket, correct yourself and learn to count everything down to the last penny. Money does not appear by magic. If you don’t count money, it means it’s a sin to think that it falls into your wallet from the sky. This position is good only in one case: if you are the son of an oligarch, and your dad will always “warm up” you with any amount, no matter what you want. But in this case, the real rich man is the oligarch dad, and not his son, who, in fact, spends other people’s money.

Financial control is the most important management function. The accounting department of a good enterprise works from morning to night on reporting, in which, as a result, a mosquito will not undermine its nose. Personal finance is no different from corporate finance (except quantitatively). A person who is unable to manage his own money is unable to manage anything in his life. Conversely, if someone manages his personal money well, he can, if he wants to, become a wealthy person (and most likely he is).

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you suddenly receive a significant amount (or expect to receive it). Are we talking about a win, a lucky break, or a bonus at work? Yes, that’s right, we think: “I’ll finally buy myself...” Then you can plug anything into the equation, from a new smartphone to jewelry or a car. Spontaneous purchases are, of course, acceptable, but you can’t deny yourself pleasures. But the core of the problem is that some people are prone to spontaneous spending, which they commit constantly. Thus, having received a significant amount, a person quickly gets rid of it, as if it “burns his hands,” instead of investing part of it in liquid assets.

Of course, good household appliances, a modern computer, and fashionable clothes should have a place. But a person who manages money competently buys all this as planned when he understands that he will not “run out of money.” By the way, many truly rich people (at least in Europe and the USA) are modest and do not hesitate to attend sales, purchasing clothes and other things at discounted prices.

Such was, for example, the brilliant manager, the famous manager of the Ford Corporation, and then Lido Anthony Iacocca. He is known throughout the world for his book “Manager’s Career,” which we recommend reading to anyone who wants to learn how to manage finances and their own lives in general.

Forget about problems! No, really forget about problems, since there is no such thing. At least for someone who thinks like a successful person. For a successful person in life there are no problems, but only tasks. Do you feel the difference? It’s all very simple: you need to be more calm and thorough in many matters, and not let your feelings take precedence over your reason. A problem is a task loaded with negative emotions, psychologists say, and this is absolutely true.

What is the difference between drivers who have many years of accident-free experience? First of all, calmness behind the wheel and unhurried driving style. The basis of their philosophy is the famous “three Ds”, that is, “give way to the fool.” Let him fly towards an accident. In principle, you can get to know a person very quickly: just watch how he drives a car in difficult road conditions. And it’s true that life is often compared to the road. For a successful person, his path is a winding multi-lane highway filled with a variety of cars. Here you need to be able to calmly maneuver in order to get to your goal healthy and mentally balanced.

Psychology of the Poor

Many poor people believe that in order to achieve material well-being, they must devote all their free time to work. In fact, wealthy people are passionate individuals, have hobbies, are involved in collecting or sports. In a word, they take everything from life without complaining about it or getting discouraged. To change the vector of thinking, psychologists recommend eradicating the following patterns from your own subconscious:

Lack of activity and self-esteem

In order to achieve positive results, some effort is required. People with the psychological type of the poor are characterized by a lack of confidence in their own strengths, which they try to compensate for with various excuses like “all high-paying jobs have long been taken away by cronyism.” Boring and tedious work does not allow development; a person becomes tedious, irritable and blocks the ability to perceive new information. Thus, he drives himself into a state of stagnation, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Low paid job, fear of change

People with the mentality of the poor are ready to sacrifice high wages and career growth for the sake of stability. They count on state support, subsidies and other social guarantees, being afraid to take steps to change their usual way of life. People of this type prefer to remain in uncomfortable conditions, trying to minimize possible risks. A person with a poor man’s mentality tends to avoid change, so he will never start his own business or go to get a second education, blaming everything on age or lack of money.

Incorrect settings

A person with the psychological type of a poor man is sure that his salary should be high simply because he is a good performer. When what he wants diverges from reality, he shifts responsibility to a stingy boss or others, blaming them for his own failures. Among the favorite expressions of the poor are such phrases as “I can’t afford this”, “I can’t afford such an expensive thing.” Such phrases, from the point of view of neuro-linguistic programming, are attitudes that materialize in the form of corresponding financial wealth and image life.

Incorrect distribution of effort

The poor man spends a lot of effort not on attracting resources, but on retaining them. He can spend hours shopping to compare prices and make better purchases. A person with the psychotype of a poor person stands in long lines in order to get a meager discount on utility bills or receive one-time social assistance from the state. A person with the psychology of the rich will prefer to spend time looking for a higher-paying job, an idea for a business, or raising money.

Incorrect allocation of financial assets

The psychology of rich people differs from the thinking of poor people in that the latter have a very destructive habit of collecting money in case of a rainy day. Thus, a person unconsciously predicts problems and programs himself for various failures. If a subject saves financial resources to buy a new car, sooner or later he will achieve his goal. In the same way, problems and misfortunes happen if the money was collected specifically for them.

Be healthy!

Rich people care about their own health. There have been exceptions in history, but, as a rule, to make capital, you need good health: physical and psychological. Do not neglect preventive examinations from good doctors, give yourself as much physical activity as possible, eat well, find time for proper rest, as well as hobbies and rational leisure.

These tips have been repeated thousands of times in business literature, but they are still stubbornly ignored, paying for success with illness. We must remember that the main thing is the goal, not the process, and it would be good to have time to enjoy the achieved goal. Think about your health.

What to do if your health is not very good and psychological problems prevent you from changing something in your life? Getting rid of problems, even gradually, is your first small step towards personal success. There will always be resources to make a key movement that will trigger an avalanche of further effective actions. The most microscopic opportunity we have created contains within itself the “genes” of enormous future prospects.

So to hell with it, go ahead and do it!

TOP 6 books about the habits of millionaires and billionaires

The best books about the secrets of success:

  1. "The Habits of Rich People" by Thomas Corley.
  2. Million Dollar Habits, Brian Tracy.
  3. “How I made 500,000,000. Memoirs of a Billionaire,” John Rockefeller.
  4. “Be the best version of yourself. How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary by Dan Waldschmidt.
  5. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.
  6. "How to Become a Master of Communication and Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie.

Studies of millionaires show that most of them have habits in the areas of self-development, education, health, work, recreation, and education. Positive changes and great heights are possible thanks to their development, perseverance and patience. The main thing is to start, don’t give up, the result will definitely come!

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