Golden rules of psychology that change lives and make us happier

Every person has life rules - a certain system of principles that he follows. Some of them were passed down from parents, others from society, and some were brought out by the individual himself. By following such a system, a person gets some positive results.

Often the rules of life come from famous and influential people.

Every person is part of society, he is obliged to obey certain requirements. Without this, he will quickly be excluded from the group and become an outcast.

Where do they come from?

If you carefully study history from ancient times to modern days, you will see that people have always obeyed certain laws. Initially they were explained by the demands of the gods. With the development of monoreligions, sets of strict rules began to appear, for compliance with which a good afterlife was promised.

The rules of life began to change with the development of society. People stopped following only religious instructions and realized the value of human life. Throughout time, there have been many leaders, speakers and other skilled individuals who have served as a guide for the masses.

In the 21st century, people find themselves in a twofold situation. On the one hand, there are certain social requirements that depend on the place of residence of the individual. He is obliged to comply with them, on the other hand, a person has the opportunity to choose how to live. For example, leading a healthy lifestyle is a right, but not an obligation. If an individual adheres to such principles, then he lives longer and better.

At the same time, a person can become an adherent of a certain culture and comply with the necessary requirements. In some situations, people prefer to build their own system of rules and be based on personal experience.

In the area of ​​self-requirements, there cannot be one correct system. Each person develops his own model of achieving a good level of existence. Therefore, you cannot blindly rely on someone’s ideas.

There are rules in life

Everything in this world, including human life, has its own rules and laws. Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t be envious, don’t lie, don’t steal - yes, these are the well-known commandments.

But there are certain rules of life, knowing them and following which a person becomes a strong personality. He develops an internal credo, his own way of thinking and his own principles, which sets him apart from the crowd.

Knowing these rules of life means being ahead of others. Do you think that the rules of life are complex and difficult to follow? In vain, these rules are not at all complicated and easy to remember.

Is it possible to break the rules?

Periods of human life

Strong-willed qualities allow people to persistently achieve some result. If they are weak, then a person cannot fulfill the requirements put forward to himself. Life rules are not a law; no outsider will punish you for non-compliance.

Complying with the system of requirements is a personal matter for everyone, but sometimes relationships with other people depend on it

The rules of life for a person are not constant. He decides for himself why he needs them, how to comply with them and what benefits he will be able to get. If he does not follow the basic requirements, then his conscience and guilt begin to torment him.

Important! Life rules help you cope with difficulties, get inspired and solve internal problems.

Some famous personalities specifically give motivational speeches. On them they talk about their principles, life situations, how to overcome obstacles.

Events outside are a reflection of the inner world.

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When problems arise, a person, as a rule, believes that the world has turned against him. But fighting an unknown enemy is like fighting against windmills. It is more advisable to analyze the situation and understand what led to it. Maybe it’s a matter of behavior, character traits, and not at all that someone from the outside wants to harm you. People are drawn to those who radiate joy, kindness and positivity, while avoiding those who are always complaining, gossiping and hostile.

Basic Rules

Human lifestyle - what is it, definition

During its existence, humanity has been able to come up with many systems that allow us to achieve a successful life. Following several principles can improve human existence. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce several rules into your life.

Don't put things off

Modern lifestyle is fast paced. People are busy with a lot of things, often they don’t have enough time to relax. Therefore, they need to always plan their activities. If an individual constantly puts things off, then one day he will be buried in deeds.

A simple example is that a tax return must be filed on time. If this is not done, the person will receive a fine. Therefore, it is better to fill it out in advance and send it.

When people get used to doing everything at once, they reduce the risk of problems arising due to failure to meet deadlines.

Don't make excuses

A person’s life rules should be aimed at improving existence in society. To do this, he needs to learn to interact with other individuals. This is not always easy to do, especially in a work team.

Therefore, if a manager or other superior person tells you off, you cannot make excuses. It is demeaning and does not show the person in the best light. If the claims are justified, then it is enough to say that they were taken into account.


Not all adults are like that; some of them remain psychologically a child. It's about taking responsibility. Every action brings a consequence, and it is not always good. Therefore, you need to be able to admit mistakes and be responsible for them, and not look for those to blame.

The main rules of life are aimed at ensuring that every person can be comfortable in society. It is easier for responsible individuals in this regard, since they get along better with different people.

Personal qualities are important for successful work

Happy people always know that actions and consequences are in their vision.

Keeping promises

People appreciate it when their requests are fulfilled. Therefore, you need to immediately get used to the fact that promises should be given for a reason. Since a person said this, then he is obliged to fulfill it in any case, otherwise they will be disappointed.

First do it yourself, then ask for help

Independence is also a quality of an adult personality. Therefore, it is better to show it more often. You need to try to solve the problem on your own, and only then ask for help.

Important! You can't always expect others to solve other people's problems.

The value of time

Human life is limited, so there is a lot to be done. This applies not only to the social sphere, but also to the personal one. In everyday life, people often forget about what they should do. Therefore, you cannot put it off and wait for a bright tomorrow to come. Everything should be done immediately and now.


Many crimes are committed with tacit approval. All changes in the world were associated with the appearance of those who were not afraid to speak up. Thus began the struggle for the rights of national minorities, equality and other important aspects of life. Therefore, one cannot remain silent, otherwise the world will plunge into dictatorship.

Sports and healthy food

You can avoid the occurrence of diseases by maintaining a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, adequate sleep and physical activity. Following these aspects helps support the body.

In modern culture, it is common to eat fast food and lead a sedentary lifestyle, which has a negative impact on health. Diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks in most cases occur due to an incorrect attitude towards sports and food.

Difficulties are a useful lesson

Any situation can serve a person. To do this, you need to analyze your behavior and draw appropriate conclusions. The information obtained is required in order to avoid making mistakes in the future.

Important! Not everyone can learn to draw conclusions correctly, so regular practice is needed.

Opinion should not depend on others

A person makes a decision on how to act in a certain situation based on his system of moral values. Sometimes people begin to doubt their opinion and change it under persuasion. This cannot be done, because otherwise a person will often have to take the side of acquaintances, colleagues and other random individuals.

Own money

Finance can help in different situations, but it can also become a bone of contention.

If an individual is preoccupied with the idea of ​​making money, then it is not interesting to be around him

You won’t get all the money, so spending your last effort on acquiring it is a bad idea. With this you can lose friends, family, health. At the same time, you can’t expect someone to pay for someone else’s existence. For example, a guy assures that he is not obligated to support his family, but it’s okay for him to live off his wife. Can he be considered independent and responsible?

Social relations

An individual cannot live on his own; he needs contacts. Therefore, it is important for him to communicate with other people. This allows him to maintain mental health. Various experiments have proven that isolation leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and the emergence of mental disorders.

Sometimes an individual does not understand what the rules of life are and why they are so important. In this case, it is worth reflecting on the following point: without a system of demands on oneself, no one can exist. Without it there will be no success in any area of ​​life.

Rules are a universal system that helps everywhere: in work, personal life, relationships with friends. Sometimes it requires refinement and revision.

How to create the mood of a successful person?

  • Smile more often, in the morning, approaching the mirror, say: “I am a wonderful person and a successful and interesting day awaits me,” “I can easily realize all my desires,” “my life is changing for the better.” Ideally, the selected phrases are repeated 20 times for better perception at the subconscious level;
  • It is useful to listen to positive music - jazz, classical, melodic rock, something inspiring to achieve feats;
  • keep track of your successes, achievements, write in a diary;
  • learn to find possible solutions in any situation;
  • remember - it’s easier and more effective to live positively, drive away sad thoughts, and switch to the good.

The theme of a happy person in the modern world has taken on a new form - previously the search for happiness in the outside world was considered, they were looking for the bird of happiness, now a new approach has appeared - to find happiness in oneself and create it in the world around us. Such ideas are more productive, because a person can actively participate in creating his own happiness, and this is more pleasant than waiting on the shore for the favor of fortune.

We wish everyone only happiness and success in life!

Topics: Mental health, Personal growth, Overcoming fears, Self-esteem, Self-realization

Time is more valuable than money

Of all the world's resources, time is the most valuable. “Dude, it’s kind of obvious.” Why do we collectively waste time as if we have an eternity at our disposal?

Do you sometimes wonder how long you have left on Earth? Even if you live to be 80, it's not that long if you waste your time.

Be judicious with your time management. Don't throw it around like you can get it back. You can always earn more money spent, but you will never get back the lost time.

Time passes irrevocably and forever.

German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer:

The average person is concerned with how to kill time, but the talented person strives to use it.

The ABCs of Politeness

  1. When meeting, they introduce: a man to a woman, those younger in age and position to the elders, those who came later to those already present. In this case, the person you introduce the stranger to is mentioned first, and the person you introduce is mentioned second. “Anna, meet me - this is Konstantin,” “Sergey Ivanovich, this is Marina.”
  2. When introducing people, it is appropriate to give brief “information” about them: “This is my friend Nikita, he is a surgeon,” “This is my institute friend Natalya.” This way you will make it clear what kind of relationship you have with each of your interlocutors, and provide them with a topic for conversation in your absence: “...So, you are a doctor?”
  3. The first to greet: men are women, those younger in age and position are older.
  4. But whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - when entering the room, say hello first.
  5. When two married couples meet, the women greet each other first, then the men greet the ladies, then the men greet each other.
  6. person to shake hands is the person to whom the stranger was introduced, that is, the woman to the man, the elder to the younger, and so on. According to the rules of business etiquette, the leader is always the first to offer his hand. Even if the subordinate is a woman.
  7. If you are given a hand to shake and you are sitting, stand up.
  8. Before shaking hands, the man takes off his glove. A woman does not have to do this.
  9. Do not smoke while shaking hands. If you can't throw away your cigarette, apologize for it.
  10. If your hands are busy with something, a handshake is inappropriate. Greet people with heavy bags or a baby in their arms with a smile and a nod to avoid awkwardness and fuss.
  11. in the restroom .
  12. Only married women kiss their hand as a sign of greeting and only indoors. It is not customary to kiss women's hands at business meetings and official events.
  13. When kissing a woman's hand, lean in rather than pull your hand up towards you.
  14. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should say hello too.
  15. On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to perform a military salute.
  16. When going down the stairs, a man walks one or two steps ahead of a woman, and when going up, he walks one or two steps behind.
  17. No matter who you are, always hold the door for those following you.
  18. Never turn around when someone calls you “Hey, you!”
  19. Never point your finger at a person.
  20. When talking with someone you don’t know well, you shouldn’t touch on personal topics: “How much do you earn?”, “I heard your wife is sick?”, “Do you believe in God?” Good topics for casual conversation: sports, weather, cooking, pets, art, science, travel and the like.
  21. In an effort to show off your erudition, do not overdo it. Phrases like “I’ve known this for a long time,” “We found something to surprise you with,” and the like will only alienate your interlocutor.

Rule 5. Don't let your children do things that will make you love them less.

In education, Peterson suggests relying on a few simple basic principles. First of all, the fewer rules the better. It will be easier for children to navigate them, and for parents to monitor their implementation. What rules should I introduce? For example:

  • Do not bite, kick or fight except in self-defense;
  • Do not torment or bully other children;
  • Eat in a civilized manner so that people are happy to invite you into their home and to their table;
  • Learn to share so that other children can play with you;
  • Show attention when adults talk to you, so that they treat you well and can teach you something;
  • Go to bed on time and calmly, so that your parents have personal time and do not begin to regret your existence;
  • Take care of your things because you should know how to and because you are lucky to have them;
  • To be in good company, when everyone is having fun, so that you are invited again;
  • Act in such a way that other people are happy to be around you.

Secondly, when the established rules are violated, the least necessary force must be used. For some children, staring is enough. A verbal command will stop another. Clicking the hand will work for the third one. For many children, time-out is a very effective form of punishment, especially if the child is accepted back when he or she is able to control himself again.

Thirdly, parents must act together. They must agree on the rules and strategies of discipline and help each other, take responsibility for the child and his upbringing if the second one cannot cope.

Fourthly, parents must realize how cruel, vindictive and evil they themselves can be. No one plans to be a bad parent, but it happens all the time. No adult can tolerate a child dominating him for long. If a child throws a tantrum in a store, and his parents remain calm, this does not mean that they will not take revenge on him later - they will show less participation, less care, and remain indifferent to his achievements and discoveries. This can and often does lead to the parent turning away from the child. If a parent knows that he or she is unable to tolerate a particular behavior, then he or she should think ahead about ways to discipline so that such behavior does not repeat itself day after day.

Rule 2: Treat yourself as someone you should help.

People do pretty well when they have to take care of someone. When it comes to themselves, not everyone shows such concern. There are studies showing that even in very serious cases, such as after an organ transplant, people often stop taking the medications they need. Why do they show such disregard for themselves?

Treating yourself as someone you should help means thinking about what will make your life better, how to become and remain a good person. This means answering the questions: What should I do so that my life does not go to waste? How can I improve my health, strengthen my body and develop my spirit? How can I reduce the chaos in my life and restore order? Taking care of yourself means being able to stand up for yourself and not let yourself get hurt, being able to discipline yourself and move towards your goals, being able to reward yourself and keep your promises to yourself. It will make the world a better place and give your life meaning.


In this area, there are three practical techniques that have helped Nemco's clients significantly improve personal communication. They can be used in communication and interaction with loved ones, friends, colleagues and people around you:

  1. Traffic light . Imagine that while you are talking to someone, a traffic light comes on for you. For the first 30 seconds, the green light is on for you, and you can speak calmly. After these 30 seconds, the yellow light turns on - this means that your interlocutor may begin to think that you have said enough and begin to prepare their answer. Try to keep it to one minute when conveying your thoughts to your interlocutor, because then the traffic light is already red for you, and the word must go to your interlocutor.
  2. 20-40. Talk no more than 20-40% of the time. This will allow your interlocutor not only to speak out, but also to feel important. And you can find out more.
  3. Object sparingly. Treat your disagreement with someone or criticism of other people's actions, even if fair, as something for which you are forced to pay. Every time you feel like arguing with someone or criticizing someone or something, ask yourself if it's worth it. You might want to save your “coins” for something more meaningful.

These tips and tricks also apply to love relationships. But for this area, Nemko has three more recommendations.

Rule three: Own your money. Don't let money control you.

Money is a means by which you can control your life. You can use money to provide convenience, to be able to focus on important work, to study and improve your skills. But if you live paycheck to paycheck, it means money rules you.

Here are some goals you can set for yourself to learn how to manage money in your life:

– Set an approximate annual spending amount.

– You should spend less than you earn.

– Know how to significantly reduce your expenses, if necessary.

Financial freedom does not mean that you can buy whatever you want or live in luxury. This means that money is a tool with which you manage your life, and not something that prevents you from managing it.


What is meant by modern etiquette?

Modern etiquette refers to the current rules of behavior established by society.

Are etiquette rules mandatory to follow?

No, following the requirements of etiquette is absolutely voluntary.

How should you respond to other people's violation of etiquette?

Lack of emphasis on violations of etiquette by third parties is another rule of conduct. As a last resort, a correct remark is allowed if we are talking about a serious offense that affects other people.

How are rules of behavior most often grouped or classified?

Typically, three criteria are used for this: type of activity, place of residence and status of the person.

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