Responsibilities of a military psychologist at various stages of combat operations

Author: ProfGid

A military psychologist is a specialist who provides psychological support to soldiers, officers, and civilians associated with the army, both in peacetime and during combat operations. The profession will appeal to applicants who highlight biology, society, and mathematics among all school subjects. By the way, in 2022, the ProfGid career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He himself will tell you which professions are suitable for you, and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence.

  • Important personal qualities
  • Training to become a military psychologist
  • Top Universities
  • Place of work
  • Salary of a military psychologist
  • Salary of a military psychologist for December 2021
  • Professional knowledge
  • Examples of companies with military psychologist vacancies
  • Short description

    A military psychologist must know well not only his profession, but also the peculiarities of the organization of the internal life of soldiers and officers: everyday life, duties, hierarchy. Constantly monitors military personnel, conducts various types of questionnaires, tests and surveys, and also performs subsequent analysis of the information received.

    He independently plans his activities and makes decisions, but coordinates all actions with senior management, which is the basis for clear and correct work. Has deep, up-to-date knowledge of psychology, possesses skills characteristic of the military: taciturnity, diligence, strict subordination, discipline. These specialists have no right to make mistakes, because the latter destabilizes the team and can lead to dire consequences.

    The psyche of military personnel in combat conditions: typical changes

    Being in conditions of a threat to life and health, increased workload, the death of comrades in arms, the need to participate in violent actions is a complex of factors that negatively affect the psyche of soldiers. Research conducted by American psychologists shows that 90% of soldiers experience fear during combat. Of these, 25% suffer from uncontrollable attacks of fear, expressed by physical symptoms: fainting, urination, vomiting.

    Only a quarter of soldiers on the battlefield show initiative: they move around the battlefield, open fire, and can go on the attack without additional instructions. The rest of the military personnel participate in the attack only if the commander is nearby. Left without his supervision, soldiers often get lost. They drop their weapons, run away, hide, and pretend to be wounded.

    It takes up to 25 days for a soldier to adapt to combat operations. Being at the front for more than 30 days in a row, a serviceman begins to lose his capacity

    His physical reactions slow down, his psyche undergoes significant changes. To avoid nervous exhaustion of a soldier, after 45 days of stay it is necessary to grant him leave.

    Soldiers constantly on the battlefield suffer from mental disorders. Being at the front without the possibility of rotation is especially dangerous for soldiers with an unstable nervous system.

    Features of the profession

    A military psychologist is a responsible and reserved person who knows how to analyze and store information. He has many responsibilities, because he needs to solve important and complex problems every day:

    • professional and psychological selection of people wishing to enter military service;
    • development of a set of measures aimed at strengthening discipline, patriotism and combat readiness of personnel;
    • psychological preparation, adaptation and rehabilitation of people leaving or returning from a combat zone;
    • counteracting negative social, informational and psychological influences to which military personnel may be exposed during their service;
    • psychological counseling for military personnel and their family members;
    • group classes aimed at developing mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis;
    • psychological resistance and others.

    A military psychologist conducts an examination of psychological fitness, assesses the military’s readiness to perform a particular operation, analyzes the situation in a regiment or unit, identifying and correcting problems.

    Determining the purpose of participation in hostilities: proper motivation of military personnel

    There are 3 groups of reasons why a soldier seeks to participate in hostilities:

    1. Social - general social motives dictated by a sense of duty. These include love for the country, active manifestation of patriotism, hatred of the enemy as an invader.
    2. Group - motives of small groups, developed within the community. These include mutual assistance among comrades, a sense of belonging to a certain group, fear of rejection, etc.
    3. Personal - individual motives. These include ambitious aspirations: the desire to stand out, earn awards, earn money, test your abilities.

    The passivity or activity of soldiers in battle is an indicator of their attitude towards the war itself as a phenomenon. Depending on the course of the war, the degree of preparation, and the level of support for personnel, the emotional coloring of the image of war changes. Soldiers who gain an advantage are more successful in combat.

    Troops with stronger motivation perceive the enemy as an implacable enemy. Public support is important: the image of military conflict within the country. The use of social motives is possible if military sentiments are supported in society. Anti-militaristic aspirations undermine the morale of soldiers and reduce the level of personal motivation.

    Pros and cons of the profession of military psychologist


    1. Today the profession is available to women (some military universities willingly accept girls for training).
    2. Stable salary growth as you gain experience and higher military ranks.
    3. State protection and support, as well as various bonuses and social benefits.
    4. Training is conducted at universities, and both military and civilians can master the profession. In recent years, there has been a high percentage of budget places.
    5. Sufficient number of vacancies. Many psychologists who choose a military direction are assigned to work places immediately after graduation.


    1. High responsibility and psycho-emotional stress.
    2. Interaction with different people, for whose life and health the psychologist is responsible.
    3. The activity may involve frequent business trips, and you often have to work in hot spots.
    4. Specialists supervise, lead and advise large groups. A significant workload leads to fatigue, problems during the organization of work processes, and emotional burnout.

    Features of military psychology: object and subject of study

    Military psychology studies the patterns of mental characteristics of military personnel. The object of study is a military personnel undergoing contract or conscription service, potential military personnel who meet the selection requirements, and civilians suitable for military service.

    The subject of military psychology is military activity, the influence of conditions in the army on the psyche of the employee, the state of the psyche and the peculiarities of the course of mental processes in the army. The tasks of an army psychologist include increasing the morale of soldiers, developing new management strategies, and studying the hidden abilities of the brain to improve professional skills.

    Important personal qualities

    When talking about who a military psychologist is, it is necessary to understand that his activities take place under conditions of strict restrictions. He interacts with a huge number of people, so he must be an eloquent and very serious person. Military psychologists know how to find a common language with any person, they are able to win over the interlocutor, inspire trust and respect. Their character is dominated by persuasiveness, empathy, objectivity, insight, and sociability.

    Objectives of science: the area of ​​work of researchers and practical psychologists

    The following main tasks of army psychology are identified:

    1. Studying the individual mental characteristics of soldiers for effective staffing of units.
    2. Participation in the development of the teaching program, taking into account the psychological characteristics of military personnel to optimize the learning process.
    3. Psychological support for military personnel.
    4. Using psychological methods to strengthen the interpersonal relationships of soldiers.
    5. Ensuring normal adaptation of recruits to the specifics of army discipline.

    Military psychologists work together with army leadership, increasing the overall level of motivation of employees, developing new methods of psychological adaptation, and providing support for a normal psychological state.

    Training to become a military psychologist

    Training of applicants is carried out in the direction of “Psychology of professional activity” (code: 37.05.02). Upon admission, you must pass the Unified State Examination in biology, Russian language, as well as mathematics, society and a foreign language. Last 3 exams to choose a university. Admission conditions depend on the chosen educational institution, the presence/absence of a first education (secondary general education, university) and the applicant’s personal file. In some cases, it is necessary to undergo a state inspection and medical examination, pass standards and an internal exam.


    Directions, specialties and educational institutions according to the profile of training

    Before the reorganization of the Institute of Military Psychologists, when hired, a specialist had to receive an education in the specialty VUS-390200, graduate from higher military educational institutions, and undergo a 3-month internship. In addition, students of civilian universities, having completed training at military departments, could also count on this position. With the adoption of changes and the use of civilian personnel for subsequent employment, it is enough to graduate from the specialties “psychology”, “psychology of social work”, “psychology of professional activities”.

    In addition to numerous civilian educational institutions, army psychologists are taught at the St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after. V. Kikotya in Moscow and at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    In particular, at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation you can study to become a psychologist at several faculties:

    1. Military Psychological Faculty . It was created in 1994, but began training military psychologists in 1996. Since 1998, training of personnel from among civilian youth began. Since 2007, admission to the Faculty of Military Psychology was opened for female cadets, and the competition was about 10 people per place, as a result of which the university began to be classified as one of the so-called “universities for girls.” The faculty provides training in the specialties “psychology” and “psychology of social work”. Upon completion, the qualifications of “psychologist” and “psychology teacher” are awarded.
    2. Extrabudgetary faculty . Training in the specialty “psychology” is carried out both in full-time (5 years) and part-time (6 years) forms. The second higher professional education takes 3.5 years.
    3. Special Faculty . Classes are held in the form of full-time and part-time postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, etc. In addition to the specialty “psychology,” the faculty provides training in the specialty “Organization of moral and psychological support for troops.”

    Among regional universities with a military department, the Ural Federal University named after. B. Yeltsin.

    How do combat conditions affect a soldier's physical and mental health?

    Disruption of the rhythm of life (the inability to maintain sleep and eating patterns, the need to take into account changing weather conditions) puts additional stress on the body. Experiencing severe overload, soldiers are often pushed to the limit of their physical capabilities. This quickly depletes the body: the immune system cannot cope with infections, and additional unsanitary conditions make even minor injuries fatal.

    The cause of psychological maladaptation can be the death of a close friend or one’s own injury. The Second World War showed that a third of military personnel, once on the battlefield, began to show signs of mental disorders 20-25 days later.

    The emergence of army psychology: the formation of an independent branch, the first studies

    Military psychology, as a separate branch, was formed at the beginning of the 20th century. Before this, she did not have a dedicated methodology, mainly focusing on supporting the morale of soldiers and developing a sense of military duty. Army psychology has identified 3 areas of development:

    • psychological characteristics of the commander as the leader of the unit;
    • interaction between military personnel;
    • the work of military psychologists in areas related to preparation for combat operations.

    The first large-scale studies of the psychology of soldiers were carried out in America. A representative of the first wave of military psychology researchers, R. Yerkes, using primary tests, developed specialized tests aimed at identifying the degree of readiness of men to participate in hostilities, propensity for leadership, and level of intelligence development.

    20 years later, psychologists already had an extensive base of practical research. The increasing frequency of local conflicts became the main reason for the emergence of a new, independent profession - a military psychologist. Since this specialty requires an in-depth understanding of the specifics of military activities, they require specialized training. Therefore, it is easier to prepare an army psychologist from a former employee, providing him with the opportunity for retraining.

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