Inappropriate laughter, I can’t stop laughing: reasons, how to overcome laughter? How can a schoolchild stop laughing in class for no reason?

If this condition often occurs - I can’t stop laughing, then read the article. It contains a lot of tips on how to overcome laughter.

Laughter is a natural reaction, and if a person starts laughing, he cannot be called bad. However, it all depends on the situation. If the latter is not entirely joyful or even sad, and the lips themselves begin to smile, or inappropriate laughter appears, you will feel awkward. For example, they shout at you, and you just can’t stop laughing. Or you received sad news, but you can’t help it and start laughing. Of course, this cannot be called real laughter. In such situations, a person is unlikely to experience joy.

Read another interesting article on our website on the topic: “How to always look good in photographs?” . You will learn how to learn how to pose beautifully for photos and smile in photographs.

The situation when you start laughing inappropriately turns out to be awkward and offensive - laughter can offend the people who are standing next to you. If this has happened to you, it does not mean that you have health problems. This reaction occurs quite often and is called nervous laughter. Let's find out why it appears and how to overcome it. Read on.

Why you want to laugh at the wrong moment: reasons for inappropriate laughter

Laughs at the wrong moment
One of the first psychologists to pay attention to nervous laughter was Stanley Mealey-Graham . This happened in the 60s of the 20th century . The psychologist worked at Yale University . There he conducted research into how far people would go if they blindly trusted authorities. So, why do you want to laugh at the wrong time? What are the causes of inappropriate laughter?

  • A psychologist asked one group of people participating in an experiment to give electric shocks to others. However, there was no discharge; the fake people simply diligently pretended that they were in pain. And the second group of tormentors laughed diligently.
  • This experiment allowed us to conclude that laughter does not appear out of malice; it can occur if a person finds himself in a very uncomfortable situation. This is one of the main reasons.
  • After this, another psychologist, Vileyanur Ramachadran , suggested that initially laughter was a specific indicator showing the individual that everything is fine, that he should not worry and can relax.
  • And nervous smiles and giggles represent a kind of psychological protection - if I smile, nothing negative has happened. That is the scientist believes that laughter helps to distract from bad emotions.

The authors of a study conducted at Yale University in 2015 . They examined unusual emotional situations, such as the urge to pinch someone or giggle during a moment of stress. Research has helped to conclude that emotionality overloads a person and he wants to relieve tension and restore balance as soon as possible, and he begins to laugh.

Features of the disease in women

Women become hostages of this situation much more often than men, this is due to the anatomical features of the female body.

The degree of stress experienced during pregnancy plays an important role. Urinary incontinence during coughing during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon if subsequent hormonal changes do not worsen the situation. Discharge of the urethra when coughing after childbirth cannot be called the norm, because it can be one of the harbingers of serious infectious diseases.

How to quickly stop smiling often and laughing loudly at stupid jokes: ways to overcome laughter

The reason for an untimely mistake is of course valid, and this happens to many people. But this does not make the plight of those who suddenly start giggling at a relative’s funeral or during serious negotiations with their boss any easier. How to quickly stop smiling often and laughing loudly at stupid jokes or in other situations? Below are ways to stop laughing. In these situations, psychologists advise doing the following:


Try to analyze what most often causes such a reaction in you and avoid such situations. This may include the following:

  • Conflict or scandal
  • Sad event
  • You feel guilty

There are certain situations that can cause you to start laughing for no reason, and if you understand them, you can prepare yourself.

  • Tune in

If you need to get ready for an event where laughter would be inappropriate, try to prepare yourself a few hours in advance. You can do the following:

  • Take a walk to relieve stress
  • Take deep breaths
  • Play out the scenario of upcoming events in your mind
  • Practice good behavior

The ability to control emotions and choose the right reactions is an experience that can be developed and trained. The more a person talks, the more often he is able to work through various situations (this applies to both conflict and sad ones). Communication will allow you to be less stressed.

I’ve already started laughing and I can’t stop: how to stop laughing?

Started laughing and can’t stop
Many have been in such situations and said: I’ve already started laughing and can’t stop - what should I do? How to overcome laughter in this case? It's an unfortunate situation, but there are a few solutions that can help.

  • Imagine something that might scare you

Try to imagine something scary. Preferably in detail. This will allow you to switch.

  • Think about boring things

For example, about what you ate for breakfast today. You can also list what exactly you are wearing or the surrounding objects. Think about your plans for this week. Another good idea is to calculate your expenses and income. Focusing on boring things can help you interrupt your nervous response and gain control.

  • Keep your hands busy

Try twirling your bracelet or watch, touching your hair, touching your clothes, or rearranging things on the table surface. This will allow you to relax and calm down.

  • Find an opportunity to get out

If possible, try to exit. Find a secluded place. There you can laugh, breathe or drink water.

  • I'm about to laugh

If you feel like you're about to laugh, try shutting yourself down and repeating phrases like “I can hold back my laughter” or “I'm in control . Try not to say a word with the particle “not” , for example, “I’m not funny . Convince yourself by saying only affirmative sentences to yourself. If you see someone besides you laughing, try not to pay attention to this person, because laughter is a contagious thing. Try taking deep breaths.

  • Pain

It is better to resort to this method if all else fails. This is the strongest of feelings that interrupts all other emotions. Try biting the tip of your tongue or twisting your finger. The nervous impulse will not take long to arrive, you will immediately shake yourself up and be able to forget about laughter.

Characteristics of symptoms

You can answer the question why urinary incontinence occurs when you cough by studying the types of involuntary urination.

  1. Stress incontinence. It develops more often in women due to decreased muscle tone of the pelvis. Clinical manifestations: urinary incontinence during coughing, sneezing, laughing or running.
  2. Urge incontinence. In this case, the urge to urinate occurs arbitrarily, and it is simply impossible to restrain them. The cause is an overactive bladder. A provoking factor for urination may be the sound of dripping water, a nervous state, or the consumption of alcoholic and coffee drinks. Symptoms may worsen during the cold season.
  3. Overflow incontinence. Characteristic of the male gender. The cause may be a neoplasm of the prostate gland. In this regard, there is a violation of the outflow of the urethra and overflow of the bladder, which cannot cope with a large volume of fluid.

How to stop constantly and forever laughing at everything, at stupid things, for every reason?

The most important thing is to understand what kind of stupid things make you laugh. Scientists have found that it is specific situations that cause a smile. How to stop constantly and forever laughing at everything, at stupid things, for every reason?

  • Perhaps laughter is caused by a certain person, his communication style, or his appearance.
  • In this case, you should have less contact with him until you learn to restrain yourself.
  • In general, removing yourself from a situation that makes you laugh is the best solution.
  • It is important not to participate in what is happening, but only to be a witness.
  • Look from the other side at what is happening.

Advice: If you just can't get rid of nervous laughter on your own and it's becoming a real problem, try seeing a therapist.

The doctor will be able to figure out why you are laughing and influence it.

Preventive measures

To prevent incontinence, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. with a dry cough, urinary incontinence most often occurs as a result of smoking - you should immediately give up the bad habit;
  2. systematically visit a medical facility to detect the disease at an early stage;
  3. monitor your weight, follow the recommendations of proper nutrition;
  4. avoid frequent constipation;
  5. control the consumption of drinks that have an irritating and diuretic effect;
  6. limit physical activity;
  7. observe the drinking regime.

Only a competent specialist can assess the severity of the disease and answer the question: what to do in case of urinary incontinence when coughing.

What diseases can constant laughter indicate?

Constant laughter may indicate the presence of illness.
If a person often experiences unreasonable laughter, it is advisable to check his health, as doctors are sure that he may have health problems. What diseases can constant laughter indicate? This may be a symptom of one of the following conditions:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Graves' disease
  • Pseudobulbar syndrome

Less commonly, laughter may indicate Angelman syndrome . This is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects the nervous system. Patients may laugh due to strong stimulation of the parts of the brain responsible for joy.

There is also Tourette's syndrome . It is a neurobiological disorder that can cause tics and vocal outbursts. Typically, people suffering from this syndrome do not need treatment, but only if laughter does not interfere with school or work. Many medications and therapies can help minimize symptoms.

Laughter can also be disturbing to those who use alcohol or drugs . Such people are not always able to control their nervous system. The latter gives signals that cause laughter.

In addition, causeless laughter may appear if a person suffers from the following conditions:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

In such cases, it is advisable for a person to get rid of the source of the problem or take a sedative.

Causes and provoking factors of the disease

Causes of urinary incontinence when coughing are usually caused by the following problems:

  • excessive emotional stress, frequent stressful conditions;
  • overweight;
  • complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • consequences of surgical interventions;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • suffered severe injuries;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse.

Occasional urinary incontinence in children when laughing is considered normal. Incontinence when laughing in boys is observed in 28% and usually disappears by the age of 5. And in adolescents, the incidence rate is reduced to 5%.

Urinary incontinence when laughing occurs in girls if they suffer from obesity or overactive bladder syndrome.

How can a schoolchild stop laughing in class for no reason?

Schoolchildren laughing in class for no reason is a common problem. Usually this happens due to a simple prank - the child might have put something on a classmate's chair, or simply remembered a very funny joke. How to stop laughing?

  • The best solution is to listen carefully to what the teacher says and concentrate on the lesson.
  • If you are distracted, your nervous system will calm down and you will be able to stop laughing.
  • If the work is independent, try to focus on the task at hand.

There are many reasons for inappropriate laughter. This may be due to either a normal natural reaction or a specific disease. To overcome inappropriate laughter, you need to learn to distract yourself. Think about something scary, unpleasant, or vice versa – pleasant and calming. Just don't think about the thing that made you laugh.

Methods of treating the disease

Medication prescription

One of the most effective methods of treating incontinence is considered to be medication. For urinary incontinence when coughing, tablets are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Table: Drug treatment of urinary incontinence during laughter, coughing and sneezing

Drug groupEstimated effectDrug name
AnticholinergicsReducing sphincter spasm
  • Driptan;
  • Spasmex;
  • Detrusitol;
  • Vesicare.
HormonesIncreased estrogen levels
  • Ovestin.
NootropicsStabilization of the functioning of the nervous system
  • Duloxetine;
  • Cortexin;
  • Cymbalta;
  • Picamilon.
AntimicrobialSuppression of inflammatory processes
  • Nolitsin;
  • 5-NOK;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Azithromycin.

Physiotherapeutic ways to combat the disease

For opponents of drug treatment, the question: what to do in case of urinary incontinence when sneezing remains relevant. In this case, you can try physical therapy. The most popular in medicine are:

  1. darsonvalization - affects the walls of the bladder, helping to stabilize its functioning;
  2. electrosleep – promotes relaxation of the central nervous system;
  3. electrophoresis - has a relaxing effect and relieves inflammatory processes.

Surgical intervention

Elimination of symptoms of urinary incontinence during laughter in women and men through surgery is quite rare. This pathology responds well to drug treatment, so surgery is performed only if the main treatment tactics have not brought a positive result.

One of the options for surgical intervention is possible.

  • Sling method. The essence of the operation is the implantation of special silicone loops instead of weakened muscles, with the help of which the urethra is fixed.
  • Anterior colporrhaphy. The technique is aimed at preventing sagging of the urethra by tightening the vaginal muscles. The operation is performed in two ways: through the vagina and through the abdominal cavity. The first option is more gentle and requires a shorter rehabilitation period.
  • Botox injections. They are made into the walls of the bladder, helping to minimize its irritability and involuntary contraction. This operation should be repeated every six months, since the drug tends to dissolve.

Treatment of incontinence with folk remedies

When solving the problem of how to treat urinary incontinence when coughing, you should not neglect alternative medicine. For preventive purposes and as an additional therapy to the main course of treatment, folk remedies can be used.

  1. Dill seeds are a natural diuretic and antispasmodic that prevents uncontrolled contractions of the bladder walls. To prepare the decoction 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. It is recommended to take the prepared product in the morning before meals.
  2. St. John's wort and centaury. A third of a glass a day, brewed with one tablespoon of herb, has a pronounced diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effect.
  3. Corn silk. The infusion relieves inflammation and has diuretic properties. For infusion 1 tsp. The stigmas are brewed with a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

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