Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis: 6 steps to internal change

Interest in psychology has increased significantly in recent years, and this is due to effective techniques of internal transformation. Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis help control your psycho-emotional state, manage yourself and your own life and not depend on the “mercy of fate.” My sister has been practicing self-hypnosis for 4 years, and this is a completely different person.

She gained confidence in her abilities, stopped having complexes and depression for any reason. Autosuggestion (self-hypnosis) was discovered at the beginning of the last century, but people began to become actively interested in self-hypnosis techniques not so long ago. Let's consider the issue in detail.

How to convince yourself of everything

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How does suggestion differ from ordinary mental activity? It lacks a critical component. That is, information is perceived as an axiom - without evidence. This presentation of information is perceived by the subconscious as true, so the necessary changes begin to occur in the depths of the human psyche. Self-hypnosis is a suggestion directed at oneself. By practicing self-hypnosis, you can change a lot within yourself and even construct a new personality.

Self-hypnosis can cause:

  • the right sensations;
  • necessary representations;
  • necessary emotional states;
  • changes in the autonomic system.

The basis of self-hypnosis is the constant repetition of verbal formulas. Correctly composed verbal formulas create positive impulses through repeated repetition. Formulas are repeated until they become a working tool of the subconscious for transforming something.

On a note! The subconscious is capable of transforming mental impulses into a physical equivalent, that is, materializing thoughts.

The rules of self-hypnosis are simple:

  • all phrases are pronounced in the first person;
  • all phrases must be affirmative;
  • phrases should be short, but succinct in content;
  • You cannot use the particle “not”; phrases must be formed without it;
  • you cannot pronounce phrases automatically, without awareness;
  • accompany the words with visualization (preferably).

What do self-hypnosis phrases look like? For example: “Every day I become more and more beautiful.” If you want to quit smoking, you should not repeat a phrase like “I don’t want to smoke.” It needs to be replaced with the phrase “I quit smoking.”

Psychologists have noticed that self-hypnosis works better when the body is relaxed. There is a direct relationship between physical and mental state: the more relaxed the body, the better the subconscious mind perceives information. Also, the effect of self-hypnosis depends on the strength of the desire to change something and on the degree of concentration of attention on the subject of self-hypnosis.

There are several methods of self-hypnosis:

  • psychological mood;
  • meditation;
  • affirmations;
  • mantras;
  • prayers;
  • visualization.

This is an incomplete list of psychotechniques to achieve the desired goal. Let's look at psychotechnics in more detail.

Cause of diseases

Where do ailments come from, if you can get rid of them so easily - by the method of ordinary suggestion? Is it really our spiritual world, and not the physical body, that is the main reason for their occurrence? Indeed, it is so. Many diseases begin to destroy our body, forming as the consequences of a painful imagination, which can be cured absolutely with the help of phrases and thoughts. Psychologists say: sentences during such a kind of auto-training must be short, they should be pronounced in the first person, without using the negative particle “no”.

If you construct the text correctly, self-hypnosis against diseases will work with a bang. The main thing is that your speech contains affirmative phrases “I can...”, “I am strong...”, “I will definitely overcome...” and so on. The voice must be firm, confident, even tough. Thus, a person will not only cope with the disease, but also revive his performance, improve his well-being, increase self-esteem and correct his mood.


This is the simplest method of self-hypnosis, based on repeated repetition of the same phrase. You can repeat the verbal formula both out loud and silently: it does not play an important role.

In an affirmation, a person reports that he has already achieved some goal. For example: “I was healed of (name) disease.”

Thanks to the constant repetition of a positive formula, it will gradually begin to displace negative thoughts and attitudes. When not a single negative thought remains, the words of affirmation will come to life - materialize.

A type of affirmation is thanksgiving. This is an even more powerful psychotechnic, since the energy of gratitude is only slightly inferior to the energy of love. When uttering words of gratitude, strong emotions appear that directly affect the psyche and consciousness.

How do gratitude affirmations work? You need to thank the universe (God, the Absolute, etc.) for something, for example, for a new home. You may not have it yet, but the energy of sincere gratitude can materialize even such a seemingly complex object. Sincere faith, gratitude and self-hypnosis will do their job, and the house will materialize.

How to practice affirmations, when should you say them and how many times? Psychologists claim that the effectiveness of affirmations directly depends on the ability to make them the essence of your day. You can do whatever you want, but keep a verbal formula in your mind and repeat it.

So, affirmation is the simplest method of influencing the subconscious. Of course, they are not comparable to visualization, so frequent repetition is required to achieve success.

The Placebo Secret

Considering all of the above, doctors began to actively use suggestion. They came up with a placebo - a so-called dummy (solution, injection or tablet) that does not contain drugs. They were given to patients, assuring them that with the help of a miracle cure they would definitely be able to overcome their illness. Taking a placebo, people actually got better - this was the effect that self-hypnosis had on recovery. The American anesthesiologist Henry Ward Beecher first used a pacifier in 1955. He fed simple sugar pills to patients, telling them they were powerful painkillers. And indeed, in a third of cases, the pain went away and people felt better.

Or, as an example, we can cite the practice of the Italian doctor Fabrizio Benedetti. He treated for Parkinson's disease, but instead of the usual medicine he gave the patients a solution of table salt. The effect was similar: most people experienced positive dynamics. It is clear that before the start of such an experiment, doctors weighed the pros and cons and held consultations so as not to harm the health of the subjects.


Another psychotechnic for influencing the subconscious. Visualization is like a feature film inside your mind. A person sees vivid pictures of any event, smells and tastes, feels emotions. What should you present? For example, you need your own home - imagine it. You can first make a drawing of the house or find a picture and print it on a printer.

What do we have to do? Just imagine how you are already living in this house, that you are the rightful owner (mistress) of a two-room apartment/three-room apartment/cottage/dacha. You can imagine before bed, when the body is relaxed and preparing for sleep. You need to get used to this situation that you imagine, live in it constantly.

What is the effectiveness of visualization based on? The brain perceives imaginary pictures in the same way as real ones. Some time will pass, and all your ideas will come to life and be embodied in matter.

You just need to imagine not from the side or from above, but from inside the situation. For example, you are sitting behind the wheel of a car and looking at the road. If you imagine that the car is somewhere near you, then everything will come true - next to you. It's the same with the house. You should vividly imagine inserting the keys into the keyhole and entering your home. You can first visualize empty walls, and then gradually furnish the house with furniture.

How long does it take to visualize? There is no clear time frame for this psychotechnics. It is more important to completely relax your body before visualization than to track the duration of the internal movie session.

The effect of suggestion as a special type of influence on a person and the degree of suggestibility

What is suggestion from a psychological point of view? Suggestion is defined as the transmission and induction from one person to another of thoughts, moods, feelings, autonomic and motor reactions, and behavior. The less the person who is being suggested thinks about what is being suggested to him, the more successful the suggestion is.

Suggestion as a method of psychological influence involves the participation of two parties. The suggestor usually has mental and physical qualities with which he can influence the state of mind of another person. Suggestion occurs through words, as well as facial expressions and gestures. The setting is of particular importance. If we are talking about therapeutic suggestion, then the fame of the psychotherapist plays an important role in this process. Knowing about him as a high-class specialist in a certain way prepares the patient for the session.

The power of a person’s suggestion is largely determined by the degree of suggestibility, that is, susceptibility to suggestion on the part of the one who will serve as its object. Typically, increased suggestibility is observed in people with a weak type of nervous system and increased impressionability. Alcoholics and drug addicts have a particularly weak nervous system. Accordingly, suggestion as a method of influencing such people is especially powerful.

Axel Munthe, a Scandinavian, worked in Paris as a doctor, assistant to the famous neurologist, psychiatrist and hypnotist Charcot. This is how he described an example of suggestion in psychology in his book “San Michele”. A very intrusive and arrogant patient came to see Munta. The doctor asked him to show his tongue, which was constantly coated as a result of alcohol and smoking abuse, and stated that the patient was seriously ill. The arrogant behavior immediately gave way to a state of depression and anxiety. Thus, both patients and doctors were spared from the unpleasant person.

It is known that symptoms such as headache, uncontrollable vomiting, lack of appetite, insomnia, neurotic paralysis, can be treated by a skilled psychotherapist with the help of suggestion better than with drugs. The Bible describes a scene of the treatment of immobilized people by suggestion when they began to walk confidently after hearing the phrase “Rise and walk.” This phrase is a typical example of how suggestion works if people deeply believe in their healer.

Unfortunately, suggestion as a method of influence is often used for criminal purposes. Weak people and losers become slaves to dishonest or psychopathic leaders who turn them into criminals. We can give the following example from life when suggestion was used by criminals. Several years ago, the US media was literally inundated with reports of a mass tragedy. On the initiative of one psychopath, a sect was formed. This man led hundreds of adults and children into the jungle, where they created a colony. At some point, he began to instill in them the idea of ​​mass suicide, and those who did not dare to do so were killed with poisoned injections by fanatical members of the sect.

Another example of suggestion as a way of influencing a person: a blindfolded criminal sentenced to death was told that his vein had been opened and he was bleeding. A few minutes later the man died, despite the fact that instead of blood, warm water was flowing through his body!

Coue's self-hypnosis method

The technique of self-hypnosis according to the Coue method is based on repeating the same phrase (or 3 - 4 phrases) in a drowsy state or immediately before falling asleep. At these moments, the human brain works at a special frequency, which allows information to penetrate the subconscious without obstacles.

For example, immediately after waking up, before opening your eyes, you need to repeat to yourself at least 20 times the key phrase “I am healthy” (or another). You will also need to find time to repeat affirmations 2 times during the day. You need to relax - lie down or close your eyes while sitting - and say the key phrase out loud or to yourself at least 20 times. It usually takes 2 - 2.5 months to materialize the plan.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

The essence of this psychotechnics is active self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation or hypnotic trance. Schultz bases his technique on the ancient techniques of yoga, the sensations of people who have been in a deep trance and other similar methods.

For self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve a state similar to the state between reality and sleep. The recommended pose for relaxation is “coachman”. To achieve the necessary relaxation of the body, you need to remember something pleasant from the past. During self-hypnosis, you should be able to combine physical relaxation with psycho-emotional activity and be able to accompany verbal formulas with figurative representations.

To practice autogenic training, you need to completely abandon everyday worries and direct your attention to the subject of concentration. You need to train every day at least once; skipping even a one-day workout will negatively affect the result.


After reading the above information, you were able to see the power of self-hypnosis. With its help, you can not only eliminate psychological problems, but even some physical conditions. Self-hypnosis destroys diseases, helps to gain self-confidence, achieve love from the opposite sex and success at work. It is present in every moment of our life: on the street, at home, among friends. Without noticing it ourselves, we easily succumb to suggestion from the environment, which can instill not only certain beliefs, inclinations and sympathies, but also radically change the behavioral model.

Psychological exchange with representatives of society is acceptable if it has a positive content and is designed to make your existence easier. In the event that the environment, through suggestion, tries to lead you down the wrong path, you need to fight external influence. All with the same methods of self-hypnosis about which so much has been said.


Meditation is the concentration of thought on one object and the exclusion of all other thoughts and experiences. An important part of any meditation is stopping internal dialogue. Inside himself, a person scrolls through different thoughts, remembers conversations with other people: his mind is constantly busy with mental activity, which is called internal dialogue.

What can you do to clear your thoughts of internal dialogue? There is a very simple technique for this: you need to look at both your hands at the same time, and carefully. The mind will immediately stop conducting internal dialogue, as it will be busy contemplating two objects at the same time. Another method to stop the flow of unnecessary thoughts: focus on your breathing process, carefully record each inhalation/exhalation and listen to the sound of breathing. After a couple of minutes, your thoughts will be completely cleared of the vain dialogue.

The stages of meditation are as follows:

  • determination of the object of meditation (installation);
  • entering a state of emptiness;
  • feeling within oneself of a given attitude and contemplating it;
  • exit from a state of emptiness with an attitude embedded in the subconscious.

For meditation to be effective, the instructions must be short and succinct. It is important to feel them inside yourself, your inner world. How long will this take? Everyone has their own deadlines for implementation. During meditation, you need to be aware of the creation of another reality, as if in an “empty place” or in emptiness. The meditation can be repeated as needed.


How does self-hypnosis work? It has helped against diseases more than once, so scientists decided to conduct a detailed analysis of its effect on the body, what happens on the physical level. By scanning the patients' brains, they discovered the following: in response to taking a placebo and being assured of the effectiveness of the therapy, neurons began to produce endorphins - natural narcotic substances that can relieve pain by blocking nerve endings. As a result, the person immediately felt much better.

It is a well-known fact: people use only a small part of the capabilities of their own brain, so it is not surprising that ordinary self-hypnosis can sometimes truly work wonders, saving patients even from a complex form of cancer. Of course, auto-training does not always help. For example, he is completely powerless in cases where people with mediocre intelligence have convinced themselves that they are geniuses. One way or another, there are hidden reserves in each of us, so we need to try in practice any method that promises to get rid of an obsessive illness.


Psychologists agree that self-hypnosis is the most powerful psychotechnic of all. First you need to completely relax physically and psychologically. You need to achieve a state of peace, and then say to yourself, “I am deeply asleep.”

After this, you should slowly count from five to zero and plunge into a state of hypnotic oblivion. After saying the word “zero,” you need to say to yourself again: “I’m sleeping deeply.” You have reached the depths of your own subconscious. Now we need to anchor this state for future self-hypnosis practices. Tell:

“When I say the phrase “I am in deep sleep,” I enter a state of self-programming.”

After this, you need to repeat the self-programming formula several times, for example, “I am completely healed and healthy.” Programming should only be in a positive way and without the particle “not”.

What is suggestion?

The concept of "suggestion" was originally closely associated with hypnosis and was introduced in the mid-nineteenth century by Alexandre Bertrand in France and James Braid in England as an explanation for hypnotic phenomena. Thus it replaced the theory of animal magnetism and other theories of fluidism. Suggestion became a generally accepted psychological concept during the famous dispute between the Salpétriére and Nancy schools in the eighteen-eighties.

Sociologists soon found it useful to incorporate the hitherto exclusively medical concept of suggestion into their theories of social interaction. Such famous sociologists as Gabriel Tardet, Scipio Siegele and Gustave Le Bon considered suggestion as the main mechanism of the social process. These authors analyzed suggestion in its various forms as a unitary phenomenon. The use of suggestion in different contexts was thought to vary in degree rather than in kind.

Pioneers of social psychology such as Edward Ross and William McDougall also viewed the various phenomena of suggestion as parts of a continuum. In addition to hypnosis, induced illusions, impressionability through leading questions, uncritical persuasion, fashion conformity, and mass suggestion have been mentioned as examples of suggestion. Everyday acts of suggestion were considered to be less pronounced forms of the same behavior that can be observed in hypnotized people.

Thought Release Technique

How to quickly clear your thoughts of negative memories? For this there is a simple and effective psychotechnique “Balloon”. Imagine a deflated balloon above your head. Take a breath, and as you exhale, imagine how all the black negative thoughts come out of your head like a dark cloud into a ball. The balloon is inflated not by air, but by your negative thoughts.

Do this until you are free of the burden of negative memories and worries. Then take a deep breath and exhale and imagine how a round ball, along with your thoughts, comes off and flies into the sky. This psychotechnics always helps, especially if anxious thoughts prevent you from falling asleep at night.

What can it be used for?

The possibilities of self-hypnosis are enormous and are similar to the powerful action of wind, water or fire. Channeled in the right direction, these opportunities can work wonders, improve a person’s character, heal, lift spirits and achieve goals. But when used unconsciously in everyday life, verbal programming most often has a negative effect.

The words of other people can trigger self-hypnosis mechanisms in your mind, which they often use without asking consent. These mechanisms can be both constructive and destructive. You cannot blame other people for your failures, because without your inner consent, other people’s negative attitudes will not be realized in life. Run away from preachers who tell you that you are worthless, will not achieve anything, will not learn anything. They inspire you that your desires are impossible to fulfill, there are no conditions for forgiveness, that you yourself are to blame for all the problems, thereby starting the process of negative programming of your personality. By the way, you can get rid of negative attitudes using this system.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can protect yourself from an aggressive external environment and control your life. Your life is precious, unique, unique. Instill this in yourself. You are worthy of love, forgiveness and mercy. You can inspire yourself with any emotional state, ability, goal. Your body will complete the task within the limits of its capabilities, but it will definitely complete it. Do not allow even a shadow of doubt to arise in your head during self-hypnosis. It is the truth of aspirations that plays a decisive role. The formulations of work with consciousness do not reflect reality, but only the desired result, but always in the present tense. Because for consciousness there is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday, only here and now.

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