Self-hypnosis for money and success: 100% quick results

Many of us are familiar with constant lack of money, survival from paycheck to paycheck, credit cards, loans that eat up almost everything we earn. We spin like a squirrel in a wheel, we work 12 hours a day, but everything is useless - the amount of money still does not increase. And how you want to live in complete prosperity, not count pennies from paycheck to paycheck and allow yourself luxurious things, travel to distant exotic countries, a beautiful car, a cozy spacious apartment. How can you earn money for all this? And is it even possible? Perhaps, if you resort to hypnosis, or rather self-hypnosis.

Success depends on positive thinking

No amount of hypnosis will help if a person has the mentality of a beggar. There are no miracles. Many of us fall for all sorts of bullshit such as meditation and hypnosis for wealth, and some magicians take advantage of the naivety of citizens and promise - listen to meditation or visit a hypnologist and immediately get rich. Even if big money comes into their hands, people with the wrong mindset will not be able to put it in the right direction, but will spend it thoughtlessly. But the situation can be improved. Self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis will help with this.


Existing types of hypnosis:

  1. Classic refers to one of the most common ones, in which suggestion occurs openly and intrusively. The hypnologist achieves results using special phrases spoken in a voice that does not tolerate objections.
  2. The completely opposite method is the Ericksonian one, in which the hypnologist establishes contact through conversation, smoothly transferring the person into a trance. This way we can sort through our thoughts and chart the right direction ourselves.

There are more than 10 types of hypnosis, which are used in combination with one another to varying degrees.

If you are interested, you can look at it in detail here.

What is self-hypnosis

No one can know us better than ourselves. But, due to the fact that our mind is always in motion and distracts us from ourselves, this knowledge is hidden deep inside. Self-hypnosis is the ability of a person to immerse himself in his inner world through trance (meditation) in order to know himself and learn to fulfill any desire. To do this, it is also necessary to master the process of self-hypnosis, which is certain instructions that we give to ourselves. Our subconscious will help us with this.

What can be achieved through self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis

If you learn to work with the subconscious, that is, consciously enter into self-hypnosis and program yourself, for example, for wealth, then you can achieve amazing results. In this way, we can model our own reality, including building a bright future. The most important thing is to free ourselves from all the blocks and clamps that prevent us from becoming happy and prosperous. This can be done in a state between wakefulness and sleep, in which a person completely relaxes, becomes free from everything that fetters him, that is, in a state of trance.

Finding out the reasons for lack of money

Hypnosis to attract wealth and money will not have a positive effect if you do not find the true reason. A person needs to change his attitude towards money. Certain circumstances and misperceptions prevent you from managing your finances correctly.

The main reasons that prevent you from achieving success:

  • strict upbringing, the imposition by society of an incorrect attitude towards material values;
  • difficult life circumstances;
  • negative experience;
  • phobic disorders, fears related to money;
  • increased responsibility, pressure from outside.

Material wealth is necessary for every person. Without money, it is impossible to organize food, buy medicine, clothing, etc. A person believes that material wealth is not available to him due to improper upbringing or living in rather cramped conditions. Already in childhood, the child perceives himself as an inferior person who is not capable of achieving success.

From childhood, society imposes the idea that money is not the main thing in life, and that there are other benefits that one should enjoy. It is worth understanding that without finance, happiness will be unattainable, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that a person strives to live in comfort. Religious organizations and communist authorities actively promoted this. But the churches were built not at the expense of the clergy, but at the expense of the believers, that is, if there are no funds, there are no churches.

Every individual striving to achieve well-being must derive such logical chains for himself. Money is a means to get what you want.

Negative experiences make people sit still. If a person tries to change jobs and is refused or becomes a victim of ridicule from the employer, he loses his grip, his enthusiasm, and refuses to change his life positions and develop. Phobias and fears of the unknown appear.

A heightened sense of responsibility and pressure from loved ones has a huge impact on the financial situation. The most common example is when one of the newlyweds, instead of providing for his new family, gives part of the money to his parents because he is obliged to do so. It is important to understand here that you are a full-fledged family with your chosen one, and your main task is to move towards solving your own problems, and not other people’s.

What negative attitudes prevent us from becoming rich and successful?

Many of us don’t even notice how we block ourselves with negative thoughts. Examples of such thoughts:

  • it is shameful to be rich, since it is honestly impossible to earn a lot of money;
  • money is evil. You can only get rich by hurting others;
  • rich people are evil and cruel people;
  • You can earn a lot of money only by deception, etc.

Blocks that prevent us from achieving wealth

Often we don't notice how we say:

  • no money left;
  • not enough for anything;
  • This is not life, but survival;
  • No matter how much I work, I can’t earn anything.

Thus, we program ourselves for poverty.

Mindfulness Process

To go into hypnosis, you first need to turn on the maximum awareness mode. A person cleanses himself of negative programs from the external environment, formats his consciousness to introduce imposed thoughts and finds access to the inner divine child.

It's worth asking yourself a few questions:

  • who forces me to act against my will?
  • What sources does false information come from?
  • What do I really want?
  • Why do they want to instill this in me?
  • Why apply this information in your own life?

How to fix it

There are several ways to make yourself rich and attract money.


Those who are afraid to carry out self-hypnosis can resort to one self-hypnosis, that is, pronounce positive statements - affirmations - for several minutes a day, for example:

  • I live in complete prosperity;
  • my income is constantly growing;
  • I have a new, interesting, well-paid job;
  • I attract money energy;
  • the universe loves me and makes sure I have everything I need;
  • I know how to make money;
  • money loves me and comes to me in a continuous stream.

How to say affirmations

  1. Positive statements should be said every day for a few minutes.
  2. They are pronounced in an affirmative form and in the present tense, as if we already have it all.
  3. You cannot use the particle “not”, because the universe does not perceive it.

Self-hypnosis technique for money and wealth

Before plunging into a trance, turn off the telephone, TV and entrance bell. We perform natural needs and lock the animals in another room.

Choosing a place

It is best to carry out manipulations while sitting so as not to fall asleep, so we will choose a comfortable chair. We perform a trance dive in complete silence.

Let's go into a trance

  1. We sit down in a chair and completely relax.
  2. Clearing the mind of thoughts.
  3. We begin to breathe correctly - inhale deeply through the stomach through the nose. At the same time, we count to 7. Then we hold our breath for 7 seconds and exhale through our mouth, also counting to 7. We sit for several minutes, while monitoring our breathing.

Working with installations

After we have entered a trance state, we say affirmations. In this case, we are interested in positive statements for achieving financial well-being. You can come up with affirmations yourself, according to the rules, or use the ones given above. We do this exercise for 15-20 minutes. For the first time, 5-10 minutes will be enough. Next we increase the time. When pronouncing affirmations, it is advisable to visualize, that is, imagine all your desires as clearly as possible.

Breaking out of trance

  1. You need to come out of the trance state slowly, especially if at the time of these manipulations you suddenly fell asleep.
  2. First, open your eyes and lightly stretch your body. At the same time, thoughts and sensations return.
  3. We increase our breathing. We sit like this for 2-3 minutes. Then we get up and start our daily routine.
  4. To achieve what you want, you shouldn’t slack off and skip exercises, but do them daily.

In this way, you can attract not only money, but also love, improve your health, etc.

The essence of the technique

The peculiarities of the technique consist in making adjustments to thinking while in a semi-conscious state. This state is called trance. The brain at this moment is practically switched off and perceives only certain sound signals given by the hypnotist. Suggested beliefs are perceived as one’s own and are subsequently reproduced in a conscious state according to a given algorithm.

Hypnosis helps improve the quality of life, remove blocks that prevent you from working and developing normally, get rid of self-doubt and understand the true reasons that led to the current state of affairs. Some techniques allow you to successfully learn self-hypnosis and use it to restore balance at home. Any suggestion requires constant practice and moral preparation.

At home they use affirmations and meditation. They help you quickly identify goals and eliminate the reasons for lack of money.

Affirmations combined with vivid visual images help best

If a person is confident that self-hypnosis will help him achieve success, this will definitely happen. Reluctance to improve on your own and distrust of the hypnotist do not give positive results. Consciousness should not resist hypnosis.

Smart wallet

You are standing in the center of a large, well-lit room. There is a wallet in front of you on a small table. You pick it up and find a large amount of banknotes there. Without taking them out of your wallet, you try to count them, but when you reach the last one, the volume of the pack increases, and you continue counting. Large banknotes rustle pleasantly. The smell of new banknotes is a pleasure.

This is your wallet. You can take it with you. No matter how much you spend, there will always be enough money for everything you want, but a tenth of the money spent must be given to charity.

Photo: @skitterphoto

You internally agree to the condition and take the wallet. Its pleasant heaviness fills you with confidence in your material well-being and financial stability.

You are absolutely sure that when you take a deep breath and open your eyes, these sensations will remain with you, and there will always be the required amount of money in your wallet. Now take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Social background

“I remember every minute of my life. I only take good things from her. I let past hurts go. I destroy them. Only the good remains. I take what I've learned and it makes me better. I accept the truth. The truth sets me free. I only take the good. I take tender care of my sweet self.

I completely forgive myself for any mistakes I have made; I did everything I could and now I am getting better and better every day. My behavior in the past was a learning experience. Everything in my life teaches me valuable lessons. When I see that something is not bringing results, I can choose something that does.

My life is now, this moment in time. The past is past and is just a memory. The future is a confirmation of my dream that I am creating at the moment. My life is unfolding right now and I am enjoying being alive in this moment in time. I'm doing everything right."

Hypnosis for studying

In any society, society goes through the most important stages of development. Therefore, a person tries to hypnotize himself into studying. He monitors ways to improve education that are as close as possible to the field of activity that he wants to engage in professionally.

The process itself can take on various forms. Ideally, you should close your eyes and with pure consciousness hear a few targeted phrases from yourself:

  • “I set myself the task of studying the following sciences and subjects”;
  • “over a certain period I will become an expert in this field”;
  • “my teachers will always understand and guide me in the right direction”;
  • “I can learn something new”;
  • “every day the level of professionalism will grow”;
  • “I promise to complete the assigned tasks on time and not stop there.”

Choose a goal

Now, find a goal for which you want to receive money. This could be the fulfillment of an old dream, or simply the purchase of something necessary.

  • Formulate your chosen goal.
  • Imagine that you have already achieved it: exactly the final moment of getting what you want.


  • Now remove your attention from the process of achieving the goal, that is, stop thinking about how to achieve the result. Let the Universe itself build the path to achievement. If you cannot let go of the process of achieving what you want, but constantly think about possible ways to achieve or not achieve it, then by doing this you create additional obstacles and interfere with the solution of the problem.

Money Rain

Imagine yourself as a tree. Big and powerful. Your roots go deep into the earth. Your branches reach to the sky. No storm can break you. You feel the energy of the earth.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska: Pexels

It flows inside you and nourishes, through your roots, your trunk, branches, every leaf. A ray of light is separated from the Sun itself. It touches your bark and begins to rise up, turning your leaves into gold.

When the ray reaches the last leaf, a rainbow rises above you, and you return to your body again, and the rainbow rains down on you with brand new banknotes. You throw them up and hear them rustle as they fall down on you again.

You can smell them. Joy, confidence and a feeling of inner agreement with yourself fill you. Stay in this state as long as you want. When you think it's enough, take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Basic training

Meditation is a practice that involves a state of relaxed concentration. If you have no experience in carrying out such practices, it’s okay: just follow the instructions below. So:

Photo by Mikhail Nilov: Pexels

  • Carefully read one of the texts that you choose for meditation. Below are a few options. You can choose any one you like.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair, preferably with a high back, so that you can maintain a straight back position without much strain.
  • Hands rest freely on the armrests or on the knees. Full feet are on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath: without tension, deeply. Exhale slowly and close your eyes.
  • Let your body relax. Breathe calmly and with pleasure. Concentrate on your breathing. Let your thoughts flow freely. Don't keep your attention on them. There is no point in rushing somewhere, you have enough time for everything. Gradually your breathing will calm down. The heart beats smoothly and calmly. The body relaxed. Now use your imagination and imagine everything from the selected text.
  • Meditation practice can be done at the beginning after reading the money instructions, or in the evening before going to bed. You can practice every day, or take a break from doing it: this is determined individually.
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