Professional success as self-determination plus level of aspirations

Professional success as self-determination plus level of aspirations


Professional success as self-determination plus level of aspirations

GBPOU KK "Tuapse Social Pedagogical College"

Author – Tamara Evgenievna Saburova , teacher of psychology and special disciplines.

Subject. Professional success is like self-determination plus the level of aspirations .

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success , and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now"

Nolan Bushnell (American engineer-entrepreneur)

What is professional success - how to achieve it ?

Success is continuous movement forward. The essence of professional success is that not a single person can consciously say: “I have achieved the true pinnacle of my professionalism and I have nowhere else to develop and grow.” There is a famous parable about a wise man who said, “I know that I know nothing.”

is the true characteristic of a master of his craft.
Perfection has no boundaries, and a person striving for success is clearly aware of this.
A person cannot know everything, but he can know a lot. success is involuntarily implanted in us.

, we all want to become like that.
The word
success is not new at all, because we often say:
success , we wish each other success . Currently, it is considered authoritative when a person is described as
successful person .

Looking into S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, you can find an explanation: successful - accompanied by success , successful”

Success is a term that has a huge number of interpretations. The vast majority of this term has the following meanings: successful career , material wealth and high social status.
What is professional success ? Professional success is a set of positive results accumulated throughout a career, both psychologically and in terms of objective professional achievements . Professional success includes not just engaging in a profitable business, but activities that bring meaning to our lives, true pleasure and joy, self-realization and the revelation of an individual’s creative abilities.

The success of a specialist’s activities is determined by the qualities of the individual, which are designed to ensure a successful start in work and high professional performance .

Success in a person’s professional activity directly depends on how well a person knows himself . Therefore, start improving from the inside, gradually connecting information from the outside world. You will have to comprehend a lot - society does not stand still, and your goal is worth it! By climbing a step higher, you will not only get rich financially, but also gain confidence and freedom in self-realization . If professional activity brings positive emotions into your life, confidence in the future, and you can choose the direction of developing your potential - what could be better?

Success in professional activity is directly influenced by professional and personal self-determination . Not only for teachers, but also for students.

The initial choice of profession , and if it was correct, then a person has a great opportunity to fully realize himself in professional activities . The right choice allows you to bypass disappointment, have a decent income and be confident in the future by self-determination .

In Russian psychology, self-determination is understood as a conscious act of seeking a balance between awareness of subjective qualities and requirements of society or compliance with the norms and values ​​of the surrounding reality by choosing only those types of activities that the individual perceives as his own.

Professional self-determination is an independent , conscious and voluntary construction, adjustment and implementation of professional prospects , involving the choice of profession , obtaining vocational education and improvement in this professional activity . Professional self-determination is part of human self-determination , in the broad sense of the word. It presupposes a specific activity determined by a specific subject, conditions, means of labor, as well as the specifics of interpersonal production relations and responsibility for this work.

Achieving success in a profession and professional activity is, without a doubt, one of the most effective motives at various stages of professional development . First of all, professional success is interconnected with such personal qualities as determination and self-discipline .

Therefore, at the very beginning of the path to choosing a profession , which must be done consciously, it is necessary:

• set goals that should be positive, specific and realistic;

• adequately assess your capabilities (intellectual, physical, age, financial, etc.)


• correlate abilities with your goals;

• undergo testing to determine whether personal qualities match the choice of profession .

It is not enough to simply set a goal for yourself - you need to be able to achieve it in various ways, which will require self-discipline , as the ability to self-restraint , constant self-development and self-improvement in working on oneself . Individuals who lack these qualities, in most cases, do not achieve success , even if they are full of enthusiasm or ambition.

"Never give up. There are always tough times, no matter what you do in life. It is important to survive this time and maintain your ultimate goal.” Nathan Chen

“Take an idea. Make it your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success " Swami Vivekananda

The success of your professional choice is ensured if:

• the presence of a set of necessary professionally significant qualities for professional activity (intellectual, personal, physical)


• the chosen field of activity is in demand on the labor market;

• work brings pleasure and satisfaction, and is not burdensome.

Once you receive your diploma, don’t stop there! Time does not stand still. Every day new information spreads, which leads to updated approaches, information, tasks, etc., so the knowledge you gain is unlikely to be enough to achieve the highest result. Feel free to attend lectures, trainings, seminars, and additional education courses offered by the organization’s management.

“Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. However, you may have to work for it.” Richard Bach

A. A. Derkach and N. V. Kuzmina define professionally significant qualities leading to success as manifestations of the psychological characteristics of an individual necessary for the acquisition of special knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as for achieving socially acceptable efficiency in professional work . The success of a specialist’s activities is determined by the qualities of the individual, which are designed to ensure a successful start to work and high performance indicators.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the individual:

A person’s ability to be active in a particular area. Through activity, a person resolves the issue of coordinating and measuring objective and subjective factors of activity; mobilizes its activity in the necessary forms.

The degree of development of the motivational sphere, which includes passion for the meaning of the profession for the benefit of other people, the desire to develop oneself as a professional and the harmonious passage of all stages of professionalization - from adaptation to mastery.

Development of “I-concept”

and its components.
Success in professional activity is not a consequence of external, but rather internal reasons. This means that achieving success is entirely in the hands of the individual himself .
Personal self-determination is considered as finding an original image of “I”

, the constant development of this image and its approval among the people around him;
as the highest type of self-determination , when a person manages to become the master of the situation and his entire life.
Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed . (Stendhal)

Within the scope of professional , psychological characteristics are considered as criteria for success

• High communication skills are an integral condition for human interaction, part of a communicative culture, and are necessary for all people, and in a number of professions they become a professional characteristic of an individual.

Self-discipline and self-control . They imply awareness in the nature of your behavior and allow you to prioritize your to-do list. Self-control allows you not to interfere in unpleasant situations, and self-discipline makes it possible to focus on solving the most pressing problems.

• Ability to plan and manage time. Precise sequence of actions reduces the likelihood of performing useless work.

And also take into account the cognitive abilities that are most significant for achieving professional success :

• planning is the most important cognitive indicator, which is expressed in a person’s ability to predict consequences, choose a rational path to achieve a certain goal;

• monitoring is the cognitive skills of controlling one’s behavior, thanks to which a person confirms the correctness of the chosen steps to achieve the goal;

• inhibition is the control of impulsive reactions and the ability to maintain common sense in any situation;

• decision making - determining ways to achieve a goal;

• cognitive flexibility allows an individual to quickly adapt to new conditions and adjust their behavior to them;

• working memory allows you to keep in your head the necessary set of information to solve current problems.

Practical tips for success :

Become a true fan of your profession ! Be passionate about your professional activity , perceive it not just as going to work, but as an exciting mission in which you, being a wizard, embody all your ideas and ideas. It is pointless to strive for success in something that does not arouse your interest and is a simple duty.

Enthusiasm can serve as a qualitative impetus on the path to successful activity . An adequate manager will highly appreciate a positive attitude and the manifestation of creative potential in work activity and will not leave this moment without encouragement.

Another way of development is independently enrich your knowledge and skills. Allocate some of your personal time and budget to find and attend an event that is closely related to your professional activities . The only thing, remember that you shouldn’t abuse this either.

Pay attention to related professions , mastering which you will replenish not only your knowledge, but also, possibly, your wallet. For example, you can learn a foreign language in various ways: attending courses, private lessons with a tutor, online classes or distance learning.

“One of the best ways to learn something is to study the experiences of people who have achieved some success in their chosen activity.”

Winston Churchill

The easiest way to enrich your knowledge is to read books. Bookshelves in stores are periodically replenished with new high-quality publications related specifically to your profession . To find the literature you need, you don’t have to go to a bookstore; you just need to open a browser on your computer or smartphone, and then order the book you need for home delivery or buy it from an online library.

“Only willpower is the condition for our success in our chosen field” N. Dobrolyubov

Efficiency of success is one of the most important characteristics of activity in any industry and especially in education.

Modern research focuses our attention on the following psychological prerequisites for achieving success :

• think in terms of success - restart your “thought processor”

and set yourself up exclusively for
success ;
• be self-confident - believe in your own “I”

, accept and defend your own opinions and desires;

• the ability to activate strong achievement motivation - “program”

take action that will lead to
success ;
• know exactly what you want to achieve;

• the ability to arm yourself with a clear plan of action and have a positive attitude towards the upcoming task; (draw up an action plan for the day of the week - sum up what happened, what was useful that day, etc.)

• turn every obstacle into a springboard to get closer to your goal;

• notice and rejoice at even the slightest successful steps and achievements ;

• have a high level of aspirations –

This is the only way to achieve professionalism and professional success .

the success factors :

What are the success ? These are criteria for organizing effective activities, which in the future will ensure positive dynamics and success .

factors of professional activity include the following:

• Motivation is one of the most significant factors ensuring success in professional activity . A highly motivated employee does his job better, better and more efficiently. As the level of employee interest drops, there is a decrease in labor efficiency.

• Stress tolerance allows a person to withstand a stressful situation without experiencing negative consequences. Stressful situations can be associated both with the performance of work activities and with the conditions in which it takes place, therefore a modern specialist must be able to make responsible decisions when there is a lack of information and time.

Professional excellence implies the highest level of professional development of the individual , which allows you to fully implement professional functions and solve professional problems .

Professional skills cannot be purchased together with a document/certificate confirming education. This is a path of continuous development and personal improvement that has no end point.

Key indicators of professional excellence :

• strong professional knowledge ;

• a complex of developed professional skills ;

• system of values ​​and beliefs of professional activity ;

• presence of professionally important qualities (they differ in different fields of activity, but there are common ones)

: responsibility, punctuality, friendliness, tolerance, decency, etc., which the employee constantly improves in the process of
professional development ;
• optimal style of communication or team management;

• creative orientation of the specialist.

as criteria for the success of an already established professional activity:

• the person’s compliance with the requirements of this profession , whether the employee makes a tangible contribution to social practice;

• compliance of the profession with the requirements of the individual: his motives, inclinations, satisfaction with the field of activity;

• a person’s use of socially acceptable methods, techniques and technologies to achieve high-quality results in work;

• the desire of the individual to individualize his work, to self-realize his personal needs in it;

• competent knowledge in the profession ;

• achievement by a person of a high level of professionalism ;

• availability of growth prospects professional

• readiness to accept other people's experiences and demonstrate one's own professional openness ;

• a person’s desire to enrich the profession with his personal creative contribution;

• the ability to interest society in the results of their work;

• a person’s ability to respect the honor and dignity of the profession , to see in it a unique contribution to society.

Successful people believe that you need to rely only on yourself, you need to believe in yourself in spite of everyone and everything, don’t look at anyone! Create your own destiny!

• Seven enemies of success :

1. The habit of not finishing things.

2. The mistaken belief that life should be easy.

3. The erroneous belief that success is predetermined from above .

4. The habit of thinking negatively.

5. Fear of obstacles that others have.

6. Panic fear of failure.

7. Shortsightedness.

"Do not give up. There are too many naysayers out there who will try to stop you. Do not listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself." Sydney Sheldon


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Profession as work activity and phases of a professional’s life path

A profession as a work activity has its own structure. It can be described as follows:

– given goals, ideas about the result of work;

– a given object (the source material is not necessarily a thing, but also a situation of uncertainty, any system, for example, social, symbolic, artistic-aesthetic, etc.);

– a system of means of labor (depending on the subject, they differ significantly from each other);

– system of professional job responsibilities (specified job functions);

– system of rights;

– production environment, subject and social working conditions.

Personal changes that occur during professional activity lead to the formation of the individual as a subject of activity. The professional development of a subject is understood as the movement of the individual in the course of professional work. The professional development of a subject unfolds in time and covers the period from the beginning of the formation of professional intentions to the finish line, which ends active professional activity.

Why list your achievements?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success in previous jobs will demonstrate your promise.
  • It’s better not to indicate a couple of personal qualities in your resume, but confirm them with facts in your “professional achievements.” Commitment must be demonstrated in action.
  • A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. “Bad soldiers” are unlikely to interest a successful, promising company.
  • You don’t have to list your successes on your resume, but then don’t be surprised if you don’t even get called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as an ideal “victim” of a headhunter, then a good company with a high motivation system will fall for you.

Key resume points

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, telephone number and email must be indicated.

The following describes the goal, that is, what position you are applying for.

The next stage is a list of all educational institutions in which you had to study, special attention is paid to higher educational institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Experience. If you started working at the age of 11, selling apricots at the market, this is commendable, but you should not include such a fact in your resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

In additional information, you can talk about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

In “personal qualities,” applicants often write: sociability, determination. This is great, but these advantages appear so often on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, and introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any manager.

Examples of professional achievements on a resume include job responsibilities that were completed, completed, and caused a positive change in the organization or benefited someone. For example, your responsibilities include searching for new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate that over the last year the staff was replenished with 50 employees and 100 interviews were conducted.

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