Powerful motivation for success from the book The Biggest Secret. The incredible power of thought

Marden Orison gave me a very powerful boost of motivation for success when I read his book The Biggest Secret. Incredible power of thought.

…. how... do you also need motivation for success?!

Have you abandoned your goals long ago and stopped believing that you can achieve anything worthwhile in your life?

Are you caught in the haze of depression and stupidly don’t want to do anything?

Have you even begun to doubt the power of thought?

Then you definitely need a recharge! And very urgently! >>>

You want one thing, but you do something completely different

Most people have the wrong attitude towards life.

They neutralize a huge part of their efforts due to the fact that their mental attitude does not coincide with their physical actions - so that, when trying to achieve one result, they mean something completely different.

This approach discourages luck and deprives a person of the opportunity to achieve the desired goal.

To desire wealth, but at the same time constantly subconsciously expect failure in the financial sphere, constantly doubt your beauty and usefulness, trying to find love - is tantamount to trying to get to Moscow, while heading to Vladivostok.

Your plans are doomed to failure as long as you doubt yourself and thereby attract failures to yourself.

A person who wants to succeed must think about success and look forward boldly.

He must think progressively, creatively, constructively, inventively and, most importantly, be optimistic.

You will move where you are moving internally.

If you are targeting poverty and lack of funds, then so be it.

How to achieve success?

If you turn around one hundred and eighty degrees and decisively abandon the life that does not suit you, begin to think and act with confidence in your own success - it will not keep you waiting.

Many of us do not do what we would like to do, because very often, despite our desire to be rich and successful, we doubt our abilities, thinking that a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.

It is better to have an average, stable salary than to take a risk and try to break through to a fundamentally different level.

This life position is contraindicated for those who want to achieve something in life - and who doesn’t want that?

As long as we carry within us a feeling of inferiority, poverty, and failure, we make such an impression on others - and money will not come to such a person on its own.

Important! Our thoughts are akin to magnets that attract relevant events and objects. So you should be careful what you think about.

And what do you think >>>

Under no circumstances allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself, complain about life, even mentally exclaiming: “I don’t have money!”, “Everything with me is not like other people!”, “I’m a loser!”

These thoughts are your worst enemies because they prevent you from calmly taking what is yours.

Every time you allow such thoughts to enter your mind, they, like rust, eat deeper and deeper.

Miracles don't happen until people believe in them.

You will not be able to achieve what your consciousness voluntarily or involuntarily resists.

What you think about is the pattern that all events in your life follow. Whatever you achieve, you first achieve mentally.

Stop thinking about problems if you don't want them to poison your life.

Don't think about poverty if you want to achieve prosperity.

Tell yourself firmly, once and for all, that you have nothing to do with everything that you are afraid of. Your fears are your enemies.

Cut off their access to the blooming garden of your future. Drive them away forever, even from the darkest and smallest corners of your consciousness. Forget about them.

Think positive thoughts with determination and you will be surprised how quickly your business will improve.

The way we feel about the prospects of our work or any other endeavor is directly related to the final result of our efforts.

If you go to work as if you were going to hard labor, like a slave; if you work with a feeling of hopelessness, not seeing any further prospects for development; if work for you is just a way to at least survive until retirement; if your life passes in darkness and you expect nothing but further failures and disappointments; if you think that hard and boring work is your cross and you are doomed to it for the rest of your life, you will not get anything better than what you expect.

If, on the other hand, no matter how bad things are at the moment, you know that a bright future awaits you; that one day you will be at the top; that you deserve the best and are confident that you can achieve everything you dream of; that the day is not far when beauty, comfort, prosperity and success will firmly enter your life; If you clearly see your goal in front of you and persistently move towards it, overcoming all obstacles, you will definitely achieve what you want.

The very thought that one day you will be able to do something that now seems impossible is a magnet that draws the probability of this event closer and closer to you, depending on how often you think about it and how much you expect it to happen. It happened.

Simply believing that one day your dreams will come true can work wonders.

I don’t know a single person who, having faith in himself, confidence in his abilities, the desire to achieve success and hard work, working to achieve the goal that he has set for himself, would not achieve success in life.

Aspiration, multiplied by inspiration and confidence, is transformed into the most effective realization of our desires.

The strongest motivation for success

The powers of our mind and consciousness realize what we believe in, what we desperately want and what we are ready to achieve with maximum effort.

In other words, all the resources of the mind work to fulfill our expectations, aspirations and desires.

From the alloy of our desires and aspirations, clearly formulated in the soul, consciousness builds a kind of model, which is projected into our life and begins to change it in order to synchronize the imaginary picture with reality.

Doubts destroy this ideal picture of your future and interfere with the work of your consciousness, which is tuned to its embodiment.

Constantly tell yourself: “ I must achieve what I want; This is my legal right, and I will never give it up ."

Enormous potential lies in the ability to align yourself with the fact that you were created for success, health, happiness, prosperity, that the world will become poorer without your participation, that nothing can deprive you of your legal right to live according to all these statements.

Develop the habit of repeating these words to yourself, constantly strengthening your belief in success; adhere to this life attitude constantly, not for a minute yielding to the temptation to plunge into self-pity and surrender to the mercy of defeatist moods. Once you start doing this, you will see for yourself the effectiveness of this approach to life.

What prevents us from motivating ourselves?

There are several most common reasons that interfere with the creation of high-quality and correct motivation. These reasons need to be recognized and constantly dealt with. There are 3 main reasons:


A banal reluctance to work occurs in each of us from time to time, especially if the work seems routine and meaningless. If you feel good and are motivated to work, but don’t want to do a specific task, you can motivate yourself by giving the task additional meaning. In the case of routine work, additional meaning may lie in processes such as:

  • awareness and concentration training;
  • bringing benefit to other people and the accompanying satisfaction;
  • development of creative abilities by searching for non-standard solutions.

You can come up with many other additional meanings for routine activities, and this is a truly effective approach in the fight against laziness.

You may be interested in: how to get rid of laziness


People tend to reflect, engage in introspection, completely killing their own motivation. Self-examination takes a huge amount of time and energy. Many people spend their entire lives endlessly rethinking unpleasant situations and trying to figure out what they should have done to avoid mistakes. If such thoughts come to you, get rid of them immediately. Reflection can “immobilize” you for a long time, and it is almost impossible to benefit from it.

Chronic fatigue

Lack of motivation can be a consequence of chronic fatigue. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult a doctor, however, you can solve the problem on your own. First, you need to get enough sleep and start waking up at 6-7 in the morning (switching to the “lark” mode is one of the best remedies for chronic fatigue).

Start your morning with a cold shower, exercise and stop watching TV. Watch your diet, eat more fresh fruits and diversify their range as much as possible. The listed steps in 70% of cases will allow you to get rid of chronic fatigue on your own.

Read also: how to become energetic

A story of defeat and victory

One of my acquaintances found himself in a very difficult situation, when the business in which he had invested half a lifetime of hard work was destroyed by a financial crisis, and he had nothing left except his tenacity, desire to survive and a whole family that needed to be fed, however However, he did not even allow the thought that he would not be able to get back on his feet.

There was no point in even trying to confuse this man and convince him of the futility of his attempts to return to his former prosperity.

It would have been easier to convince Napoleon not to start a war.

Clenching his fists and refusing to admit defeat, he did not allow himself to give up, and soon he returned to his previous level, and a few years later he achieved more success than before the crisis that could have ruined his whole life if he had not held on so stubbornly for your faith in yourself.

You cannot allow yourself to be puppets, completely and completely dependent on circumstances and external factors.

We must create the conditions around ourselves that suit us. Do you know how?

I'm sharing the secret here>>>

Nothing in the world happens for nothing - everything needs a reason, and this reason lies in our thoughts.

Our attitude creates the conditions for success or failure.

The result of our work depends entirely on the nature of the thoughts, feelings and desires accompanying it.

To be productive, the mind must constantly be in a positive, creative mode.

Our thoughts are both our servants and our protectors, as long as we do not allow them to become our enemies. They give us exactly what we expect from them.

If we trust them, rely on them, then they go to work to the maximum of their capabilities. If we are afraid, then our “servants” also begin to be afraid and lose their ability to work.

Negative people are waiting

that something bad will happen. They screw themselves up by expecting trouble and doing nothing to prevent it.

It is necessary to understand that only a constructive approach to life is the key to success and prosperity.

Help in increasing employee motivation - review of the TOP 3 service companies

Now let's turn to some companies whose field of activity is related to training in the field of business management, as well as the provision of services for the development of motivation systems.

Professionals always know better how to do it and teach it to others.

1) MAS Project

The unique management system developed by this company will help improve the work process for both management and staff.

If you run a business, you will learn:

  • increase the productivity of each employee;
  • synchronize company goals and employee goals;
  • manage projects and tasks;
  • regulate areas of responsibility;
  • control staff employment;
  • Conduct quality planning sessions and meetings.

Thanks to the MAS Project system, employees will learn:

  • track the fulfillment of goals and earned bonuses;
  • manage your tasks;
  • manage your employment;
  • realize your role in the common cause;
  • understand your own areas of responsibility;
  • view all information in one resource.

You can confidently trust MAS Project. A system created by solving real business problems is the most reliable and viable.

2) Business Relations

This company is the first in Russia to begin providing training in the field of relationships. It began its activities in 1996, and in 2007 opened a corporate direction.

During their professional career, the company's specialists have become experts in the field of working with relationships. “It is the attitude to work and to life that determines the result” is the main postulate on which the entire learning process is built here.

Among others, the company offers corporate training “Business Context”, after which many organizations have already made a breakthrough in business development. The training consists of 70% practice, which allows it to dramatically increase the level of staff involvement in the work process.

3) Moscow Business School

Human resource management courses offered by the Moscow Business School will be useful not only to business managers, but also to everyone whose activities are directly related to hiring, training, motivating and improving the skills of employees.

After completing this training, you will easily:

  • understand legal and financial management issues;
  • develop employee motivation and reward systems;
  • evaluate and hire employees;
  • engage in training and development of personnel.

Business trainers and teachers at Moscow Business School are also engaged in other areas, which allows them to develop original teaching methods based on personal experience. After completing the training, you will also receive tips for further development.

The key to success

The powerful, effective, creative energy of believing in yourself and your capabilities is the reverse side of any achievement.

A strong personality itself creates the conditions under which something that seemed completely impossible happens.

Nothing happens on its own; any action requires a push, an impulse, which must be given with the help of the power of thought and desire.

How to fulfill a wish with the power of thought? Watch in the video

People who are able to give such an impulse to their actions always achieve their goals, because half of the obstacles in their path make way by themselves before the strength of their confidence and perseverance.

Every person contains a Great Power that cannot be explained, but whose presence can be felt.

It helps us to endure any hardships and adversities and to win, no matter what happens, if we only turn to it and, relying on it, allow us to guide our actions. For example, if I start constantly thinking that I am worthless, that I am worse than others, sooner or later I will believe it, and then this belief, having penetrated into the subconscious, will force the internal mechanisms of my mind to work, following this program.

Unfortunately, many initially positive people lose their ability to adhere to this life position, succumbing to the influence of circumstances that destroy their self-confidence.

They gradually lose confidence in themselves. Perhaps this begins with the fact that others - out of envy or in order to assert themselves at their expense - try to instill in them the idea that they are not professional or successful enough, that they are not doing their job, that they are not doing their job well enough, etc. d.

After some time, due to constant negative influence from the outside, a person who does not know how to resist it begins to lose initiative, the ability to resist stress, make decisions, perform actions and bear responsibility for them. Very soon, the one who was recently a leader becomes a follower and dependent person.

But if I affirm with confidence that I am the rightful heir of everything good and beautiful in the universe , that my right to happiness was given to me at birth;

if I declare that I believe in myself and the success of my future, as well as in my ability to achieve everything that I desire;

if I accept that the power to control my destiny belongs only to me,

and I am ready to make decisions and be responsible for them,

I tune in to such a positive wave that the world around me begins to change for the better.

All events are shaping up in such a way that everything I want comes true.

Let's sum it up

So how do you find motivation to make your life happier?

  1. Think about the end result, create the photo collage of your dreams.
  2. Make a daily plan and follow it. Small steps will lead to a big goal.
  3. Train your willpower.
  4. Make small decisions without hesitation.
  5. Set a time limit and promise people that you will meet the deadline.
  6. Make your environment more comfortable and motivating.
  7. Look for anchors for motivation in life: through films, videos, successful people.
  8. Drink clean, positively charged water.
  9. Skip fast food in favor of natural foods to boost your energy.
  10. Play sports.

Work with your thoughts

The mind acts on the orders of the higher self.

We will not be able to achieve better results until we force ourselves to work mentally and physically.

Our mental qualities and attitudes are like soldiers. They need a leader, a general, who will restore order among them, forces them to act coherently and accurately see the goal.

If you show weakness as a leader, they will rebel.

You can find great support in simply seeing yourself as the person you want to be; you don’t hope to become one day, but really are at the moment: you will be amazed at how quickly everything that you only implied as reality will actually become it.

The greatest art is the ability to make your life a constant victory over your fears and over your circumstances.

To achieve this, we must constantly maintain our consciousness in a working, creative mode - radiating confidence, courage, a sense of fearlessness and calm.

Learn to create a winning atmosphere around yourself.

And then your reality will become full of joy and prosperity.

Motivation for success is written by Marden Orison, book The Greatest Secret. Incredible power of thought. Are you inspired?

And if you are interested in learning about my experience of materializing desires, come to the master class that I conduct periodically.

You can find out the nearest event date and register here>>>

Eat chocolate

How long will it take: 1 minute.

The beneficial properties of chocolate have long been proven by scientists. This dessert increases Chocolate & Dopamine / SFGate levels of serotonin, which calms us, as well as phenylethylamine, which stimulates the production of dopamine. All this helps keep motivation high.

If you want to kickstart the process even more, choose white chocolate.

Study the issue from all sides

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