If you constantly think about a person, what does this mean on the energetic level: the power of thought, telepathic signs

Hello, dear readers! Today we will dive into the area of ​​metaphysics and the secrets of esotericism. And all in order to find out, if you constantly think about a person, what does this mean on an energetic level? And you shouldn’t say that all this is unprovable, unrealistic and in general, it doesn’t happen. At one time, Copernicus’s thoughts about the structure of the Universe and Columbus’s assumptions about a round Earth were also considered complete nonsense. This has now been proven and re-proven. So what prevents us from assuming that philosophy about the real nature of things hidden behind the studied phenomena, or the interconnection of the energy of each person in the Universe, cannot one day become a school subject. After all, there are already instruments that, when using Kirlian techniques, show the presence of an electromagnetic field (aka aura) around a person.

In general, for all those who believe and do not believe in the Unified Consciousness and the Intelligent Universe, we will reproduce the same question from the point of view of a understandable and more down-to-earth psychology. And at the same time, we’ll study folk signs; some people believe in them more than weather forecasters. In a word, within the framework of this blog article we will open the palaces of the mind from all possible angles.

About the terrible harm of negative thoughts

There is no way around this aspect.
Envy, hatred, anger are destructive. Let's say you are thinking about means of revenge. You don’t let go of your loved one, but a terrible offender, from your heart. Unfortunately, this is extremely dangerous. There is a transfer of the soul at a low-frequency level. You plunge yourself into a black space and pull others there too. Energy is not just suffering. It collapses and becomes full of holes. These holes attract negative people. Soon enough, you will find yourself in bad circumstances, get confused, and get involved with scammers and thieves. You will fall into dependent relationships. This condition is called self-directed damage. Removing it is a difficult and energy-consuming task. Yes, and you can’t do without a specialist.

It is much more constructive to take control of your thoughts. Analysis will help identify the source of dependence. And once it is determined, you need to act immediately. Throw away the unusable object, move it to the side. Engage in your own creativity, don’t waste yourself on trifles.

Sudden sneezing

If you don’t know why you constantly think about one person, but want to understand whether he is interested in you, then you can turn to another belief. Do you suddenly sneeze, especially several times? Most likely, someone misses you. Again, if you are just sick or suffer from allergies, then there is no reason for this.

It also often happens that a person begins to blush for no reason at all. That is, he is in a calm atmosphere, has not been in the cold before, has not changed his activity in any way, but nevertheless he begins to blush. It's even more like a fever. If this happens to you, then be sure that someone is thinking about you, perhaps his thoughts have gone far beyond the bounds of decency.

Mysterious smile and sparkling eyes

The psychologist’s opinion on why it is normal to constantly think about a person is that we are social creatures, we need communication. At the same time, psychology suggests observing yourself or others in the company of certain people.

So, if when someone appears in the company you begin to feel joy, you simply glow and constantly smile, then this person means a lot to you. This seems obvious, but you may not be aware of your joy. Perhaps someone told you that in certain situations you become very welcoming and friendly, although you yourself did not notice it. Also observe how other people react to you. If you notice a long smile and happy eyes, then most likely the person thinks a lot about you and does not even realize that he is so happy about your presence.

Why a person can’t get out of his head: what’s the reason for this?

There is such an unrecognized science - esoterics. Explains the principles of interaction between the individual and the universe. Rules:

  1. Every organism and inanimate object has its own field. Emits vibrations that are perceived by the surrounding space and the whole world at once.
  2. Energy connections are formed between objects of interaction. The fields intertwine and overlap, influencing one another.
  3. We do not know how to recognize all existing connections. But some penetrate to the level of consciousness. This is due to the need for personal development.

The simple scheme is confirmed by the practice of life. We feel loved ones, recognize friends not only by their face and voice, but also by their gait, gestures, and manners. This happens because there is a “trace” of the familiar in our aura. And we scan the unknown citizen to remember his energy. An underlying feeling immediately arises about his character: unpleasant, kind, sweet, boring.

Sometimes alternative situations arise that carry prophetic meaning.

What do constant thoughts about a loved one mean: folk signs

Persistent images of parents and children push us to action. Options:

  1. You had a fight. Thoughts are filled with bitterness and resentment. It is urgent to clarify the misunderstanding and not delay the process.
  2. Long time no see. Here the palette of prophecies is wider: Your loved one is also bored, and you intuitively read his feelings.
  3. The person is now sad, upset, saddened. And you felt his sadness through the distance.
  4. He is in serious trouble, an insoluble problem. Needs advice, but doesn't want to ask.
  5. He is one step away from danger or deliberately taking risks. Something bad is coming. We need to get in touch to pull you away from the fatal line.
  • My family member got sick, but didn’t report it. Sometimes an alarming thought directly speaks about his condition.
  • The loved one is extremely happy. He is bursting with pride. And our victories become a triumph only if our loved ones find out about them.
  • If a distant acquaintance is spinning in your mind: reasons

    An individual who has crept into the brain is a reason to thoroughly analyze the current circumstances. There are several reasons for this “behavior”. And not everyone is pleasant.

    Variations of what happens on the energy plane:

    1. Hit an object. Now the citizen passionately desires revenge for the insult.
    2. We crossed the road without realizing it. We wanted the best, but it didn’t quite work out according to plan. The individual harbors evil, plans bad things.
    3. They caused fierce envy. The person suffers from the inability to surpass. And you unconsciously sense evil.

    There are good omens:

    1. Fell in love. It happens. Somewhere we accidentally collided and made an indelible impression.
    2. He decides to make an offer. You don't have to ask for a date. Sometimes we sense financial or business initiative on the part of another person. Especially if the vacancy is now urgently needed.
    3. He thinks about you. A common reason for the constant presence of another citizen in the cerebral convolutions. Thinks, reasons, ponders something that concerns you.


    Constant thoughts in your head about another person are not always a sign of love, especially mutual love. The appearance of an image in the subconscious can be influenced by any feelings and energy signals. Anger, anger, jealousy, anxiety, sadness, envy, everything rushes through the vast Universe to the object of thoughts and crashes into the protection from the biofield. At the same time, the subconscious does not filter out the good or the bad, it simply reads the incoming information and transmits it appropriately. To read these signals, as well as set up an energy channel with the source, you do not need to become an esoteric adept. Listen to yourself, get to know yourself and everything secret will become a little more obvious.

    Do you believe in occult science and the unknown metaphysical world? What do you think about folk signs?

    Tip 2: Be friends if such relationships create value for you

    I do not recommend making friends with an ex-man for a year or two after breaking up. This is the period of living through loss. At this moment, friendship cannot be sincere; most likely, it is accompanied by suffering and hopes of one of the parties. But after the separation process has been completed, we can maintain friendly relations with former partners if it is beneficial and pleasant for both.

    Being friends with an ex means receiving/creating help and support, collaborating, cheering up, and much more that people who like each other in many ways can do.

    Interesting confirmation

    The fact is that the ideas we are considering have received their justification. The best way to trace a mental connection is between spouses or couples who communicate closely and love each other. At the same time, a strong communication channel is formed between them.

    Such people can, even at a distance from each other, simultaneously do the same things, experience similar feelings, think about the same things. This is a very interesting phenomenon that shows how close people really are to each other and how close one can become to others. There is also a strong bond between parents and children, but only if they are on good terms.

    Fortune telling - will the husband return to the family from his mistress?

    With the departure of a loved one, a woman’s life freezes, time seems to stop, and a single thought pulsates in her head: is there a chance to change the situation? The answer to this question can be obtained using fortune telling.

    7 out of 10 women turn to magic

    There are many ways to look into the future, and each of them provides not only insight into what is happening, but also much-needed hope. This is why fortune telling is very popular.

    On Tarot

    Here is one of the methods of fortune telling using Tarot cards, which allows you to get answers to the most pressing questions. In fortune telling, only the Major Arcana (trump cards) from the deck are used.

    How to get your husband back from your mistress - advice from a psychologist.

    The layout consists of eight cards, each of which has its own meaning:

    • The first card is the reason for separation,
    • The second reveals your feelings for your ex-husband,
    • The third symbolizes the husband's feelings,
    • The fourth card shows his attitude towards family responsibilities,
    • Fifth - obstacles on the way to your reunion,
    • The sixth card suggests ways to solve problems,
    • The seventh card is the future of your union,
    • The eighth is your future apart.

    Watch the video. Online fortune telling. Former. How are things going with their opponent? Will he come back to me?

    On playing cards

    Fortune telling is carried out on new playing cards. It allows you to get an answer to the question: “Will the man return home?”

    Take a king from the deck, symbolizing your spouse, then add it to the general deck and shuffle it.

    Concentrate on fortune telling, remember the best moments of your family life. Now remove the cards away from you with your left hand. Lay out the deck of nine cards in a row, face up. You will have four rows. Find the row where your king came up.

    The cards located next to it will help you get an answer to your question, and even a little more:

    • The cards at the king's head reveal the thoughts and feelings of your ex-husband towards you,
    • The cards in the feet symbolize your past together through the eyes of your ex-husband,
    • The cards on both sides of the king will tell you about the current state of affairs.

    A detailed analysis of the layout helps you learn a lot about your lover.

    The main advantage of this method of fortune telling is the opportunity to look at family life through the eyes of your husband, and not from the perspective of your own emotions.

    How to get your husband back from your mistress?

    On the ring

    Your wedding ring will help you find out about your ex-husband’s feelings and whether he wants to return to the family.

    This item is often used in various rituals and fortune telling, as it contains special energy.

    For fortune telling you will need:

    • Wool thread of any color,
    • Your wedding ring
    • Photo of my ex-husband.

    Using a thread and a ring, make a pendulum. Place a photo in front of you and place a ring on a thread above it. You cannot intentionally swing the pendulum. Mentally and concentrate. After some time, the ring will begin to swing on its own.

    Movements in a circular trajectory predict the imminent return of the husband. A randomly swinging ring indicates that there is no point in waiting for your spouse, he will not return.

    Online for free

    To get an answer to the question of how long it will take for your husband to be drawn home and whether he will be drawn at all, it is not necessary to look for fortune-tellers and soothsayers. Now you can do this without leaving your home online for free by asking your question to hereditary clairvoyants on the website.

    L oading. . .

    Test: Is your other half cheating?

    Do you suspect that your partner is cheating on you? Take the test and find out if your other half can fool you.



    Being close to our loved one, our intuition develops to the limit. This fact has not yet been scientifically confirmed, but if you notice that your intuition has become sharper, this is a sure sign that a special person has appeared in your life.

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    How does this affect the other person?

    If you constantly think about a person, does he feel it? Yes, but he may not even realize it. When we think, we form a certain mental image and project it into the world around us. And then the thought itself, with a certain energy charge, reaches the addressee, that is, the person you were thinking about.

    In other words, she seems to invade his space. But it is also believed that if you think about someone for a long time, you can form a psychological channel of communication with each other. That is why if you constantly think about a person, he feels it. If you fully understand this statement, then a lot becomes clear.

    Often a girl can behave feignedly, coolly and distantly when she wants to show a young man that he is indifferent to her. Nevertheless, she constantly thinks about him, mentally returning to him again and again. But the young man does not know this, and for some time he is fooled by the girl’s game that she is indifferent to him, but then begins to lose interest. Why is this happening? This happens because subconsciously he feels some kind of conflict between the external and internal essence of the girl.

    In fact, he cannot even explain to himself the reasons for the fading of his interest, but in fact they are very simple. It would be much better if the girl did not hide her true feelings

    Of course, you don’t need to throw yourself on someone’s neck, but it is important to be sincere in expressing your feelings

    It is also important to be your own person. Many relationship coaches talk about this.

    They insist that a girl should have her own space, that she should be interesting and busy. Some understand the meaning of this message, but others treat it superficially. They just create the appearance that they have a bright and interesting life. But we must understand that the world is not so stupid, everything is much more complex and deeper. At a subconscious level, a person still understands another person, feels what interests and thoughts he lives with. That is why there is no point in lying. You are wasting your mental energy and time trying to create some kind of appearance. This is absolutely pointless; it’s better to spend this time finding something to do and have fun. So, we can conclude that if you miss a person, he feels it. And it is true.

    Unexpected emotionality

    If you constantly think about a person, then, most likely, he will experience a strong surge of emotions. The same can be said about you if someone constantly keeps you in their thoughts. Surely you are familiar with this state, because it often happens that you are doing something calmly, measuredly and confidently, but for a moment you are overcome by a strong inner joy that does not have any external reasons.

    It may also be that you are doing something, but some kind of sadness or melancholy comes over you. This happens quite often if you constantly think about a person. Psychology describes this phenomenon with the word “attachment.” In fact, people tend to perceive it negatively, but affection can also be positive. In this case, as you may have guessed, a connection is formed between people. The most interesting thing is that a surge of emotions and other manifestations can occur in a person who is constantly thinking about someone, and in the one who is being thought about.

    Life with a tyrant husband: leave or stay

    First of all, you need to understand: a confident, strong man will never assert himself at the expense of a weak partner, he has no need for this. A domestic tyrant is a representative of the stronger sex who has not succeeded in life, has not made a career, or has not realized himself in any field. The only place where he can feel like a king is his family.

    Sometimes a man with a whole bunch of complexes coming from childhood becomes a despot. An internally repressed person, afraid of appearing weak more than anything else, demonstrates his “strength” on his wife and children. This is the only way he can feel confident.

    Tyranny can manifest itself in the following actions:

    1. Constant criticism of the spouse's actions. A woman will never deserve words of praise, since she always does everything wrong and bad. Gradually, the lady, even if she is very pretty and dresses beautifully, develops an inferiority complex, but the husband feels very comfortable in this situation.
    2. Full financial control. Even if the wife works, she will not be able to manage money; she will have to account for every purchase and ask for money even for the most necessary things, not only for herself, but also for the children.
    3. Moral pressure. It is impossible to find a common language and prove that you are right - the husband will be right in any situation, and he has the last word.
    4. Jealousy. A woman must belong to the tyrant undividedly, therefore everyone who can encroach on his property must be erased from her life - parents, friends, colleagues, acquaintances.
    5. Physical violence. This is an extreme form of despotism. Surprisingly, many women are sure that if he hits you, it means he loves you. In fact, assault becomes more and more dangerous and cruel over time, and one day something irreparable can happen.

    So is it worth saving the family if the husband is a typical tyrant? If a man cares about his woman, perhaps he will come to his senses, but most often it is impossible to correct a despot.


    When a person is full of optimism and self-confidence, it is not surprising that he wants to change his life for the better. You notice that you begin to dream more, set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. Never before have you been as motivated as you are now. If you have the right person nearby, you want to expand your horizons and conquer new heights. Being with your loved one, you want to move forward, so that he is proud of his choice, and there is a desire to become better. That’s why, when you meet “the one,” not only you yourself change, but also your life.

    Third reason: you started living

    A happy woman has a magnet - a man is drawn to her. Starting a relationship in a fulfilled state, a woman focuses on the man and forgets about life in all its diversity. And it becomes empty.

    Then for a long time, suffering for a man after a breakup, the woman does not really live, remaining empty. Naturally, he doesn’t remember her. But when she begins to live, do things she loves, communicate, enjoy, go on dates, create career success, the man feels this energy. The energy of life, positivity, success, pleasure, and immediately appears. A full, charged woman becomes interesting to him again.

    If an ex appears in your life, and you are not going to renew your relationship with him, then remember these three tips.


    These are the doors to our unconscious state. If you haven’t dreamed of a person for a long time, and then he suddenly appears in a dream, then perhaps some kind of energetic connection has arisen between you. Perhaps he is thinking about you, so it makes sense to contact him.

    And if you are constantly thinking about a young man, then quickly get busy with your own life and distract yourself, because the object of your affection will most likely feel the emotional energy directed at him and cool down a little, because you will no longer be as inaccessible as before.

    How long will it take

    If a loved one decides to leave, this does not always mean forever. It will take some time for the head of the family to return. Return times depend on certain circumstances:

    • motive for the departure of a life partner;
    • how the relationship will develop after a quarrel;
    • What will the wife do to get her partner back?

    If the faithful went to his rival, then, according to statistics, he will leave her. At the end of the candy-bouquet period. Approximately it takes less than six months. If you analyze why your husband left for someone else, how to get him back is quite clear. So:

    • the homewrecker is outwardly more attractive, more beautiful;
    • the mistress has a lot of free time;
    • she does not burden the man with household chores and does not show dissatisfaction;
    • the rival has a wealth of sexual experience.

    My husband left home, how to get him back?

    In practice, there are cases when the beloved leaves the family nest, but then comes back, the family is reunited, the spouses continue to live in love and harmony. The female sex is by nature more tolerant than the male sex, and can forgive a lot.

    But you need a good reason to leave. A guy who is accustomed to the comfort of home, clean linen, hot borscht is unlikely to leave his companion for the sake of momentary pleasure. The chosen one would rather quietly meet with a new passion than sacrifice personal comfort. If your husband left you, you can get him back. You just need to understand the reasons for leaving:

    1. Love. Awakened feelings for a former passion, a new romance.
    2. Infidelity of a companion. It is difficult for men to forgive the betrayal of their beloved.
    3. Psychological factors. At home there are constantly quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings.
    4. Household and financial problems. Endless reproaches from the spouse about the lack of money.
    5. Dissatisfaction with intimate life. The stronger sex lacks attention, tenderness, and affection.
    6. Appearance of a lover. Ungroomed women in greasy robes are repulsive.

    What are the consequences of continuously thinking about the same person?

    It is undesirable to take a series of events lightly. Thoughts are material, although it is quite difficult to prove the fact. Esotericists understand the ongoing process. Almost always it has a negative effect on the aura.

    What's Really Happening

    Returning your thoughts to a certain person, you spend your vital energy on him. In fact, share the energy provided to solve your pressing problems.

    By wasting ourselves on thoughts about strangers, we impoverish ourselves. This is the principle of the energy vampire. A person “gets into his head” for a specific purpose. Manipulation forces you to talk about it. And she feasts on your portion of energy.

    From a higher plane, what is happening is even more terrible. You give a piece of your soul to a friend. It is almost impossible to take it away and return it. And the dispersed soul continues its earthly path, plunging into a depressive state. Not right away. But the more often you transfer these immortal parts to another person, the deeper you plunge into power hunger. I don't have enough myself. A direct path to the role of an energy vampire.

    The constructive side of the process

    Sharing is good, even healthy. If the thoughts are bright and positive, then they enrich both sides. You bestow powers on an object. It automatically returns increased vibrations. There is a process of drinks in the fields, a spontaneous explosive growth of energies.

    The benefit of the process is determined by the subtlest moods. Even love dreams can be destructive. When you know that a guy’s heart is occupied, you suffer and suffer. This is already an undeserved sacrifice.

    If you are just worried about the future, dreaming of reciprocity, then everything is fine. This is a subconscious part of building future happiness.

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