What is a decent girl? How do they behave and how to become like this?

This article will cause a break in patterns. The Internet is replete with “decent girl” topics written as carbon copies. Reading them, one gets the impression that in order to have the status of “worthiness” you need to be born into a secular society with a golden spoon in your mouth. Automatically, Marusya from nearby Khatsapetovka has no right to claim the title of “worthy girl.” So the idea to protect and give hope to dear “Cinderellas” was not born by chance. And at the same time make a small contribution to the worldview of representatives of both camps.

Gold of the female form

The public unanimously asserts that a worthy girl is a combination of beauty, intelligence, education, sense of style and lifestyle. Stereotypes imposed by various media resources have broken more than one fate. But in pursuit of these images, people have forgotten about the very concept of dignity. But from time immemorial the meaning was completely different.

The main definition of human dignity was only three qualities: nobility, fidelity, honor. These characteristics were not gender specific. They belonged equally to both women and men. But since we are talking about the female half of humanity, then we should understand this direction.


What every self-respecting girl won't do? The first is to use other people for your own selfish purposes. Manipulation is allowed in a decent person only if these actions bring benefit and benefit to everyone. You can't just use another person and throw them away. A worthy girl has a strong sense of respect for others and this sets her apart from the rest.

The second is to sit on someone’s neck, be it parents or fiance. Many young ladies believe that this is a very winning option: find yourself a rich man and enjoy his favor on a grand scale. A worthy young lady perfectly understands all the dangers of such a dependent position and therefore tries not to fall into it.

She can use help and even resorts to it often. After all, men love to help, they love to feel superior. But despite all this, the girl will remain independent. You can find out how to achieve this in the article “How to be self-sufficient.”

Third, she will always be confident in herself. Such a woman knows about her minuses and pluses and skillfully uses both sides of her character. She won’t become too self-confident, but she won’t let you wipe your feet all over her. Self-confidence is the key to success in many areas, both on the personal front and in your career. You can understand this issue thanks to the article “How to be confident in yourself.” After all, very often women confuse self-confidence and materialistic bitchiness.

It is important to understand that a worthy person has respect for others, their points of view, and knows that everyone has their own individual view of the situation. And at the same time, such a person boldly demands respect for himself in return.

Feminine nobility2

Nobility in women has the same essence as in men, but with a slightly different twist. This character trait is not inherent in everyone. It is absorbed from childhood. It is impossible to be born immediately with a ready-made trait. The environment always has a powerful influence on the formation of personality.

Nobility in a woman is determined by actions. It combines a lot of behavioral models, but the ones that stand out most clearly are: the absence of aggression, bitchiness, cruelty, capriciousness, the presence of delicacy and the ability to forgive. A noble girl will never allow herself to harm those who are initially weaker, not only physically, but also mentally. She knows how to forgive and does not try to make revenge the meaning of life. She recognizes the right of others to make mistakes, and in the event of a fatal mistake, she will simply let the culprit go and will not morally destroy him.

She knows how to delicately close the door to her life in front of those who do not belong in it. She knows how to create a confident atmosphere in everything related to relationships with any people who are in her environment. You can rely on her. A noble girl is selfless, she is capable of very powerful actions. Honesty, another axiom of a noble girl. But she understands perfectly well that honesty does not have the right to harm other people. And here comes another sign - golden silence.

Can nobility be present in an ordinary milkmaid from the nearest village? You don't even have to think about it. The answer is clear: it can! Moreover, among ordinary girls, from the middle social class, nobility has a more pronounced form than among ladies of an aristocratic society.

The point is that a person acquires compassion, generosity and other traits only where they may be needed most often. The pretentious delivery of a hot lunch to a homeless person is not yet a sign of compassion. This is PR, which will then appear on Instagram and collect likes. But volunteer work in a hospice is different. Moreover, this activity, as a rule, is not advertised. It’s simply impossible to realize the need to help others in any other way. This is, of course, an example, but the essence is clear.

I can date many men, but I will never sleep with just anyone.

It was men who deceived the woman and introduced a standard of sex. Already on the first date, they dream of getting a woman into bed. And women think that if sex happens, she will be able to tie a man to her. But in fact, for a man, sex is the sexual act itself, and for a woman, sex is much broader - it is words, declarations of love, hugs, gifts, treats, etc.


A worthy woman understands this well. To meet is to receive attention, courtship, care. If a man is not happy with this, then he is not our man.


If sexual relations began before a man could make friends with a woman, before he asked about her interests, about her life principles, then they will never interest him.

Sexual relationships should be built according to women's desires. Physiologically, a man can only have sex when he wants. And a woman at any time, even if she doesn’t want to. She can pretend to enjoy the process, but she herself can think about when it will end.

But if a man is not stupid and waits for a special period when a woman’s libido awakens, he will then walk around in ecstasy for a month. Therefore, if a man wants sex, he must make the woman want it.

Such sexual relationships make life and relationships harmonious and fill with energy. And if it’s just like that, in passing, without paying attention to the woman’s condition, then the energy will go away and be depleted. A woman is not Aladdin's lamp. If you rub it in the right place, it won't make you happy. No. The intimate side needs to be studied.

What to do if some kind of misunderstanding arises, a different vision of events: who should give in? Man. Every time a man gives in, he grows. This is a definite lesson for him. But every time a woman gives in, contrary to her happiness, her principles, her purity, she begins to degrade.

One of my clients writes: “He is so good, successful, works well, but everything tells me against the grain. Should I marry him?

You need to listen to your heart. Is he the only one so successful? Successful to “I can’t”? There are not few men, there are many of them.


Sex should be taken extremely seriously. And in the modern world, the presence of uncomplicated women and irresponsible men has led to the fact that sex has turned into gymnastics. Nice gymnastics, but nothing more. Often sex is not even a reason for dating.


I once taught cooking classes. Women acquaintances gathered there. They talked and I knew everything about them. And at some point it turned out that out of twenty women, none had an attachment to sex. A woman doesn't really need sex.

For the sake of sex, a man is ready for marriage, and a woman is ready for sex for the sake of marriage. If a man wants sex with a woman, he must be ready to accept responsibility for all the emotions that the woman has accumulated since childhood and in general in a past life.


Loyalty is the most essential sign of any worthy person. Moreover, it is present in all spheres of life: from friendship to principles. Loyalty does not necessarily have an exaggerated manifestation in a person. It is difficult to call a person an infidel if he violates some dogmas of society. This is especially true for betrayal.

Individual cases are not indicators of fidelity. Statements regarding betrayal are always based on selfish manifestations of a person’s character. That is why the concept of “treason”, in principle, has no right to exist. Of course, everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but if you start digging, you can destroy stereotypes without really straining yourself.

Loyalty must manifest itself in a deeper understanding of this word: fidelity to word, deed, life principles, and behavior patterns. Loyalty must be taught from childhood. And the main teachers, of course, should be parents. But society should also have a significant influence on the formation of this characteristic feature.

Does the concept of “loyalty” belong to any strata of human society? No! Loyalty embraces the entire hierarchy of human society.

The concept of "real woman"

A real woman comes into this world as a small, fragile girl, but from birth she has many opportunities and enormous potential. Over time, depending on her upbringing, environment, desires and aspirations, she may receive the title of “real woman” or become a gray, mediocre person.

Most female representatives strive to please men, this is the meaning they put into the concept of “real”; in fact, they should first of all please themselves. A priori, a happy woman cannot be ordinary. It is the sparkle in her eyes, the smile on her face, and her inner confidence that make her the conqueror of men’s hearts and evokes admiring glances from other representatives of the fairer sex.


Is the concept of “honor” alien to women? No way! Honor is closely intertwined with nobility. These two signs always go hand in hand and are impossible without each other. A girl's honor implies her moral stability. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” If we focus specifically on the feminine side, then it is not difficult to understand that the main quality will be the ability not to waste time on fleeting relationships.

In general, to think that a worthy girl should be chaste, that is, necessarily a virgin, is stupid. Having partners is not prohibited. But the history of the relationship can shed light on the girl’s honor. Chastity is too broad a concept to be limited solely to the presence of virginity.

But pride - yes, it is an obligatory attribute of honor. Women's pride allows one to keep oneself within the bounds of not only decency. It helps maintain moral purity. Just don’t confuse pride and arrogance. These are absolutely polar concepts. There is more sin in pride than in the absence of virginity. By the way, ladies from “high society” are more likely to be dominated by pride than pride.

Modesty is also one of the signs of maiden honor. Shyness is closely mixed with it. These phenomena of a feminine nature greatly develop the girl’s instinct of self-preservation. And accordingly, they protect her from rash actions. By the way, in “Cinderellas” these qualities are most developed. They are less influenced by modern society. This is understandable: life in the outback is much more different from life in big cities, where these qualities are more likely to destroy than help to survive.

For any (!) courtship, I DO NOT owe a man anything but a smile.


If it doesn’t work, then repeat:

“I swear not to get acquainted with men who seem like potential husbands to me.”


Remember, she should communicate with those who increase her self-esteem. As soon as she sees the wrong attitude towards herself, she should stop communicating and receive it elsewhere.

An indicator of a woman’s high self-esteem in the thought: “I am building relationships. I play, not me."


She could not communicate freely with a man, otherwise she would not be protected. Therefore, a man, before receiving anything, had to prove himself. In the modern world there is no such protection; it remains only in traditional societies, to which you and I do not belong.


The courtship of three men is protection and a guarantee for a woman not to fall into an unwanted relationship.

And falling in love for a woman is sacred. But she should not immediately rush headlong into the pool of feelings. She simply accepts advances and chooses the best one. All men who compete for a woman should know this. The fear of losing a man becomes the main weapon for manipulating a woman.

By letting a large number of men court her, a woman gets rid of this fear and reveals her best qualities, which she sometimes didn’t even know about.

Many women will object - this cannot be done with men, they cannot live in abstinence, they must be “encouraged.” What difference does it make to you?! Do you work for a sexual relief service? Let him decide his own issues.

The more a man abstains, the better his brain works. Because the seed and the brain are made of the same substances. When a man loses less semen, his brain functions better.

Comparative analysis 5

Based on the main idea, a comparison can be made between the two layers of society. Imposed stereotypes are collapsing like a house of cards. If you turn to any man and put him before a choice, he is unlikely to want to have a socialite with an Oxford education next to him if she does not have the described qualities in her character. Any sane man would prefer a simple girl who has them. And he absolutely doesn’t care whether she knows “Eugene Onegin” by heart, even though this is a good bonus to her personality.


  • Hodgepodge
  • Outer beauty
  • Taboo
  • With a man

Good afternoon, dear girls! Today we will talk to you about what a worthy girl is, what she is like, what manners and rules of behavior she follows, how she behaves with men and what she definitely will not do. It’s not enough just to know etiquette and good manners, it’s not enough to just look beautiful, it’s not enough to just read literature and watch good movies. A real woman is manifested in small things and details, which we will talk about with you.


Of course, you don't have to know how to knit socks. You can buy them, but your culinary skills will be a great addition. Another plus for ordinary girls. Yes, you can’t label girls from higher social strata as “clueless,” but 99.9% of them are only able to distinguish a lobster from a lobster, but they can no longer meet a man with pies.


Mood is a thing that can be transmitted to people around you. The girl's sensitivity allows her to feel as comfortable as possible in critical situations. Of course, by lashing out at his girlfriend, a man is unlikely to achieve mutual understanding, but adequate behavior, on the contrary, will give him the opportunity to relax in the girl’s arms and forget about troubles.

Appearance and energy

This is the first thing that other people pay attention to. Those around you are generally able to read the energy subconsciously in just a few seconds.

A real woman is not born, but made, so you have every chance to create your ideal image.


A neat appearance is mandatory for any person, and not just for the fair half of humanity. Beauty is a subjective concept. One guy will idolize the girl's appearance, the second will say that she is nice, but does not attract him. This is because everyone has different tastes. But everyone likes being well-groomed.

A real woman will never forget to take a shower and comb her hair before going out. She won't wear stale clothes. And in any case, she will try to make her smell nice. For her, taking care of appearance is not masking complexes and fighting oneself, but an act of emphasizing one’s own merits.

To become irresistible, be sure to take care of your skin, the cleanliness of your hair and body, the neatness of your manicure and hairstyle, as well as the quality and cleanliness of your outfits.


This is a special energy that is always felt in true women. It manifests itself in manners, gait, conversation and gestures. Natural sexuality has nothing to do with bright makeup and revealing clothes. It is closely related to self-confidence.

Sexuality helps us remain desirable to men and our only chosen one, regardless of age and external characteristics. I wrote earlier about how to become a sexy woman - I recommend reading it.


Of course, many people love modest girls, shy and timid girls, quiet and inconspicuous. But a real lady knows how to become like that on occasion, and always feels confident inside. She must have:

  • unhurried, relaxed gait;
  • straight back and raised chin;
  • a bold smile to passers-by on the street, sellers and acquaintances;
  • ability to carry on a conversation.

You may have complexes, but you need to be able to hide them or demonstrate your strengths. Then you will not be afraid of other people, constantly timid when meeting new people and embarrassed.

This is how a real woman is perceived externally. Developing such qualities in yourself is not easy, but it is possible. To do this, you don’t need to have a big salary, just dedicate a little more time to yourself each day.


Sometimes people confuse vulgarity and sexuality. And this is an unforgivable mistake. Modesty has already been mentioned above as a guarantee of a girl’s moral purity. But this in no way extends to the expression of sexuality within a couple. Sexuality is a very broad concept. It includes a lot of signs. And sometimes a sweet and gentle creature in a village meadow with a goat on a leash can look much sexier than a fifa in a red convertible.

Healthy ambitions13

Even in Khatsapetovka you can achieve a certain position and authority. But in general, we are talking about both self-development and the desire to change your life. Of course, if the conversation is limited to new models of milking machines, then this is not funny. But the ability to maintain a conversation about higher matters suggests that the girl is far from stupid.

A pleasant bonus for ambition is also some independence and financial independence. You can earn money by doing anything. So, if a girl doesn’t just lie around in a chamomile field, but earns herself an income by collecting them and delivering them to collection points, we can safely consider her worthy.

Signs of a real woman: what makes her stand out from the crowd

There are women who seem to “glow from within.” This is noticed not only by the stronger sex, but also by everyone around. Men are drawn to women who are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have rich inner potential. There are five qualities that attract almost all men. What are these signs that men like?

Sign 1. Feminine. This is the almost elusive “smell of a woman”, that “light breath” that she brings into the lives of those around her. They combine tenderness and strength, fragility and charm. Interesting facial expressions, a charming smile, the ability to present oneself in society - this is what distinguishes a real girl. Screams that turn into squeals, angular sharp movements, hysterics - deprive a woman of her charm.

Femininity presupposes the presence of a courageous man nearby, the role of whose inspiration the lady will play.

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