What should a guy do if the girl he loves doesn’t want to communicate with him?

Perhaps, many guys one day face a rather unpleasant situation: girls begin to ignore them. Some young people are convinced that everything happened out of nowhere, “out of the blue.” Of course, this does not happen - there are always reasons, and now we will look at them and tell you what to do if a girl ignores you.

The girl does not want to communicate, ignores or freezes

Why does this happen - the most common situations

She was offended

Perhaps the reason for her silence is quite banal - the girl is simply offended by you. Analyze your last dialogues, remember if you could have offended her with some action or words. If you still don’t remember anything like that, then it is possible that her offense is far-fetched (if there really is one). To clarify the situation, of course, you should initiate a dialogue with the girl and ask directly if she is offended by something. If possible, it is better to call or initiate a personal meeting.

She's busy

Maybe the girl simply does not have the opportunity to answer you, even if she is online. It is possible that at the same time she is busy with some other activity, and she simply has no time for communication. Wait a little, if this is really the case, then the interlocutor will soon respond to your messages.

Women's ignorance as a means of manipulation

It must be admitted that some women use ignorance for their own purposes. Of course, they often do this because they had the opportunity to make sure that with the help of such behavior they can achieve certain “bonuses” for themselves. What does ignoring them give them?

Firstly, in this way they try to determine a man’s true attitude towards himself. If the chosen one did not notice anything, then the woman notes that he is not too attentive to her. If he begins to worry and tries to somehow clarify what is happening, then it is obvious that he is seriously interested in the relationship and reacts to the slightest changes in his beloved’s mood. Sometimes, it is really important for a woman to simply determine the attitude of a man, but often everything goes much further. Subconsciously, she, of course, is counting on the second option - that the man will be excited by her behavior. And after this, some people calculate how exactly their partner’s concern might benefit them. Someone on this “wave” is trying to get certain actions from the chosen one; more mercantile ladies can simply achieve gifts in this way.

What to do if you are ignored for no reason

What to write if a girl is offended, it’s not clear why

If you understand that it is really about resentment, then, of course, you can try to solve this problem. What to do first? Try writing to a girl. Note that you understand that she could not have changed her behavior out of nowhere, and it is not easy for you because you cannot fully understand the reason for her offense. Also mention that the last thing you want is for her to feel hurt or stressed about anything, so if it's within your power, you'd like to make things right. Explain that you are hoping for a hint from her, otherwise you are afraid that the conflict will not be resolved.

By the way, such a reaction is relevant if such behavior is not very typical for a girl. If such cases occur more and more often, write that you will be ready to discuss the problem with her when the girl herself wants it. Since such grievances are common for her, she will probably soon “move away” herself, and everything in your relationship will be as before, or she will express her complaints to you, having collected her thoughts.

The young lady avoids meetings and does not want communication

The girl is categorically determined and does not want to communicate with you at all - not only by correspondence, but also in person? Ask her to simply name the reason for this behavior. However, if you are very persistent, but still don’t find out why she decided to interrupt communication, then perhaps you should “let the situation go.” Probably, changes have occurred in the girl’s life that simply exclude the possibility of further communication with you. It is possible that she fell in love with another person and is afraid to admit it. It is also possible that she is very offended by you - think about why this could happen. If you have mutual friends or are friends with one of the girl’s relatives, then you can try to carefully clarify the situation with them.


Any separation is a good reason to take a critical look at your shortcomings, not only for the sake of your beloved, but also for yourself in the first place.
This is a reason to change your life, raise it to a qualitatively new level. Please note, it is quite possible that you will have to be not yourself, but the man that the woman wants to see. In this case, you risk losing yourself as an individual.

Therefore, think carefully about whether it is worth your expended vitality and energy. You have transformed, changed for the better, if only the girl would pay attention to you again. But maybe now she’s not worthy of you at all?

Rubtsova Nina · Mar 15, 2021

The girl ignores her in contact, should she write to her?

We can talk about both a real lover and a person who is simply interesting and attractive to you at the moment.

If a girl answers messages, but not like before

In this case, it's likely that you don't really have any good reason to worry. Perhaps the decreased activity of the chosen one is connected with some events in her life that have nothing to do with you. What could we be talking about? She has a lot of work, she does her schoolwork, she has problems in her family, she is on vacation, she is busy with something, and so on. If the situation is really related to some kind of employment, then, most likely, everything will soon return to normal.

However, there may be another reason for such changes in behavior. Some girls get tired of communicating on the Internet if the situation is not moving forward. That is, it may be that you are stuck at the stage of courtship, which mainly takes place in VKontakte. She probably wants a real relationship and doesn't want to encourage this type of online romance. It may be that you are already together, but again - you practically don’t see each other, but only share information with each other through Contact - most likely, she is tired of this format of communication.

Some girls begin to answer more dryly than they did before, thereby demonstrating resentment. Think carefully about whether there were any actions in your words and actions that could cause negative emotions on the part of your chosen one.

If a girl suddenly stops communicating

For an abrupt termination of relations and correspondence, of course, there must be a compelling reason. The best way to find out is by making an appointment. If you haven’t had an acquaintance so close that you don’t even know how you can meet her and where you can look for her, then this means that it’s still difficult to call your relationship serious, which means that the girl and I didn’t take them seriously myself.

If a girl blocked me everywhere

If she simply stops answering you, but at the same time leaves the opportunity to write and explain something yourself, then, apparently, in this way you are given a chance to fix everything. However, when a girl not only ignores, but also blocks a guy on social networks or on the phone, this means that she absolutely does not care what he wants to tell her - she has made a firm decision to cut off contact. In this case, you have two options - wait until the situation changes and the girl still gives you access, for example, to her page. This will indicate that she is still ready to communicate with you. However, if your acquaintance is not superficial, it is better, of course, not to wait, but to find another way to talk to her - for example, to meet.

How can a man properly ignore a woman he likes?

It is important to understand that women usually use ignoring specifically for something; it has a specific goal that your interlocutor wants to achieve. So what are the options? Perhaps this is how a woman expresses resentment, wants revenge, or hopes to end your relationship. As soon as you fully understand why a woman behaves this way, something else will become clear to you - how to act in such a difficult matter.

However, do not rule out the possibility that this person is not only ignoring you. Some women get tired of problems or uncertainty in their personal lives, after which they decide to take some kind of break - that is, to distance themselves from any personal contacts with men. In this case, you should act delicately, show your chosen one that you are ready to wait and understand the reasons for her fears.

If we are talking about an adult woman, then it is possible that she is tired of any correspondence and “virtual love”. Try to transfer your courtship into real life, and act like that. The older a woman is, the less time she usually wants to spend on correspondence, which in many cases simply ends in nothing. Show your readiness for a real relationship.

Practicality mask5

It's time to talk about women who are not as righteous as those mentioned above. There is a category of young ladies who are very reasonable and prudent. And mercantile.

Simply put, those who accept a man’s advances give illusory hopes, but in reality they simply use men who are naive and blinded by high feelings. It’s better to beware of such ladies: as soon as there is the slightest chance that you will turn from a promising man into an ordinary loser, she will immediately disappear from sight.

How to deliberately ignore a girl to interest her

Some young people, having once learned the full power of ignoring, continue to actively use the acquired technique in conquering the opposite sex. Of course, you may be afraid to take this step, believing that in this way you will only ruin all relations with your chosen one, but note that if you act competently and thoughtfully, then such behavior will only play into your hands.

Surely similar stories have happened to you: you managed to meet an interesting girl and took her phone number. However, this is where all the good news ended - subsequently you were unable to get through to the girl or you could not get a meeting with her. It is also possible that you generally failed to interest the girl you liked, or that your beloved, after some time of harmonious relationships, suddenly began to destroy them with her behavior.

Such incidents happened to many guys, and how did they most often behave? As a rule, when faced with a girl’s whims or inattention, young people try to win her favor by giving her gifts, trying in every possible way to please, solve some of her problems, get into position, and so on. The maximum that could be achieved after all this was the phrase: “You are a good guy, but I only have friendly feelings for you.” However, the outcome can be even worse - the girl simply asks to leave her alone.

How does “correct” ignoring work?

However, things could be different if you used a technique that pick-up artists call “close-far” - ignoring is part of this technique. Ignoring refers to the “further” part. Many may be surprised that someone can behave this way when seducing a girl, believing that in this circumstance, on the contrary, the emphasis should be on increased activity, and not let everything take its course. In general, this opinion is wrong, and over time, many guys realize that it is not always possible to achieve a positive result if you constantly “go on the offensive.”

It is important to realize that ignoring is a preliminary and often necessary step before other actions. He pursues a specific task - the establishment of incorrectly built or begun relationships. The point of ignoring to a large extent is to disappear from the field of view of your chosen one for a certain period, thereby allowing her to miss you and think about you. Also, by ignoring you can achieve another goal - to smooth out the opinion about yourself if it is not very good, because we all know that over time a person reacts less sharply to everything bad and forgets about some disappointments. For example, you behaved incorrectly and the relationship went in the wrong direction. This suggests that you need to take a break and get the girl to think differently. We all know that it is better to start again after a certain time-out.

We also note that ignoring someone helps many people to underestimate the importance of a girl. If you don't show interest in her for a while, the girl who liked you even a little will undoubtedly start to worry and think about what's wrong with her or why you're barely paying her attention. Subsequently, these experiences may turn out to be in your favor - you simply explain that you were busy with something very important (if explanations are needed) and invite her on a date. Surely, after such a buildup of emotions, the girl will not refuse you. If this does happen, then hide again for a while and try again.

Ignoring can also be used if a girl behaves strangely and provokes conflicts. Many guys at these moments try to improve everything with gifts, signs of attention, when they just need to disappear for a while. Then explain it as something you needed to think about. During the period of your ignoring, the girl will reconsider her behavior and understand that she has “overstepped” and there is no need to do so.

Root causes and prerequisites

To understand why a girl left you, you need to establish the reasons and motives driving her.
These reasons are very common: an accidental quarrel, constant jealousy, mistrust, paid too little attention, etc. There are also problems of a physiological nature: the height, face, figure, or even worse - dissatisfaction in sex. Don’t forget the financial component, because many girls often give priority to the wealthiest men. We will consider all aspects, but we will focus on the psychological component. The girl's motives for leaving you are as predictable as the reasons: she doesn't feel good around you, so she's looking for a replacement. She lacks attention and affection. She does not feel protected, while with others she is much calmer. Perhaps you are not providing her financially enough.

The reason for separation can be not only a specific act or unexpected circumstances. The idea of ​​leaving your life partner does not come overnight. This is a long process, and the idea of ​​breaking up matures over a certain period of time, during which the man, with his actions, words and even thoughts (and they feel everything) provokes people to get rid of him.

Girls hint to us about our mistakes by making comments: “You’ve lost interest in me,” “I don’t have enough attention,” “We haven’t gone out for a long time to unwind,” “You’re too jealous,” etc. Often no one responds to these statements pays attention, blaming it on “periods” or, even worse, an eternally dissatisfied female essence. But now, when the girl no longer makes any comments, when she has nothing to do with you at all and ignores you in every possible way, it is worth thinking about her words, which under the given circumstances have become of high value, in order to understand her mistakes and understand how to get her back.

To justify the weak half of humanity, I would like to say that they are driven not only by social foundations, but, above all, by instincts. A woman primarily cares about her offspring and her own well-being. Think for yourself, because in the wild, a female of any species of animal continues her race only with the male who has proven his superiority over other contenders. Males, intoxicated by the instinct of reproduction, fight in mortal battles, dance, sing for the sake of recognition by the female. And such arthropods as spiders and praying mantises generally give their lives to their “beloved” in the name of procreation. So women demand the same from men, so that we devote our lives to them. But in order not to lose our own dignity, we will keep our lives to ourselves, and we will be able to tame women’s ardor.

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