What to do if a girl does not respond to messages for a long time and ignores

Perhaps, many guys one day face a rather unpleasant situation: girls begin to ignore them. Some young people are convinced that everything happened out of nowhere, “out of the blue.” Of course, this does not happen - there are always reasons, and now we will look at them and tell you what to do if a girl ignores you.

The girl does not want to communicate, ignores or freezes

Perhaps the reason for her silence is quite banal - the girl is simply offended by you. Analyze your last dialogues, remember if you could have offended her with some action or words. If you still don’t remember anything like that, then it is possible that her offense is far-fetched (if there really is one). To clarify the situation, of course, you should initiate a dialogue with the girl and ask directly if she is offended by something. If possible, it is better to call or initiate a personal meeting.

Maybe the girl simply does not have the opportunity to answer you, even if she is online. It is possible that at the same time she is busy with some other activity, and she simply has no time for communication. Wait a little, if this is really the case, then the interlocutor will soon respond to your messages.

Women's ignorance as a means of manipulation

It must be admitted that some women use ignorance for their own purposes. Of course, they often do this because they had the opportunity to make sure that with the help of such behavior they can achieve certain “bonuses” for themselves. What does ignoring them give them?

Firstly, in this way they try to determine a man’s true attitude towards himself. If the chosen one did not notice anything, then the woman notes that he is not too attentive to her. If he begins to worry and tries to somehow clarify what is happening, then it is obvious that he is seriously interested in the relationship and reacts to the slightest changes in his beloved’s mood. Sometimes, it is really important for a woman to simply determine the attitude of a man, but often everything goes much further. Subconsciously, she, of course, is counting on the second option - that the man will be excited by her behavior. And after this, some people calculate how exactly their partner’s concern might benefit them. Someone on this “wave” is trying to get certain actions from the chosen one; more mercantile ladies can simply achieve gifts in this way.

Pseudo-panic message5

If the lead messages fail to grab her attention, then a faux panic text may be the last chance, an important message in which the man is worried about her whereabouts. Here are some examples:

  • "You disappeared. Should we send a search group or a helicopter with special forces?”
  • “I think you were kidnapped. Let me know and if you need it, I’ll throw on a cloak and fly there in no time.”
  • The pseudo-panic message should be in a fun and playful manner. If she really wants to stay in touch, she will respond.

What to do if you are ignored for no reason

What to write if a girl is offended, it’s not clear why

If you understand that it is really about resentment, then, of course, you can try to solve this problem. What to do first? Try writing to a girl. Note that you understand that she could not have changed her behavior out of nowhere, and it is not easy for you because you cannot fully understand the reason for her offense. Also mention that the last thing you want is for her to feel hurt or stressed about anything, so if it's within your power, you'd like to make things right. Explain that you are hoping for a hint from her, otherwise you are afraid that the conflict will not be resolved.

By the way, such a reaction is relevant if such behavior is not very typical for a girl. If such cases occur more and more often, write that you will be ready to discuss the problem with her when the girl herself wants it. Since such grievances are common for her, she will probably soon “move away” herself, and everything in your relationship will be as before, or she will express her complaints to you, having collected her thoughts.

The young lady avoids meetings and does not want communication

The girl is categorically determined and does not want to communicate with you at all - not only by correspondence, but also in person? Ask her to simply name the reason for this behavior. However, if you are very persistent, but still don’t find out why she decided to interrupt communication, then perhaps you should “let the situation go.” Probably, changes have occurred in the girl’s life that simply exclude the possibility of further communication with you. It is possible that she fell in love with another person and is afraid to admit it. It is also possible that she is very offended by you - think about why this could happen. If you have mutual friends or are friends with one of the girl’s relatives, then you can try to carefully clarify the situation with them.

What is resentment?

First of all, you need to understand what this concept means. Resentment is expressed in a subsequent state of anger, due to the inability to throw it out in due time to the offender, keeping it inside oneself. Its presence should be perceived as a signal indicating dissatisfaction in life and problems in realizing one’s desires, violating personal boundaries and depreciating values.

This resentment can be compared to a child’s, during a child’s encounter with various kinds of prohibitions, and after that a similar pattern of behavior is preserved and used as manipulation of a partner. It's all because of people's desire to make amends for their wrongdoings, thus avoiding feelings of guilt.

Women tend to resort to manipulation because they do not know how to convey to their partner what does not suit them. For some reason unknown to men, women are unable to convey information logically. Perhaps due to the reluctance to spend a lot of time proving your point of view. Especially the desire to prove something quickly disappears when the partner is stubborn, but conveying information is very important and in this case the woman resorts to manipulation.

The girl ignores her in contact, should she write to her?

We can talk about both a real lover and a person who is simply interesting and attractive to you at the moment.

If a girl answers messages, but not like before

In this case, it's likely that you don't really have any good reason to worry. Perhaps the decreased activity of the chosen one is connected with some events in her life that have nothing to do with you. What could we be talking about? She has a lot of work, she does her schoolwork, she has problems in her family, she is on vacation, she is busy with something, and so on. If the situation is really related to some kind of employment, then, most likely, everything will soon return to normal.

However, there may be another reason for such changes in behavior. Some girls get tired of communicating on the Internet if the situation is not moving forward. That is, it may be that you are stuck at the stage of courtship, which mainly takes place in VKontakte. She probably wants a real relationship and doesn't want to encourage this type of online romance. It may be that you are already together, but again - you practically don’t see each other, but only share information with each other through Contact - most likely, she is tired of this format of communication.

Some girls begin to answer more dryly than they did before, thereby demonstrating resentment. Think carefully about whether there were any actions in your words and actions that could cause negative emotions on the part of your chosen one.

If a girl suddenly stops communicating

For an abrupt termination of relations and correspondence, of course, there must be a compelling reason. The best way to find out is by making an appointment. If you haven’t had an acquaintance so close that you don’t even know how you can meet her and where you can look for her, then this means that it’s still difficult to call your relationship serious, which means that the girl and I didn’t take them seriously myself.

If a girl blocked me everywhere

If she simply stops answering you, but at the same time leaves the opportunity to write and explain something yourself, then, apparently, in this way you are given a chance to fix everything. However, when a girl not only ignores, but also blocks a guy on social networks or on the phone, this means that she absolutely does not care what he wants to tell her - she has made a firm decision to cut off contact. In this case, you have two options - wait until the situation changes and the girl still gives you access, for example, to her page. This will indicate that she is still ready to communicate with you. However, if your acquaintance is not superficial, it is better, of course, not to wait, but to find another way to talk to her - for example, to meet.

The Essence of Ignoring

The specificity of this sensation is that it occurs without a visible goal. In a typical situation, this will be a simple lack of response or specific reaction to the message sent. There are no obvious negative actions, but we understand that something is wrong. After some time, the waiting person begins to experience severe discomfort, and even later - real pain to the point of despair. Of course, much will depend on the very conditions of the communication process, the importance of the message sent and the value of the response that could follow.

At this stage, we come to the conclusion that the very absence of an answer or a certain reaction can be quite noticeable and even a powerful tool of influence. Therefore, ignoring is often used for selfish purposes as a manipulative tactic.

The main reasons for female ignorance

  • Lack of attention. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, with the help of ignoring, a girl can try to attract the attention of her boyfriend. In this way, she is trying to reach the man - to let him understand that something is going wrong and urgent measures need to be taken.
  • Fading of feelings. If you are in a relationship with a girl, and she begins to ignore you, one of the reasons may be that she simply no longer loves you. No matter how sad it may sound, this happens - and in no case should you start pursuing her or humiliating yourself. This will not save the situation, and in the girl’s eyes you will look even worse. Try to find out the reason for the silence, but if your worst fears come true - alas, most likely her decision has already been made, and you cannot influence it in any way.
  • Resentment. Many girls are quite touchy, and how to deal with this trait is up to you to decide. There are those who are offended for any reason, but it’s worth thinking carefully about what you could have done that now she doesn’t want to talk to you. Once the problem is found, it is necessary to fix it as quickly as possible and apologize.
  • Difficult period in life. It happens that a girl is overwhelmed by a wave of problems and she simply cannot make time for you. Try to find out what the problem is and help her solve it - otherwise the forced ignore may turn into a planned one.
  • Doubts. You may think that everything is fine with you, but in fact you are an insensitive cracker who does not give her the proper emotional connection. Any girl sooner or later gives up if she does not receive the necessary emotional return - she will try to somehow shake you up or simply start looking for a more suitable person. You should not take all her manifestations of feelings for granted: you must definitely respond to them and participate in the development of the relationship.
  • Hormones. No matter how hackneyed it may sound, menstruation is a significant reason for a girl’s bad mood. These days, everything infuriates her, and her mood changes every five minutes. It is noteworthy that many men devalue the influence of a hormonal surge on the condition of their beloved, for which they then receive a well-deserved portion of nerves in the form of absolute ignore for several days.
  • Test of strength. Girls love to play with men's feelings. She may just be testing you - turn on the ignore mode and see what you will do in this case. And here you need to be very careful - you shouldn’t run after her and create hysteria, chase her or keep watch near the house. You will make yourself look like a real weakling, and her interest in you will completely fade away. The best option is to unobtrusively try to find out what the problem is and discuss the problem. If there is no problem, you can safely start looking for a more adequate lover.

  • Parting. Unfortunately, few girls can find the strength to say directly about the breakup and the fact that she has a new boyfriend. Most prefer sophisticated methods: ignore her or do everything so that you leave her yourself. If you can’t reach her and get an intelligible answer, just don’t waste your time.
  • Price jacking. With the help of ignoring, some ladies try to increase their importance in your life. In some cases, this method works successfully: guys are terribly afraid of losing their beloved and do everything she says just to return her to a good mood. However, this should not be done, because such actions are outright blackmail. It happened once, it will definitely happen again, and encouraging such whims is not the best decision.

Ignoring in love relationships

Women often use ignore in relationships, so it is important to know how ignoring affects a man. A man, starting a relationship with a woman, expects recognition and gratitude from her. If he tries for a woman, but she doesn’t respond, then he gets an anxious feeling, he doesn’t understand what’s wrong. It is extremely important for men to feel needed and useful. Men always remember a woman who ignores him.

Men also use ignore, and the reasons may be different. In a relationship, a man can use ignoring to get his way from a woman. If the partner does not agree to fulfill his request, then he ignores him, and often the woman, under the fear of losing her loved one, fulfills his request.

Important: It is the fear of loss that many men manipulate their chosen ones.

Method of manipulation

Psychological techniques are used in two cases:

  1. For self-affirmation, when a man wants to be convinced of the feelings of his chosen one in order to raise self-esteem.
  2. To bind the object of sympathy, that is, to ignore the girl in order to fall in love with you. A man encourages a woman to value him and the relationship. In this way he achieves what he wants - the partner’s concessions.

Manipulation is manifested by threat, intimidation that he will leave forever. You put pressure on the girl’s all sorts of feelings: guilt, fear of loneliness. The woman ultimately does what is required.

To make a girl fall in love with you, you need to ignore her. Detachment is necessary if she is accustomed to male attention. A guy who is not like everyone else will definitely cause bewilderment and a girl's genuine interest. She will begin to find out information about him and be the first to be active. The man then needs to comply with the method of ignoring in order to keep the woman interested.

How to respond to being ignored

If a man suddenly disappears, then it is important to understand the reasons. Psychology has several tips on how to respond to a man ignoring you. Analyze your communication recently; if there have been no conflicts, then don’t panic. Men tend to “go into a cave.” They sometimes need to disconnect from communication, even with loved ones, in order to think or make an important decision. In this case, you need to give him this opportunity. You should never impose yourself, find out what the reason is and demand attention. Such behavior will only push him away and reduce your importance.

If a man ignores you, then it is important to turn on mutual ignoring. If this was manipulation on his part to make you fear loss, then he himself will take on this fear when he does not see a reaction from you. This way, your value will increase, and it is likely that he will stop playing such games. If the man ignored you because he needed privacy, then he will appreciate the fact that you gave him such an opportunity and will get in touch himself.

If the ignore lasts for 1-2 days, then it’s worth trying to find out what the reason is. If the reason is resentment, then the partner will enter into a dialogue and explain what happened. If this is manipulation, then he will ignore your attempts to build a dialogue. If the ignoring continues without explanation, then you should come to terms with the fact that you will have to say goodbye to this person. There can be two reasons - either the partner decided to end the relationship in this way, or he is a manipulator who does not know how to communicate normally and resolve conflicts. In both cases, there is no point in continuing communication.

Some people turn on ignore after a quarrel, and this is not always manipulation, they just want to avoid negativity or they need privacy. In this case, you need to give your partner a little time to cool down, but it is important to let him know that ignoring you is unpleasant. The main thing is not to impose yourself and actively ask for attention. If you show that this is unpleasant for you, then the person will understand that he is doing wrong and will contact you.

Errors in responding to being ignored

The biggest mistake is to interrupt the phone with calls, bombard you with messages and try to sort things out right away.

Insulting, trying to get emotional is not a solution.

It is important to understand whether a person is really ignoring or, perhaps, he is busy, he has some problems that he solves during this particular period of time. Perhaps you are making it up yourself, your guesses do not indicate the truth of what is happening, it is just your perception of this situation.

Fallback option

The most common reason why a girl is constantly offended is that she doesn’t really like you.

She views you as a temporary suitor, favorably accepts courtship and gifts, burdens you with her requests and problems, but as soon as someone more interesting appears on the horizon, the girl immediately gets offended, snorts, leaves, and stops answering calls and messages.

Not only did she send you, but she also made you feel guilty.

If you notice a dismissive tone and arrogance towards yourself, then end this relationship at least for a while.

Do something more interesting than serving a capricious girl. Put your thoughts and appearance in order, look around, remember old friends, do what you love. Travel more and recharge yourself with positivity.

Very soon you will have many pretty girlfriends who will look at you with delight.

It is quite possible that your ex-girlfriend will reconsider her attitude towards you and want to return.

The girl feels insecure

Perhaps something happened in her life that made her feel insecure about herself or about your relationship. She worries that things are not going the way she wants. Therefore, she becomes sad and may ignore you. In this situation, you need to show your love. Support her and show her through your actions that everything will be fine.

How can a man properly ignore a woman he likes?

It is important to understand that women usually use ignoring specifically for something; it has a specific goal that your interlocutor wants to achieve. So what are the options? Perhaps this is how a woman expresses resentment, wants revenge, or hopes to end your relationship. As soon as you fully understand why a woman behaves this way, something else will become clear to you - how to act in such a difficult matter.

However, do not rule out the possibility that this person is not only ignoring you. Some women get tired of problems or uncertainty in their personal lives, after which they decide to take some kind of break - that is, to distance themselves from any personal contacts with men. In this case, you should act delicately, show your chosen one that you are ready to wait and understand the reasons for her fears.

If we are talking about an adult woman, then it is possible that she is tired of any correspondence and “virtual love”. Try to transfer your courtship into real life, and act like that. The older a woman is, the less time she usually wants to spend on correspondence, which in many cases simply ends in nothing. Show your readiness for a real relationship.

How to deliberately ignore a girl to interest her

Some young people, having once learned the full power of ignoring, continue to actively use the acquired technique in conquering the opposite sex. Of course, you may be afraid to take this step, believing that in this way you will only ruin all relations with your chosen one, but note that if you act competently and thoughtfully, then such behavior will only play into your hands.

Surely similar stories have happened to you: you managed to meet an interesting girl and took her phone number. However, this is where all the good news ended - subsequently you were unable to get through to the girl or you could not get a meeting with her. It is also possible that you generally failed to interest the girl you liked, or that your beloved, after some time of harmonious relationships, suddenly began to destroy them with her behavior.

Such incidents happened to many guys, and how did they most often behave? As a rule, when faced with a girl’s whims or inattention, young people try to win her favor by giving her gifts, trying in every possible way to please, solve some of her problems, get into position, and so on. The maximum that could be achieved after all this was the phrase: “You are a good guy, but I only have friendly feelings for you.” However, the outcome can be even worse - the girl simply asks to leave her alone.

How does “correct” ignoring work?

It is important to realize that ignoring is a preliminary and often necessary step before other actions. He pursues a specific task - the establishment of incorrectly built or begun relationships. The point of ignoring to a large extent is to disappear from the field of view of your chosen one for a certain period, thereby allowing her to miss you and think about you. Also, by ignoring you can achieve another goal - to smooth out the opinion about yourself if it is not very good, because we all know that over time a person reacts less sharply to everything bad and forgets about some disappointments. For example, you behaved incorrectly and the relationship went in the wrong direction. This suggests that you need to take a break and get the girl to think differently. We all know that it is better to start again after a certain time-out.

We also note that ignoring someone helps many people to underestimate the importance of a girl. If you don't show interest in her for a while, the girl who liked you even a little will undoubtedly start to worry and think about what's wrong with her or why you're barely paying her attention. Subsequently, these experiences may turn out to be in your favor - you simply explain that you were busy with something very important (if explanations are needed) and invite her on a date. Surely, after such a buildup of emotions, the girl will not refuse you. If this does happen, then hide again for a while and try again.

Ignoring can also be used if a girl behaves strangely and provokes conflicts. Many guys at these moments try to improve everything with gifts, signs of attention, when they just need to disappear for a while. Then explain it as something you needed to think about. During the period of your ignoring, the girl will reconsider her behavior and understand that she has “overstepped” and there is no need to do so.


What to do when a girl ignores you

What? Is she ignoring you? Doesn't even give him a chance? Perhaps your relationship with this girl has reached a dead end, or it has not even begun. Perhaps you scared her off somehow. Perhaps her ignoring is due to the fact that she is not interested in you. But we know for sure that if you make a series of efforts, you will again have the opportunity to regain her favor.

Nothing in this world is as cruel as the heart of a woman who deliberately ignores you. – Dave Chappelle, American comedian –

Sometimes girls need a really interesting and unusual gesture to get them to notice you. A great way to do this is to write a love note or even a poem (don't care if you think the world is too old for that, but it works) or something she'll really enjoy. The gesture should be bright and public. This way she will know that you are serious about her.

This is the opposite tactic. If you stop harassing her, the girl will see that you can easily live without her, that you can move on. And this can change her attitude towards you: she will start communicating with you, and will stop ignoring you as soon as you start ignoring her.

A dangerous, but sure method that runs along the blade of a knife. The meaning is this: the girl is ignoring you probably because she knows that you won’t go anywhere and if anything happens, she can get to you at any moment, which means you need to show that you have a lot of options. Try getting closer to some other friend and you will understand what we are talking about here.

But you don’t have to make cunning plans, but go ahead by asking about the reasons for the total disregard in your direction. It's possible that what you're feeling is a big misunderstanding. Perhaps there is a reason and you can solve it. In any case, you still need to know “why”, you won’t be able to sit back.

Let's not be naive, the girl may refuse to tell you anything about the reasons, but then you can go through the back door - with the help of her friends. Friends of girlfriends usually don't hold back their emotions when it comes to the fact that you did something wrong. Therefore, you will probably learn a lot of “good” things about yourself or, on the contrary, you will understand that you have done nothing wrong.

Psychopaths scare girlfriends, so always keep your distance, even if you want to woo a girl who ignores you. In other words, you should try everything, but only within the bounds of decency. This is much more attractive to girls than if you push, push, push, like a man whose life is determined only by this woman.

If the girl did not respond to text messages or somehow avoided answering, then try to drag her to neutral territory: for example, to a concert. Where you can ask the very questions that are blowing your mind.

Simple advice, but it also needs to be worked out, because men are often ashamed of their feelings, it is likely that you have not even explained to the girl why you think you want to be with her. And this is not necessarily love. Maybe there are common interests or something else. You should know better, but the main thing here is to be honest. If you forget about honesty, then all your words will be worthless.

Yes, hundreds of people will say that a man's appearance doesn't matter, but that's not true. If you are a dirty pig who wears rags, then it is not surprising that women do not want to deal with you. So let's take a shower, get a haircut, put on a normal suit and try to talk to the girl again.

This is the last point you should read, and this is the advice you must take, no matter how much you like this or that woman. If the girl is absolutely not interested in you, if all previous attempts have failed, if our advice did not help, then leave her. Switch to something else. And, believe me, it's not about you. It just happened that way.

Based on materials from Bella Pop

This article hit the nail on the head! Now one beautiful person is also slightly ignoring her. More precisely, I cannot understand whether she ignores or, as she says, work, study, etc. take up all her time. We meet rarely, maybe once a month, although I always actively invite her to go somewhere to different interesting places or to events/concerts. And last weekend I was having fun and almost gave her a declaration of love and everything that I feel for her. And in my 30 years (she’s 20, by the way), I’ve never felt such feelings for anyone. She didn’t answer anything other than “you’re drunk” and a couple of other similar phrases. In general, for now I decided to take a break, not bother me, I’ll take a break, go to Ibiza to unwind, and then I’ll come back and try to get him out somewhere and, if he ignores me, I’ll directly ask what’s the matter. In short, thank you for this article and that our thoughts are approximately the same on this issue.


Why doesn’t she answer and is it necessary to try to rouse her at all?

Usually, if a girl is ignored in the early stages of dating, no text message will fix anything.
You either did something wrong on the date or she just didn't like you. It happens, it's normal: We don't have to please everyone. Therefore, it is ideal if you communicate with several girls at the same time, and if one merges, then it will not affect you at all. In this case, you will remain emotionally balanced and will not do anything stupid.

However, you can still cast a fishing rod. What if something bites? To do this, you need to wait a short pause, and then write something that will put her in a stupor. For example, “Your mom liked me.” It's a rare girl who won't get worried when she receives such an SMS. "What? How did they cross paths, what did she say?” Try to come up with something that she simply cannot ignore.

Sometimes this breaks through the wall of ignore, and the girl gets in touch again.


If a girl ignores you, what does it mean?

There are several reasons why a girl may demonstratively stop communicating:

In this case, the desire to move away becomes a sign of the beginning of the end.

As a result, she may come to the understanding that the person next to her is “the wrong one,” or she may reconsider her own position and resume communication at the previous level.

Two Reasons for Willfully Ignoring

In what two cases does a girl deliberately ignore a guy? Often a partner behaves in this way purposefully , guided by one of the following motives:

The obsessiveness of a fan who does not inspire favor encourages you to withdraw from communication with him.

When brains boil 2

The mere presence of a young man can cause a swarm of all kinds of thoughts, and it can be impossible to analyze all these countless thought processes. They pile up the girl’s consciousness so much that by ignoring the guy, she unconsciously tries to escape from all this chaos in her head.

“What is he up to?” “Can you say that?” “What if I do this?” “What was he thinking?” "I look good?" “Am I that predictable?” "What did he mean?" All these numerous questions result in inexorable dialogues in the female brain and deafen it, and the girl begins to slowly retreat.

How long can this last?

It all depends on the girl’s character and the guy’s desire to change the situation . Thus, admitting guilt, apologizing, gifts, correcting a mistake can quickly return the situation to a positive direction.

If the reason for ignoring a partner is related to the girl’s serious personal problems, her dissatisfaction with the relationship, or the guy’s reluctance to work on correcting his behavior, then the problem may persist for quite a long time.

In such cases, there is a possibility that both participants in the relationship or one of them will get tired of such difficulties and the romance will end smoothly .

It should be noted that individual representatives of the fairer sex may have a rather demanding and complex character.

They use their partner's sincere affection for their own purposes, successfully manipulating his feelings .

As a result, every minor quarrel becomes a reason to ignore. It is important for a guy to learn to recognize such behavior and not succumb to provocations.

Common Causes

What can you do to prevent a girl from being offended by her partner? To do this, I recommend paying attention first of all to the reasons for the resentment.

Revenge for a mistake

Often, guys do not pay enough attention to the issue of relationships with their beloved girl. Subsequently, making one mistake after another, which greatly hurts the partner’s feelings.

There is a misunderstanding: why does he continue to behave this way? When a man continues his unpleasant behavior towards his partner, the girl feels helpless. Tired of this, the girl becomes offended, and the partner begins to realize what he has done.

Awareness comes from the desire to resume favorable relationships, without reproaches and other misunderstandings. No one likes to endure unpleasant behavior even from a loved one for a long period of time. And there is no point in enduring this.

Standing up for your own opinion

Due to the girl’s inability to influence a guy’s opinion using physical force, she resorts to psychological influence. Nature itself has awarded the fair sex with this gift.

Starting to get offended, the girl in a unique way resorts to blackmailing her boyfriend, hinting at a possible breakup with him.

It is important to take into account that when demonstrating this method, all the reasons for grievances are formed into one single one - the desire to force your man to fulfill the woman’s desire. Although the girls themselves may not be aware of their desire to dominate their partner.

Advice from psychologists

What to do? To change the situation for the better, it is advisable to follow the advice of psychologists. The choice of behavior strategy depends on specific circumstances.

The girl was offended

If the offense arose for an objective reason, efforts must be made to correct the mistake made. It is important to sincerely apologize , admitting your guilt.

At the same time, there is no need to humiliate yourself or show excessive servility. It is enough to openly and honestly discuss the current situation and make a proposal to end the conflict.

If the girl continues to be offended, stubbornly defending her position, you need to stop communicating for a while. This will help the parties calm down and put their thoughts in order.

A prolonged break in communication initiated by a partner can be clear evidence that the relationship has cracked.

Perhaps, in this case, it is better to retreat and start rebuilding your life with another person.

If the quarrel is really serious, and there is no desire to abandon your partner, you should try to melt her heart with an unexpected show of attention.

It could be a huge teddy bear, an enormous bouquet of roses, a message live on the radio, etc. It's a rare girl who can resist such obvious attempts at reconciliation.

Ignores messages on VK

Nowadays, online communication often replaces real dialogues. Accordingly, if an online interlocutor does not respond to messages, he clearly demonstrates his reluctance to communicate. It is important to objectively assess the situation .

If the relationship is at an early stage, then such behavior from a friend may indicate a lack of interest on her part. No girl would neglect to respond to messages from a fan she cares about.

In a stable, long-term relationship, this behavior is deliberate ignorance. First you need to find out the reason why the offense arose.

You should remember the details of the last meeting or conversation.

If nothing comes to mind, you can try to call the girl or meet her .

In the absence of such opportunities, it is advisable to chat with friends who are probably in the know.

Ex won't contact me

Often, after a breakup, guys have a desire to renew their relationship. Only after losing their other half do they realize their true feelings, get bored and worry .

It is advisable to wait a week or two. This period is enough for the parties to calm down a little and put their emotions in order. Especially if the separation was accompanied by a showdown.

After the allotted time, you should begin to take action. It is important to behave calmly and with dignity , admitting mistakes made and expressing a sincere desire to work on yourself.

Is it worth doing the same?

What happens if you ignore a girl? Guys can also use ignore to exert influence . A partner’s reluctance to make contact will cause many emotions and questions.

She will begin to analyze recent events, worry about the reasons for this behavior, make assumptions, etc. As a result, unconsciously her interest in her partner’s personality will increase noticeably.

It makes sense to use such a technique in relationships when it is not possible to evoke an emotional response in other ways .

For example, if a girl is spoiled by the attention of the opposite sex and takes courtship for granted.

The appearance of a gentleman who does not fall under her charm will have a sobering effect and force her to reconsider her behavior .

If the relationship has been established for a long time, you should not ignore your soulmate.

Such disregard for your partner's feelings can lead to serious disagreements, retaliatory offenses, and even separation. It is advisable to strive to discuss problems openly and not hush up grievances.

Due to the characteristics of the female psyche, male ignorance usually leads to the following consequences :

The absence of this attention for some time can become a reason for cooling off towards your partner.

Stress or workload

Have you noticed that the girl used to communicate with you a lot, but now she began to avoid you? But the reason is not always the man; perhaps she has her own personal experiences or is in stressful situations and has “withdrawn into herself.”

Often guys start to push too hard with their attention, sometimes it backfires. After a couple of days, the girl comes to her senses, but during these days the guy with his negative behavior can ruin the further development of events.

There are various situations, for example, a business trip at work, when a person is really busy and does not have time to respond and communicate. And the partner feels like he is being “ignored.” But these are rather selfish feelings on his part.

If you are students, then simply studying is also the reason for “ignoring”.

Don’t forget that sometimes health can also fail, or sudden hospitalizations, etc. Try not to react immediately in a negative way, wait and most likely the girl will get in touch and explain herself.

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