On what date can girls and guys kiss?

The first kiss in any relationship is important only to girls. In my opinion, they greatly overestimate it, create a cult, and consider it something special and unique. Well, you understand what I mean: all these songs are about the first kiss, and how she got dizzy, and blah blah blah.

Men do not attach any significance to this event at all. And they always forget this “important” annual date, when it is necessary to give a gift and have a romantic dinner, celebrating the first kiss.

From films we know the approximate scenario of the first kiss. After watching all these pretentious scenes, the girls perceived this model of behavior as the only correct one, although in reality it all looks stupid and unnatural.

In fact, the first kiss doesn't have to be anything special, with off-screen music and fireworks.

Of course, if you can surprise your chosen one, then that will be great, but you shouldn’t jump over your head.

If a woman really likes you, then your kiss will automatically be successful. To do this, you don’t have to spend all day thinking about how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time.

But there is one small nuance in this matter - we are not always sure that women like us. Therefore, the first kiss, based only on supposed sympathy, should be supported by some “tricks”.

These secrets will help make the kiss bright and memorable, regardless of who likes who best, and also minimize the risk of refusal.

What is important to know about a kiss

Tactless behavior can create the wrong impression about a person, and then the relationship will end prematurely. Let's look at all the secrets of kissing on any date.

Choosing the right moment

The first tender touch of the lips of lovers is very significant. When choosing a moment, consider the following:


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  1. Ambient atmosphere. A crowded place where you will be in full view of everyone is not suitable for such a romantic event. If this happens during a slow dance at a disco or at a festive table, it will look ridiculous. But if you choose a romantic place: somewhere under the moon, with a beautiful view of the city, after a pleasant date, such a kiss will provoke further meetings. The memory of this intimate event will last a lifetime.
  2. Time to get acquainted. Depending on what kind of date this is, how long people have known each other, the first contact is approaching. If you just met a girl and after 5 minutes you start kissing, then your chances of reciprocity are low. In most cases, the first kiss occurs on the second or third date, but each person has his own opinion on this matter.

Signs of how to understand that a girl is ready to kiss, as well as how to show this desire to a woman:

  • look closely into your partner's eyes;
  • open your mouth slightly, pout your lips;
  • smile playfully, shoot your eyes.

If a person does not want to kiss, this can be seen by the following traits:

  • does not shorten the distance, but moves away when a partner approaches;
  • does not look into the eyes for a long time;
  • gets embarrassed at hints of intimacy;
  • avoids touching.

What should he be like?

Of course, it depends on the situation. If two adults in a passionate embrace are inclined to continue, then a hot French kiss will be very helpful. But most often such scenes are typical of Hollywood films; in people's lives, love fever is rarely captured.


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The first kiss has a special magic. From this moment on, people begin to get closer to each other and show their interest. When kissing, an exchange of emotions and energy occurs.

Its necessity should not be discussed. It should appear unexpectedly during a special romantic moment. The fusion of lips should be pleasant and sensual. You should not press too hard against each other, you need to lightly hug the woman around the waist, and she needs to put her hands on the man’s shoulders.

Then you should press your lips slightly, tilt your head slightly to the side, and keep your lips on your partner’s lips. If a man wants to take the initiative and touch his tongue to a girl’s lips, then he needs to see how ready she is to continue. If your partner begins to move her lips, then you can act. But this must be done gently and delicately. Don't pounce on it and get sucked in like a vacuum cleaner.

How to behave further

After a kiss, you can simply stay in each other’s arms, breathe in your partner’s hair, and whisper tender words in your ear. Next, look into the eyes. When the date is over, thank the girl for the meeting and agree on the next rendezvous.

If after the first contact of lips a person feels shame and embarrassment, then he needs to relax, stop being nervous and understand that this is a natural process. Even if it was unsuccessful, there is nothing wrong with that. Often the first kiss is not the best for a couple. It happens that it becomes funny, then you need to try to hold back your laughter and just smile. For girls, this event is more nervous, so they should definitely decide that they are ready to kiss this particular guy.


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How to deal with embarrassment

Although caresses surround us from birth, a person is accustomed to conveying his feelings with the touch of lips and hugs, the first long-awaited kiss causes fears. Most often, girls put it off as long as possible. It would seem that there is nothing complicated, just fold your lips into a bow, but it can be very difficult to get over yourself. Inexperience scares a person, and it’s not easy to overcome embarrassment.

First you need to work on two sides: psychological and physical. As for the psychological, you need to prepare yourself emotionally and repeat special affirmations.

To feel confident during your first kiss, you should also practice your movements.

If you kiss for the first time in your life

The first kiss is accompanied by great excitement, so you need to first tune in to it.

To do this, it is recommended to perform psychological training:

  1. Be alone with yourself, sit comfortably, relax.
  2. Imagine a date with your loved one.
  3. Now think about touching it. Stroke your hair, kiss your cheek, gently moving your lips all over your face.
  4. Imagine how he will answer you.
  5. Press your lips together.

Classes should be continued daily until the process becomes familiar, confidence appears, and embarrassment disappears. While imagining this scene, be completely immersed in emotion. Mental manipulation can turn even the most modest girl into a brave one.

In order to learn how to control your lips and tongue, you need to use an additional object. The most popular would be tomato. This is where you should practice first contact. You should start with gentle touches with your lips and light movements of your tongue, imagining your partner’s lips. Then you need to cut out the middle of the tomato and try to move it with your tongue.


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Appearance is important for the first kiss

Appearance is the first thing people evaluate when they meet each other. Never forget about this and try to look so that you are pleasant to communicate with.

Guys should pay attention to the cleanliness and tidiness of their clothes, try to look neat and beautiful, and if at the same time you shave thoroughly (by the way, a good reason to start shaving) and lightly smooth your hair, then even your mother can’t ask for more from you.

Girls, when going on a first date, should remember a sense of proportion. This applies to everything: clothes, cosmetics, makeup, etc.

Are you afraid to seem like a gray mouse? Avoid simple clothes in brown and gray tones.

The other extreme is unisex clothing. Jeans, sneakers, flat boots, long sleeve T-shirts, jumpers, etc. are also not suitable.

However, if you prefer miniskirts, stilettos, provocatively open dresses and bright makeup, then do not be surprised if your boyfriend is embarrassed and even afraid of your appearance, and your parents will decide that you are going to a panel and not on a date.

The outfit should not be vulgar, but feminine.

Classic dresses, blouses, skirts, beautiful shoes, stockings or tights that match the style and tone - everything that makes a girl elegant, airy, beautiful - this is the right choice for a first date.

Both boys and girls should not overuse perfume.

For young men, deodorant with a mild odor applied under the armpits will help hide their anxiety when they begin to sweat heavily.

A light and delicate aroma of hair shampoo will highlight the beauty and femininity of a girl much better than “bright”, vulgar perfume. If everything goes well, you can rest assured that your boyfriend will remember the smell of this shampoo for the rest of his life.

If you are worried about bad breath, you can thoroughly brush your teeth in advance; chewing gum and mints will also help freshen your breath, albeit for a short time, although chewing gum on a date is, to put it mildly, unsightly.

Everyone has their own opinion

Opinions about the appropriate time to kiss a man or woman for the first time differ depending on the person's gender and social norms.

Attitude of men

Men are more relaxed about kissing; they don’t care what kind of date they’re on; not everyone is ready to wait for a second meeting. If a guy likes a girl, he immediately takes action. But it is worth considering that men like ladies who do not allow themselves to be kissed on the first date. Of course, a kiss can enhance the impressions of time together. A man needs to remember that the first contact should be gentle and careful, even if emotions are raging inside him. For such an event it is important to choose the right moment and place.

What girls think

Women take romantic events more seriously and attach great importance to the first touch of their lips to their partner. For them, this is a manifestation of sympathy and further interest in their partner. At a young age, girls make contact more easily and strive to kiss for the first time as quickly as possible in order to look more mature and cooler in the eyes of others.

To impress a man, you need several meetings to test his feelings and intentions. There is even a “five date rule.” This approach clearly limits early kisses on the lips. This eliminates applicants who are only after achievements and do not perceive the girl as an individual.

Public opinion

Previously, a decent woman did not even think about when it would be possible to allow even a slight touch of lips. It was believed that only an indecent person could afford such a manifestation of her sympathy. In the Middle Ages, an Italian man who kissed a woman was expected to marry her. In Rus', kissing received sexual overtones after the adoption of Christianity. In Russia, they have become widespread, for example, the president can kiss a person on the cheek when meeting with the people. In America this is considered harassment.

There are no restrictions on touching with lips in society. Every adult is free to do as he pleases.


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How to understand that a person wants to kiss you?

  1. When someone wants to kiss you, they come too close to you or take long pauses during communication, especially if it happens at the end of the date. In fact, the first kiss quite often happens at the end of the date. So this is the right moment.
  2. Obviously, a person wants to kiss you if he declares his love.
  3. He turns off the lights or creates a romantic atmosphere.
  4. Prolonged eye contact. When a person is about to kiss you, he will look for a long time first at your eyes and then at your lips. This is a classic signal that appears in most cases.
  5. He/she may try to touch your face.
  6. He may also start by holding your hand, hugging you, and holding you in the hug for a long time.
  7. May begin to describe the shape of your lips, the color of your eyes, your teeth, or your makeup.
  8. Slow romantic dance. After this, many couples kiss.
  9. He begins to kiss the hand, shoulder, cheek, and then the lips come.
  10. Starts playing with your hair.
  11. The guy or girl touches his lips too often and seems lost in thought.
  12. May send you kiss emojis on social networks.

When a kiss is inappropriate

If there is mutual attraction between two people, then why resist feelings? There is a catch to this. Perhaps the man will not think anything bad about you. But psychologists advise not to rush into kissing, much less intimacy. To interest a man, you need to awaken the hunter in him, who will look after the girl as if she were prey. During this, both partners will be able to understand whether they are suitable for each other. If you force things, the guy may quickly evaporate or a relationship with unclear prospects will begin.

On the first evening of dating, kissing is unacceptable. As a rule, they do not lead to serious relationships. If this is a holiday romance, then the choice is made by partners who want unforgettable emotions.

If you are in another country where kissing on the street is considered bad manners, for example, in Japan, then you should limit the manifestation of such a romantic impulse.

How to kiss a girl's hickey?

The first passionate kiss will be a very exciting process for both the girl and the guy. After all, you want to make an extremely favorable impression on your partner, to please him. And without experience in passionate kissing, it is very difficult to understand what is worth doing and what is still not worth doing. This especially applies to guys, since they are usually the ones who play the main, leading role in the kiss. How to kiss a girl passionately so that she likes it and wants more?

How to learn to passionately kiss a girl?

The most important rule that every guy should learn is that there is no need to rush or push too hard. Some young people believe that if it comes to kissing a hickey, then how to kiss a girl correctly in this case is assertive and passionate. But in fact, an overly open mouth and too much tongue work are not the best, far from the best choice. It’s worth starting gently, because the first “adult” kisses are a gradual rapprochement between partners, getting to know each other.

Don't rush. The kiss should be progressive. First, gentle touches and only if it becomes clear that the partner is not against continuing, you can move on to somewhat more active actions. But still, you shouldn’t push too hard. In fact, passionate tenderness is much more pleasant than pure and undiluted passion, which is more a sign of desire than of feelings.

Also, speaking about how to learn how to kiss a girl with a hickey, it is worth mentioning that it is important to learn to control your salivation. An excessively “wet” kiss can scare off a partner at first, because first you need to get used to the smell and taste of each other. The same applies to the participation of the tongue in the kissing process. At first, the lips should do most of the work, because excessive tongue activity can initially cause disgust in the partner.

Why some guys avoid kissing

There are men who don't like to kiss. There are reasons behind every action. What reasons lie behind the attempt to avoid such caresses?

The refusal is due to a ban on showing emotions. The reason lies in the upbringing of the young man by harsh parents. Most likely, he did not see sincerity and love in his family, so as an adult it is difficult for him to show his feelings. The parents did not speak tender words to the guy, did not show affection. Such men are stingy, they do not want to give tenderness. Most often, they think only about themselves, and women become only an object of passion for them.

Some guys perceive kissing as a prelude to sex. If a young man is not ready for intimacy, then he will not kiss.

How to learn to kiss a girl?

Where to begin?

“There is nothing more beautiful,” some will say, “There is nothing more magical,” others will say, “There is nothing more exciting,” others will say, “than to kiss your beloved.” However, all this fades into the background if your kiss is the first. Your hands are trembling, your breathing is labored, and the question persistently beats in your head: “How to kiss a girl correctly, so as, firstly, not to offend her, and, secondly, not to seem funny or inept?”

Useful tips

Touching your lips is a way to show affection to your loved one. But is it worth showing such affection in the first couples? What is the best way to kiss and when?

For girls

For representatives of the fairer sex, this event seems very significant, so you need to approach it judiciously.

If a girl is having her first kiss in her life, then don’t try to do it as quickly as possible. Sooner or later the right moment will come anyway. It’s better to wait for the person you would like to press your lips to.

If you are not sure of your decision, do not rush. A guy who likes you can wait until you're ready, which is why you can't kiss on the first date without wanting to.

Women are not recommended to kiss in public, as a man will not be able to get proper pleasure if he displays his feelings. Guys are not always ready to show affection. To understand a man’s desire, you should follow his gaze: if a young man looks at his lips, it means he wants to kiss.

For guys

Men tend to move on to closer communication almost immediately, but this often leads to misunderstanding on the part of the girl. Consider some points that will help you kiss a woman correctly.

Pay attention to your partner's feelings. If a girl shows a willingness to kiss, act, but reverently and tenderly.

Don’t insist, give the woman time to get used to you and don’t rush into a decision. By carefully observing and actively courting, you will determine the right moment to kiss the girl.

Take care of the romantic atmosphere. Your partner will definitely like it if you think through this moment.

The first kiss is the beginning of intimacy between lovers. To make it unforgettable and unique, you need to choose a favorable moment and a special person. Then the touch of your lips will be the beginning of something beautiful and bright. If you want to kiss, then do it sincerely and forget about everything at this moment.

You want everything to go perfectly, right?

Still from the movie "Spider-Man"

How exactly to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time is extremely important, because this is a transition to a new level, and if you do everything correctly and in a timely manner, then this kiss will make your relationship stronger and closer.

Therefore, it is quite natural if the day before you are a little nervous (or even a lot) and want everything to go as it should.

Our guide will definitely help you make this moment special, but we want to remind you that, alas, there is no magic and universal formula for how to kiss correctly for the first time. Since each person and situation is unique, you will also have to improvise a little.

But we believe in you, and everything will be cool!

Kiss for formed couples

A kiss gives not only pleasure, but also positive emotions and relieves stress. It is thanks to the kiss that the hormone of happiness – endorphin – is released. In addition, a kiss cures caries and has a positive effect on brain function. Couples who have been together for a long time forget about such an important detail in the relationship as a kiss. Psychologists do not recommend doing this. Try to change your attitude towards this process. For example, turn “on-duty kisses” into tender and promising ones. In addition, couples with experience have more advantages. After all, kisses not only on the lips are already possible for them. Women enjoy being kissed on the neck and earlobe. This osculation technique will be exciting for all women. It should be noted that the kiss has not yet been completely amenable to any analysis. The main secrets of passion and love are a hidden secret. Perhaps this is for the best, because if it were all predicted, it would not be so interesting.

Editor of NaSvidaniye.ru Daria Bobro

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