What to talk about on the first date: a selection of non-trivial questions to ask a girl

According to rom-coms, a first date is an amazing moment when the two of you are smiling endlessly, time flies, and beautiful music is always playing in the background.

However, for most of us, this event is not at all so serene, but on the contrary - both guys and girls are worried about how they look and what impression they managed to make, they worry about not saying something unnecessary, and when because This causes an awkward pause, and they begin to fuss even more.

Well, unfortunately, we cannot give you the formula for an ideal meeting that will help you conquer any girl. However, here we have a list of topics to talk about on a first date and sample questions that will help you get to know each other better and avoid awkward silences.

What to talk about with a girl when meeting a girl, at the first meeting: topics and questions for conversation, examples

What to do if a conversation with a girl doesn’t work out
If you like a girl, but you don’t know her yet, at the first meeting it is important to make a good impression on her, which means you need to show only your best qualities, behave civilly, speak without swearing.

You shouldn’t start a conversation with hackneyed phrases, everyone is already tired of them:

  • "Hello! How are you?"
  • "Hello! Let's get acquainted!"

You should also not try to meet someone in the evening in a deserted place, as you will scare the girl.

May I ask:

  • What is your name?
  • What are you doing tomorrow?
  • How do you usually spend your free time?

If the girl says that she is not busy the next day, it means that she also liked you, and you can set up a date.

How not to behave?

You can't be rude with girls, because they don't like it. The option of a purely male attitude can only be acceptable in the company of guys. You shouldn’t show yourself as a very cool and brutal guy, because girls don’t like that either. In addition, when going to meet a girl, it is worth remembering that you should not try to do the following things:

  • behave carelessly at the table if the meeting is to take place in a cafe;
  • make indecent hints to the girl using gestures and touches;
  • show your bad habits (pick your nose or ear);
  • You should not smoke or drink a lot of alcohol in the presence of a lady;
  • You should not use obscene language.
  • It is also important to avoid inappropriate phrases.

If the girl doesn’t like the guy’s behavior, then she can completely ignore his advances and gifts, which will definitely be a big failure and will not allow a second meeting to take place. Girls love guys who know how to behave civilly and with dignity in society, because only such young boys grow into real men with whom you can feel pleasant and reliable.

Do you know how to interest a girl?

Not really

What to talk about with a girl on the first date: topics and questions for conversation, examples

A guy and a girl on a first date
When making a first date, find out as much information as possible about the girl from friends, from social networks, think through to the smallest detail in advance where to set up a meeting so that other people don’t bother you less about what to talk about. You can offer several options: in a cafe, in a park, or walking around the city. Don't be late for a date.

A young man needs to remember that there are unspoken rules that should not be broken if you want to please a girl:

  • Don't be too intrusive
  • Do not ask too many questions so that your conversation does not look like an interrogation, speak one at a time
  • Don’t be silent for long, look for a topic to talk about
  • Do not interrupt the girl in conversation, but listen to the end
  • Don't make fun of a girl

Need to:

  • Show that you are interested in her
  • Give her compliments

Try to talk less about yourself, and ask the girl more questions, and listen carefully to her conversation. These could be questions like:

  • Tell us about your loved ones, who are your relatives?
  • What do you dream about, and do your dreams come true?
  • Do you want a dog or a cat?
  • What is your hobby?
  • What kind of guys do you like?
  • Have you fallen in love before?
  • What have you already achieved in life?
  • What kind of films do you like to watch, read books?
  • What kind of music do you like to listen to?

The art of pickup: how to speak to hook her

However, it is not just the ability to sound like a nightingale that determines the success of a date. A girl needs to not only be chatted up, but also hooked.

Touch a nerve

The red thread running through our entire conversation with you is my persistent request to evoke emotions in the girl. Once again, this is what will be left after you when you pay the check and you go home. That is why you need to talk about what causes emotions. Which ones are not important. Sadness, joy, surprise, fear, delight, admiration - you have a wide range of human feelings at your disposal. Of course, don't let things get to the point of absurdity. Disgust and horror are also emotions, but these emotions are unlikely to work for you.

Push on your instincts

One way or another, a man and a woman are united not by words, but by sex. Sexual attraction is the force that brings opposites together and deprives a woman of the ability to critically analyze. So push on your instincts. Look - expressively, move - slowly, speak - velvetly. And, most importantly, be very confident. Let her feel that you are leading, and she is being followed. That's all. No alchemy. You took responsibility. She relaxed.

Shorten the distance

If you expect more than getting into the friend zone, reduce the distance between you. Yes, on the first date. Forget everything you know about personal space and the invasion of it. If you want to become at least a lover, touch him. The sooner you start touching, the faster you will get sex. And it’s not at all necessary to grab her breasts. Straighten a stray strand. Touch the material of her blouse. Finally, remove the eyelash from your cheek. The main thing is unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right.

What and what topics can you talk about with a girl on a walk: topics, questions, examples of dialogue

A guy and a girl on a walk
Now young people most often communicate on social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and others. And sometimes, both girls and boys post false information about themselves in order to embellish the reality.

Having met in person on a walk, young people do not know what to talk about. You can start a conversation by asking the girl a question:

  • What places do you like in our city?
  • How do you relax in the summer?
  • Do you play sports, and what kind?
  • Where do you study/work?

About Me

Tell us about yourself, but this story should not turn into a laudatory monologue.

The girl will be very interested to hear about your interests, hobbies, favorite type of spot and recreation. That is, everything you ask her about is acceptable. You should not flaunt your financial situation. Rest assured, a woman is able to appreciate him without any unnecessary words or demonstrative gestures.

The exchange of information about each other should be approximately equal. But, if a girl is verbose, do not interrupt her, listen carefully to what she is saying. Perhaps just from these speeches you will be able to understand whether this is your person and whether you still want to date her.

What to talk about with the girl you like: topics, questions, examples

Conversation with a girl you like
If you have already met a girl you like and found a common conversation, then you can find out more about her by asking various questions:

  • Where do you like to spend your free time?
  • Which cities have you already visited?
  • who are your friends?
  • Where do you live?
  • What flowers do you like?
  • What films do you prefer?
  • Who are your favorite artists?
  • What do you want to achieve in life?
  • What color do you like?
  • What time of year do you love most?

Principles of Charismatic Communication

During the first meeting, you need to make the most favorable impression on your interlocutor so that she agrees to the next date. So act wisely and be original.

On a date that is happening for the first time, you cannot avoid talking about life, hobbies, work or study, and travel. But don’t forget that you have to surprise your interlocutor in order to stand out among other guys. Build the dialogue in such a way as to hook and captivate your chosen one. For a conversation, it is better to choose questions to which you can give detailed answers, for example: “What animals do you like and why?”, “How do you want to spend the summer?” Dream about the future with her: “What three wishes would you make for a genie?”

If you understand that there is nothing else to talk about with a woman on a date, but you see her interest, then offer to play a game where you take turns asking any questions and answering them honestly. At the same time, do not forget about compliments, but do not say banal things.

Be emotional

Female representatives are very emotional creatures. They will not listen to boring stories, for example, about how a car works. If you are an avid car enthusiast, then it is better to tell an interesting incident that happened to you on the road, a funny incident or a story about an unforgettable road trip. The presentation should not be banal. A girl should laugh, have fun, worry, but definitely not be bored. Be open.


How to introduce the parents of the bride and groom: useful tips

Put pressure on emotions

If you don’t know what exactly to say to an unfamiliar girl on the very first long-awaited date, then study her character and put pressure on those feelings to which she is more prone. Make her experience emotions that will bring pleasure.

Tell a cheerful young lady jokes and funny stories, tell a sympathetic one funny cases where you first need to feel sorry and then laugh; with a nostalgic girl, remember your childhood, immerse yourself in memories.

Set the direction

For communication, it is better to give preference to questions that require a detailed answer or lead to some interesting story, reflection, or debate. If the question can be answered “yes” or “no,” then your conversation will be boring, meaningless, and short. At first, give preference to topics that you understand and can support a dialogue. Think about what to say to a girl you don’t know on the first date, and what it’s better to remain silent about.

Finish on time

No matter how interesting a topic is, it can become boring if you talk about the same point several times. Therefore, know how to end the dialogue on time and transfer the dialogue to another topic if you notice that the interlocutor is starting to get bored. This rule also applies to ending a date. Know how to say goodbye at the moment when the girl's interest begins to fade. She is still having fun, but she smiles less, laughs less contagiously, and starts looking at her phone. At this moment, you should tell your interlocutor that you enjoyed spending time with her and offer to call a taxi or walk her home.

Don't allow explicit touching

On a date, during a conversation, you can allow yourself to lightly touch the hand of your interlocutor, “play” palm reading, and kiss her on the cheek when saying goodbye. If you start stroking her knee, touching her chest, touching her face, you won’t see the girl again. Only a young lady who is counting on intimacy, and not a serious relationship, can allow overtly sexual actions.

Listen carefully

If topics have been prepared for communication with a girl, but she wants to talk about others, then do not interrupt, do not move the conversation, but listen carefully and be able to maintain a dialogue when necessary. You may not be entirely interested, but now you need to make a good impression. In addition, this way you can get to know your interlocutor, determine her character and find out her interests without additional questions. Women appreciate good listeners.

What to tell a girl to make her fall in love: topics, questions, examples

If a guy wants to please a girl, he must look impeccable
If a young man wants to please a girl, he must look impeccable on the first date:

  • Neat look
  • It gives off a slight, pleasant aroma of cologne
  • A flower or a small bouquet in your hand
  • In the future, if you promise a girl something, then you need to do it

You also need to prepare for a conversation with a girl you like:

  • Find out from her friends what she is interested in and do some research on the topic ahead of time so you have something to talk about.
  • Learn a poem by your favorite poet or girl, and read it by heart beautifully, with intonation.
  • Think, read in advance what compliments you can give to a girl in your situation, they should correspond to reality, just a little embellished.
  • Speak to the girl politely, without using swear words in the conversation.
  • Show concern for her.

The next time you meet a girl, ask:

  • How did you sleep?
  • How did you spend your day?
  • How are you doing at college/at work?
  • Where would you like to go to have an interesting time?

Important . Call the girl by name more often; from the lips of your beloved man, your own name sounds especially tender, even if she had no interest in you before, after this evening she will.

tell me about your day

On the first date, you can always tell the girl about how your day went .

  • For example, how you wished people a good day today.
  • Tell me about the delicious soup your mother cooked for you today.
  • Tell us about what books you read, what and who they talk about.
  • If you really have nothing to say and you’re at a loss, say so: “ I don’t even know what to say.” Ask me about something ".

What to say when giving flowers to a girl: examples

Happy girl with a flower on a date with a young man
If you go on a date with a girl with flowers, then before presenting the bouquet, the paper in which the flowers were wrapped must be removed (the decorative wrapper is not removed). Hold the bouquet in your left hand, look the girl straight in the eyes, hand her the bouquet, and say what you feel now. These words could be:

  • How beautiful you are today, just like this bouquet.
  • I walked with this bouquet all day, and it did not wilt; probably, it is as hardy and strong as our feelings.
  • You were so sad, I wanted to cheer you up, and I bought these flowers, as beautiful as your smile.

If you don’t know what to talk about, you can do without words; the flowers themselves will tell you everything:

  • White roses mean a declaration of love
  • Red roses - passion
  • White and red roses together - love and unity between you
  • Pink roses - admiration
  • You should not give yellow roses - this is separation
  • Bouquet of tulips - admiration
  • White asters - he is sad and constantly thinks about you
  • Bouquet of cornflowers - fidelity
  • Bouquet of Adonis - delight with you
  • If you give a white carnation, you wish him good luck, if you give a red carnation, you admire her
  • Bouquet of gerberas - you are not indifferent to her
  • The presented honeysuckle will tell the girl about your love for her and hope for a happy future
  • A bouquet of irises speaks of respect and trust for her
  • A bouquet of lilies of the valley - secret love

How to start a conversation

To easily start a conversation, you need to follow interesting news and public life.
Then it will be possible to discuss the most current events together. When you come with your chosen one to a public place, you should ask her opinion about the interior of the restaurant, national cuisine or the view from the window. If the meeting takes place in a shopping center, the guy can offer the lady to help him choose a shirt. This will distract the girl and make communication more relaxed.

There is no need to try to try on the image of an intellectual. Attractive girls regularly watch guys get creative when trying to get close to them. The unnaturalness and tricks of pick-up artists make ladies very tired. Therefore, when deciding what to talk about on a first date with a woman, you should use simple phrases. Of course, there is a possibility that the gentleman will not like his chosen one. But even the best seduction techniques do not guarantee results.

When asking questions, you need to monitor how the girl reacts to them. If she answers reluctantly, you need to carefully change the subject. If a woman talks about something with pleasure, it is worth continuing the conversation in the same vein.

How to speak beautifully to a girl: tips

A girl is pleased if a guy speaks to her nicely.
Both young girls and not so young girls are pleased if a man speaks nicely, like TV announcers, for example. Not all men can say this, but you can learn it:

  1. Read tongue twisters at home, in a calm environment. At first, you begin to read slowly, pronouncing all the words and letters, and then faster.
  2. Read a passage of text out loud every day.
  3. Record your voice, then listen to the recording and think about what you can change to make your voice sound clearer.

How to propose to meet

The experience of first communication with a specific girl and intuition, if you are in the mood for a person you like, will tell you how to propose meeting. When a young man appreciates the object of his attention, he will do it beautifully, in a romantic setting. The girl will appreciate the fact that the young man prepared, took into account what she loves, and created an atmosphere that is understandable and close to the two of them. Then the proposal to be together and get to know each other better will receive a positive response.

In the modern world, young people widely use gadgets for intimate correspondence, but it’s better to talk while looking into each other’s eyes. For those who are bothered by excessive anxiety, correspondence can help, but in this case you should choose sincere, non-trivial phrases.

What and what topics you should and should not talk about with a girl: list of topics

Not all topics can be discussed with a girl at the very beginning of dating.
There are topics that cannot be touched upon if you want to continue dating a girl:

  • You can’t ask a girl about a young man she dated before and discuss him.
  • You cannot discuss other girls you meet along the way with your girlfriend.
  • If you have troubles at college or at work, you should not discuss them with a girl you just met.
  • You can't ask a girl how much she weighs.
  • You can’t say at the beginning when you start dating that this hairstyle, lipstick and other cosmetics, or way of dressing doesn’t suit her.

You can talk about the following topics:

  • When you go on a date with a girl, tell us about yourself, your interests, what you like to do and what you don’t like (only briefly), about your work or study (no need to embellish yourself much, you are not ideal, you are a simple guy).
  • A win-win option - pleasant memories from childhood and school, interesting stories that happened to you or classmates.
  • You can keep the conversation going by asking the girl what she thinks about the cafe where you are, or the park, or the objects around you.

So, we told you how you can start a conversation with the girl you like.

About childhood and experiences

Talk about your childhood years. This will help you find additional common ground with the girl. You may well find that you once played the same games, went on vacation to the same place. Reminiscing about your childhood will help ease the tension and awkwardness that can arise on your first big date.

If you suddenly feel awkward or shy, feel free to admit it. Your companion will appreciate your sincerity. It's possible she feels the same way. Such mutual recognition will immediately remove the feeling of awkwardness and distance between you.


We can talk about this for a long time and in a fascinating way. Discussing impressions of other cities and countries is easy and fun. You can talk about interesting places you’ve visited and where else you’d like to go. Perhaps one of the couple went hiking and can share their impressions and experiences.

This is a rather emotional topic, and by expressing your emotions it will be easier to establish contact and please your partner. Women, as you know, love romantics, and even if a man does not consider himself one, then thanks to this topic he will receive an additional “plus” to the positive assessment from the girl. Discussing travel will help you find additional common ground and common interests.

Main topics of conversation

If you don’t know what to discuss with a stranger, and improvisation is not your thing, then think about topics for conversation at home.

Games for adults

Do not confuse games for adults with erotic games for couples. It’s stupid to suggest playing strip cards, but the game “Question, answer or action” is quite suitable for such a case. Take turns asking a question, and your partner must either answer it honestly or perform a certain action. Again, it is better to remove the erotic context: you should not ask frank questions or ask to kiss you passionately. In this game, demonstrate your imagination, humor, spontaneity, and at the same time try to get to know your chosen one as best as possible.

Everybody's talking about it

Feel free to use common topics for dialogue: hobbies, travel, family, work. The main thing is not to conduct the dialogue as a survey with only “yes” or “no” answers. The conversation should be exciting and lively. Are you talking about cinema? Ask what role she would like to play in her favorite movie. Are you talking about books? Find out which heroine she associates herself with. An interesting conversation can also happen on banal topics if you use your imagination.

Homemade preparations

When you first meet, you can talk to the girl about topics that you have prepared in advance. You shouldn’t rely on improvisation and your wits; even famous speakers may have a pause during their speech. Think of a few interesting stories - these could be real-life incidents, anecdotes, or just made-up stories. Use them when there is an awkward silence or you need to defuse the situation. Your own PR manager

Advertise your benefits and present yourself in a favorable light, but without sounding snobbish or boastful. For example, the conversation turned to the fact that the cafe where you are sitting serves delicious coffee. As if by chance, tell me that once in Paris you went into an inconspicuous small restaurant, and there they served the most delicious coffee with croissants, the most delicious you have ever tasted in your life.

Forbidden topics for a first meeting

Not all topics are suitable for conversation during the first meeting. To avoid making a bad impression and disappointing your interlocutor, you should understand what topics to avoid. Here's what not to talk about:

  1. Past relationships. There is no need to tell what your lover was like or to find out why your interlocutor’s relationship ended. This is an unpleasant and inappropriate topic.
  2. Diseases, death. It is stupid to talk about your illnesses or ailments, putting yourself in a bad light. This way you will either arouse pity or persistent hostility. You should not say that a relative or friend recently died, even if you are very worried about it. An unfamiliar girl will be embarrassed to listen to such information.
  3. Money. It's stupid to discuss them. Even if you are wealthy, you don’t need to brag about your wealth, an expensive car or a luxurious villa. It’s also better to remain silent about small earnings.
  4. Religion. This is a serious conversation, so there is no point in raising such topics at the first meeting.

If you interest your interlocutor on the first date in your relationship, then she will want to see you again. But there is no need to relax. Be sure to think about what you will do on the second date with this girl and what you will talk about.

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