How to kiss correctly: all types of passionate kisses and what to do if you still don’t know how to kiss

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When a person feels that he cannot please his partner, he begins to worry: can this be fixed? In fact, anyone can master the correct kissing technique. You just need to put in a little interest and effort.

A kiss is a caress as old as the world. Already thousands of years ago, people knew how to kiss, finding special pleasure in it. Our ancestors treated the kiss as a sacred act, revealing the essence of the fusion of male and female energies.

Not much has changed since then. People love to kiss, they know that it is useful, that it brings joy, calms and gives strength.

There are actually not many types and techniques of kissing. All of them can be mastered if desired, and then you can show your imagination. Combine different types to your liking in order to give yourself and your partner maximum pleasure.

The art of kissing

What should you pay attention to so that the first experience is positive?

Firstly, you don’t need to be afraid or ashamed that you don’t have enough practice yet. We've all had that first time.

In such a situation, a reliable partner whom you trust can support you; he will help you overcome shyness and will not laugh at your awkwardness.

If you both have little experience, try to support each other and don’t rush things too much. I'm sure you will succeed. Just focus on your crush and try to make the most of this magical moment, because the first kiss only happens once in a lifetime.

Selecting a location

Pay attention to the environment in which you plan to take this romantic step. If you are at home and have the opportunity, add scented candles or dim the lights. This will immediately create a romantic mood.

A great option for a first kiss is to find a beautiful place outdoors. What could be more romantic than a sunset date with a wonderful view! Try to explore city parks in advance and choose a suitable point.

Of course, no one has canceled such a classic place for kissing as parties with friends or in a club. True, in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to truly retire and spend time in silence.

To help keep your breath fresh, keep some gum, a mint, or an apple on hand. Don't miss the right moment just because you don't have the opportunity to brush your teeth.

Don't freeze in the pose of a steadfast tin soldier. The first kiss is very exciting, and at first you will, of course, feel “out of place.” Still, try to relax, use your hands to stroke your partner’s hair, back, and shoulders. Any kind gesture will give you confidence.

Even if you are very worried, try to say something nice. Your silence may be seen as a negative sign and he/she may become withdrawn.

If you lack experience in communicating with the fair sex, read our article “What to talk about with a girl on a date.”

How to prepare properly

As you might guess, lips are the main kissing instrument, and they should be given special attention. They should be soft and smooth. No one likes kissing someone whose lips are chapped, dry, or cracked. Therefore, it is worth arming yourself with lip balm, as well as special exfoliating products. It is not enough to apply lipstick five minutes before “moment X”. You need to constantly monitor their condition, even if you don’t plan to kiss anyone in the near future.

Remember that herpes and kissing cannot be combined. Try to cure the wounds on your lips in advance with the help of special ointments or patches, otherwise your partner may not appreciate your romantic impulse.

The second important point is general hygiene. This applies to both bad breath and body aroma. Remember, if you decide to kiss the person you like, then you should take care of daily oral hygiene, breath freshener and, of course, deodorant and fresh clothes.

You definitely need to pay attention to your appearance, gestures, and posture. I understand perfectly well that the moment of the first kiss is a lot of stress, and therefore strong excitement is inevitable. But you must admit, it’s difficult to awaken romantic feelings in your partner if you’re shaking with fear, biting your nails and answering inappropriately. Take a deep breath, relax as much as possible, and think only about the wonderful moments ahead of you alone with your partner.

The correct tactics for a kiss do not recommend pouncing on your partner without warning: we are not in the Stone Age! Try to set the stage for the kiss with light touches that will help establish physical contact between you. You can touch an arm, a shoulder, or gently hug. We must try to maintain delicacy, all gestures must remain smooth and natural.

How should you kiss after a date?

As I said before, the end of a date is the perfect time for a first kiss. You've already filled her ears with compliments, told her that you're not a maniac and don't jerk off to little cats. That is, she already perceives you as a potential fucker.

  • Checking readiness. To understand how to properly kiss this girl on the lips, you need to figure out if she’s against it. To do this, you need to get close to her body. How?

    Put your arm around the waist while you are walking, take your hand, “accidentally” touch your cheek. If she reaches out to you in response, then you can act.

  • Create a moment. There are no templates that describe places and moments for kissing. You just feel like it's time to suck her right now.

    Don't be afraid, your confidence is 50% of the fact that the girl will reciprocate.

  • Lean towards her. In order for a girl to enjoy kissing you and not have a feeling of discomfort, prepare her for the fact that your face will loom before her eyes.

    Lean towards her a couple of times as if by accident. Be sure to monitor the reaction. She shouldn't faint and take out the pepper spray.

  • Kiss her. This can be done in the car when you drop her home, or at her doorstep. It is important that you are alone, then the girl will not feel awkward.

Classic kiss

Usually the initiative for the first kiss comes from the guy. The main thing is not to rush. Slowly lean towards the girl's face, stretching your lips slightly. Touch them to her mouth and close your eyes. Focus on the sensations that these touches bring.

Try to gently kiss the girl's lips. Continue for about five seconds and then lean back a little and take a short break.

Now comes an important moment, you need to look at your partner and try to understand - did she like it? If you see that she is smiling, does not move away and is ready to kiss you herself - great, you are on the right track.

If you notice that she is trying to turn away and is clearly not very happy, then I advise you to stop.

If everything goes smoothly, and both participants liked the first five seconds of the kiss, feel free to continue. Caress her upper and lower lips alternately and watch her reaction. If at some point she pulls away, you can pause. After all, you have taken an important step in the relationship, it is worth reflecting on it and enjoying it calmly.

Rules of a classic kiss

When kissing a classic, it is important not to forget the following simple rules.

  1. Avoid smacking sounds. This will likely make your partner laugh uncontrollably and keep you both from focusing on the romance. Kiss with relaxed and parted lips - this way even the most passionate kiss will be silent.
  2. The main principle in classical technique is to act without haste. Start with gentle and light kisses, do not rush to passionately “dig” into your partner.
  3. Watch your saliva, no matter how funny it may sound. But a mouth that is too wet will not cause positive emotions in your partner, especially during the first kiss. Just swallow your saliva regularly and this problem will be solved.
  4. Don’t forget to use your hands: you don’t need to “lose” them, but you also shouldn’t stand with your hands at your sides. The girl can put them on the guy’s shoulders, and he, in turn, on her waist. This way you will be closer to each other. If the hairstyle allows, then you can put your hand on the back of your head, slightly massaging your head and, again, pulling it towards you. Thanks to these simple gestures, you will please your partner during a kiss.

How to learn to kiss if you don't have a partner yet

Even if you have absolutely no one to kiss right now, you shouldn’t close this topic to yourself. It’s like in sports: even if you don’t participate in competitions today, training is still important. They will allow you to rise to the occasion at the right time.

Train on your hand

  1. Make an OK gesture with your left hand. Make sure your thumb rests on top of your index fingernail.
  2. Place the thumb of your right hand into the resulting letter “O”. Squeeze your “O” so that it wraps tightly around your thumb.
  3. Remove your right thumb. Now your “O” looks like a pair of lips parted, waiting for a kiss. You can begin the main phase of training.
  4. Touch the "O" with your lips. Start lightly kissing the fingers closed in a circle, experimenting with force, pressure and light biting.
  5. Keep track of what exactly your fingers feel. Your partner will feel about the same when you finally move on to real kissing. Doesn't it hurt your fingers? Are you kissing too wet? Control your sensations and change your kissing tactics depending on them.
  6. Experiment with your tongue, running it inside the “O” and caressing your fingers with it.
  7. Practice kissing sometimes more softly, sometimes more forcefully. Such training will make you more confident when it comes to kissing a real partner.

How to meet a girl: 16 working tips →

And on fruits and vegetables

  1. Take a soft fruit with delicate skin - a peach, a large apricot, a mango... Some recommend a tomato - this is also an option. Choose to your taste - the main thing is that such kisses are pleasant.
  2. Bite off a small piece so that the bite area is the size of someone's mouth. It will be your simulator.
  3. Start softly kissing the luscious lips, experimenting with pressure and rhythm.
  4. Cover the upper part of the “mouth” with your lips first, then the lower part. Make catching movements with your lips to bring them to the level of automaticity.
  5. Don't forget to work with your tongue, running it inside the fetus.

How to meet a guy: 10 proven tips for a wide variety of girls →

French Kiss

A wet or deep kiss is usually called French, since it was allegedly invented in this country. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but I know for sure that people practice this technique all over the world.

The difference between this method and the classic kiss is the more active use of the tongue.

How can you be completely sure that the moment has come for such a kiss? During a classic kiss, try to gently run your tongue over your partner's lip. It will be clear from his/her reaction whether it is worth continuing.

French kissing technique

Slowly and gently touch your partner's lips with your tongue while kissing.

If you see that he/she wants to continue, find his/her tongue with your tongue and begin to smoothly caress it. It is not enough to simply leave your tongue in your partner's mouth without moving.

Gradually, confidence and skill will come to you.

Types of kisses are not only possible, but also necessary to alternate. Gentle classical caresses should be replaced by French technique. This will make it more interesting for both of you.

For variety, you can lightly bite your partner's lips. The main thing is not to do it too much.

The couple needs to avoid sudden movements, act slowly and smoothly, so as not to cause each other inconvenience or even pain.

Nipping can be a nice touch to your technique, but you don't have to use it all the time. If your partner doesn't like any of these tricks, don't take it to heart. In such intimate matters, tastes may not coincide.

It’s worth taking pauses when kissing, stopping to whisper about something, say a compliment, or look into each other’s eyes. This will allow the couple to get closer and get rid of any remaining awkwardness.

Note to men: a woman’s body has many erogenous zones. This is not only the mouth, but also necks, shoulders, ears. Therefore, by kissing these places, you can achieve even greater success.

If you and your partner have already tried the classic and French techniques, and you want to diversify your caresses even more, try the so-called vacuum kiss. It involves drawing your partner's lips into your mouth. In this case, you need to act very carefully so as not to cause her or him any unpleasant sensations.

For greater clarity, I suggest watching video tutorials that give detailed instructions for kissing:

Types of kisses and their descriptions

Those who are especially interested in this issue can read the literature on philematology, a special science that studies the physiological and psychological characteristics of a kiss. We will look at some types of kisses (and there are actually hundreds of them) in this article.

French Kiss

It is also called deep kissing. This is a complex type of kiss, which is mastered a little later, after mastering simpler techniques. Its essence lies in the contact of the tongues of two partners.

Although this type of caress is the most sensual and exciting, not everyone prefers it. Some women and men don't like it because it's wet and intimate. Therefore, you need to move on to it extremely carefully, observing a number of certain rules. You need to pay attention to such points as:

  • freshness of breath;
  • attractive appearance;
  • seductive smell from hair and body;
  • lightness and leisurely touch;
  • sensuality.

You need to start a kiss carefully, moving from weightless touches to more tangible and sensual ones, gradually increasing the pace if your partner responds and meets you halfway. The main thing is not to rush and not to be too persistent. If the partner tries to pull away, it is better to interrupt the kiss, again moving on to softer touches.

How to learn to kiss in French? There are four types of French kissing, each of which receives special attention.

The types of French kissing include the following:

  • mill - rotating the tongue in a circle;
  • an exquisite kiss - sliding across the palate;
  • royal kiss - sliding along the teeth and the inside of the cheek;
  • stinging kiss - sucking on the lip with a sharp penetration of the tongue inside.

Italian kiss

This is a closed, long and very gentle kiss. He is more romantic than passionate and is suitable for first dates, love confessions and explanations. It is also called “kiss-flirting”; it has a lot of softness, leisurely and lightness.

Like the French, the Italian kiss requires attention to certain points, such as:

  • romantic setting;
  • slight moisture on the lips, which is achieved by using hygienic lipstick;
  • having a lot of time, being slow;
  • patience and sensitivity.

An Italian kiss cannot be sharp and passionate. The contact of the lips is soft, weightless and long lasting. The movements are light, barely noticeable. At the moment of the kiss, you need to include hand movements, stroking, hugging, touching the chest and thighs.

English kiss

This is a kiss with light nipping. Suitable for expressing passion and the desire to possess a partner completely. You can bite both the upper and lower lip, lightly grasping and then releasing. Often this type of kiss is combined with others.

It is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Show tenderness and caution. The bites should cause no pain at all, or cause a slight, pleasant pain for a split second.
  2. You should not use the English kiss on first dates, it may alarm your partner. First, get to know his tastes well.
  3. This kiss is only on naked areas of the body. You need to be careful, because the skin on the human body has different sensitivity.

According to research by psychologists, this type of kiss is extremely popular. Over seventy percent of men and women find it arousing and willingly use it. How to learn such a kiss?

  • Gently grab the upper or lower lip with your front teeth;
  • slowly, lightly pull;
  • let go and briefly switch to another type of kiss.

The biting kiss can be mastered without the use of teeth to begin with. To do this, you need to try to make similar movements with your lips alone.

Learning kissing techniques

If you don’t know how to kiss yet, but at the same time you want to be as prepared as possible for your first practical experience, then there are several well-known methods of training for this.

Various fruits or berries will gladly become your partners in such lessons.

To learn how to kiss delicately and beautifully, just take a few raspberries. Take one berry and gently squeeze it between your lips. Move it with your lips so as not to crush it. Then press a little more to get the juice into your mouth. Do this trick one by one with all the berries on the saucer. As a result, you will master the technique of classic kissing.

How to kiss passionately

Fruits with thin skins will be excellent sparring partners for honing your deep-kissing technique. Plums or tomatoes are ideal for this.

When using this method, you need to find a balance between softness and strength.

Take a ripe fruit and place it on your lips. Press your mouth on the fruit so that the shell breaks through. Then carefully suck out all the pulp, being careful not to tear the skin.

The main thing in this technique is to understand how to use your lips and tongue softly, but at the same time quite persistently.

How to kiss with tongue

In order to feel more confident when kissing deeply using the tongue, you can start by training on citrus fruits.

Take a small slice of orange and put it in your mouth. Then try to squeeze the juice out of it using only your tongue. Try not to limit yourself to the same type of movements - this is the skill you can then put into practice and surprise your partner.

Moral preparation i

What kind of kiss it will be: passionate or tender, oriental or French - it doesn’t really matter. People who are in relationships don't think about how to kiss a guy correctly - they just kiss. And this is the first thought that you need to learn and keep in your head. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes or “wrong tongue movements.” It is fear that fetters a person and prevents a sensual, mutually desired kiss from happening.

A very good tactic before a kiss is honesty. A girl can safely tell her boyfriend that she has never kissed or simply does not know how to do it. There is nothing shameful in such confessions. They are absolutely normal, since people are not required to meet any “international first kiss standards” (and they simply do not exist).

If a guy does not suffer from a mild degree of dementia, then he will under no circumstances make fun of a girl for her innocence. Moreover, a worthwhile man will always support his beloved and teach her everything she wants - be it fishing or passionate kisses.

There are some basic tips regarding mental preparation:

  • tell the guy in advance about your inexperience;
  • relax as much as possible;
  • concentrate on your own feelings.

In some cases, it is impossible to overcome fear due to deep moral discomfort. But for most people, it’s enough to just have an open conversation with your significant other and after that everything will go like clockwork.

What mistakes should you avoid?

The main thing is to be sincere with your partner and let him know if you don't like something. For example, kissing using tongue may not be pleasant for everyone. Instead of forcing yourself and not getting any pleasure from it, offer your partner a different type of kiss that suits both of you.

Don't bite your partner's tongue, as this can be quite painful. In general, try to use nipping only if you know he/she likes it.

When practicing deep tongue kissing, be gentle. There is no need to search your partner's mouth. It's not romantic at all.

How girls kiss guys: the secret truth

If you are interested in how girls kiss guys, then catch secret information that will help you better understand the female gender. First of all , girls do not lead in kisses, but simply follow their partner. Therefore, she will respond to any of your movements symmetrically, you can check. It is for this reason that you should not worry about inexperience. The girl simply won’t notice or will think that this is your peculiarity.

Secondly , if she likes you very much, then she will forgive all the mistakes in the kiss and, perhaps, teach you herself.

And the last thing : you will win her heart with sincerity and passion, which will make up for any shortcomings. But don’t forget about attentiveness and delicacy, which open all doors. She herself will let you know when you need to move to the next level. You will feel it, I promise.

Useful tips

During a kiss, forget about all your problems and pressing matters. At this moment, only your partner and your first kiss should exist for you. If you think about tomorrow's test and your homework not being done, you won't get pleasure from a kiss.

Don't think that you might make a mistake in your technique and do something awkward. Just enjoy this moment.

If you haven’t known each other for long and both are not experienced enough, don’t rush things.

Practice is the main assistant. Even if everything didn’t go very smoothly the first time, don’t give up. Try together to figure out what caused the failure and correct the mistakes.

How to make sure she likes it

To kiss a girl correctly is to make her feel a little excited and want to continue. If you have learned to kiss well, then improve your technique with a simple technique: put your arm around her waist and pull her closer to you, and put your other hand on her neck and lightly pull her hair.

The waist and neck are erogenous zones; touching them is a turn-on, although they look quite innocent. You can enhance the effect if you lightly pull the hair, which is a rather dominant and imperious gesture, and therefore has an exciting effect on girls. But don't overdo it, you can start by simply fingering your hair while kissing.

Another trick to make sure she likes it: hold her tighter to you. During a hug, the hormone oxytocin is released, which will cause a surge of tenderness in her (and you).

After the kiss

If you still don't feel completely relaxed with your partner, try to avoid awkward phrases and actions caused by anxiety so as not to spoil the impression.

Try to avoid nervous laughter and stupid jokes. At this point, it is best to slowly move away, look him/her straight in the eyes and smile to add mutual warmth to the atmosphere.

Compliment your partner. This is very important, especially since you also want to get an opinion about your own skills.

Try to start a conversation on some pleasant and light topic to avoid awkward silence.

If you see that both were satisfied, thank each other for a good time and decide when you will see each other again. To say goodbye, you can kiss him/her on the cheek or lightly touch your lips.

How to avoid making mistakes?

In order to avoid making mistakes when kissing, it is important not only to know the preferences of your partner, but also to imagine what kind of mistakes in kissing are often made. Most often, inexperienced young people make the following mistakes:

  • Discussion of a kiss. Ask your partner the question “let’s kiss?”, or “can I kiss you?” there is an act completely devoid of meaning, and in some cases simply ridiculous and inappropriate. When your partner is already in the mood for a kiss, he will feel awkward; the same thing will happen if kissing was not planned at all. It’s better to just listen to the feelings of your loved one, observing his gestures, facial expressions, and breathing.
  • Excessive excitement. It leads to such unpleasant consequences as lip tension, excessive mobility and talkativeness. All this together not only creates awkwardness, destroying the atmosphere of romance, but will also have a detrimental effect on the kiss itself, depriving the partner of all pleasure.
  • Diffidence. The first kiss requires calm confidence in your own abilities and in the fact that your partner likes the person. That is why you should not ask another for a kiss, much less thank him.
  • Manifestation of selfishness. You should always listen to your partner’s wishes and preferences. You should not use those types of kisses that clearly cause irritation, dissatisfaction, or hostility.
  • Fear and constraint. It is expressed in the fact that a person is afraid to experiment, to try something new. For the sake of safety, he sacrifices the enormous pleasure that he could get by giving pleasure to his partner.
  • Use of language. The first kiss should not be wet.
  • Behavior after a kiss. When the caress is over, there is no need to immediately engage in abstract conversations, avert your eyes, or fuss. It’s better to just sit in silence for a while, look your partner in the eyes, and only then start conversations.

Useful materials on the topic

I didn’t find any courses on the Internet that were aimed only at kissing. But there are several programs where this topic is discussed along with other relationship issues. Check out the courses below, maybe something will interest you.

Intensive for men from Egor Sheremetev

Description. In this program, the author has collected everything a guy should know about a relationship with a girl. How to talk to her correctly, how and when you can touch her, how to invite a beautiful girl on a date or move on to a permanent serious relationship.

The first blocks are devoted to dating rules. Egor is an expert in this topic, he has several courses aimed only at meeting girls. Much attention is paid to the skill of intimate caresses. Agree, in a permanent relationship you can’t get anywhere without this skill.

Author: Egor Sheremetyev.

Cost: 4,990 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

100 questions and answers: how to meet and seduce a girl

Description. Another interesting material for guys. It contains 100 of the most problematic issues regarding relationships. How to meet people, kiss, where and when to meet, how to write messages to each other, how to make love. Egor Sheremetyev answers everything in great detail within four hours.

I'm sure your questions about relationships are not limited to just kissing. Therefore, if possible, purchase this recording and study it carefully.

Author: Egor Sheremetyev.

Cost: 997 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

Women's magic

Description. So far I can offer this course for girls and women; I haven’t found any others. Here the emphasis is on intimacy with a loved one, but the technique of kissing and touching is also considered.

The course is also good because it helps every girl become more confident and relaxed, and learn to speak freely about her desires with her partner. In addition, you will learn a lot about the characteristics of your physiology. This will definitely come in handy when the relationship moves from dates and kisses to something more.

Author: Yulia Pryakhina.

Cost: 3,500 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

If you have taken courses dedicated exclusively to kissing, please tell us about them in the comments. I will definitely add to my selection.

Make your lips soft

Do you remember the feeling when your lips became chapped in the cold (this happens especially often if you have a habit of biting and licking them) and seemed to be covered with a dry crust? It's unpleasant to even touch. And kissing - even more so.

How to make lips softer:

  • Use chapstick - the easiest way, right here and now. Guys can also use it: it’s basic care so they don’t turn into sandpaper.
  • Use sanitary lipstick without taste or smell. It is unknown whether your partner will like the taste, plus there may be an allergy. The romance that ended with Quincke's edema will, of course, be remembered, but in a bad way.
  • Don't use glitter. Gloss is usually sticky and has an unpleasant texture.
  • If you usually use lipstick, you don’t need to wash it first. But try to wear long-lasting lipstick for your date so it doesn't smudge too much, and be prepared to be humorous if this happens.
  • Drink enough water. If they dry out, this is a sign of insufficient moisture in the body.
  • Take care. You can use masks and scrubs. For example, spread honey on them and leave for ten minutes: the bee product will moisturize them and allow them to absorb nutrients.
  • This is about to happen, but your lips have turned into sandpaper? Just quickly lick your lips and squeeze them together lightly, blotting away any excess saliva. Profit, you are amazing!

Bonus: what movie will teach you how to kiss?

The best movie kisses aren't always found in rom-coms. Often the most romantic scenes appear in films that are not intended for this purpose: action films, action films, disaster films and comic books. Thrillers and horror films, by the way, are not far behind. In general, watch the coolest (in the author’s humble opinion) movie kisses.

Batman and Catwoman (Tim Burton's Batman Returns 1992). The cunning Catwoman seduces the superhero to deliver the finishing blow.

What to learn : for boys - intelligence, and for girls - cat-like grace.

Mickey and Mallory (Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers 1994). The criminals that America is looking for kiss on a bridge to seal their love with makeshift rings during a spontaneous wedding.

What to learn: spontaneity.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (“Mrs. and Mrs. Smith” by Doug Lyman 2005). These two need thrills and are able to give them to each other.

What to learn: the ability to keep secrets.

Elizabeth and Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Gore Verbinski 2006). With this kiss, Elizabeth finds the captain to certain death. But Jack doesn't regret anything :)

What to learn: lightheartedness.

Lilu and Corbin (“The 5th Element” by Luc Besson, 1997). Love is the true fifth element in the structure of the universe and the heroes proved it.

What to learn: openness from Lilu and courage from Korben.

Evelyn and Rick (Stephen Sommers' The Mummy 1999). Love as a reward for salvation from an ancient curse.

What to learn: fearlessness.

Dominic and Letty (Rob Cohen's 2001 Fast and the Furious). The sweet couple demonstrates a very passionate and incredibly sexy kiss. Vin Diesel is definitely not shy about his desires.

What to learn: the ability to turn off rational thinking and give free rein to instincts.

Overcome the sensory barrier

Agree, it’s strange if a person just comes up and sucks your mouth like a vacuum cleaner, without hugging, stroking, or trying to get closer. Such kisses can even feel consumerist.

If you are dating a guy/girl, and this will be the first time with language, but not the first in principle, then hugs, stroking, light touches can become a natural part of communication.

But if it's your first kiss, things can feel pretty awkward. Here's what you can do to make the situation more tender and intimate:

  • Move closer if you are sitting;
  • Keep your knees and shoulders touching;
  • Hold hands;
  • If you are smaller than your partner, snuggle comfortably under your side, rest your head on your shoulder;
  • A simple gentle hug works great!
  • Stroke his/her back with your palm or fingertips;
  • You can run your palm over your partner’s shoulder, gently stroke the back of the neck with your fingertips - there are a lot of nerve endings there, and for many people such a touch causes pleasant goosebumps.
  • Try to play with him/her: fingering, burying your fingers, gently stroking the back of the head, running your fingertips along the hairline on the neck, under the back of the head.
  • Now that you are in each other’s arms, enjoying mutual touches - try to press closer so that your faces are close. This is a hint that you want this.

Move slowly, smoothly, give your partner time to stop if he understands that he doesn’t want too intimate contact right now, but not at a snail’s pace, so as not to upset the mood.

Try to relax. Nothing terrible happens. The most bad thing that can happen is that someone won’t like it, but you can laugh and try again.

What to do with your hands

If this is your first kiss in principle, then it is better not to go too far. French in itself is quite intimate and frank, but if you also start putting your hands in inappropriate places, your partner may be embarrassed.

So try just hugging your partner, gently pressing him to you. You can also gently stroke his shoulders, run your fingers along his neck, gently bury his hair or stroke it.

If you are a girl, then the man himself will most likely hug you by the hair as in the photo, you can be sure.

You can gently cup your partner’s face with your palms, gently stroking the cheeks, neck, hair - this is an intimate and gentle, affectionate gesture. Move softly and affectionately, do not press too close, do not cause pain.

If you want to make the contact more sensual, you can clasp your partner’s hips with your palms and press him closer to you, or gently pull the fabric of his clothing, indicating that you would like to take it off.

And then watch: if your partner agrees, you can pull the clothes further, taking them off, or put your hand under the fabric, but if he tenses up and stops, then remove your hands to a safer zone and take your time.

Why doesn't it work?

Some would-be seductresses simply cannot excite a man. And there are several reasons for this.

  • They overact: moans, phrases from books and films, demonstrative convulsions. A man quickly realizes that his partner is only imitating pleasure from what is happening.
  • A girl judges by her anatomy and sincerely believes that a man feels the same. If she has a sensitive neck, then a simple kiss should almost cause a pre-orgasmic state for a guy. Do not do it this way.
  • Lack of preparation. At least read a couple of articles on the technique of oral sex, and only then promise the guy the most unforgettable blowjob in his life. Although the coughing and spitting girl looks unforgettable, yes.

Don't trust erotic films. Staged poses and demonstrative pleasure are just a movie. There is no need to take such a movie as a guide to action.

What to do with your tongue

If everything went well - yoohoo, you're French kissing, yay! But what to do next? What movements should you make with your tongue? How deep can you put it in your mouth? It is quite logical to ask such questions and be nervous.

Here's what you need to know:

  • It is better if the tongue remains constantly in motion. Feeling a limp piece of something slimy and wet in your mouth is not very pleasant.
  • However, at the same time, try to keep your tongue relaxed, do not turn it into an attacking spear.
  • Do not rush. As already mentioned, moving slowly makes it more difficult to make mistakes.

“This is all good,” you say, “but what exactly should we do?” Catch step-by-step instructions:

  1. Once the process has started, simply place your tongue in your partner's mouth, on or under his tongue. There are a lot of nerve endings on it, so even a simple soft touch to it, without any tricks, will be pleasant.
  2. Lightly brush yours over his, then step back, stand still, and do nothing to allow your partner to take the next step on their own.
  3. Less is better than more. Few people will like it if they stick their tongue down their throat and fill their entire mouth with saliva.
  4. Watch your partner's tongue movements. If he is lethargic and doesn’t try to respond to your touch, pull away and ask what’s going on, if everything is okay, and if it’s really worth continuing.
  5. Try to do the same thing with your tongue as your partner does. People usually kiss by unconsciously imitating behavior they like, so he's more likely to like it. Plus, you definitely won’t overdo it.

The perfect kiss - what are they like?

There is no one set formula that can characterize the perfect kiss. Each person may have their own understanding of this process. But one thing is certain: a kiss should evoke only pleasant emotions.

It is kisses that can tell about your feelings, give a feeling of love and excitement. It is important to understand that this process should not be limited to just the lips. The tongue, cheeks and even teeth are involved here.

It doesn't matter what kissing style you choose, the main thing is how you do it. At the same time, it is important to receive not only pleasure yourself, but also to give it to your partner.

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