How to force yourself to work if you don’t feel like it at all

Perhaps everyone is familiar with situations when you have to think about how to force yourself to work. Everyone is susceptible to such phenomena - office workers, freelancers, housewives and others. A familiar situation: when you sit down at your desk, the first thing you do is study social networks, read everything in a row, drink coffee, go for a snack, but never get to work? How to deal with this reluctance and why does this happen?

Reasons for reluctance to work

Let's look at the main reasons:

  • Most often, the main reason for reluctance to work is simple fatigue
    . The pace of modern life rarely allows for relaxation, and this comes with its own consequences. Trying to match the surrounding rhythm, a person begins to exhale, fatigue accumulates, and there are few opportunities for relaxation. The endless desire to do everything in time and fulfill the plan turns into a nervous breakdown and weakness of the immune system. This affects normal functioning.
  • Laziness
    becomes a serious obstacle to fulfilling responsibilities and implementing plans. It rarely appears suddenly, often forming at an early age. It is inherent in almost everyone, but its consequences will not be too destructive if you learn to fight it. If you let it take over, then the work will go slowly, and only serious motivation can change something.
  • Endless stress
    has a negative impact, and it is more difficult for a person to force himself to work. They have similar effects to fatigue, but are more difficult to combat. Stress can result not only in a reluctance to work, but also leads to apathy, neuroses, and depression.

Discipline is the foundation of success

To realize any goal you set, you need to learn to act, regardless of your mood and desire. Otherwise, most desires will remain just dreams. Of course, internal discipline is not a panacea for all troubles. But nevertheless, it is an effective and accessible tool for personal development for every person.

After all, as soon as a disciplined person makes any decision, this can already be considered a guarantee of the implementation of the plan. So, if you begin to cultivate this quality in yourself, you will definitely be able to force yourself to work.

In addition to this, discipline will also help you realize many other goals. For example, get rid of excess weight, master a new profession, learn a foreign language, learn to play a musical instrument, or achieve success in sports.

However, it is worth saying that many people mistakenly associate internal discipline with self-abuse, restriction of joy and freedom of choice. Such a negative attitude can be either subconscious or completely conscious. It is this kind of perception that is often the main reason that people cannot bring themselves to work.

How to force yourself to work when you don’t feel like it and don’t have the strength

People who don't want to do anything and don't know how to force themselves to work often deal with procrastination. How to overcome it? Look for energy. Many people complain of chronic fatigue, due to which planned work progresses slowly. It’s easier for a person to collapse on the sofa with a book than to carry out the original plan.

Where to get energy from - the main ways:

Physical exercise

Many will find this advice absurd, because sport also takes energy, but do not rush to conclusions. Start training and you will receive effective help in the fight against apathy.

What does sport give:

  • Increased learning ability
    . This is achieved by increasing the level of neurotrophins, which support the viability of neuronal cells and provide them with the necessary resources. Hormone levels are normalized and concentration improves.
  • Strengthening the body
    . With the help of physical exercise, a balance is achieved in the interaction between the body and the brain, toxic substances are eliminated. Feeling better, the immune system more effectively fights possible illnesses that provoke fatigue and apathy.


Sometimes we don't want to work, thinking that something interesting is passing by at that time. We start reading magazines, news streams, watching shows, analyzing the lives of stars. As a result, the feeling of disappointment does not go away, because with such a pastime we gain nothing, and the work remains unfinished. Find productive and interesting hobbies that you genuinely enjoy and relax. This could be sewing, playing the guitar, swimming (there are many choices). By spending your free time productively, you will be more willing to get to work, inspired to new achievements. A hobby should not be related to your main job, so you will not be distracted. Choose a hobby that is far from your professional activity.


To have the strength and desire to work, you need to rest well. It is impossible to work every day from morning to evening without getting emotional burnout. A person needs to periodically take time away from work responsibilities to avoid stress. Give your body a chance to recover.

Improved sleep

Healthy sleep is the key to good performance. By paying attention to sports, doing various exercises, or simply walking in the fresh air, you are more likely to overcome insomnia. Healthy sleep ensures good health and gives you vigor. It is difficult for a tired person to force himself to work, and to get rid of fatigue, do not neglect proper sleep.

Write for this blog

Writing articles for a website is, of course, a pleasure. But on the other hand, it is quite hard work. My main job and technical support for this site are much less labor-intensive than writing structured text. The posts on this blog require a lot of mental effort, concentration and perseverance from me. I'm not pouring out a random stream of consciousness on this site. Before my thoughts appear on the pages of this blog, they need to be combed, organized, organically woven into the overall structure and presented in the form of a ready-made, understandable and adapted text for readers.

After the article is finished, I feel a strong moral satisfaction, as if I had completed a difficult task, which this activity undoubtedly is. What helps me work at my main job and, throughout the whole year, provide readers with fairly voluminous articles? Let's talk about the principles that formed the basis of my work discipline. These principles will help you too.

How to collect your thoughts and start working productively

Having gathered your thoughts, you decided to work.

How to put the decision into action?

  • Order
    . Remove from sight everything that distracts from work: a smartphone with social networks, a bowl of sweets, any mess. Don't let clutter accumulate in your workplace - documents, pens, papers, cups should be in order. These things distract your attention without you even realizing it. Remove unnecessary things from your work; this process will help clarify your thoughts. Do the same with household chores. If you want to force yourself to do something, start with cleaning. Make the bed, wash the dishes, take out the trash. The main thing is to start the process. And it’s easier to work when it’s clean.
  • Start small
    . It is often advised to start work with major matters and move on to minor ones, but in the mentioned case this will not work. With a sharp decline in productivity, difficult tasks will force you to procrastinate even more. Start with a slow "swing". Complete several small tasks: tidy up your desk, make a plan, find the information you need. After completing any task (even a small one), the mood improves, the person gets into a working mood, moving on to more difficult tasks.
  • Determine the main task
    . To get yourself to work, decide on your main goal. After warming up from the previous point, it is important to maintain the result. Make sure that entertainment portals and social networks do not interfere with your work. Close all tabs not related to work, exit your social network page. Decide on a task that needs to be completed in the near future, record it on a piece of paper, and stick it in a visible place. When finished, attach a sheet with a new task, and during working hours do not be distracted by other things. After a few hours, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.
  • Workplace
    . It is possible that the workplace is hindering productivity. Colleagues are constantly chatting next to you, from your window you can see an avenue with people relaxing and walking, are you working at home and your relatives are constantly flashing before your eyes? It is difficult to maintain concentration in such a workplace; find a way to change it by moving to another office, room, etc. Is there no such possibility? Let's unload your brain - go for a walk, thinking about your future plan of action.
  • Timer
    . Once you decide what you will do, use a timer. Agree, 15 minutes of work is not much, and you can not be distracted by extraneous matters? Set this time on the timer and get to work. You will be surprised how much you can progress in your work in a quarter of an hour without losing your attention.
  • Optimism
    . An important condition for fruitful work. No matter how many things you get done today, stay positive by promising yourself that you will do more tomorrow. Write down the things you accomplished during the day on a piece of paper, and make a plan for tomorrow.

How to get work done on the road

I work at a frantic pace and sometimes I can visit several cities at once in one day. Naturally, on the road there is a need to do something useful. And then, on the road, you may have a lot of thoughts about the development of any projects.

Translate working documents into electronic format

I have long been accustomed to keeping all information on my laptop, tablet and smartphone. Believe me, the last thing you want to do on a train or car is try to sort through a pile of papers. Only at first it’s difficult to keep all the data on your phone, you’ll get used to it very quickly and simply won’t be able to work any other way.

Plan developmental “monthly courses”

I have to travel around the country by car too often. And I decided that spending time on the radio is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, now I am organizing something like developmental courses for myself. For example, I can listen to audio books by Victor Pelevin for two weeks, and the next two weeks I devote to business training in audio format. I can listen to a “course” of classical music. How might this affect work? Not at all, but it will definitely give you a lot more than a regular radio.

Solve small problems in transport

Minor matters can be easily dealt with on a plane or train. For example, I can tidy up the desktop on my laptop or clear out spam from my email inbox.

Wi-Fi search

Look for free Wi-Fi, since trains should definitely have it. This way you can connect to it using your phone and do most of your work on your laptop.

Email Caching

I have found email caching to be a big benefit. Because in this case I can work even in a bunker where there is no Internet connection.

Tips for working at 100%

To get yourself to work, stick to a simple and effective plan.

  • Motivation
    . Often, poor performance is not due to laziness, but to a lack of clear motivation. Your task is to understand what you are working for, what results the work will bring - visualize it.
  • Clear wording
    . One of the main mistakes that provoke reluctance to work is the incorrect formulation of the task. Because of this, a person avoids completing a task, problems pile up in a medium-sized lump, and the feeling of guilt and subconscious anxiety due to an unfulfilled item increases. Don’t set the task like this: “Write an article.” Paraphrase: “Write about which countries to relax in in winter, tell where the most beautiful places are.” Make detailed clarifications. The more detailed the goal is, the closer you are to it, and the higher the likelihood of achieving it. You can add additional details: lead time, deadlines.
  • Negative thoughts
    . Don’t keep repeating to yourself: “What a boring job,” “How hard this is for me,” “I don’t want to do this.” You program yourself for negativity, discourage the remnants of the desire to work. Understand this: putting off a task for too long takes more energy. During the time of procrastination, you could have dealt with the matter long ago and forgotten about it, but it continues to hang over you as an invisible weight. Start working not with negativity, but with fruitful thoughts. Get ready for action while sipping tea and listening to upbeat music. Convince yourself: “This is a small thing, you can finish it in two days and not think about it anymore,” “I’ll do this faster, I can relax, take a walk,” etc.
  • Just get started
    . The simplest and most correct way to combat procrastination is to start. Tell yourself that you will do this task for ten minutes, and if it is unbearable, then quit. In ten minutes you will be drawn into the process and will not want to quit what you started.
  • Mindfulness
    . An important point on the path to motivation is to realize why you are doing something and where it leads. Don't expect motivation to appear if you are faced with a not particularly pleasant task and its outcome is not clear to you. Can't start working? Clearly imagine the end result of the action.
  • Imagination
    . Think about the essence of the upcoming process. Imagination is a powerful tool, and it would be foolish not to use it. Imagine that you are on an internship, and your performance determines whether you get a position and a salary.

After a hearty lunch

We got some work done and it was time for lunch break. The golden rule is don't overeat.

After a hearty lunch, you will feel sleepy. And nothing will come to mind except the thought of rest. All the body's forces will be devoted to digesting food, and not to work. Therefore, it is better to return intermittently with a slight feeling of hunger than with a belly full to capacity.

To avoid thinking about food, bring fruits or nuts with you for small snacks. They will not distract you from solving problems, but will serve as a source of necessary energy for brain cells.

What psychologists say about this

According to psychologists, if you don’t want to work, there are several possible ways to resolve the process:

  • Minimum steps
    . For example, you need to work on a report: find information, select what you need, make a plan, write. Do all this in small steps, but regularly. Gradually, immersion in work will be complete.
  • Work by inertia
    . When starting a monotonous and complex task, start with the minimum, but don’t stop doing something: prepare your workplace, copy the necessary files, etc. This method helps you cope with monotonous tasks, overcome the first resistance - once you start with difficulty, then you will no longer be able to stop.
  • Do nothing at all for a while
    . Stand in the middle of the room. Nothing should distract you at all - neither food, nor coffee, nor gadgets, nor TV. Just stand or sit on a chair and do nothing. Soon you will get tired of consciously idleness, and you will get to work. Despite some strangeness, this method is quite effective. At some point you will feel the urge to do at least something.
  • Promise yourself a reward
    . When you sit down to work, come to the decision that at the end of it, reward yourself with some kind of gift: from some goodies or watching your favorite TV series to more global things.
  • Make a detailed plan
    . The advice seems banal and hackneyed, but by writing down the first steps on paper, you will get closer to achieving your goal. Seeing a plan for further action before your eyes, it will be easier for you to follow it, simultaneously crossing out completed items and stimulating yourself even more.
  • Make sure you can't find a job that can provide more motivation
    . Reluctance to work may be caused by the wrong choice of professional activity. If this is so, then no matter what you stimulate yourself with, it will have a short-term effect. Many people spend years doing something that does not bring them any satisfaction, being afraid to leave their “familiar” place and try themselves in something else. Don't you fall into this category? In this case, you need to look for information not on motivation for unnecessary and uninteresting work, but articles on how to decide to make serious changes in life. Think about what kind of work would bring you pleasure and inspiration, why you ended up in this place (out of hopelessness, “it just happened,” I wanted it myself). Understand your feelings and desires.

Let's sum it up

Is it possible to live without work? Yes. There are several ways to do this - a successful marriage, an inheritance from an American relative, and passive income (when you invest a lot of money in something profitable and live off the dividends, or rent out an apartment left over from a kind grandmother). You can also buy a house in the village. Live there in peace and quiet, eating what is grown in the garden. You will still have to work, albeit in a different way. A dubious option, but some will like it. That's all I wanted to say. Share your stories in the comments. Goodbye.

Get inspired by successful people

Read interviews with successful people, watch the program “Business Secrets” with Oleg Tinkov. Examples of people who have become successful are inspiring, and it will be easier for you to force yourself to work again.

Remember that periods of failure and decline are followed by periods of growth. If you don’t feel like working right now, this doesn’t mean that this mood will last forever. Examples of successful people will help speed up the recovery from the crisis. They will pump you up with the positivity you need during a crisis.

Why do you want to waste your time instead of working?

Sometimes you can just work in one breath, and sometimes you compete with a sloth: it seems like you need to start doing at least something, but it’s simply impossible. The reasons for this may be purely physiological: severe fatigue, chronic stress, general malaise - perhaps you just need to get some sleep or see your therapist, and then everything will return to normal.

But there are also psychological reasons , here are the main ones: fear of failure, problems with self-organization, dislike of work itself, inability to rest properly, information overload. Each of these reasons influences the body’s energy expenditure to varying degrees: it forces you to spend much more energy than necessary.

Therefore, it is important to understand which reason most influences the desire to do nothing. And then work with it.

Say thank you

John, the CEO of a small trading company, emailed Tim, an employee several levels below him, to praise his performance at a recent business meeting. Tim did not respond to the letter. About a week later, he found himself in John's office as a candidate for a vacancy - it was an opportunity to grow to the level of management. John asked if Tim had received his letter and he said that he had. Why didn't he answer? Tim said he didn't think it was necessary. But he was wrong. John deserved at least a “thank you” in return. Tim wasn't given a promotion. Was he rejected solely because he didn't thank John for his positive feedback? No. Was his disregard for gratitude one of the reasons John decided to look for a better candidate? Without a doubt.

You could argue that we are all too busy with work and life to take the time to exchange pleasantries. If John is that sentimental, he can't be CEO at all. He has fallen behind the electronic age, in which unanswered emails are the norm. If Tim does his job well, that's enough. People are paid to do their jobs—they don't have to give out "thank yous." Thanking your CEO for a nice letter is nothing short of sycophancy. I am ready to argue with all these statements. It doesn’t take much time to respond “thank you,” but it is an expression of concern. John is a brilliant CEO who is loved by his subordinates, management and the company's shareholders. It provides its employees with conditions for rapid career growth and outstanding work results. Leaving someone's message unanswered - an SMS, an email or a phone call - is not a generally accepted norm; it is a gap in the dialogue that many often complain about. Tim may be good at certain areas of his job, but he can't be said to be "good at his job" if he doesn't give credit to the people around him. And finally, “thank you” is not sycophancy, but a sign of politeness.

The book is provided by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Preventing emotional exhaustion

If you decide to deal with stress, disappointment and fatigue, then the main thing to do is to pull yourself together and find new meaning to move forward. It’s worth deciding why you don’t have the strength to work. Perhaps your goals are unattainable or you have no patience at all and are in too much of a hurry to see meaningful results. If a person admits that he is in a vicious circle, then he is already halfway to breaking it. There are many ways to cope with emotional burnout, and no matter which one you choose, there is always a chance to cope with this condition.

Clean up and create a working atmosphere

You can force yourself to work by creating a working atmosphere around you. It will set you up for productive activities, even if you don’t have the energy or mood:

  • Clean up your desk. Let him be a pleasure to sit down with.
  • If you are more comfortable in creative chaos, please just make sure that this is really your preference, and not banal laziness.
  • Take care of the ergonomics of your workplace. You should be comfortable.
  • Play your favorite music on headphones. It will not only lift your spirits, but also set the pace of work. If music bothers you, try listening to songs with nature sounds.


The tips from the article will help you overcome a temporary loss of strength and get back into the mood for effective work. Remember that any difficulties are temporary and will definitely pass. The main thing is to motivate yourself, remember your successes and achievements, and avoid a situation where you decide to give up and stop looking for a job.

It’s not for nothing that King Solomon’s ring was written: “Everything passes and this too will pass.”

Author: Sergey Antropov (KadrofID: 5) Added: 02/27/2015 at 16:08

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Rhythm of life

We have evolved and adapted to new conditions over many centuries, but never before has this process taken place so quickly. Many people are completely unsuited to living in the 21st century. Of course, some will say that the person adapted perfectly to the new rules of life, but in fact, the price for this adaptation was high. Not so long ago, people lived in small villages, knew all their neighbors, and any public event like fairs was considered a significant and big event.

Everyone knew from childhood what he would be when he grew up, because many simply inherited the work of their parents. People fell asleep at sunset and woke up at dawn. Every day and year of a person’s life was predictable and understandable. At the moment, fundamental changes are taking place, and all of humanity is in a state of permanent stress.

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