How to become more self-confident - 10 ways for girls

This feeling grows and develops with us throughout our lives. It can not only be successfully strengthened, but also unintentionally create conditions for complete destruction. In today’s article we will try to figure out how to become a stronger, more decisive, self-confident girl/woman (advice from a psychologist) and not lose the acquired skills over time.

What it is

This is a personal quality of a person, based on three important components.

  • Behavior. The way an individual demonstrates his or her strength.
  • Feeling. How he feels that he is right and evaluates the impact on others.
  • Determination. Ability to make important decisions without delay.

These versatile manifestations are closely related to the self-esteem and temperament of the individual. The most common reason for lack of self-confidence is fear of the unknown. Who knows what can await us around the far corner on life's path? Not everyone is able to look openly and boldly into the future.

But none of this means that overconfidence is a good thing. Often it is fraught with much greater danger. With it, people become characterized by such negative qualities.

  • Excessive aggression. It manifests itself uncontrollably both in words and in deeds.
  • Infantilism. Indifference, which affects adolescents more often than other categories.
  • Negativism. It is a bad habit to consciously elevate oneself above others.

What is it like in psychology to become a self-sufficient, relaxed and self-confident woman or girl? This means acquiring resistance to the influence of negative emotions. His ability to communicate with others directly depends on how successfully a person protects himself from fear, indignation or worry.

What is the difference between arrogance and confidence?

What can be called arrogance? Perhaps this is a violation of established norms of behavior for the sake of one’s own benefit. Let us determine the signs by which one can distinguish arrogant behavior from confident one.

Behavior of arrogant people


established norms of behavior. An example would be climbing to the cash register window without waiting in line, borrowing some things without asking their owner, and the like.

No shame.

An arrogant person does not care what anyone else thinks about him. He acts in a way that is beneficial to him, without regard to other people's opinions.

Tactlessness. Arrogant people almost always have their own opinion on a given situation, which they are ready to express even against the will of other people.

Own interests

at any cost. If they need something, they will do everything they can to achieve it, without having “anything sacred.” They may ignore the fact that their actions cause significant harm to other people, even if they are children or elderly people.

I'll be bolder - I'll become strong

In fact, by resorting to arrogant behavior, you can quickly gain some benefit, but later it can turn against you. The reputation of an arrogant person does not make anyone happy - such people cause irritation and a repulsive impression. Arrogance has nothing to do with self-confidence, because the latter is usually based on self-esteem, which is unnatural for arrogance.

Reasons for uncertainty

As a rule, the origins of this feeling should be sought in distant childhood. At the slightest manifestation of activity and interest in the world around him, an individual usually receives shouts from adults: “Don’t interfere!”, “You can’t!”, “Don’t touch!” So easily and simply the first signs of initiative are destroyed in the bud. But the parents are happy - their child has become quiet and obedient, to the envy of everyone.

Unwanted behavior is assessed by babies and mothers completely differently. For some, this is a way to find out what is happening around, for others, disobedience for which should be punished.

For greater objectivity, it is necessary to clarify that the absence of censure does not always guarantee the opportunity to figure out how to raise and gain self-confidence for a woman. There are a number of other reasons:

  • education within the family;
  • innate characteristics;
  • fear of uncertainty;
  • low self-esteem;
  • excitement;
  • lack of desire for a goal;
  • conflict with oneself;
  • weakened willpower;
  • contradictions between external and internal.

Yes, qualities determined by biology are almost impossible to influence, but social ones are completely in the power of man. Everyone can fix them.

When to be bold or self-confident

Of course, it’s great if you have become a calm and reasonable girl, but often this is not enough for self-confidence. Sometimes you need to demonstrate to others that you are capable of insolence. Don't confuse it with hysteria! So when is it appropriate?

1 - Insult.

If someone is clearly trying to hurt you, then you need to make it clear to the offender that you do not intend to tolerate it. Learn to take a blow and respond to overt rudeness in the same vein. Of course, you shouldn’t descend into “bazaar showdowns”; it is advisable to be able to put a person in his place with one or two phrases, like: “It’s none of your business,” “Your behavior is tactless,” and the like.

2 - Disrespect.

When a salesperson deliberately ignores you, when friends or family are clearly taking advantage of you, or when other similar situations of disrespect for you occur, you may well be insolent by once calmly and firmly expressing what you think about the person. If this does not bring results, start avoiding communication with him.

3 - Game.

Boldness and self-confidence can be used in completely harmless forms. It could be a playful conversation with your lover - both you and he understand that this is just flirtatiousness, and you both like it.

Confidence structure

It consists of directed emotions, determination, and the strength of the sensations experienced. With uncontrolled demonstration of negativity, communication will be difficult. No one wants to be around someone who constantly takes out his anger on others.

Fear and constant anxiety are strong deterrents. The individual becomes timid, his vital activity tends to zero. How can I learn to be more sociable with the advice of a psychologist and feel like a confident woman at work and in life?

People are divided into three categories depending on the intensity of their self-confidence.

  • Overly confident, prone to aggression.
  • Decisive. The desire to contact others and increased emotionality are their distinctive features.
  • Unsure. Those who lack emotions calmly do without communication and gravitate towards negativism.

Uncertainty suggests two scenarios. A person either consciously isolates himself from difficulties, tries to hide, or goes into an aggressive state. In fact, there is a third way to solve a problem - resolving difficult situations with words.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Self-sufficiency as a criterion for self-love

Such persons arouse genuine interest and envy of others. Society tends to downplay the role of others; it does not agree to accept the fact that an ordinary girl could achieve everything on her own. We heard the phrases:

-She has rich parents (husband, brother, lover, etc.). She didn't have to do anything. - She's lucky. “We know how she achieved this.”

No one wants to think that self-sufficiency is the result of hard work. Who is she, a self-made woman?

  • This is an independent lady. Makes decisions independently and bears full responsibility.
  • She has her own point of view. She always stands up for it.
  • Not subject to illusions.
  • There are shortcomings, but they don’t know about it.
  • Tolerant of others, accepts criticism with dignity.
  • Sincerely loves work or his own business. She will not sacrifice her career for the modest role of a housewife.
  • Looks great (he spends a lot of time taking care of himself).
  • He loves himself, does not infringe on himself to please people or circumstances.

It is impossible to become self-sufficient overnight. The concept includes many factors and criteria. They can be divided into three large groups: psychological, social, everyday. Having looked in more detail, you will understand how much you correspond to them and which aspects still need to be “pulled up” to the proper level.


  • The woman is used to relying on her own strength. She is able to react rationally to criticism and makes the final decision herself.
  • Not subject to other people's influence. She says a firm “no” if what is proposed goes against her beliefs.
  • Absence of social and personal “painful” attachments. Remember how little children cannot imagine their existence without their parents? A psychologically self-sufficient person does not allow himself to be dependent on other people’s actions, conversations, opinions, people.
  • Doesn't shift responsibility. Does not blame others for his mistakes.


  • Respected in society. She is valued for her professionalism and personal qualities. She always has a lot of envious people (she doesn’t pay attention to them).
  • He won’t “vegetate” in a job he doesn’t like. He is a competent manager and leader.
  • Has clear goals and achieves them. The excuses “I can’t do it”, “it’s very difficult” are not about her.


She is not in a dependent position. She rarely inherits housing, a car and other joys of life. This is the fruit of painstaking work. Strives for a high standard of living.

What to do

The first thing to realize is that confidence can be acquired. Of course, one cannot exclude the influence of congenital characteristics, but one should not justify one’s own weakness with them. According to the advice of psychologists, how to become a stronger, calmer, sociable and self-confident girl, you need to act, and not wait for a miracle.

Uncertainty and fears

This is perhaps the root of all troubles. To get rid of it, you need to understand what exactly makes you afraid. Knowing what you are up against greatly increases your chances of success. Analyze your own feelings, concentrate and identify the ominous cause. Believe me, as soon as you visualize it for yourself and imagine it in full growth, it will seem much smaller and will not pose such a significant threat.

How to become self-confident and not remember negativity and indecision

Some people become very fixated on negative incidents in life. Day after day, they confirm their inadequacy and inability to cope with difficulties, fishing negative memories out of their consciousness. But our brain carefully stores not only the bad, but also the good. Isn't it better to bring him into the light every day?

The “repository” of images from the past requires special treatment.

  • Get into the habit of focusing exclusively on the positive. Run them through your head before you go to bed. Remember the achievements of others, rejoice at them and be charged with positivity. Never stoop to comparison.
  • When going through difficult life situations, take out from your “piggy bank” only what will help you cope with them and motivate you to be active.

How to restore self-confidence to a woman from a psychological point of view? This will only happen if she refuses to focus on failures. Otherwise, a vicious circle awaits her, from which it is very difficult to break out. Consciousness stalls, continues to absorb negative energy, and over time it becomes completely impossible to find at least something good in your memories.

Uncertainty as self-destruction

Absolutely each of us has amazing talent, special potential and unique abilities that are unique to him. However, fear of self-expression and active movement towards a goal turns these wonderful qualities into empty space. So, when you plan to solve a certain problem, but at the same time you feel overwhelmed by thoughts that deny the likelihood of success, you begin to doubt and eventually don’t even get down to business.

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To emerge victorious from the situation and understand how to become a very daring and attractive young girl, you will have to engage in self-development. You need to overcome yourself, destroy the wall of indecision, get rid of fears and resentments.

Exercise “Three reasons to live”

To say goodbye to uncertainty once and for all, you should master the following method.

Every day, record three successful tasks that you managed to complete. Albeit very minor, accidental ones that were not originally planned. Celebrate even the little things. The main thing is that these small achievements act as prerequisites for the emergence of faith in one’s own strength. Depending on the individual worldview, the reasons may be as follows.

  • “I live for my family and friends.”
  • “I want to achieve my cherished dream.”
  • “My goal is to enjoy special moments.”

This list should be re-read regularly. Believe me, gradually there will be more achievements and you will understand how to be a calm, courageous and confident girl.

How to stop being afraid of social contacts

Here it is important to give yourself the attitude that everyone who surrounds you is also living people with their own character, interests, and problems. Take a closer look at them from the outside.

  • Both you and your opponent have equal importance and are respected. Feel free to ask questions, be interested in details, express your opinion. After all, very often a barrier arises due to the subconscious placing of another person above the rest. This usually happens when interacting with superiors and parents. Remember, beyond the employee-manager relationship, everyone is on the same level.
  • Don't take anything negative personally. If you are not guilty of anything, then there is no need to worry. Most likely, the reason is hidden in someone else, perhaps in your interlocutor.
  • Be honest, be fair. Unreasonable feelings of guilt invariably lead to self-destruction.

Follow these tips to learn how to boost your confidence.

The psyche follows the body

In psychology there is such a concept - “forcefully evoked emotions.” For example, if you make a person laugh, he will begin to have fun of his own free will. To overcome uncertainty, you should:

  • every time you meet someone you know, shake hands or hug them;
  • Be sure to maintain eye contact.

Gradually, you will notice how your consciousness begins to respond with real determination.

How to learn to be more confident

Practical advice


You should find a hobby or activity in which you can achieve good results. Think about what you are predisposed to and do it. Perhaps as a child you were good at drawing, sewing or dancing. Get back to this activity! A person who is successful in some area of ​​life (hobby or work) is more confident in himself.


Don't ignore problems that you could have solved long ago if it weren't for your insecurities. Would you like to go to the dentist for a long time, but are you embarrassed, causing the problem to worsen? Do you absolutely need to talk to some unpleasant person, but are you trying in every possible way to delay this moment? There can be many such examples. Until you solve the problem that has arisen, it will remain in your thoughts, and, therefore, in your life. Overcome your fear and the problem will remain in the breach. Many difficulties are solved in minutes, but instead you spend weeks and months worrying.


Don't be afraid to speak your mind. People around you may treat you completely differently than you expect, solely because they are unaware of your sincere expectations. Don't be shy about saying out loud what you want from other people. Pre-formulate a thought in your head, say it to yourself several times, and then confidently and calmly voice it.


Handle shocks with grace. Having experienced the betrayal of a loved one, faced with an illness or some kind of insult, do not give up, but try to analyze the situation. Such shocks are not a reason for depression, but for becoming stronger in the face of life's adversities.


Forget about feeling sorry for yourself. You should love yourself, but you shouldn't feel sorry. This feeling does not help improve self-esteem at all. If any trouble has happened to you, there is no need to lament your difficult fate, crawling even deeper under your “shell”. Sometimes indignation and anger at how absurdly you find yourself in such a situation can be much more useful and productive.


Take care of your appearance. It has long been no secret to anyone that the better a woman looks, the more confident she feels. You've probably noticed more than once that after getting a good hairstyle or buying something new that suits you, you feel different. If such successful innovations in your appearance occur regularly, this will undoubtedly have a positive impact on your self-esteem.


Circle of friends. Note that the wider your social circle, the better for you. Frequent communication with the opposite sex will have a positive impact on your personal life. Regularly in many cities, and perhaps in yours, events are held where you can meet other people - exciting excursions, trainings and master classes.

General recommendations for every day

Challenge your weakness daily.

  • Watch your posture. Always keep your back straight, walk with your shoulders back, and don't lower your head. Take your time when walking, walk measuredly. This is the only way confident girls behave. They don't run away, they proudly walk forward.
  • Stay in the front row at any event. Try to be noticed, paid attention, and invited to an active discussion. Yes, it won’t be easy at first, but gradually you yourself will begin to be active and strive for action.
  • Don't underestimate your abilities. Recognize them and appreciate yourself for them. At your leisure, make a list of all your positive traits and skills and review it regularly.
  • Learn to smile sincerely. With a smile on your face it is much easier to overcome any difficulties.
  • Look boldly into the eyes of your interlocutor. An attempt to look away can be perceived as an intention to lie.
  • Take action, don't sit still. Show your potential in all possible areas.

Take these tips to heart and you can become a more confident girl.

Signs of low self-esteemi

  • Fashion style. Unconfident young ladies prefer dark, discreet, or gray and boring tones in their wardrobe. Thus, they subconsciously express their desire to disappear into the crowd and in no case draw attention to themselves. And, of course, she does not and cannot have any bright accessories in the form of a stylish handbag or huge earrings.
  • Slurred, low speech. The voice trembles, in some cases breaking from a whisper to a scream. Most often, in the voice of an insecure girl you can detect doubts about her own words. Naturally, such intonation is transmitted to her interlocutor.
  • Confused look. A person with low self-esteem rarely looks his interlocutor in the eyes. Most often, people who lack self-confidence are characterized by a wandering gaze or a gaze directed at the floor.
  • Awkward movements. Gestures are in an awkward chaotic order. It seems that an insecure person is hampered by his own body parts. Every now and then any object tries to slip out of your hands.

  • Aggressive behavior. And the desire to humiliate, especially those who are weaker.
  • Closedness and isolation. An insecure girl will always prefer to spend the evening in splendid isolation rather than decide to go have fun with a noisy company.
  • A negative particle is regularly traced in words and even thoughts. “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t”, “I can’t do it”, that is, those same insidious phrases that obviously predict failure. Thus forming a vicious circle.
  • Reluctance to take responsibility. Neither for your actions, nor for your spoken words. It is easier for insecure girls to blame someone for their own inadequacy.
  • Manipulation through feelings of pity. An insecure girl regularly resorts to this method in order to feel at least a little bit of her own importance. But we have bad news for her - this method does not work. Moreover, neither love, nor respect, nor recognition will be obtained in this case. The maximum you will achieve is what you asked for - pity.

If you discover at least a few of the above signs, you can safely sound the alarm. Unless, of course, you are going to ruin your life with the help of this destructive feeling.

Confidence and success

It is very important at a certain stage of life to believe in yourself. This is the only way to gain self-confidence and determination. It is clear that this cannot be done without compelling reasons. To do this, you need to develop virtues and accustom yourself to the right actions in specific situations. To cast aside doubts, study the signs of a confident woman or girl in the photo, what is she like? Do you want to be like her?

Advice from a psychologist on developing useful qualities of confident people

If you answered yes to the question asked above, then:

  • stop constantly feeling sorry for yourself;
  • treat yourself with respect;
  • watch your appearance and smile more often;
  • strive for self-realization;
  • Decide what you really want to do and what gives you pleasure.

Signs of self-doubt in women and girls

To begin with, I will describe the behavior of insecure girls. Your task is to remember these few signs and track them. As soon as you notice that you are behaving this way, say “stop” and try to change the behavior.

Character traits:

  • reliability;
  • fear of criticism;
  • strictness towards yourself and your appearance;
  • inability to accept compliments, embarrassment;
  • the feeling that you are a victim of circumstances, unlucky;
  • lack or ignorance of one’s own desires;
  • fear of responsibility and initiative;
  • constant dissatisfaction with your life and the people around you.

Have you found at least one point in yourself? For example, I am familiar with each of them. Therefore, the advice that I will give below will be useful to all of us.

Step-by-step instruction

Whether to listen to the advice of experts or not is a personal matter for everyone. The result largely depends on the seriousness of perception. Remember, female self-confidence cannot develop in a vacuum; in a static state you will not achieve anything. It is very important to imagine the task at hand in detail and boldly move towards solving it. This needs to be done step by step, thoughtfully.

  • Record your own achievements and successes. Don't pay attention to those who say that writing is pointless. After all, people tend to forget about the small successes that take place in their lives. This absolutely cannot be allowed.
  • Try to overcome fear. Achieving the desired result involves constantly overcoming obstacles on the way to it. Until you make a bunch of mistakes and learn to correct them yourself, you shouldn’t count on winning. Only experience, often difficult, allows us to reach the sky-high heights to which we so strive.
  • Say no to comparison. How to look and feel like a confident person? This is impossible if you constantly compare with others. Self-esteem is rapidly declining as a result.
  • Take failures calmly. Don’t concentrate on them too much, don’t turn eternal torment into the meaning of life. Day after day, delving into the negative, mentally going through all the worst, you will never dare to make an important decision. Understand that mistakes and difficulties are the lot of absolutely everyone. Only some overcome them with dignity, while others prefer to suffer in inaction. The choice is yours.
  • Criticism is not always beneficial. Proven by psychologists. Those who were constantly reproached and criticized at an early age find it much more difficult to overcome the fear of doing something wrong in the future. Set yourself up to communicate with exceptionally kind people who do not shower you with complaints, dissatisfaction without reason, or point at your failures.
  • Work on your speech style. Speak slowly, pronounce the words so as not to be misunderstood. Speak up, feel free to share your opinion with others.
  • Make a habit of praising yourself. Any woman needs this to gain self-confidence. Constant encouraging thoughts will not keep you waiting long for results. You yourself will feel how praise makes you want to immediately begin new achievements.

How not to be helpless

There is a concept called “learned helplessness.” It appeared as a result of experiments with dogs. The test subjects were divided into three groups and placed in boxes with a partition that opened under certain conditions:

  • in the first group, during electric shock;
  • in the second, when the partition of the first is opened in the first group;
  • the third had a free exit.

All individuals equally tried to find a way out, but then realized the rules of the game. When they were moved to a common box with a low partition, the first and third group jumped over it. The second one continued to wait. They were accustomed to helplessness and did not try.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon is also observed in humans. If in the past an individual tried to do something several times, but did not get the expected result, then in the future he will refuse to complete the task. He does not try to change the situation for the better, although there is such an opportunity.

We need to fight this. Remember if you ever refused to do anything because you were sure that nothing would work out?

There is a whole system for getting out of this state and changing your way of thinking. It helps you become more self-confident and self-sufficient.

  • Stage 1 - leaving the toxic environment. Poor ecology negatively affects our well-being. There are also people who “poison” the lives of others with their actions. Scientists have proven that 50–60% of any personal success depends on the environment. “Toxic” people constantly complain, are always dissatisfied, and do not believe in themselves. Is it contagious. After communicating with them, your mood worsens, you don’t want to do anything and let new things into your life.

The only way out is to run away from them. They will not change and will drag you down.

  • Stage 2 - getting rid of the internal accuser. The feeling of guilt is ingrained in us from childhood, then school, work and strangers are added. The situation is aggravated by growing internal experiences. Daily reproaches of professional incompetence, laziness, cowardice, and lack of harmony have a destructive effect. And no one else can do it so quickly and effectively. Stop! Talk to your inner self. Didn't you do a thorough cleaning of your apartment over the weekend? Maybe you've had a really hard week at work and you just need to recharge. Try to find reasons, find a compromise. The main thing for you is to stop blaming yourself. Remember, this is not beneficial and has a negative impact on your mental health.
  • Stage 3 - analysis of accumulated grievances. Everyone has a virtual “suitcase”. It doesn’t store grandma’s outfits, but a bunch of accumulated negativity. You don’t go through it every year and don’t throw away what you don’t need, but just report and report. What will happen? It will burst. Conduct an audit. Forgive and wish happiness to your offenders. This is an effective way to leave all the bad things in the past. Stop sulking at the teacher who failed you in an exam, or the colleague who spoke unflatteringly about you. Let them live their lives, and you – yours.
  • Stage 4 - changing behavioral stereotypes. The main thing to understand here is that as long as we do everything as before, we will get an identical result. By preparing a dish strictly according to the recipe, we always get the same taste. You set your own barriers. Don't be afraid to experiment. To begin with, you can try to change your image, diet, and way of communicating with relatives (switch from communicating in instant messengers to phone calls, to face-to-face meetings). A big journey begins with small things. By allowing changes into life, we become better, our stereotypes and ways of achieving goals change.
  • Stage 5 - constantly overcome yourself. Have you set a goal for yourself and achieved it? Fine. Don't rest on your laurels for long. A lot of discoveries await you. Set new ambitious goals, develop plans for their implementation, overcome fears and uncertainty. This should happen constantly. Do not be afraid. It will be scary at first, but then it will bring real pleasure.

It is important

Still thinking? What are you afraid of, getting rid of uncertainty, becoming self-sufficient, living by your own rules? Yes, it's a big responsibility. It's hard to stop blaming the whole world and start working. If you want to change and start living instead of complaining, act.

How to develop leadership qualities

The topic would not be complete without information about leadership qualities. Here it must be said that high self-esteem and leadership are interrelated concepts. You can't be a leader without self-confidence.

Leadership consists of several aspects:

  1. Charisma is a combination of qualities that make a person liked by others. The main ones are humor, positive attitude, honesty, courage, and sociability.
  2. Professionalism. A leader must have the best skills and knowledge in order to have authority among his colleagues.
  3. Lead the group to the goal. The leader must set a goal for the group that would be attractive to each member of the team. Of course, a leader must lead other people to achieve this task.

Make yourself feel good

Straighten your back and take a deep breath. Now write a list of what you really want. Start with the little things. For example, a new mug or beautiful breakfasts. Both don't cost much, but will make you look at yourself differently.

You will understand that you are worthy of everything you dream of right now, and you will never suddenly lose weight or wear a floor-length skirt to become more feminine.

You can please yourself right now. No reason, just like that. And when this realization comes, you will feel more and more confident. It is impossible to start changing until you accept yourself as you are, and only you can do this.

How to feel beautiful

Photo by Igor Mashkov: Pexels

  • Start taking time for your skin

This could be a massage in the morning, masks, a bath and sports. All this, perhaps, is not exorbitant procedures from the world of cosmetology, but ordinary everyday habits that will give you self-confidence.

  • Healthy body

And here we are talking not only about sports, but also about nutrition, visiting doctors as necessary. If you know that everything is under control and you treat your body with care, it will be much easier to feel beautiful.

  • Create a wardrobe for yourself

Don't chase fashion. It is important to understand what is right for you and your body type. Then you won’t put on skinny jeans and make yourself feel bad, but on the contrary, you will feel beautiful and attractive

  • Sincere smile

Yes, straight white teeth are, of course, beautiful. But if your smile radiates harmony and happiness, this is much more important.

All these tips relate to your appearance, but this is not the only thing that makes you beautiful. There is something most important.

Differences between a confident woman and an insecure woman

For clarity, let’s look at the main qualities of a confident and insecure woman, presented in a table:

Appearance and internal qualities Confident woman Unsure woman
SightStraight calmDown running
SpeechClear loudMuffled, with an apologetic intonation
External imageNeat, stylishOrdinary, not attracting attention
EmotionsPositive perception of lifePessimistic mood
Life goalsClearly delineatedBlurred or missing

The behavior of a confident woman is based on the presence of these qualities. Such a woman knows her worth, she adequately assesses her goals and the possibilities of achieving them.

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Water wears away stones. If someone hears reproaches against him every day, sooner or later he begins to perceive them as the truth. It is extremely important to filter your surroundings, leaving only people you like in it. How to become confident when your friends and acquaintances are constantly trying to humiliate you? It is unlikely that you will be able to increase your self-esteem with envious girlfriends and ill-mannered men. You should be a real conductor of your own life, choosing only those instruments that do not spoil the overall composition and sound.

Contact a psychologist

And no, you don’t go to a psychologist only when you have problems. People also go to him when they want to understand themselves and start changing their lives. For all the points that were described above, it is important to know yourself.

The fastest way to explore yourself is to consult a specialist. During consultations, you will be able to track the cause-and-effect relationship between what you want and why it appeared in your mind.

You will be able to answer the question: “Where did the complex and the opinion that I am ugly come from? And why am I so unsure of myself? This may be due to the opinion of a significant adult or criticism in adolescence and for many other reasons. When you track this and work in a psychologist's office, you will let go of this situation and be able to look at yourself in a new way.

What kind of look should you have so that men are attracted to you and you feel confident?

You have to look at men as victims.

They are training.

They're training.

They are victims.

They are lab rats.

Pavlov's dogs.

You are the power! You experiment with your development.

When you look at a man the way a psychopathic scientist looks at his white mice, then men will feel it. Because no one ever looks at them like that.

The weak ones will immediately flush down the toilet.

The strong will rise to the challenge. A violent passion and a battle of the titans will begin. Because he won't want to be a workout. He will sense your system and try to break it no matter the cost.

The moment your brain sends a signal through your nervous system to your eyes, questions appear in your head:

  • What to do with it?
  • What kind of mind blowing am I going to give him today?
  • What experiment will I conduct on him today?
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