How to cheer up if you haven't slept at all: ten ways to recover after a sleepless night

No one denies that even a slight lack of sleep negatively affects the body. Mood deteriorates, the brain works slower, metabolic processes are disrupted, and the risk of obesity and diabetes increases. Unfortunately, no amount of fighting spirit will help you make the right decisions if you don't get enough sleep. Even stimulants, such as coffee, will not allow you to think better.

But you can prepare for being awake at night as best as possible. How to stay awake and survive the night away from bed and recover as quickly as possible? So…

Find half an hour to sleep

Try to find time to sleep in the middle of the day. Microsleep for 15–20 minutes can work real miracles: the energy received is quite enough to remain focused and attentive until the evening.

The technique is very interesting: drink a cup of espresso (you can also eat a few slices of dark chocolate) and immediately go to bed or get comfortable in an office chair. Set the alarm clock for 20 minutes. This way, you will have time to wake up before the deep phase of sleep sets in, and it will be easier for you to get up than if you slept for several hours. In addition, it is at this time that the caffeine will begin to take effect, and you will really feel an impressive surge of energy.

How to fall asleep in 1 minute if you have insomnia: A simple technique for healthy sleep

Personal data processing policy

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data at Grand Clinic on Chistykh LLC in order to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens when processing their personal data, including the protection of rights to privacy, personal and family secrecy guaranteed by the Constitution.

1.2. The personal data processing policy was developed in accordance with Federal Laws No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”; Government resolutions No. 1119 dated 01.11.2012 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”, dated 09.15.2008 No. 687 “On approval of regulations on the specifics of personal data processing carried out without the use of automation tools”; by FSTEC order No. 21 dated February 18, 2013 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems.”

1.3. This Policy discloses the principles, procedure and conditions for processing personal data of individuals when seeking medical help from a medical organization.

1.4. The principles, procedure and conditions for processing personal data of the clinic’s personnel, as well as personal data processed in the process of fulfilling contractual obligations in the course of daily activities, are not considered in this Policy and are regulated by the internal regulatory documents of the medical organization.

2. Categories of personal data processed

2.1. Personal data of patients (persons who are a party to the contract for the provision of medical services) that are subject to processing: – passport data; – telephone numbers for contacting the patient (contact information); – information about the state of health, the presence or absence of diseases listed in the patient’s health questionnaire, completed during the process of collecting anamnesis; - any data from laboratory and diagnostic tests obtained by patients as a result of the examination.

2.2. The list of documents generated when a patient applies to a medical organization is provided for by the Civil Code, Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2012 N 1006 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services" - Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ (as amended by the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2020 N 1-P), order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 2, 2012 No. 441n “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates and medical reports by medical organizations.”

3. Purposes and terms of processing of personal data

3.1. The purposes of processing personal data of patients who contact a medical organization: – execution of an agreement for the provision of medical services, to which the patient is a party; – medical and preventive purposes (establishing a medical diagnosis, providing medical services, monitoring the quality of medical care, etc.).

3.2. The terms for processing personal data directly depend on the storage periods of civil contracts and medical documentation and are: – for personal data received in connection with the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of medical services – 5 years; – for personal data of special categories (health data) – 25 years in a medical organization, 75 years – in the archive.

4. Principles and conditions for processing personal data

4.1. The processing of personal data at Grand Clinic on Chistykh LLC is carried out on the basis of the following principles: – legality and fairness of the purposes and methods of processing; – limiting the processing of personal data to the achievement of specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes; – preventing the processing of personal data incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data; – preventing the merging of databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other; – processing only those personal data that meet the purposes of their processing; – compliance of the content and volume of processed personal data with the stated purposes of processing; – preventing the processing of excessive personal data in relation to the stated purposes of their processing; – destruction or depersonalization of personal data upon achievement of the purposes of their processing or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these purposes.

4.2. A medical organization processes personal data only if at least one of the following conditions is present: – processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data; – processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by law (subparagraph 4, paragraph 2, article 10 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ); – processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the subject of personal data is a party; – processing of personal data is carried out, access to an unlimited number of persons is provided by the subject of personal data or at his request (public data); – personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law is processed; – personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation on compulsory types of insurance and insurance legislation.

4.3. A medical organization and other persons who have access to personal data due to work duties are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

5. Rights of the subject of personal data

5.1. The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his own interest, without coercion or misleading on anyone’s part.

5.2. The subject of personal data has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, unless such right is limited in accordance with federal laws.

5.3. The subject of personal data has the right to demand clarification of his personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures provided by law to protect his rights.

5.4. It is prohibited to make decisions based solely on automated processing of personal data that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the subject of personal data or otherwise affect his rights and legitimate interests, except in cases provided for by federal laws, or with written consent of the subject of personal data.

6. Ensuring the security of personal data

6.1. The security of personal data processed by a medical organization is ensured by the implementation of legal, organizational, technical and program measures necessary and sufficient to meet the requirements of federal legislation in the field of personal data protection.

6.2. Measures to ensure the security of personal data include, in particular: – appointment of a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data; – publication of local legal acts regulating the rights and obligations of the personal data operator, describing a system of measures to protect personal data, defining access to personal data information systems; – identification of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems; – application of methods (methods) of information protection; – assessment of the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data before the commissioning of the personal data information system; – accounting of computer storage media of personal data; – detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures; – restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it; – establishing rules for access to personal data processed in the personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the personal data information system; – control of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level of security of personal data information systems.

7. Final provisions

7.1. This Policy is a local legal act, is publicly available and must be posted on the official website of the medical organization.

7.2. Control of compliance with the requirements of this Policy is carried out by the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data.

Use moisturizing eye drops

In addition to drowsiness, one of the unpleasant sensations after a sleepless night is “sand in the eyes.” To soothe the mucous membranes, drop any moisturizing drops into your eyes. Perform “palming” (from the English word palm, that is, “palm”). Place your elbows on the table and cover your eyes with your palms (thumbs touch your temples, the rest lie crosswise on the bridge of your nose). Stay in this position for a few minutes. This simple technique gives a powerful and quick boost of energy (even your vision becomes sharper).

general information

It's no secret that healthy and sound sleep is the key to excellent health and good mood. However, not every person manages to get enough sleep. This is especially true for residents of modern megacities, where every second person faces such a problem as insomnia .
How to fall asleep quickly and what methods of falling asleep quickly exist? What to do if you can't sleep? Why does a person suffer from insomnia and how to overcome it? We will try to answer these and other important questions in this material.

Roll balls with your feet or walk on rocks

There are many active points on our feet that stimulate the functioning of internal organs and the brain. Any foot massage affects the condition of the whole body. In order to cheer up for an hour or two, it is quite enough to vigorously roll balls with your feet or walk on stones for a couple of minutes. Repeat several times during the day when drowsiness begins to set in again.

What will help you sleep if it’s stuffy: several interesting solutions

In addition to standard and easily followed recommendations, do not forget about auxiliary devices. The modern market offers many interesting solutions that can help solve the problem of poor sleep.

For example, you can install a household recuperator in your apartment. It will ensure normal air ventilation and will also maintain a comfortable temperature in the room at any time of the year. After all, in summer it supplies cooled air flow, and in winter it supplies heated air. At the same time, the air will always be clean, since dust, bacteria and various allergens are captured by built-in filters.

We recommend the product

Recuperator Blauberg Vento Expert Plus WiFi 8 reviews

In stock

Area, m²: 11-20 | Filter class: F8 (optional), G3 | Wall thickness from, mm: 250 | Installation of external grille: from indoors | Heat exchanger material: ceramics | Wall module diameter, mm: 160 | Heat recovery efficiency,%: 82, 90, 97 |

And, probably, the most budget-friendly solution for round-the-clock air supply can be considered a supply valve. After all, it is quite cheap, which makes it accessible to absolutely everyone. A supply valve is installed on the window. Its main function is the same - the influx of fresh air flow from the street.

A properly installed ventilation system will also contribute to good sleep. It will ensure normal air exchange and you will be able to breathe deeply. As a result, spending time in the room will be more pleasant, and your sleep will be healthy and complete.

In the summer, when heat and stuffiness are common, installing an air conditioner will help. It just needs to be done by professionals. With proper installation, the air conditioner will create a temperature in the room that is comfortable for the body. And regardless of what it is like outside the window.

Prepared room

In order not to fall asleep at a crucial moment, you need to turn on the light. It interferes with the production of the hormone melatonin. Sitting on a chair, a floor lamp with bright light is placed next to it. Thanks to the light falling on the face, the brain will begin to actively work.

You sleep better in warmth. You can't sleep in the cold. To do this, ventilate the room so that the air temperature is 18 degrees. The room may have a spartan decor. Armchairs and sofas relax a person. But you are unlikely to fall asleep on a hard chair with a straight back.

Why can't I sleep at night?

Night vigils can proceed in different ways. Someone cannot sleep for a long time, tossing and turning almost until dawn. Or, having no problems falling asleep, a person wakes up after midnight and stays awake until the morning. Sleep can be superficial, with frequent awakenings. The main factors causing insomnia are:

  1. Stress is one of the main reasons. Memories of the past, anxiety about the future, worries about oneself and loved ones - these obsessive thoughts overcome a person as soon as he lies down in bed. To prevent the night from passing in fruitless attempts to fall asleep, you need to get rid of anxious thoughts. As Scarlett O'Hara said, "I'll think about it tomorrow."
  2. Bad feeling. Headache and toothache, osteochondrosis, stomach cramps - it is impossible to fall asleep with these sensations. If the pain recurs constantly, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are the enemies of a good night's rest.
  4. Strong tea or coffee. These drinks, drunk immediately before bed, stimulate the nervous system and increase the concentration of adrenaline.
  5. Poor nutrition. A late dinner with a predominance of fatty foods will lead to heaviness in the stomach. The stomach will be busy digesting food, so you won’t be able to relax and fall asleep. Also, avoid eating sweets in the evening. Sweet foods are rich in carbohydrates, which are converted into energy.
  6. Changing your daily routine. Vigil in the dark and daytime rest disrupt the biological rhythm.
  7. Medications. Antidepressants, hormonal drugs, medications for the treatment of asthma, thyroid gland and other drugs that have a stimulating effect affect the quality and duration of sleep.
  8. Physical exercise. You need to do sports no later than 3 hours before going to bed, as an increased heart rate prevents relaxation.
  9. Sleeping area. A comfortable bed helps you fall asleep quickly. Sometimes it’s enough to change an uncomfortable pillow or mattress and everything gets better.
  10. Environment. Bright light, uncomfortable room temperature, noise - all these are external irritants. To eliminate them, you need to ventilate the room and close the curtains tightly. Earplugs are suitable for noise protection.

The source of insomnia can be various diseases, such as:

  • enuresis – bedwetting;
  • apnea – stopping breathing during sleep;
  • mental disorders;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • cardiopulmonary failure.

Also, falling asleep can be affected by a change in the usual environment, hot water treatments, watching an action-packed movie, snoring of a spouse, menopause in women, pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations in the body.

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