How to say “thank you” differently? Examples of positive thanks on websites and in letters


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What words of gratitude do we usually see in system messages after sending a letter through feedback forms on websites or in letters and comments from brands? That's right, most often several options appear, similar to the examples below:

  • Your message has been sent. Thank you!
  • Thank you for your interest in the brand!
  • We have received your letter, thank you for your feedback!
  • Message sent successfully. We will definitely answer you.
  • Your request has been registered. We will respond to you within 300 years.

This format is quite suitable for companies that sell wholesale reinforced concrete blocks, provide services for hiring helicopters with a pilot, or represent other, no less serious topics.

I'm exaggerating, of course. To be honest, such messages are suitable for most “ordinary” messages, but they look a little drab on live, interesting platforms that claim to be unusual.

The standard “thank you” doesn’t really take root on websites and in messages with a light style, a bit of humor and a positive presentation. It's like wearing a Bart Simpson t-shirt, palm tree shorts, and black dress boots. A glitch in style.

Why can't you say this word?

“Thank you” was once considered a magic word. They were taught to pronounce it from an early age. What happened, why is it now banned?

When watching old films, we hear the word “thank you,” “thank you,” or “give thanks.” It turns out that the word “thank you” contains not entirely positive energy. It is hidden on a subtle level and seems to push people away from each other.

To prevent the relationship from deteriorating, say “thank you,” or “thank you.” Again, a question mark, what is the difference between words of gratitude, because both mean only good things.

Even in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, “thank you” means: “God save.” It turns out that the man asks God to save me from this man! That is, at a subtle level, the channel that connects these two people is closed. What a twist!

Today it seems different to us. If you don’t say this word of gratitude at all, then the person will be so offended that he will turn away forever.

“Thank you” has become such a strong part of our speech that when you hear “thank you,” it already hurts the ear. We are not used to this kind of thanksgiving. How can we understand this behavior of people: when we say “thank you,” we see a smile or a nod of the head in response. So it has a positive meaning!

In our society, the one who says “thank you” is considered a rare intellectual who miraculously made his way into our world. But the fact that this man will be remembered for a long time is indisputable.

What is the power of gratitude

Surprisingly, gratitude is a contagious thing, just like ingratitude. Just remember yourself as a guest. You get up from the table and spontaneously say “thank you,” since several people have already done this before you. So gratitude has its own power.

I remember once with my friends we even organized a flash mob - we wanted to increase the positivity. They walked into the store, smiled, and after any purchase, change, or question answered, they said thank you. It's a small change for us, but it's nice for the sellers. So the most interesting thing is that even the most nervous seller began to smile and communicate more softly! So what is the power of gratitude?

Teaches you to appreciate what you already have

When we want something, we become fixated on what we don't have. This spoils your mood, a passing dog irritates you, noisy children blow your mind, and an absurd remark from a passer-by infuriates you.


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But if you act differently - notice what you get today - the focus shifts. Your mood will lift, because you are no longer as unhappy a person as you thought. And the dog is already valuable - it meets you from work. And the child touches you - he talks about his successes with genuine emotions, and the passer-by “smiles” - he simply wished you to cross the pit, since he himself had just fallen into it.

We can talk about the benefits of gratitude for a very long time. I will list the main points.

Shifts focus away from problems

When a person trains in gratitude, he reacts to many problems normally, calmly, and becomes stress-resistant.

By the way, just a life hack from me - if you want to develop resistance to stress, first develop the ability to give thanks!

Really helps you get better

A grateful person is positive. And a positive attitude, as we know, can really help you recover. Positivity heals.

Magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain's response to gratitude have revealed activity in an area that is very, very important for a healthy life and normal social interactions.

The connection between gratitude and the medial prefrontal zone reduces the effects of stress and restores the body's natural strength.

Improves relationships with people

Grateful people can be seen from afar, they are less nervous, more pleasant to communicate with, open, forgiving and require little for themselves. Such people know how to communicate correctly with others. Who wouldn’t want to communicate with such “darlings”?

Gives strength to forgive and understand

Gratitude leads to emancipation, liberation from resentment. Such a person can look at the offense from above, can find a reason for understanding, and not for quarrels. Thus, you expand your consciousness and instead of the position of a “victim”, you take the position of a confident person. By the way, a self-confident person is not prone to offense.

Makes you kinder and removes hatred

Gratitude helps you see the soul in others. When you understand why he did this to you, you will put aside your resentments and be able to express genuine gratitude for the experience.

And another life hack: this feeling is disarming, all the enemy’s manipulations will stop working if you are a grateful person.

Helps you value yourself

This feeling completely removes the feeling of self-pity that destroys. We free ourselves from negative energy and discover the other side of negativity in ourselves. We begin to see everything beautiful that surrounds us, to notice our advantages. And not to be proud, no, but to confidently change your life for the better.

Promotes personal development

We become less selfish, less dependent on material goods, but enjoy life more. We begin to be overwhelmed by how beautiful everything is around us, and this motivates us to develop even more.

I give you the blessing - a wish from the heart?

So say “thank you” or forget? There was an opinion among the people that this word should be spoken to those with whom you no longer want to communicate or to those who have harmed or hurt you. In this case, such gratitude takes on a sarcastic meaning.

You can often hear people answer “no way.” It turns out that this is protecting yourself from possible troubles from that person.

If we say “thank you,” then we are doing something beneficial to ourselves. By saying “thank you,” we wish the person good. That is, having wished good for another, we begin to believe that all good things will return to us.

Do these words really have such different meanings? Try saying both of these thanksgivings, you will see that nothing in your life will change. Doubts will just begin to live in your soul.

Express gratitude with words

So, of all the ways to express your gratitude to another person, verbal is the easiest. It does not require time or money. All you need to implement this method is to think a little about how to frame your own thoughts.

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How to say “thank you” beautifully in words?

  • Thank you, you helped me a lot.
  • I am very grateful, you helped me out a lot.
  • Please accept my sincere words of deep gratitude.
  • Thank you, I appreciate everything you have done for me.
  • I know how much work this cost you and I am sincerely grateful to you for everything.
  • Thank you, that's very kind of you.
  • I'm flattered, thank you!

In addition to the basic expressions above, you can use others that suit the situation. When it comes to expressing feelings, the best things that can be said are those that sincerely come from the heart.

Why you can’t say “thank you” in prison

In prison there is no need to say “thank you” at all. A newcomer can be taught a lesson in such a way that he may not survive. Why is it forbidden to say such a word of gratitude in the zone, but only “thank you”?

It is impossible to understand the logic of the prisoners. They probably have a strong opinion that God Save means a direct call from God to save the soul from everything worldly.

If you were told this in everyday life, then defend yourself with the expression “you’re welcome.” That is, you are saying that there is nothing to punish you for. The prisoners will not understand this, but immediately go on the offensive, and everyone who is close to the one who was so thanked.

In prison there is a special unwritten “etiquette” that must be observed. For violating any rule you can become a “rooster”. You should thank your cellmates with the following words: “from the heart,” “spiritually,” “thank you,” or “thank you.”

And “thank you” cannot be used even in letters to family or notes. “Proper guys” can be offended even because of one such thanksgiving.

There is another explanation for this attitude. In the zone, “thank you” and “please” seem obscene to the prisoners to pronounce. This is explained by the fact that the one who pronounces them wants to once again put himself above the prisoners. They will teach a newcomer a lesson the first time, but then they will not stand on ceremony.

Most of the “caregivers” are children from disadvantaged families. They respectfully call themselves “men.” They feel fierce hatred towards more prosperous people. And the prison authorities use precisely these expressions indecent for prisoners in their vocabulary.

Another reason why you can't say thank you like that. If they share tea or cigarettes in the zone and hear “thank you” in response, then this will be the most severe insult. In prison, tea and cigarettes are considered the highest good. They also say “thank you” for them.

Examples of gratitude

A grateful person doesn’t need to work hard to squeeze out a “thank you.” But this feeling can be expressed not only through words. You can thank a person in other ways besides “thank you.”

Time. It is the most valuable currency these days. If a person is burning with a sense of gratitude, he will not hesitate to spend a few of his minutes, and maybe even hours, on you. He can come, console or be there when needed.

Help. We are talking specifically about actions. Such a person will be happy to help with something physically, to talk. He can babysit the children while mom goes shopping or to the salon. It can help with something practical: writing a thesis, digging in the garden, going to the hospital, and much more.

Surprises. Well, everyone loves gifts. Sometimes bribes are called “gratitude”. So a grateful person can give thanks as much as his wallet can last. But seriously, you can express gratitude for your work with words + a surprise. I like it when gratitude is expressed in the form of a cake with fondant on the topic of work (for a hairdresser, scissors and a mirror, for example).

Surprise for a girl

You also need to be able to say “thank you” in beautiful words. There are template phrases that will help you express the whole storm of emotions after the service/help provided to you

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