Correspondence between a guy and a girl on VK. Examples of correspondence in contact, 100 examples of correspondence, with a guy, with a girl. Examples of how to meet by correspondence in VK, 100 examples

Every day, millions of acquaintances are made using the World Wide Web. Some people find a one-night stand, while others find true love. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the Internet, because it is thanks to it that communication over long distances has become possible. You can easily find a life partner while living thousands of kilometers away from him.

With the help of correspondence, you can gain trust, show your best sides and guarantee yourself a personal “happily ever after.” For girls, virtual communication sometimes becomes the only way to somehow improve their personal life. There are sure-fire ways to text and make him fall in love more, which will allow you to find a boyfriend in a short time and win his heart.

How to start a conversation with a guy examples

If you decide to meet a young man on a social network, then before writing a message to him, you need to carefully study his page. Quite often, social network users post information on their personal pages about their interests, hobbies, place of work, study and residence. Of course, we cannot be sure that it is 100% truthful, but based on statuses from the feed or photographs, the communities in which a person is a member, you can form an idea in your head of what a guy who appeals to you might be like. .

We present you with several options on where to start correspondence with the guy you like:

  1. Find a photo in his open photo album where he stands against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape or landmark and write a comment under it: “What a beautiful place! I would also be very happy to take a photo there for myself. Although, maybe it’s not the place? And I won’t look as good in photographs as you?” If the guy is adequate, then he will definitely answer you with a mutual compliment. All you have to do is put your page in order so that it has beautiful photographs.
  2. If you see on a guy’s page that he constantly rides, for example, on a bicycle, then most likely this is his hobby, he is for a healthy lifestyle. You can contact him with a supposed request: “Can you tell me where I can go to get my bike repaired? Otherwise mine is broken, but I see that you understand this matter . A guy will definitely be interested in a girl with whom he has the same interests.
  3. If you find a photo on the page that was taken in the same country where you have been before, then you also have the opportunity to grab onto this: “Hello! Listen, did you also vacation in Egypt this summer? Cool! Did you manage to try the local cuisine? I just never managed to do it... I really regret that. Costs? "
  4. If you see that a guy was relaxing at the same club as you over the weekend, you can write to him like this: “Hi! Had a great dance yesterday! The girls and I just couldn’t take our eyes off it! Did you study somewhere?”
  5. If you see a guy often hanging out in a park, you can pretend that you recently moved to the area where the park is located and are now interested in the attractions of the place: “Hi! I see you often walk in the park near which I now live. Can you tell me what is interesting to watch in it?”
  6. Find one of the experts on the friend list of the guy you're interested in and ask, “Hey! I’m looking for an excellent photographer, I see in your contact list (for example) Ilya Grechkin. What can you say about him? Good specialist?"
  7. You can pretend that you are a pollster conducting a survey and you really want the answer: “Hey! I’m conducting an interesting experiment - a survey of what feats modern men are capable of. Would you mind sharing what is the most important feat that you yourself are proud of that you have ever accomplished in your life?”
  8. Look at the university where the guy studied and start communicating with him like this: “Hello! It says on your page that you studied at MGIMO (for example). My childhood friend Maria Pirogova studied there. Don’t you know one?”
  9. You can also pay attention to the school where the guy studied. Pretend that you also studied there: “Hello! This week there will be a meeting of school No. 12 graduates. Are you going to go?
  10. You can simply not come up with anything and write to the guy about your intentions, only very tolerantly: “Hello! You have a very interesting page! I couldn’t ignore it and would like to get to know each other better. How do you generally feel about dating via the Internet?”

When you write to a guy, choose the correct form of address:

  • If he impresses you as an intelligent person, then it is better to address him as “you” and you will also have to choose an appropriate topic. If he is your peer, then don’t worry, and address him as “You”.
  • Don’t use cliche phrases: “Hi! Hello how are you! How do you like me?". They are only suitable for guys with a frivolous outlook on life. It's unlikely you need one.

What to write to a stranger to make him smile?

When messaging a stranger, it is important to appear unobtrusive and establish easy communication.

It is important to appear unobtrusive when messaging a stranger

You should not use diminutive expressions so as not to scare off the guy you like.

  • You can send a neutral emoticon and see the reaction. If the guy sends a smile back, you should continue the conversation.
  • Give a compliment: “I wonder if nice guys make interesting conversationalists?”
  • “I think our t-shirts match perfectly in our profile photos! What do you think?".
  • "Hello! My friend said that she has a cute boyfriend who wouldn't mind chatting. Can you guess who she meant?
  • You can send him a beautiful photo with your face, but without bare parts of the body. Then use the standard “Oh, sorry, wrong number” and look at the reaction.
  • You can write honestly and openly: “Hello! I really don’t want to distract you, but I’m missing new people and interesting acquaintances in my life right now. Let's try to chat a little?"

How to meet people on VK, examples of correspondence

To make it clear who plays what role in the communication, we will make several symbols:

  • “M” is a designation for a young man in correspondence;
  • “F” is the designation of a girl in correspondence.

Option 1


- Hello! Are you a lawyer by profession? Do you really need professional advice?


- Hello! I will be happy to help such a pretty girl.

F — I have problems with my neighbors, they are constantly making noise. Where should I go with this question?

M - I can solve this problem not as a lawyer, but as a man. Where to go?

F - Thank you! Write down the address)

Option 2


- Hello! I'm going to go to the performance you were at, judging by the photographs on the wall. Share your impressions, is it worth going?


- Hello! It's nice that there are still girls who are interested in theater. You know, emotions cannot be expressed in a few words. I suggest we meet and have a cup of coffee? I'll tell you everything.

F - Really? How amazing! I would be very glad to hear an expert's opinion!

M - Then write the address! I'll pick you up! You don’t mind that I switched to “you.”

F - No, of course! I am waiting!

Option 3


-Hello! You have great photos on your page! What do you use to take pictures?


- Hello! I'm a professional photographer, so I shoot everything with my camera!

F - How great! Do you take pictures of people? I would book a photo shoot with you.

M - Of course! I photograph beautiful girls for free! So pick a time and see you.

F - Thank you, I can drive up right now, tell me where.

Option 4


- Hello! And this is you eating at the Magnit restaurant (for example).


- Hello! I’ve been working there for 2 years now, or rather relaxing, because it’s more of my hobby.

F - Seriously? I thought this was your whole life's work! You eat so beautifully!

M - Thank you! Come tomorrow, I’ll sing for you personally.

F - I’ll definitely come! And I take you at your word!

Option 5


- Good evening! Do you have a couple of minutes?


- Kind! How can I be useful?

F — I’m working on a dissertation in psychology, and I need some answers to simple questions from you.

M - Only if it’s not complicated) Let’s switch to “you” then. It is more comfortable.

F - Ok!

Option 6


- Hello! Tell me, have you been living in Moscow for a long time?


- Hello! No, I moved six months ago, but we know each other?

F - No, that’s the point) I want to meet someone who will show me the city.

M - I’ll be happy to show you Moscow at night, because I’m very busy during the day.

F - Great, in the evening the city is probably even more beautiful than during the day.

Option 7


- Hello! Do you like live music?


- Hello! And who doesn't love her?

F - Super! I'm in a band and we'll be giving a concert tomorrow in the park. Come.

M - Well done! What instrument do you play?

F - Come and find out) And not only about that)

Option 8


- Good night! Why can't you sleep at such a late night?


- Hello! A lot of work. And you?

F - Same problem. There is no time to rest at all.

M - Then maybe let’s relax together tomorrow with a cup of coffee in the morning?

F - I would love to! Let's. Write the time and address.

Option 9


- Hello! How do you, such a young man, manage to do everything? I looked at your page, every day there is something new and interesting!


- Hello! I'll take that as a compliment)

F - I just don’t have time to do anything at all, I’m always late everywhere.

M - This is typical for girls, so don’t worry about it. But, if you really want to learn how to plan your time, let’s meet and share my secrets!

F - Thank you! I will be very grateful to you!

Option 10


- Hello! How long have you been a member of the Entrepreneurs 2000 community?


- Hello! Yes, I learned a lot of useful things from it to develop my business.

F - Great. I’m new to this and I’m already lost in a ton of information.

M - If you need help, I can suggest something.

F - Thank you, but it’s better for me to meet in person) Otherwise, I still won’t understand anything in the correspondence.

Good morning wishes to your loved one

When thinking about what a pleasure it is to write to your loved one in the morning, you should first at least approximately know his usual daily routine. So that it doesn’t happen that you write an SMS to a guy during his work planning meeting or vice versa, in the midst of his morning sleep.

Of course, he will not be offended, but this may throw him off track at work or cause problems with his superiors, who will not approve of correspondence during the meeting.

What exactly to write depends on the degree of your relationship. For the initial stages, when you are not yet too close to each other, cute SMS messages like “Good morning to the most beautiful boy” or “I wish you a morning as sunny as your smile” are suitable.

For a closer relationship, you can add nicknames and cute addresses that are already familiar to you, or something more personal or intimate. You shouldn’t get by with banal messages - add creativity to them so that after your SMS the young man will probably smile.

How to start a correspondence in VK examples

  1. "Hello! I’m participating in a beauty contest, and I want to ask you to vote for me, if it’s not difficult for you.”
  2. "Good morning! Is anyone really awake at this time on Sunday? I thought I was the only one crazy.”
  3. "Hello! How do young people spend their weekends in this city? I just moved before I knew anything.”
  4. "Hello! I work as a volunteer at a city nursery. Tomorrow we are organizing a meeting of all those who care about the fate of abandoned animals. Come, we really need support."
  5. "Hello! I'm an artist, I'm going to open my own exhibition. I’m interested in your opinion about my paintings, maybe there’s still something to work on?”
  6. "Good evening! I saw in your feed that you often visit Omsk. I have relatives living there. Can I ask you to give them gifts from me the next time you go there?”
  7. "Hello! You have so much great music on your playlist! I’ve already downloaded half of it for myself! Do you want to go to a real rock concert? I have invitations"
  8. "Hello! It's a wonderful evening today! I want to go for a walk in the park, but I have no one to keep me company. Maybe you're not busy? We’d like to get to know each other at the same time.”
  9. "Hello! Where do you buy books? I see that you are fond of reading fiction, and I am also a fan. But I can’t find a site where I can place a large order.”
  10. "Hello! We don’t know each other, but I would really like to talk to you, because, like you, I love cooking!”

What words to write to a girl you know

On the one hand, it is easier to establish communication with a girl you know - because you already know each other and can guess what she likes and how best to communicate with her. On the other hand, it’s more difficult, because she has already formed an opinion about you and is guided mainly by it, and not by emotions. You need to think about how to start a conversation with a girl. Knowing your weaknesses, she dismisses you as a potential partner in advance. Changing this opinion and creating feelings can be difficult. The main task in this case is to express your own intentions and show yourself as a young man, and not a friend. And the best tool for this is flirting. It should be light, unambiguous, but not vulgar.

Here are ten examples:

  • “Yesterday you looked so stunning that all my phrases for tackles simply flew out of my head.”
  • “It’s a pity that you left so early - you didn’t have time to stop admiring it.”
  • “How about coffee tomorrow night? I haven’t heard your laughter for a long time, I’ve already missed you.”
  • “I’ve heard so many good things about your Labrador—can’t wait to meet him!”
  • “The pencil skirt you wore recently opened my eyes to the beauty of your legs.”
  • “Without makeup, your eyes are even brighter and more expressive—a rare trait!”
  • “I’m ready to talk to you for hours, but work doesn’t wait. Shall we continue in the evening?
  • “Your sense of style is great. Can you give me some tips on how to organize a wardrobe?”
  • “They say that Coffeemania has excellent mocha, but I’ve heard where they make it the coolest. Shall we check it together?
  • “Don’t you have a few mountains to move? Because you inspire me to do great things, and I need to do something with all this energy."

Use emoticons and emoji in your communication to make your correspondence brighter and more expressive, but don’t communicate exclusively with them. Send pictures, gifs, videos and music so that the correspondence is not boring and monotonous and there are more topics for discussion.

How to interest a guy by correspondence

  1. "Hello! Did you really go to school 12, as indicated on your page? I just don’t remember having such charming guys at school?”
  2. "Hello! Are you from St. Petersburg? All my life I have dreamed of moving to this city. It seems to me that there is nothing more romantic than this place on the planet!”
  3. "Good afternoon! Why not in the park or at some picnic on a holiday? Or do you manage to combine relaxation with online communication?”
  4. "Hello! Does it say on your page that you work as a dentist? Listen, how can I get an appointment with you? The tooth has been bothering me for 2 days now.”
  5. "Hello! It's nice to see that modern guys are for a healthy lifestyle! How long have you been going to the gym? Your body is gorgeous!”
  6. "Hi! How do you know Olya Zhdanova? We are just the closest friends, and she didn’t even introduce me to such a charming guy? It's unfair)"
  7. "Hello! Can you tell me where I can get shoes repaired in your area? I was walking through the park and broke my heel, and now I’m sitting here and don’t know what to do.”
  8. "Hello! I came to your city to study. Don't know how you are doing with your rental property? I want to come and arrange accommodation in advance.”
  9. "Good evening! On my day off, for the first time, I didn’t think of any leisure time for myself. I see that you are also passing the time at home? Maybe we can go somewhere together?”
  10. "Hello! I met you yesterday by chance in a store, and today I also found you by chance online. Maybe this is fate?

Preparatory work: before you write

Dear ladies, many of you want to find your beloved man. This is probably why you surf the expanses of numerous dating sites . But stop! Before you go on a virtual search, work on your profile. It is she who plays a decisive role when meeting a new man. A personal page should reveal the best sides of its owner and imperceptibly veil the shortcomings.

Make your profile bright and exciting, but don't forget to add a touch of mystery.

We've put our profile in order, now we're going to look for the guy. Study carefully every detail of your chosen one. After all, every profile on a dating site is a whole story about its owner. But what is the relationship between the questionnaire and correspondence? The most direct one. Thinking about what to write to a guy in the first message? Forget about the banal “Hello, handsome”! Use the information from the questionnaire and focus on his hobbies.

What to write to a guy

Examples of correspondence with a girl dating

Option 1

M: Hello! What a pretty girl you are! You can't take your eyes off it!

J: Hello! Thanks a lot! Only you are exaggerating.

M: I think not! Let's see each other and talk better?

Zh: Why not) I’m free tonight.

Option 2

M: Hello, girl! Can you tell me where in your city I can order flowers and have them delivered by courier?

J: Hello! I think this information can be found on the Internet)

M: I just need a safe place so that you can definitely receive flowers from me. I am simply amazed by your beauty.

J: Thank you for the wonderful compliment and for the romantic impulse)

Option 3

M: Hello! I want to express my deep gratitude to your mother for giving such beauty to this world!

J: Thank you! I'll pass it on)

M: And thank you for being able to increase it)

Zh: And you, I see, understand female beauty?

Option 4

M: Hello! How long have you been doing yoga? I'm just exploring this direction, and I doubt a little whether I can defeat her.

J: Hello! The main thing is the right attitude and, of course, there is no need to doubt it either.

M: Can you tell me which coach is better to contact?

Zh: There is no one better in our city than Lena Minkova. I want to go to her.

Option 5

M: Hello! Do you often go to the pool in the city center?

J: Hello! I definitely disappear there every weekend.

M: Can I join you?

F: Come on) What, are you into swimming?

Option 6

M: Hello! I have 2 movie tickets, they were given as a gift, but I have no one to go with) Don’t you want to have an interesting time?

J: Hello) What kind of movie is it?

M: Any) If only you agreed.

J: Thank you) Why not) Now I’ll see what’s on the poster.

Option 7

M: Hello! I see you often take part in social events. Is it really interesting to you?

J: Hello! Yes, I want to be useful.

M: Great! What is the next event of this kind you are going to attend?

Zh: Why are you interested, do you want to join?

Option 8

M: Hello, beauty! I really like your photos! It seems to me that you are incredibly photogenic. I want to give you a professional photo session.

J: Hello! Thanks for the compliment! I already have good pictures, why do I need more?

M: There is never too much beauty) So agree)

F: A tempting offer)

Option 9

M: Hello! How long have you been dancing? My sister just really wants to find a good teacher. Do you recommend anyone?

J: Hello) I teach myself, so you can come to class.

M: What time does training start?

J: Every day from 14:00) I will be waiting for you.

Option 10

M: Hello! When do you have time to rest? You only have photos from work!

J: Hello! Why such interest? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

M: Yes) First, I suggest we have lunch together)

F: Constructively) Where and when?

What next: how to keep his attention and interest

How to keep a guy's attention on a dating site

As it became clear, you can attract the attention of a guy on a dating site very easily. You don't have to be the queen of flirting. The formula for success is very simple: attractive appearance and a little initiative - you're done! Cupid's arrow is launched into the heart of the chosen one! The main thing is to carefully study the profile and think about what you can write to the guy. The list of questions from the previous paragraph will always help.

Now the most crucial moment begins. You have to maintain male interest in your person. Otherwise he will leave in English. And we don’t need such an ending at all.

Quickly remember how not to lose your treasured interlocutor on a dating site:

  • Let's not forget about women's pride . You should not show your urgent need in his presence. What to text a guy when he doesn't text? Anything, just don’t be bombarded with dreary messages: “Hey, where are you?”, “I’m waiting for your answer! Why are you silent?".
  • Conversations are devoted to his interests . The male ego loves to be the center of attention. Just find out and discuss information, but don’t pretend that you have the same interests. It’s unlikely that you watch football on weekends or enjoy spending time in the garage.
  • The best “bait” for attracting attention is a request for help . Well, men like to feel superior. Therefore, quickly scout out his area of ​​interest. And go ahead - pretend to be a girl in need of help.

Remember! Dating sites love flirting and strong feelings. It is rare to find a man here who dreams of friendly communication. Therefore, try to move from virtual communication to real meetings. This is where the fun begins.

Correspondence with a girl examples of communication

Option 1

M: Hello! Why do you have such sad eyes in all your photos?

J: Hello) Unusual question)

M: A girl like you should only smile)

J: You can try to cheer me up)

Option 2

M: Hello! Interested in going on a weekend tour?

J: Hello! It depends where and in what company)

M: So that nothing bothers you, I suggest spending this weekend together in our city) And the next one, if you like everything, wherever you want)

J: An offer that’s hard to refuse)

Option 3

M: Hello) I want to meet you, because it seems to me that we are very similar)

J: Hello) Why was this conclusion made?

M: I see that my hobbies are the same as mine, and I read similar books.

J: Then maybe) Let’s try to communicate)

Option 4

M: Hello! My name is Lekha) I really liked your work) How long have you been modeling with clay?

J: Hello) That’s nice to hear) It’s rare to meet a guy who would be interested in this type of activity.

M: I just sculpt too. I can show you my work too)

Zh: I’ll be very happy) It’s useful for development.

Option 5

M: Hello! I watched your collection of videos! Yes, you are a girl with a great sense of humor!

J: Hello! Is this such a rarity?

M: Unfortunately, yes) What are you doing in the evening, there is an opportunity to get to a local stand)

J: I don’t have any special plans, so I might as well go)

Option 6

M: Hello! How are you going to spend the holidays?

J: Hello) Do we really know each other?

M: Not yet. But I would really like to, it seems to me that you are an unusual girl.

Zh: Well then, let's start with something simpler)

Option 7

M: Girl, good evening! You've won a theater ticket! Congratulations!

J: Hello! And I didn’t seem to participate anywhere)

M: And this is an absentee competition in which you are already the winner) Where to bring tickets)

J: Are you resourceful and enterprising)

Option 8

M: Hello! I came across your profile because you are on my sister's contact list. Now I can’t help but write to you)

J: Hello! Who is your sister?

M: Marina Lobova)

Zh: Well then, I know a lot about you)) Nice to meet you)

Option 9

M: Hello! Are you a model by any chance?

J: Hello! I'm just learning)

M: I can immediately say that a great future awaits you in this field)

Zh: Are you connected with the modeling business?

Option 10

M: Hello! Would you like to take part in the charity event: “Beauty will save the world”?

J: Hello! So what should you do?

M: Just come and decorate a wonderful evening at the theater)

J: Thank you for such an original invitation)

Example phrases

Original examples of messages if you are apart

  • Today the fish are depressed, the cat is not in the mood, and even the cutlets are not so tasty - all because you left.
  • Only three things lift my spirits every day: an SMS from the bank about the receipt of money in my account, good weather and a call from you.
  • In your absence, I began to communicate with the closet, the mirror and the stool. Either the orderlies will take me away, or I will marry the refrigerator!

Examples of messages to intrigue the guy you like

  • Modesty adorns a girl. Apparently I'm not wearing any jewelry yet.
  • I'm looking for a young man with whom I can go to the movies. At the same time, give birth to a couple of cute children and take out a mortgage for twenty years.
  • You can always rely on me. Although...the pose can be changed.
  • Let's be friends? You'll definitely like me! I have a big and wide soul!
  • I have my eye on you... and I would also gladly put a couple of my body parts...
  • Let's behave really badly? For example, let's eat candy first and then soup.
  • I invite you to French lessons! The topic of the lesson, of course, is kissing.

Examples of messages to a stranger on social networks

  • You have a great smile in the photo. I would like to see the live original and compare.
  • Do you edit all your photos? Well, it’s impossible to be so irresistible!
  • When I see that you are “online”, my heart just rejoices - there is someone fun to chat with.
  • Well, stop winking in the photo here, I already agree to a date!
  • They say that love rejuvenates both body and soul. Let's finally rejuvenate to the fullest together, shall we?
  • Professionally breaking my psyche. Inexpensive - for just a couple of dates.
  • Should I send you a long message or 30 small ones to annoy you longer?
  • My new blue dress matches your eye color perfectly.

Examples of correspondence with a man

Option 1

M: Hello! I haven't met such a beautiful girl for a long time!

J: Hello, so we haven’t met yet)

M: This can be easily fixed) I can pick you up)

J: I work in a coffee shop. If you want, you can come)

Option 2

M: Hello! Are you interested in psychology?

J: Hello! Yes, I am a child psychologist by profession.

M: Interesting profession) Do you love children?

Zh: Of course, they are so innocent and real)

Option 3

M: Hello! How do you spend your free time? What is your hobby?

J: Hello! I don’t think I should talk about this with a stranger)

M: So there’s no problem) My name is Andrey) Let’s get acquainted)

F: We will) I'm Katya.

Option 4

M: Hello! I won’t hide it, I really liked you, and I don’t know where to start a conversation with you.

J: Hello! Thank you for your frankness)

M: Maybe let's switch to you first?

F: Good start) Come on)

Option 5

M: Hello! What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?

Zh: Hello) The same as on my playlist) Why are you asking?

M: I’m just going to a concert tomorrow where our pop stars will perform) I can take you with me)

J: If you invite me, then I’m all for it)

Option 6

M: Hello! I don’t know how anyone can miss such a beautiful girl like you?

J: Hello) Thank you for such a wonderful compliment, although it sounds rather dubious)

M: Why? I just expressed my first impression)

J: Then I have the same idea about you)

Option 7

M: Hello! Where are you spending this weekend?

J: Hello! Hanging out with the girls) Do you have any suggestions?

M: Yes) Let’s tell your girls that you’re busy, and I’ll keep you company instead?

J: A very bold proposal) Can you give more details?)

Option 8

M: Hello) How I would like to do something nice for a girl like you to be remembered forever)

F: Hello) Then get a scarlet flower)

M: Write the address) They will deliver in a few minutes)

J: Thank you for your promptness) Will you come in person?)

Option 9

M: Hello) How are you?

J: Hello) I'm bored.

M: Why can’t anyone cheer up such a girl?

J: Because I’m alone) if you want to improve the situation, you can try)

Option 10

M: Hello! You have an excellent taste! Did you learn to dress so beautifully somewhere or is this talent natural?

J: Hello! Mom taught me)

M: Well done mom! And you, as I understand it, are still a student?

J: Yes) But not only that, I also have time to work)

Talking about life

Work and life

It's a little corny to ask a woman what she does for a living, especially if you've just met, but that doesn't mean it's a bad topic to talk about.

One day you will still have to talk about what you do, but after that you need to focus on her.

Ask her what she does for a living, how she got into this profession, whether she likes it or not.

But it's even more important to ask what she wants to do.

When you correspond with women, make sure they tell you about their hobbies, dreams and goals for the future.

This is one of the topics they enjoy discussing the most.

Studying at school, college, university

There is nothing wrong with reliving your student years, even with a new pen pal.

This is an important part of your life, so it's worth talking about.

If you have some funny incident from your student life, then you can use it as a reason to talk to the girl about this topic.

Surely she has something to surprise you with.

Events of the past day

Another conversation cliché is to ask a girl how her day was.

Many are sure that this is not the most exciting topic of conversation, but it is great as a fallback option.

The main thing is to avoid boring “ How was your day?” "

This question can be asked in another way, for example:

«What’s the most interesting thing that happened to you that day?” or “What part of your day would you like to repeat? ».

These are good questions because they can't be answered in one or two words and can be a great conversation starter.

Of course, if something cool or unusual has happened to you lately, don't be shy about talking about it to keep the conversation going.

Just make sure in advance that this is a really interesting story that she will like.


Since not everyone loves pets, you can start a conversation on this topic if you are sure that the lady is an avid dog or cat lover.

If so, then she will talk for hours about her pet, so try to get her to have this conversation.

Remember, you want the woman to talk about what she likes, this way she will equate talking to you with happiness.

Therefore, pets can be a great topic of conversation.

Plus, if you both share a passion for pets, then you can use this as an excuse for a date.

You can always walk the dogs together.

Career goals

I already talked about this above, and I will repeat it again, because it is important. Career goals are an important topic that needs to be addressed at the dating stage.

The main thing is that you don’t have to do it as if you’re conducting an interview, so under no circumstances should you ask a woman:

«Where do you see yourself in five years?».

Instead, invite her to talk about her career, and then casually ask:

«What would your dream job be?».

This will get her to talk about her passions and dreams without making her seem like you're testing her.

Direct question

If you are confused and cannot find a suitable topic for conversation, then you can use some template question, for example:

What do you usually drink at parties? " or " Where did you buy that cool ski suit? "

The trick here is to make sure that every question you ask contains a compliment in disguise. For example:

«This shade of lipstick looks amazing on you, what color is it?».

Honestly, these questions won't help you much in building trust, but sometimes you just have to start somewhere, right?

Her passions

It’s not for nothing that women’s hobbies and interests constantly appear on this list.

This is because if you are interested in someone, then you should know as much positive things about this girl as possible, things that she really likes.

Plus, this is a great way to make a woman enjoy the conversation.

But don't feel like you need to focus solely on her work-related interests and hobbies.

Remember that women are about much more than a successful career.

In addition, there are a number of equally important issues.

Does she really love children?

Does she volunteer?

Don't be afraid to show a little curiosity and get to know the girl better.

What she doesn't like

As a rule, when communicating with a woman, you need to maintain a positive attitude, but there may be exceptions.

Sharing a general dislike for something can also be a good way to bond.

You probably won't want to start the conversation by asking her what she doesn't like, but if she brings it up, don't be afraid to jump in and see where the conversation goes.

This isn't the best way to impress a girl, but she'll love the opportunity to talk about what's bothering her.

Flirting correspondence examples

Option 1

M: What a charming sun looks at me from your page)

F: Thank you) I can shine even brighter) The main thing is to be able to light up)

Option 2

M: I look and admire) What beautiful eyes you have)

J: Thank you) I don’t often hear compliments on this)

Option 3

M: I have never met a more beautiful girl than you)

Zh: This is an ordinary photo) But it’s still nice)

Option 4

M: A body like yours should bask in the warm sun in a tropical country.

J: Everything is in your hands) I’m not against such an event)

Option 5

M: What a charming beauty you are! The look is so deep!

Zh: Thank you) Everyone says that I fight with my eyes on the spot)

Option 6

M: Thank you that our world is still decorated with such women!

Zh: Thank you that there are still men who know how to appreciate this!

Option 7

M: I dream of waking up in the arms of such a beauty!

Zh: Don’t rush things so much! But dreams tend to come true.

Option 8

M: It seems to me that the sun comes out every morning only because you are in this world.

Zh: Thank you) I am touched by such a compliment.

Option 9

M: Hello, beauty! Where did you come from so much that you can go crazy?

F: From mom and dad, dear)

Option 10

M: I didn’t even think that I would be so lucky and would see the girl of my dreams.

Zh: I never dreamed of hearing such words addressed to me.

Why it’s important to write first: the benefits of initiative

Let's leave behind the stereotypes that writing to a guy first is bad form. No! Women's pride and inaction can play a cruel joke on you. Read and remember the advantages of the first step on the part of a girl:

  • An enterprising lady is a rarity, and any uniqueness arouses increased interest.
  • You can choose from all the candidates presented, and not just from the “what was left after others” category.
  • The ability to achieve one’s own is developed, and not to wait. Believe me, this skill will be useful not only on dating sites, but also in real life.

Correspondence of lovers

Option 1

M: My beloved! I want to really hug you now, it’s a pity that I’m far away!

F : Nothing! I look forward to your return! And know that I won’t let you go anywhere all weekend!

Option 2

M: How are you, my sun? I miss you already!

F : And I) I don’t even know how I’ll survive this week until we meet again)

Option 3

M: Hello, honey! Today I woke up thinking that I am so happy that I have you!

J: Hello! Now my morning is the best! How nice it is to read such words from the person you love!

Option 4

M: It seems to me that you are my destiny! No one understands me better than you!

J: I have the same thoughts! My dearest person is you!

Option 5

M: Hello, my beauty! How was your day? Has anyone offended you?

J: Hello! No) I walked through it all thinking about you!

Option 6

M: When will the weekend come? I'm so looking forward to our meeting)

Zh: There is very little left, although I am also counting the days, my beloved!

Option 7

M: What are you doing today, my precious? I'm sorry I had to leave you for so long.

J: Hello! I miss! Never leave me again! I exist without you!

Option 8

M: How is the most gentle angel doing?

Zh: Waiting for the best man in the world to arrive, warm you up and hug you!

Option 9

M: I want to wish you, my joy, the most beautiful and tender day!

Zh: It will be like this for me anyway, because I love you!

Option 10

M: I'm so glad that I have you! It feels like I have grown wings!

J : I have the same feelings for you! I am the happiest person on the planet!

List of love messages to send to your girlfriend

  • The second I met you, I knew there was something about you that I needed. It turns out it wasn't something. It was all you.
  • I remember the first day when I looked into your eyes and felt my whole world turn upside down.
  • I'm so lucky to have you. When you are near, I have incredible strength to move forward.
  • Your smile is my favorite thing in the world!
  • My angel, you are the best thing that happened to me.
  • Baby, my heart will be broken if I don't see you all day. I miss you!
  • I can do a hundred things at once, but I always think about you!
  • You don't know, but your smiles can sweeten anything, including my life, my days and my coffee. How can I believe that you are not made of sugar?
  • You are the reason for every wonderful morning in my life.
  • Your kiss is my daily dose of happiness and comfort.
  • If love were a cup of coffee, it would be a mocha latte—sweet, hot, and full of pepper.
  • Before you, my life was like a puzzle with a missing piece. You were the missing piece, thank you for solving my puzzle. Love you.
  • You bring out the best in me in every situation. You are honestly what I was missing. You are my personal piece of sunshine.
  • To fall asleep at night, I imagine that you are here, next to me, with your /hair color/ hair tied in a messy bun, and hugging me.
  • You have no idea how much I need to hear your voice every day. I so want to hug you, wake up with you and be there to love you.
  • My heart skips a beat, my mind spins in circles, my smile stretches from ear to ear: all because you are nearby.
  • I saw that you were perfect and fell in love with you. Then I realized that you are not perfect, and I fell in love with you even more, my gentle girl.

How to cheer up a girl in correspondence

  1. You can send the girl some funny picture with animals or children. The girl will definitely smile when she sees a funny and cute image.
  2. You can send the girl some video. This could be a person's unsuccessful performance at a talent show or just a selection of funny shots from the Internet.
  3. If you have known a girl for a long time, then send her a fresh joke. You need to be sure that she will laugh and not think something bad about you.
  4. Come up with a very witty, but at the same time unambiguous question for the lady of your heart. He may not cheer her up, but he will make her smile.
  5. Write a funny poem for a girl. But just make sure it's not vulgar. Otherwise, the girl will consider you a pervert.
  6. Choose non-banal compliments for the girl, then she will definitely smile when she reads them.
  7. Tell the girl some funny story from your life, but it shouldn’t be long, otherwise the girl simply won’t read it all.
  8. Send the girl some funny emoticon that you like. She will then associate him with you.
  9. Take a photo of yourself in a funny costume and send it to your girl so she can laugh at you too.
  10. Just write something nice to the girl. Only these should not be banal words, but a whole poem of romantic words.

All correspondence options are just assumptions. You can start communicating according to our example, but it is not a fact that a girl or guy will answer you as described in our options. Get ready for the fact that you won’t be able to win the attention of the person you like online the first time.

Solid communication

When communicating with an adult man, you should not expect serious intentions.
These men are attracted by the girl’s intelligence, intelligence, and rationality, and with a seductive appearance, communication is doubly pleasant. However, such a combination of a girl’s positive qualities is considered by adult men as a trap from which it will be difficult to find a way out, especially if you give free rein to your feelings and fall in love. But in mature men, reason dominates feelings. Over time, the fascinating philosophical correspondence will turn to humiliation. The man will have a defensive reaction in the form of resentment, which will lead to the end of the correspondence.

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