Strength of character: how it manifests itself and how it is cultivated

Human character, unlike temperament, is not an innate parameter. It is formed from birth under the influence of many factors. But the main building blocks responsible for the predominance of strong or weak traits are laid in the subconscious during communication with peers and relatives, when the child adopts key moments of interaction with other people. The formation of individual personality traits ends by adulthood. After this, changing your character is difficult, but quite possible.

Strength of character in man, woman and child

Of course, strength of character will differ among people of different genders and ages, and will also have additional characteristics.

For representatives of the stronger sex they mean:

  • status;
  • achievements in core activities;
  • devotion to family and principles;
  • the presence of a life goal and its implementation.

A woman with an inner core will have:

  • independence;
  • ability to network and work in a team;
  • attention and care for yourself and family;
  • the ability to understand and accept the people around you;
  • developed sense.

A strong personality can manifest itself already from childhood. The child will have the following qualities:

  • dissatisfaction and perseverance (not capriciousness and outbursts of aggression);
  • desire to do everything independently;
  • he is not inclined to show unquestioning obedience, but is capable of making strong-willed (for his age) decisions;
  • does not put up with failures, strives to do everything as needed.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

These qualities should not be confused with temporary manifestations of age-related crises. Conclusions can be drawn only after prolonged observation of the child’s behavior.

Tough people they are

If the phrase “tough person” comes up in a conversation, then many begin to draw an image of an intolerant person who looks with disdain at the weakness of others. In fact, toughness can be called a reflection of a person’s strongest character traits, including perseverance, will and self-control.

Tough people tend to be leaders by nature. Moreover, it is worth considering that this character trait is not innate, it is formed under the influence of various external factors, often difficult life situations.

Rigidity can essentially be called the ability to remain steadfast even when external or internal stimuli for a long time do not provide the opportunity to relax.


Internal irritants include personal weaknesses and desires, and external irritants include insults, neglect and resentment caused by other people.

A tough person is characterized by the following behavior:

The ability to quickly navigate difficult life situations and find the most optimal solution to a problem. The ability to defend your point of view on any important issue. The ability to protect yourself and your loved ones in critical situations, often without the use of physical force. High level of discipline, punctuality and willingness to take responsibility for words and actions.

The above character traits become the basis for the formation of an internal core, which often manifests itself in the form of rigidity, which can be very useful in situations such as:

  • Conflicts with colleagues in the work environment.
  • Stressful and force majeure incidents.
  • Disputes and discussions that require defending your opinion.
  • As a means of defense against opponent's aggression.

However, you should not think that rigidity is an exclusively positive feature. Such people also have certain disadvantages, for example:

  • Emotional stinginess. It can be quite difficult for tough people to express intense joy or grief. For them, such vivid emotions are a sign of weakness that they cannot afford. They are used to controlling themselves both in professional activities and in everyday life, and increased emotionality for them is an indicator of a loss of control.
  • Tendency to egocentrism. Over time, tough people begin to prioritize only their needs, believing that their desires and opinions are above all.
  • Intolerance. A tough person is critical of himself and his environment. He does not accept weakness and mistakes. Democracy and tolerance are alien to him. If a tough person demands the maximum from himself, then he will also set higher standards for others.
  • Problems with building romantic and friendly relationships. Intolerance and the inability to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of others almost always become a tangible problem in creating social connections of one degree or another. No love can guarantee that a year later a tough person will not begin to reproach his soulmate for her bad habits or lack of ambition.

Characteristics of strengths and weaknesses

Let's take a closer look at the character strengths that need to be developed.

Determination - what does it mean? This is the relentless pursuit of a goal, and not just its name. Many people set a goal (climb the career ladder, lose X kg, quit smoking), but not everyone reaches their final destination. When faced with difficulties, a person either gives up or simply begins to feel sorry for himself and makes allowances for his loved one. If you haven't achieved the end result, you have no willpower. Educate. Set a goal again and again and try to achieve it, gritting your teeth.

Perseverance in achieving a goal helps you reach your final destination. Persistence does not mean stubbornness, but it is close to it in its emotional coloring. Without perseverance, determination will not help, because finishing what you started requires exertion of willpower. Only when the intended peak is reached can we say that a person has achieved a certain result in developing a strong character.

Willpower is the core on which a person’s personality rests. It is expressed in overcoming oneself: laziness, apathy, reluctance to move and even lift a finger. It is thanks to willpower that a person becomes a man with a capital letter. Without it, it resembles an amorphous formation that does not resist anything in its path and dies. Willpower and the will to live give the right to live and fight for one’s existence.

Note! Strong character does not mean the desire to go overboard in order to achieve a goal. A strong-willed and strong-willed person knows how to empathize.

Organization is order in your head and affairs. A disorganized person will not be able to achieve any result in his activities, since chaos of thoughts reigns in his head. Organization begins with a daily routine and a plan for the current day or week/month. If a person is constantly distracted by something, then he will not be able to focus on the goal.

Schedule your current day hour by hour and try to strictly adhere to the routine. It will take some time to develop a good habit of organization. Then you will suddenly notice that you no longer need reminders and notes in your notebook.

Responsibility is awareness of the seriousness of your intentions. An irresponsible person will not be able to hold down a good job, start a family and raise children. Responsibility is absorbed with mother's milk and trains for the rest of your life.

If you develop the listed qualities in yourself, then we can say with confidence that you have formed a strong, solid character. Water wears away stones, and daily training of the will develops a strong character.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You cannot be a psychologically strong person if you do not understand negative emotions, do not know how to manage them and achieve a productive result in spite of everything. The moments in which your psychological strength is tested also test your emotional intelligence. This is a flexible skill that you can develop through conscious effort. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize what emotions they are experiencing.

Self confidence

A psychologically strong person knows that his beliefs greatly influence whether he achieves success. This is not just a matter of motivation, it is a real fact. Researchers have found that more confident people earn more and move up the career ladder faster. True confidence is always visible and cannot be confused with the false confidence that people use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people know how to inspire others with their confidence, so everything works out better in their lives.

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Ways to develop strength of character

Personal growth coaches and psychologists are confident that strength of character can and should be developed throughout life. Of course, from birth, everyone will have an individual set of qualities that are not subject to desires and will. But besides them, a person can develop new ones. To do this you will have to:

  • constantly educate yourself;
  • be in the process of self-improvement;
  • surround yourself with like-minded people;
  • find a role model;
  • develop spiritual qualities and outlook on life;
  • find an area for self-expression.

The first two points are especially significant for the formation of internal strength. It is important for a person to develop, achieve what is planned, set a new goal and achieve it. Self-education involves structuring actions and thoughts. You can start small - make a plan for the next day, follow it, avoiding laziness.

Self-improvement is necessary for self-knowledge and comprehension of life's laws and principles. This could be a hobby that broadens your horizons, gives you new skills, or benefits the world as a whole or its individual manifestations, for example, volunteering.

Worldview is directly related to this point. Life principles and aspirations motivate activity and self-development. An incorrectly formed belief system will slow a person down in life, force him to follow the wrong goals and, as a result, rely on circumstances and the environment, and not on his own will.

Important! Strength of character is not determined by date of birth. People are not born with a strong-willed or weak character; it develops and trains throughout life.

A suitable environment is needed to demonstrate grit. For example, group management, sports or volunteering. Physical exercise, even at a non-professional level, helps combat laziness, and a leadership position and volunteering helps to demonstrate strong qualities.

But the desired vector of development requires adequate self-esteem. You shouldn’t take on an unbearable burden, as this will only make the situation worse. Understanding yourself and your qualities will help you realize yourself where possible and gain self-esteem. It should not be confused with a sense of self-importance, in which the desire to appear rather than to be is dominant. The first will help you adequately assess yourself and your strengths, while the second will only give you a vision through rose-colored glasses.

Getting rid of old things

You definitely need to get rid of old things that are dragging you down. Those things that you haven’t used for several months should either be given to someone or thrown away. The same applies to people, if you do not communicate with a person and it is unlikely that he will be useful to you, then you need to boldly part with him. And don’t worry about those things and people you broke up with. Remember that there will be many useful and necessary acquaintances in your life. You just have to wait.

It is also imperative to part with those people and things that make you sad and remind you of something unpleasant. If you get rid of negativity in time, you will be able to find harmony and focus on what you really need.

You need to give up everything that you don't need. And you shouldn’t think about leaving this or that thing. You need to understand that you need to live in the present and make room in your life for the present, getting rid of the old and unnecessary.

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