Ego - what it is in simple words and how it manifests itself

Here I will tell you about EGO - what it is in simple words. You will learn how EGO manifests itself and how to deal with it. Making up half of the word EGOIST, how much does it fill EGOIST with meaning?

Everyone has an EGO - those who are ashamed of it and deny it, and those who are proud of it and stick it out. Let's figure out whether this is being pushed out, or whether it is being denied, or maybe someone is confusing something.

What is Ego in simple words

Following classical psychoanalysis, the Ego is considered the connecting link of all other components of the personality - the Subconscious, Conscience, Masks, Shadows. It balances internal urges, allows the individual to behave rationally and holistically, build internal boundaries, build relationships with other people and remain mentally healthy.

The ego is our Self. All conscious preferences, views, interests, goals are concentrated in it. In a sense, the Ego is a mechanism responsible for preserving the image of oneself.

This is well illustrated by constructions from other languages, where the concepts “je/moi” or “I/me/myself” have slightly different meanings.

In the first case, the Self is an unconscious subject of perception , a basis that sees, hears and feels everything, but is not aware of its own reactions.

In the second case, we mean “I am the most ” - a complex self-conscious formation that has conventional boundaries from a number of labels (“I love cats”, “I don’t like the color green”) and defends these boundaries. This is the part of the personality called the Ego.

The main functions of the Ego:

  • maintaining personal constancy and inner core;
  • self-discipline, maintaining a balance between animal instincts and duty;
  • control of one’s own attractiveness and position in society;
  • direction of personal activity and desire for self-development.

A healthy ego includes:

  • self-esteem;
  • sober self-esteem;
  • unconditional self-love;
  • desire to improve;
  • be attractive to others;
  • develop comprehensively;
  • pamper yourself;
  • defend against attacks;
  • unite with loved ones.

The ego ensures the safety of our Self in the process of development and allows us to always distinguish ourselves from others. When the world is changing too quickly, and there is a buzz of opinions around, it is the Ego that helps you listen to yourself and understand what you personally think and feel and where you need to move.

The link within the personality: the benefits of the Ego

Every person has a Subconscious , in which all the animal impulses of the individual are concentrated: fears, passions, grievances, dreams and fantasies.

Living in society, a person grows up and changes roles, sometimes he is forced to change Masks : for some to be a child, for others a protector, somewhere a subordinate, somewhere a joker.

Everyone has many roles that reflect different facets of their personality. Some of them do not allow a person to be completely himself or to show his animal reactions: to fly into a rage, to be idle, to be debauched. Some are forced to do something against their own will.

Another component is the SuperEgo or human conscience. This component of personality is responsible for the ethics and morality of the individual, deep empathy, and a sense of duty.

These qualities are necessary for a person to survive in a group, build warm, trusting relationships, and raise children. Thanks to ethical instincts, society developed codes of laws and ideas about decent, godly living.

The ego controls and coordinates all these components, maintaining balance:

  • restrains passions and regulates the emotional behavior of the individual;
  • supports self-discipline;
  • allows you to constructively defend yourself, let off steam in time and not spoil relationships with other people;
  • helps choose appropriate behavioral tactics;
  • encourages you to get out of unprofitable and unhealthy relationships.

Sometimes the interests of society do not coincide with a person’s personal goals and desires. The ego is a kind of filtering link. It helps the individual analyze the situation and find a balance between the impulsive impulses of the Subconscious, the rigid morality of the Superego and the demands of the environment. In everyday life, this behavior is called healthy selfishness . For example, every person has the right to take care of himself, refuse help if he does not have free resources, protect himself from attacks on personal boundaries and violence, while remaining responsive, friendly and fair.

All components of the personality must be in harmony, complement and “insure” each other. When the personality model becomes distorted, the person becomes problematic, alienating, ineffective, and his or her life spirals out of control.

The willful individual worker: the dark sides of the ego

The ego is a necessary component for the healthy functioning of the personality and occupies a central position. But “even the sun has spots”: sometimes there are distortions in the development of the ego , which is reflected in the personal portrait and makes a person less attractive and effective.

The ego can:

  • grow and give side effects of its activities (a person becomes arrogant, stubborn, individual and a real egoist);
  • do not mature (in this case the person remains impulsive or defenseless, losing control over himself);
  • suppressed (such a person may feel weak-willed, used, unfulfilled and unhappy).

Everything that the human Ego guards can play a cruel joke on it and become distorted if a person is in disharmony. Here are some examples:

  • Defending one’s own borders becomes callousness, indifference to someone else’s misfortune, unwillingness to share knowledge or other resources, and rudeness.
  • Self-esteem and the need to be liked can lead to fierce competition, dishonest methods of struggle, sycophancy, and buying very expensive unnecessary things for the sake of status.
  • The feeling of constancy and one’s own rightness sometimes becomes rigidity (lack of flexibility, maladaptation), and obstinacy, a tendency to argue, inability to listen, devaluation of other people’s achievements, false argumentation, inability to admit one’s wrong and to apologize.
  • The ability to distribute the load and protect yourself from burnout can lead to binge hedonism, empty hoarding, laziness and stagnation in development, violence against other people, unequal demands on yourself and others.

Each person can periodically find himself in situations of hurt pride, when the Ego, in defense, manifests itself in all its arrogance. But if someone does not take into account other people’s interests at all, devalues ​​and insults those around them, does not contribute to the common cause, and tries to mold people to suit themselves, they speak of selfish accentuation of the Personality . Such people should work on themselves so as not to cause discomfort to others, and become a more productive and successful person in society.

EGO songs

The work of Edgar Margaryan is characterized as soulful rap lyrics with the addition of pop motifs and chanson. The performer's voice sounds languid and often hoarse, which has become a kind of highlight in his works. Here it is also important who the musician is by nationality - the Armenian accent adds an advantageous charm to the sound. Music critics and listeners themselves note that EGO’s songs can always be recognized from the masses of others. Among his tracks you can hear not only lyrical, but also quite dynamic and mischievous compositions.

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