How to stop being an impressionable person: psychology

Hi all! An impressionable person usually perceives what is happening around him too vividly, reacting emotionally to events that generally do not cause strong reactions in other people.

This feature is not a negative or positive character trait. Because always and everywhere there are pros and cons. But if it interferes with your life, complicating it, then this article is written just for you, as we will look at ways that will help you become more restrained and stable.

What is impressionability

Impressionability is part of emotionality, a direct and vivid perception of what is happening, a bright and sharp reaction to situations. The most impressionable are children and women.

First of all, it is necessary to note that there are two types of impressionability: congenital and acquired.

– Innate impressionability is considered as an immediate character trait - you are susceptible to it from childhood. If you have always been easy to bring to tears or, conversely, to make you laugh, then this quality is a character trait. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to fight your impressionability, and often not at all possible. You should think about how you can benefit from this character trait. Try to ensure that your impressionability is exposed only to the influence of positive emotions: you need to learn to abandon the negative or not perceive it at all. Learn to calm yourself down, find explanations and positive aspects in any situation.

– Acquired impressionability can be a consequence of stress, experienced emotions or frequent troubles in life

Previously, you were cold-blooded, but now any little thing can set you off: a sidelong glance on the street or a careless word. In this case, you have to work hard on yourself or consult a psychologist

Due to excessive impressionability, depression and the occurrence of neuroses are possible. A specialist can help you solve existing problems and prevent new ones from arising.

There is only one answer - patiently work on yourself. Let's give some tips to combat this quality.

  • Don't make mountains out of molehills and take everything personally. Try to react calmly to words and events that happen to you. Any situation can be viewed from two sides. Think positively.
  • Don't keep things that upset you to yourself. Share your emotions and experiences with loved ones: mother, friend, husband. Don’t wait for the cup of emotions to overflow - it’s better to gradually get rid of accumulated emotions in a peaceful manner. Sometimes, in order to realize the stupidity of an insult, you just need to say out loud what hurt you.
  • Let one of your life credos be the phrase “I don’t have to please everyone.”
  • Control yourself. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. You control your behavior, not your mood. First of all, sit down and think: is this situation worth your nerves? In most cases the answer will be no.
  • If you can’t cope with your emotions, leave the room. Or, more simply put, “go crazy.” Take a breath of fresh air, cry, tear up unnecessary paper, but do not take out your anger and emotions on a loved one. Once you've calmed down, come back and calmly talk about what made you angry.
  • In case of a quarrel, do not pretend that nothing happened. It is best to clarify the situation as soon as possible. If your tantrum occurred in public, the first thing you need to do is apologize to everyone for your behavior. In the event of a quarrel in private, it is also necessary to apologize for the disruption and offer to calmly discuss this problem.

Excessive sensitivity and emotionality do not always help in life, but here you can find bright sides. With the help of hard work on yourself, any negative can be turned into a positive.


Features of highly sensitive people

In this part of the article, you will learn about the four most important characteristics of highly sensitive people. Features are something neutral, they are not problems, they are not pros and cons, they are simply our distinctive properties, from which advantages and disadvantages follow.

Peculiarity . Depth of information processing

This means that you look at the essence of things. Remember the phrase “look to the root”? This is about you. You see some patterns that other people don't see or need to concentrate or think about especially hard. You are focused on understanding the essence of things.

Some of you may even have a philosophical mindset. You want to understand some deep meaning, what lies inside. You process information at a special depth. Therefore, you are not interested in chatting about anything and superficial conversations.

Peculiarity . Increased irritability of the senses

This results in your getting tired quickly. It is for this reason that it is difficult for you to be constantly in some kind of parties, it is difficult to talk for a long time, it is difficult when there are a lot of impressions, events during the day, when there is noise and bright light around you, and there are always some distractions present.

You have a particularly acute stress response because your senses are highly irritable and sensitive. It's just a property.

Peculiarity . Increased attention to detail and nuances

It happens by itself, you don’t have to do anything for it. You simply think in detail and see in detail. If many people see the situation as a whole, then you see everything in detail, you perceive any information in detail. You just scan these details and nuances, some small parts that are inaccessible to most people.

That's why we became psychologists, because we hear nuances, we hear details that most people don't pay attention to. This is imperceptible to ordinary people, they ignore it, but you notice and note it very well. You see much more of some small details, features, strokes, nuances and similar things.

Peculiarity . Increased emotional reactivity

It can be either external or internal. This means that we highly sensitive people feel things more intensely. We feel everything strongly, we are captured by our feelings. More than half of people consider themselves to be insensitive people in general. For us, feelings play a fairly large role.

Perhaps at some point in your life you thought that your feelings were bothering you and decided to give them up. And from that moment on, you most likely started having problems. This happens to many highly sensitive people.

I want you to understand that feelings are your strong point. You feel more subtly and sharply than most people. Moreover, you feel not only your own, but also someone else’s. Our brain contains a large number of mirror neurons that make us empathize with other people. We feel someone else's pain, we feel someone else's joy, someone else's grief, both good and bad other people's states. And this is our property.

So, I told you 4 properties of highly sensitive people - depth of information processing, increased irritability, increased attention to detail and nuances, and increased emotionality.

Accordingly, from these four features, which in themselves are neutral, our disadvantages, our problems, which I spoke about earlier, flow from them, and our advantages, our strengths, which we will talk about later in this article, also flow from them.

Continue to the next section, it will be about your strengths that have always been with you. Perhaps you didn't notice them or didn't know how to use them.

Phlegmatic characteristics: pros and cons

A phlegmatic person is a balanced person who carefully thinks through his every step. Usually such people have an analytical mind and look at life around them soberly.

Phlegmatic people are quite lazy, often prefer not to be active and go with the flow. They are always calm and unperturbed. Even if they have experienced stress or an unpleasant life situation, they do not always show their temper.

It is difficult to anger a phlegmatic person; his nervous system is like a scale keeping balance. If it is difficult to bring him to simple emotions, then making him show activity or joy is even more difficult.

In other words, the phlegmatic type of human temperament is recognized as the most balanced and emotionally stable.

Phlegmatic people do not immediately make contact with people; they need time to assess the situation. A sudden change in the environment is like a tragedy for them and it is very difficult to bear. These people do not like active entertainment, they like a cozy home environment, and often prefer to spend time alone with themselves.

Phlegmatic people are painstaking and diligent in their work, they have a good memory and can remember large amounts of information.

Phlegmatic people are rather closed and hidden; they are reluctant to show sympathy for another person. But if a phlegmatic person likes a representative of the opposite sex, then he will do everything to achieve his favor.

It is quite difficult to find friends with a phlegmatic person; he does not make contact well. But if a person with this type of temperament finds a friend, then this friendship can last a lifetime. For phlegmatic people, family is a kind of fortress in which they feel comfortable. Such people get married late and may spend a long time searching for a partner.

Letting go of the past

Due to the fact that a person who has succumbed to the power of feelings and emotions has an increased level of irritability and activity , it is quite simple to provoke him into an explosion.

And in the case when the “process has started,” the person completely forgets about control and emergency ways to calm down , such as breathing, exercise, etc. As a result, emotions take over, bringing the point of no return closer.

Therefore, all techniques should be carried out in a state when the person is as calm as possible and not provoked by stimuli.

To make your life easier , you need to work through and let go of the atmosphere you have already experienced. Often, a person blames himself for past mistakes and experiences negative “bites of a poisonous self-flagellation” inside, running in circles.

I will suggest that you write down your emotions on a piece of paper regarding situations in which you felt a loss of control over yourself or, perhaps, managed to “break the woods.”

For example: “I felt irritable in a conversation with a friend because he brought up a topic that I was not able to talk about. It was painful and unpleasant for me.” Understanding the reason for your feelings , it is much easier to fight, because you know the enemy by sight.

Sanguine person characteristics: pros and cons of sanguine person

Sanguine people are cheerful and incorrigible optimists. These people cannot sit still, they need constant movement.

Sanguine people are very active, and this activity manifests itself in literally all areas of a sanguine person’s life. They love to be the center of attention, but unlike choleric people, they do not have the habits of dictators.

The peculiarity of the psychological behavior of sanguine people is characterized by a high degree of excitability.

Sanguine people know how to get along with people and find a compromise in any difficult life situations. They are resourceful and enterprising. A sanguine person can literally lead a crowd, because these people are excellent speakers who know how to convince others that they are right.

Hyperactivity does not give a sanguine person the right to sit still. He tries to make his life brighter and more interesting. Such people love to travel, discovering more and more new facets of the world around them. Many artists, musicians, and actors are sanguine.

How to fix it

Many people still want to become less impressionable

If this feature prevents them from living, then why not try to re-educate themselves? To begin with, every very impressionable person should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • You can't dwell on past events. Self-examination, accompanied by thoughts “What if then, I would have acted differently...”, etc. Of course, this will cause sadness and depression! The experience of past mistakes is important, but one should not allow one to live in the past.
  • You always have to think first. And only then show emotions, say something or take actions. Let's say someone said something and it offended the person. There is no need to scream or cry right away. It’s better to talk to the offender and ask him clarifying questions. Perhaps he didn't mean it at all.
  • We need to become simpler. Our world is incredibly dynamic. Tens of thousands of events occur in it every second. If you don’t all react, you won’t have enough nerves. One should only take to heart what a person can really change. Empty experiences will lead to nothing.

And, of course, you need to control what is possible. Let's say a person worries a lot because he has a small salary, while a friend is a millionaire. So it’s time to start acting - build a career, work, work.

Because impressions come from circumstances. And if they can be changed for the better, even just a little bit, we should do it.

How to get rid of impressionability

We have prepared for you some general recommendations for correcting sensitivity, as well as 6 practical exercises.

General recommendations from a psychologist

To get rid of impressionability, you need to be patient and willpower. Only a strong desire and systematic work on yourself will give the desired result.

How to stop being an impressionable person:

  1. Develop positive thinking, learn to evaluate the situation from both sides. After your usual reaction appears, move it to the side and try to soberly assess what happened, as if from the outside. Try to reason with facts, not emotions. At first, it is better to conduct a written analysis of the situation.
  2. Do not suppress your emotions and feelings, but learn to adequately express them. Most impressionable people hide everything within themselves (“leave me alone,” “go away,” “I won’t tell you anything,” “everything is fine,” “nothing happened,” etc.). Learn to express feelings, but do not speak with emotions, do not insult, do not blame people, do not use “you-statements”. Instead, talk about what you are experiencing that you don't like. For example, not “you made me angry,” but “I’m angry at...” (we describe specific actions, behavior, conditions, situations, but not the person’s personality).
  3. Resentment, indignation, indignation and other similar negative emotions are associated with the fact that someone did not live up to our expectations, or with the fact that someone did not like us. Conclusion: no one owes anyone anything. Remember this as an axiom. Decide what is good for you and remember this, learn to accept yourself and other people, and not expect from them what is unusual for them.
  4. Don't snap at people and don't pretend that nothing happened if you lose your temper. You can control your condition, force yourself to “cool down”. Go to another room, run, do squats, push-ups, count to 10, remember something pleasant. When you let off steam, soberly assess the situation and talk to the person. If the tantrum has already happened, apologize and explain the situation.
  5. Learn to talk. Try to analyze those situations in which excessive sensitivity manifests itself. You will soon notice that you are reacting not to facts, but to your fantasies, guesses, and conjectures. Learn to talk to people, ask about what worries you. Stop guessing, and direct your imagination into a creative, productive direction.

If you encounter an impressionable person, then show compassion and empathy. There is no need to say phrases like “don’t take everything to heart,” “don’t pay attention,” “calm down,” “don’t get hysterical,” “don’t embarrass me,” and so on. If you don’t know what to say, just sit quietly next to him and let him know that you are ready to help.

Exercises on how to get rid of impressionability

We have selected several simple but effective exercises that, if used regularly, will help you get rid of excessive emotionality.

Cleaning up speech

Do you often “ooh”, “aah”, talk with emotional exclamations like “This is so cute!”, “What a beauty!”, “What a horror!” And so on? Do you often blink your eyes like a child and open them wide in surprise? It's time to get rid of these words, expressions and habits of behavior. Watch yourself, accustom yourself to “adult”, restrained reactions, gradually and your brain will learn to react more restrained.

Getting rid of immaturity

Impressionability is a childish trait. It can be seen as a lack of maturity and judgment. How can we learn to impartially assess what is happening? Do this kind of training every day: turn on a movie or short video, a scene from a movie, and play a film critic-psychologist. Evaluate people's behavior, figure out who is right and who is wrong, compose a written analysis, select arguments, pay attention to the facts.


We have already said that you react to the figment of your imagination, and not to real facts. Learn to act out what made an impression in poetry, music, drawings, stories. Many impressionable people have found themselves in creativity. Direct your imagination and sensuality in the right direction.

Find your life's work

Why don't you channel your sensitivity and ability to empathize in a productive, socially useful direction. Get involved in volunteering and charity work. This will also help you refocus your attention from your experiences to real facts, problems that require practical, rational thinking.


Imagine that there is an “emotions-mind” switch inside you. Close your eyes and really imagine it in every detail. Every time you feel that emotions are taking over you, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and exhales, imagine this switch and switch it to “rationality” mode. Try it now.

Fill your life with positivity

Negative emotions are much stronger than positive ones, which is why impressionable people remember them best. They tend to remember bad things, children tend to imitate bad, but such an impressive example. Learn to consciously refocus your attention, fill your life with positive impressions. Make a list of what you like, what you want to try, see, feel, learn and implement one item every day. Impressionable people are very teachable, so take advantage of this and teach yourself something good.

Love of silence and animals

This is another feature that is characteristic of both a sensitive and impressionable person. This means that he urgently needs to be alone with himself.

Such people, by the way, begin to live independently early. They are not just irritated by extraneous sounds. They oppress such people. Moreover, an impressionable person will be able to hear what is happening where even through a closed door and several rooms. That's why he needs calm neighbors.

What can you say about loving animals? Everything is simple here. Pets are much more open, friendly and trusting, unlike people. Therefore, a sensitive person, having made a little friend, quickly becomes attached to him on an emotional level. He loves his pet very much for the positivity that he selflessly gives him.

By the way, often impressionable people get birds. They are bright, colorful, cheerful, melodious and chatty - a real source of joy at home.

What is accentuation

When individual character traits are overly enhanced, this is called character accentuation. From a psychological point of view, this condition is an extreme variant of the norm, and not a mental illness. However, at the same time, some character traits are sharpened and expressed so strongly that they lead to personality disharmony.

This feature leaves an imprint on a person’s behavior and actions, which is reflected in all areas of relationships: to oneself, to other people, to work, to things. Character accentuation is most common among adolescents. Thus, among the surveyed young people, 95% were found to have accentuation of varying degrees of severity. But among the older generation, the proportion of people with accents dropped to 60%. Because with age it is possible to smooth out undesirable character traits.

Melancholic characteristics: pros and cons of melancholic

Melancholic people are prone to attacks of despair and depression. The temperament of such people is sluggish and pessimistic. Any event, even a minor one, makes a melancholic person worry. He does not know how to enjoy life, and sees it exclusively in a negative tone. Sadness and melancholy can cover such a person for no reason; melancholic people often experience a feeling of self-pity.

People with this type of temperament have to resort to secrecy and suppression of emotions. They experience everything within themselves, which is why depressive mental states appear. Psychologists note that a huge number of people who commit suicide are melancholic.

A melancholic person reacts slowly to external stimuli, does not remember information well, and often suffers from a lot of complexes and an excessively low level of personal self-esteem. Motor activity is sluggish and inexpressive.

Melancholic people cannot work intensively and monotonously, as they necessarily need rest or short breaks to stabilize their psychological state. In a social environment, such people are lethargic, uncommunicative, and it is difficult for them to find a soul mate or a close friend. It is difficult for them to be active and cheerful. They choose sanguine or choleric people as people, since this choice is explained by the melancholic’s subconscious desire to be taken care of.

It can be difficult for melancholic people to arrange their personal life. Often a big role in the fiasco of love relationships is played by their indecision and cowardice. They choose a strong person as their life partner. There are also advantages to this type of temperament.

Melancholic people are kind, vulnerable, and will always share the last thing they have. They subconsciously want to help a person in need.

High tendency to depression

Unfortunately, it is typical for an overly impressionable person. When receiving negative experiences, he often gives up and loses confidence. This has a bad effect on the nervous system. If he does not find himself in a favorable social environment, he will not find a way to protect himself from all this.

In such situations, it is very important for close people and friends of a sensitive person to show maximum support. He needs it

Don’t say the phrase: “You’re too sensitive!” or “You seem to take everything to heart!” - He’s already heard enough of this throughout his life.

Yes, maybe the reason that drove him into deep depression will seem to someone like nonsense that can be resolved in 1-2 days, but for him it is a tragedy. Close people must understand how he feels and how bad he feels, forgetting about moralizing.

In progress

When talking about the characteristics of an impressionable person, this topic also needs to be touched upon with attention. His characteristic feature, which he often focuses on when choosing a job, is increased attentiveness. Not a single detail can escape such a person.

Also, almost all impressionable people are deep thinkers. That is why they are the most valuable employees and team members. The main thing is that such a person is not given a role that requires making final decisions.

But in general, impressionable people prefer to work alone. They rarely like to work in a team, since there is a feeling that everyone is constantly monitoring the actions of the other.

Impressionability: good or bad

Impressionability is closely related to vulnerability, excitability, and emotionality. Some expressions of impressionability look cute, for example, when a girl cries over a movie or when she squeals with delight at a surprise from a young man. Some people are even attracted to it; they call it spontaneity, unpredictability, surprise.

But there are situations (they occur more often) when impressionability plays a cruel joke on its owner and his environment. Conflicts, hysteria, public “speaking” are a small part of what impressionability can turn into. The husband was late at work for half an hour or did not answer the call, and the wife is already in tears and writing an application for divorce. Or the child accidentally broke a vase, and the mother, not understanding the essence of the matter, became emotional, and beat the child.

So is impressionability good or bad? As always, the truth is in the middle: good in moderation. It is pleasant and interesting to communicate with emotional, lively people, but as long as it does not go to extremes. Due to excessive sensitivity, the person himself suffers. He is angry at his reactions, at his inability to control himself. His loved ones suffer because every time they communicate with an impressionable type, it’s like they’re walking through a minefield.

Rescue by nature and burst of energy

Nature is the best healer in terms of replenishing energy reserves, as well as getting rid of negativity . I advise you on a free day to go to the forest or to the sea for a cleansing procedure.

Before you stock up on new, fresh energy, you need to get rid of the load of old energy . To do this, I will suggest you to work through the “Pillow Fighting” exercise. This is a very useful exercise for those who suffer from attacks of anger or resentment .

Physical impact on a soft object , as well as reciting the aspects that provoked such a feeling, you help yourself get out of a state of stress .

Chanting in the forest, loud screams, playing with leaves or running are also not bad. Everything that you are limited to in an apartment should be implemented in nature.

What is impressionability?

Impressionability in psychology is a personality trait, part of emotionality, in which an individual reacts vividly, sharply, sharply to any events. Most often, impressionability is observed in children and women; men are less likely to have this feature. However, this also occurs among representatives of the stronger sex, because impressionability can be either acquired or innate.

Innate impressionability

The reason is an unbalanced type of nervous system, a weak type of psyche. By temperament they are melancholic (weak type) and choleric (strong but unbalanced).

In this case, emotionality is noticeable from early childhood. From the first days, the child is distinguished by spontaneity and vividness of reactions. He can easily scream, cry, laugh, be surprised, or get scared. Moreover, states can change in a matter of seconds. The older the child, the more noticeable this feature is. He worries for a long time, remembers an event, and actively discusses it with adults or peers. Emotions become even brighter, more varied, reactions become even more unpredictable.

It is impossible to get rid of innate impressionability, but you can learn to live with it, control it, and direct it in a positive direction. By getting to know your temperament and studying its characteristics, you can understand how to compensate for undesirable qualities.

Acquired impressionability

Occurs against a background of stress, neuroses, and exhaustion. If a person has lived in tension for a long time, frequent unpleasant changes and shocks have happened to him, then there is a high probability that his mental stability and resistance to stress leaves much to be desired. This leads to the development of excessive impressionability. A tired psyche reacts very sharply to any irritant.

This type of impressionability can and should be fought. Otherwise, even greater exhaustion will occur, and this is fraught with new neuroses and mental disorders, for example, depression.

Breathing, meditation and self-hypnosis

As soon as you feel the need to give people your emotional fountain, which is not always colored in a positive aspect, you should master the technique of proper breathing.

It helps shift emotions and forces your brain to pause. Have you noticed that in an excited state of the body and nervous system, a person has almost no control over himself? This means that our mind and consciousness are covered with fog! But it’s better to control the situation, at least what depends directly on us!

As for self-hypnosis, it can help us reprogram our personal attitudes!

You need to self-suggest to yourself that, for example, “No one can hurt me!” I know my worth and I shouldn’t give anyone excuses.” You need to repeat such suggestions 7 times, 2 times a day for 21 days. Maybe a little longer to be sure! The voice should be monotonous and preferably at low notes, and you should be as relaxed as possible.

The ability to meditate correctly can save an individual from unnecessary and harsh words thrown towards relatives, as well as from saving one’s own health, insuring oneself from neurosis and hysterics.

Sometimes, during the process of meditation, bad memories and emotions may surface. They can be in the form of ideas or in the form of sensations that are not very pleasant! If you can stand them to the end, hold on, because after this you will feel lighter, as if freed from some burden of the past!

Well, now, here are my basic tips for meditating correctly:

  • First, make sure that no one disturbs you;
  • secondly, take a comfortable position on the floor or on the sofa;
  • thirdly, make sure that your muscles are as relaxed as possible;
  • Fourth, take a deep breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale deeply and slowly until your lungs are completely empty. Do this exercise at least 7 times in one approach before going to bed and after waking up.

How to Communicate with an HSP

Orchid people (or with the phenomenon of hypersensitivity) have their own characteristics in communication. And you must take them into account in order to remain on good terms with them:

Try to be sensitive and tactful. Dark humor, sarcasm and irony are not for hypersensitive people

Be careful and think before you speak. Your interlocutor expects your understanding

Listen to his problems too. If possible, avoid raising your voice to HSPs. If you are making an appointment with a hypersensitive person, avoid crowded places. Do not demand a quick answer and decision from the person. Give him some serious thought. Don't take your highly sensitive friend to see horror movies. Use only constructive criticism towards the hypersensitive person.

Understand that hypersensitivity is biologically programmed. Therefore, you must definitely remember all the rules of communication with orchid people if you count on strong connections with them.

What does an impressionable person mean?

An impressionable person is one who takes everything to heart. He reacts very violently to any little thing, especially to troubles. He perceives everything that surrounds him very keenly. He retains it in his memory for a long time, scrolls through it, and adds details. He will be shocked by any image; everything makes an indelible impression on him.

Signs that you are an impressionable person:

  • the desire to cry, scream, hide under the covers at the slightest shock;
  • worries, anxiety, crying when watching a TV show or movie;
  • painful experience of someone else's grief;
  • behavior depends on mood, and it depends on external stimuli;
  • numerous fears, phobias that appear immediately after a minor fright, stunning news, etc.;
  • fixation on some situation, constantly replaying it in the head;
  • violent reaction to criticism, one’s mistakes, defeats;
  • feeling of guilt, self-hatred for being overly impressionable.

There are two types of impressionable personalities: those who splash out everything on themselves, and those whose impressionability spills out on others. In both cases they are very susceptible to external stimuli.

Let's look at an example: an individual felt that someone was looking at him askance. An impressionable person of the first type will experience sadness, withdraw into himself, and begin to look for the reason within himself. A representative of the second type will feel anger towards the one who looked. If we are talking about innate impressionability, then the first type of reaction is typical for a melancholic person, and the second for a choleric person.

Physical health

Exhaustion of the body occurs slowly but surely. When you are attacked by mood swings, tearfulness, hyper-joy, etc., your body experiences stress.

This leads to problems with well-being , brittle nails, hair loss and problems with the digestive system.

A nutritious diet , in the form of raw vegetables, or steamed fruits, avoidance of harmful foods and control of water balance , can improve immunity, as well as compensate for the lack of necessary, healthy vitamins .

They take longer to make decisions

Highly sensitive people are more knowledgeable and detailed in their decision-making, says Aron. Even if it is not a “right” or “wrong” decision—for example, it is impossible to choose the “wrong” flavor of ice cream—highly sensitive people will tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome.” Aron advises: “Think as long as the situation allows, and ask for more time if you need it,” she writes in a recent issue of the Comfort Zone newsletter. “During this time, try to claim a minute, an hour, a day, or even a week that will help you get on the right path. How does it feel? Often, on the other side of the decision, things look different, and this gives you a chance to more vividly imagine that you are already there.” One exception: One day a very sensitive person comes to the conclusion that in this situation the right decision would be this, and in another situation it would be that, and in the future he or she will quickly make these decisions.

Know your worth and don't give anyone the right to influence you

To begin with, you must definitely accept yourself as you are at the moment. It is from acceptance that you can understand what’s going on and start working on yourself.

Once you finally start your journey, you will learn new things and achieve success, and this will definitely increase your self-confidence! This way, no one can manipulate you anymore!

You will think for yourself, analyze the situation yourself, make decisions yourself! Taking responsibility and managing your own life is the most wonderful right in the world that we all have!

Disadvantages of hypersensitivity

Agree, having a hypersensitive nature is incredibly difficult. In order not to be unfounded, let's figure out together how such people live:

  1. Many people avoid those who are hypersensitive because they do not understand their behavior in certain situations.
  2. Hypersensitivities depend on the mood of the interlocutor. They can go into a meeting with a great attitude. But as soon as they see that something has happened to a friend, the mood will immediately deteriorate, and for a long time.
  3. Highly sensitive people are afraid to disturb a person once again and disturb them, because they think that it is inconvenient.
  4. Orchid people adapt to the world around them. They pretend to be strong, but this is just a mask under which hides a subtle, impressionable and sensitive nature.
  5. They take refusals and criticism personally, taking everything to heart. If your boss points out mistakes in your work, this does not mean that he hates you. He just wants you to realize the mistake and not make it again. This is learning, not expressing negativity.



If since childhood it was easy to make you laugh, upset, or touch you, then impressionability is, as it were, built into the structure of your personality, being a character trait.

This means that you know how to empathize, be delighted by any little thing and be upset by any trifle.


Usually appears after any traumatic events, severe stress, or serious illness. For example, a person survived a car accident, now, fearing for his life, he may be anxious in a crowded place so as not to catch a cold.

He will minimize communication, reconsider his diet and even his attitude towards religion. Any unpleasant word addressed to him can hurt so much that he will lose his peace of mind for a long time.

Pros of hypersensitivity

Let's move on from difficulties to advantages in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of hypersensitive people. Why it's good to be highly sensitive:

Hypersensitive people are able to notice details. This is an important skill. It will also help you master creative professions.

Highly sensitive people make decisions carefully and more carefully. They rarely make mistakes, because they calculate everything down to the smallest detail.

They notice lies better and have good intuition. Highly sensitive people make excellent detectives. You will be a great addition to any group or company of people. HSPs will bring their own creative ideas and surprise everyone with their ideas. Typically, hypersensitive people get along well with animals. They love pets very much and usually build good strong relationships with them. Capable of building strong, long-term and serious relationships with a partner.

How is temperament related to a person’s character?

A person’s character is a combination of his personal qualities, which can change and depend on the social environment in which the individual lives and develops. Temperament is an innate reaction to external stimuli. It does not change and remains constant throughout a person’s life.

Knowing the type of temperament, you can better understand the character of a person. However, a pronounced temperament is extremely rare. Most often, people have a mixed temperament, in which there will definitely be a dominant one.

It is customary to distinguish the following 4 types of temperament; on our website there are detailed articles devoted to each of them.

  1. Choleric. It is characterized by sudden changes in mood, emotional outbursts, impetuosity, passion, and imbalance. The nervous system of choleric people is characterized by unstable functioning. When a choleric person gets very involved in something, he very quickly uses up his own energy and becomes exhausted.
  2. Sanguine. This is the most sociable and lively of all temperament types. He needs new impressions, quickly reacts to events happening around him, and takes his own failures and other troubles lightly. When a sanguine person is interested in work, he works very productively and with great enthusiasm. In the opposite situation, he becomes frankly bored and is absolutely indifferent to the result.
  3. Phlegmatic person. He is distinguished by his equanimity and slowness. A phlegmatic person shows feelings extremely sparingly. He is constant in his preferences and habits and does not tolerate any changes. A phlegmatic person prefers monotonous work, which he performs diligently and without rushing.
  4. Melancholic. This is the most sensitive and vulnerable type of temperament. A melancholic person reacts sharply to various events and is prone to strong emotional experiences. With a favorable upbringing, melancholic people turn out to be outstanding figures in the arts and sciences.

If you can no longer change your temperament, then you can work on your character. First, you need to determine your character type and key traits.

Sensitive does not mean weak

So, it seems that I noticed another side effect of stereotypes that limit our worldview and poison our lives! So, as they say, women are usually more sensitive. Women. Weaker sex. And other illogical and unfounded things!

Being sensitive is not the same as being weak! What real reasons can cause us to become more emotional?

  • Poor health and too much slagging in the body, which affects the normal functions of organs and can affect the nervous system;
  • Lack of self-confidence and various complexes, such as an inferiority complex. Also, events in life that have traumatized the psyche and an excess of life problems, fatigue at work, chronic lack of rest, nervous breakdown or depression;
  • General dissatisfaction with life;
  • Disturbance in the circulation of energy at the level of subtle bodies, which are still present deep in the subconscious, making themselves felt from time to time;

Brief conclusions

Any character trait can be corrected if the person himself wants it. An impressionable person can be a sensitive interlocutor, an attentive worker, and an understanding spouse. You just need to pacify your impressionability and leave its best manifestations: the ability to notice little things, feel people, experience other people's anxieties as if they were your own. Get rid of such manifestations as suspiciousness, hysteria, anxiety, and irascibility.

If your sensitivity is caused by psychological instability, associated with trauma, complexes, stress, exhaustion, then consult a psychologist. In some cases, full-fledged psychotherapy is indicated, and sometimes taking sedatives.

Ask for forgiveness

It happens that we are eaten up from within by a feeling of guilt because sometimes we go too far in expressing what we feel. An inept relationship with emotions provokes situations in which people may suffer from your temper , directness and “incendiary mixture”.

In order to clear your mind, you need to ask for forgiveness for pain caused intentionally, and even more so when it happened by accident.

Be sure to sincerely apologize for your uncontrollable behavior, explaining the logic of your words and feelings.

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