Signs of a man's love for a woman: these signals cannot be hidden!

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Features of the psychology of a loving man
  2. Stages of the emergence of feelings in men
  3. 23 examples of how a loving man behaves

Starting a new relationship, every girl is immersed in feelings, sometimes emotions overshadow the mind. In this state, it seems to them that they have met the one and only person with whom they are destined to live their whole lives. For a romantic relationship to bring joy to a woman, she must be confident in the sincerity of her loved one’s feelings.

Men's psychology is different from women's. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are rarely inclined to show feelings, even if they experience real affection. Therefore, it is often very difficult for women to understand how her chosen one feels about her. Knowing how a loving man behaves will help you avoid disappointment.

What is the difference between love and sympathy

At the beginning of a relationship, feelings cloud the mind, and any gesture from a man is perceived as a sign of special affection. And it often happens that while a girl is already thinking about the style of a wedding dress and the names of her children, her counterpart is simply having a pleasant time in the company of a good interlocutor. How to distinguish between love and sympathy?


Sympathy is more close to friendship. An old lady selling flowers or a child running happily across the lawn can be cute. They feel sympathy and affection for friends and good acquaintances. How to distinguish sympathy on his part:

  • A man meets with you occasionally, only when it is convenient for him. He could easily disappear for several days.
  • He does not try to take the relationship to an intimate level.
  • When communicating, he is confident and calm. Treats you like a friend.


Love begins with sympathy, but goes further. It changes human behavior, and it is not difficult to notice. A quiet and calm colleague suddenly becomes the life of the party, deftly juggling sparkling jokes. The brutal handsome man gets lost when he sees you, stammers and gets nervous. There are also men who carefully hide their feelings and emotions under lock and key. But even their love is easy to determine by non-verbal signs:

  • When experiencing love, a man wants to be close, and even after a hard day at work, he will find a couple of hours to see you.
  • He constantly thinks about you and will not disappear for long. Especially modest ones may not bombard you with messages, but carefully read and like all posts on social networks.
  • He experiences physical attraction and demonstrates it openly or covertly. Tries to hug, brush away a speck, give a hand or support when walking on an uneven road.
  • He doesn't try to flirt, joke or pay attention to other girls. His thoughts are occupied only with you.
  • He experiences unpleasant feelings and even jealousy when hearing about competitors.

Advice from psychologists

You should not judge men according to standard rules, because each person is individual and it is impossible to recognize everyone based on general psychology. Psychologists do not recommend thinking about whether he loves you or not. Confident girls will never ask such a question or look for this or that trick in relation to him.

When you doubt that your husband or boyfriend loves you, you should first understand yourself. If your partner shows a lot of attention, is constantly nearby, gives gifts, makes surprises, and you continue to doubt something, the matter is in your psychology. Unfortunately, women’s low self-esteem pushes them to such thoughts, forcing them to look for a catch in any action and search for a rival.

To increase self-esteem and not doubt a man’s love, you should:

  1. Take care of yourself.
  2. If necessary, visit a psychologist and determine the source of the decrease in self-esteem.
  3. Don’t show a man that you see something wrong.
  4. Be confident in your words and actions.
  5. Choose a social circle that will increase your self-confidence.

If there is a strong woman next to a man who is not afraid of losing him, then this will not happen. Remember that thoughts are material! When a person and his love are dear to you, think only about a bright future.

Infatuation and love - what is the difference?

Love always begins with falling in love. But falling in love does not always develop into love. Having fallen in love, he involuntarily idealizes you and loves the invented image. At the first discrepancy between a real woman and the ideal image in her head, love can disappear like smoke. The main difference between love is accepting your partner for who he is.

Below I will list more precise differences.

What is important

  • Falling in love: appearance, gait, smell - external signs.
  • Love: personality – what kind of person is inside, his values ​​and life position.

How long does it last

  • Falling in love: flares up instantly, turning your head, but also suddenly passes. He may wake up one morning and realize that he is no longer in love with you.
  • Love: born slowly and long lasting. If this is true love, then it will remain forever.

What does he feel

  • Falling in love: It is believed that on average, falling in love lasts up to 3 months and can flare up and then subside during the process. He had already forgotten about you until he came across recent photos on social networks, which again stirred his soul.
  • Love: you are always in his thoughts and in his heart, and feelings do not fade from separation. He will love and miss you, even if he is thousands of kilometers away from you.

How does he behave

  • Falling in love: he forgets about everything and everyone, cannot concentrate on work, all thoughts are directed only at his beloved.
  • Love: gives strength and energy. He wants to be better, to improve himself, to change his life for the better.

What does he think about the opinions of others?

  • Falling in love: he may succumb to the persuasion of relatives and friends, agreeing that you are not quite a suitable candidate for him.
  • Love: he doesn’t care who thinks what. Feelings for you are paramount.

If a guy is in love with a girl, how does he behave?

Human body language works at the level of instincts. When one person sympathizes with another, his gestures and behavior change noticeably. In search of an answer to the question of how to understand whether a guy loves you, you can use the “mirror effect.” Its manifestations are associated with the desire to please the lady. It has been scientifically proven that when a guy truly loves, he unconsciously copies the behavior. Sometimes a man “mirrors” only some manners, in other cases he repeats the movements completely.

In order to understand that a guy truly loves and needs you, you should study him in the company. A sympathetic man takes an open pose, turns the toes of his shoes towards the lady of his heart. After a successful joke, the lover laughs, looking into the eyes of the object of his feelings. He actively supports the conversation, tries once again to be close and, as if by accident, touch the girl.

A guy in love will try to show concern

Signs of love in a man

The fundamental difference between love and other feelings is that it is based on the similarity of views on life. The following parameters are also considered signs of love.

Look one way

He may love cats, and you – dogs, he – snowboarding, and you – playing the violin. And the difference in hobbies will not affect his feelings, but will only strengthen them and add new topics for conversation. But true love will not be born without similar views on life in general and the same vision of family. He may be different in character, but his values ​​should be similar to yours.


A loving man admires his woman, trusts her and feels safe with her. With true love, there is no place for jealousy, checking your phone and endless calls when you are not together.

Good sex

A high-quality sex life for a relationship is no less important than similarity of views and trust in each other. He feels good and comfortable in bed with you. He can relax and completely surrender to his feelings. First of all, he tries to bring pleasure and pays a lot of attention to foreplay.

Meeting friends and parents

Most men, when introducing a girl to her parents, show the seriousness of their attitude. You are no longer just a passing acquaintance in his life, he is ready for a continuation and shows that your status in his life has moved to a new level.

Talking about the future

By touching on the topic of a shared future, a man shows the depth of his feelings. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the place of the nearest vacation or the number of future children. He makes long-term plans and cannot see them without you.

Should you trust your intuition?

Intuition is a feeling that helps to avoid unpleasant situations or solve serious problems.

Many people ignore its “signs”.

But it signals that something is going wrong. If all the advice to help determine his feelings has been taken into account, but his soul is still restless, then there is some kind of problem in the relationship.

Listen to this feeling. Analyze the reasons for its occurrence. Maybe a man is cheating, but you don’t want to notice?

Nonverbal signs that indicate a man's love

Nothing expresses a man’s state of mind more eloquently than his gaze. Open, smiling, happy - this is impossible to hide even with all the desire. A person overwhelmed by strong feelings begins to behave differently - straight posture, legs wide apart, shoulders turned... Almost like a peacock trying to show itself in all its glory.

He begins to take better care of himself - shaving every day, monitoring the condition of his shoes, wearing perfume and carefully choosing clothes. Unwittingly wanting to attract the attention of his beloved, a man can take off his jacket, loosen his tie or unbutton the top buttons of his shirt.

Pay attention to your hands. If he often brings them closer to the genital area (puts them in his trouser pockets, holds his thumb behind his belt), then he involuntarily shows his feelings and physical attraction. Also, a man unconsciously violates your boundaries, trying to get closer, accidentally touching, hugging.

If you distinguish between sympathy, infatuation and love, then it will be easier for you to understand him and your feelings. You will get rid of unnecessary worries and will not have unrealistic hopes. By understanding the psychology of a man’s feelings, you can behave correctly with him. My course “Algorithm for a Happy Marriage” will also help with this. Life hacks for attracting successful men, rules for building happy relationships and working through internal problems that do not allow building a strong family have helped hundreds of women find happiness in marriage.

How to make yourself fall in love with a pen pal?

The largest social networks allow you to access your personal page.
Often a quick glance is enough to understand a lot about a guy's personality. Having found out his hobbies, musical preferences and social circle, you can begin to act. There are some seemingly primitive, but effective options:

  1. We find the communities that the guy is subscribed to. Music themes or groups about movies are suitable for the wave. We write him something along the lines of “how similar our tastes are” and strike up a conversation. It’s better to actually familiarize yourself with the topic beforehand, otherwise it will be awkward.
  2. If he regularly communicates on forums or groups, then you can enter into a dialogue there, and then go to private messages.
  3. Another option is the Scheherazade method. Tell him interesting stories, but always keep the conversation unfinished so that there is a reason to return to conversations constantly. The guy will get used to regular contact, and this is already half the battle.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to make a man fall in love with you. The best psychologists, experienced friends and even mother’s advice cannot become ingredients for a universal love spell recipe. If your efforts go unnoticed, then it’s better not to waste time and take a closer look at the other guys around.

Maybe he's just using

Women's naivety sometimes gives men a chance to benefit from relationships.
How can you tell if he loves you or is just using you? The easiest way to figure out the gigolo. Particularly arrogant examples ask for money directly, while those who are more cunning complain about financial difficulties. Compassionate girls part with their blood, and the guy successfully retreats to the next victim. You should not borrow money from a man, regularly pay for his purchases and restaurant bills. Another reason for a selfish attitude towards a girl is intimacy. To get him, the guys are ready to sing serenades and hang noodles. If after sex a man loses interest, if he tells everyone he knows about his next victory, then, alas. His feelings are probably fiction. When a guy truly loves, he keeps his mouth shut.

How to understand that a guy truly loves you?

Many men are far from fools. They also know how to read women's forums and study self-instructions on pickup. How to understand that a guy truly loves you and is not deceiving you by looking into your eyes? If he shows his feelings openly, demonstratively kisses you in public, and in private likes videos and photos for hours, things are bad.

Unfulfilled promises and refusal of responsibility serve as a warning bell. Does he regularly prefer gatherings in the garage or sports bar to the company of his beloved? Honey, it's time to pick up your feet and leave this liar.

A loving guy is attentive, tactful, caring. However, it is sometimes possible to distinguish true love from a fleeting feeling or imitation only after a while. It is this that allows you to check the sincerity of a man’s intentions.

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