How men miss a woman: signs, expressions of feelings, advice from psychologists

Longing for another person is a sign of sympathy. The more often you think about him, the more space he takes up in your life. But unlike women, men prefer to hide their feelings, and sometimes it’s really difficult to understand whether your chosen one misses you, or whether he simply has nothing to do and sends you dozens of messages a day out of boredom.

You cannot be together 24/7; it is important to have your own personal affairs and interests. Missing each other means adding a little spice to the relationship. Meetings after a short separation become even more desirable. But how can you tell if he cares about you?

In this article:

Signs that he misses you How to make him miss you 7 phrases a man says when he misses you

Always in touch

How long does it take for a man to start missing a woman? In different ways, a lot depends on the feelings he has for the girl. But as soon as you see an SMS on your phone or an email from him, you can be sure that he really misses you. In general, the guy will remind you of himself in any convenient way.

Always pay attention to the text of the message. If a man calls with standard phrases such as: “how are you”, “what are you doing”, “how is the weather”, or the like, then be sure that your guy is not sincerely bored. Perhaps he perceives you as a sweet companion or a girl for sexual pleasures. If he writes you a couple of messages, but they show care and concern for you, then most likely he really misses and loves you. After all, sincere feelings are, first of all, care and reverent attitude.

Never judge a person's attitude by the number of calls and written messages. Judge by the intonation and tenderness in his voice, as well as by the questions he asks you.

Remember that men do not tend to openly express their feelings, but they will always find a reason to show you their true attitude. Especially when they love and miss you.

Signs that indicate negative thoughts

Now a few words about those symbols that indicate negative thoughts in your direction.

Let's start with body language again:

  • Sudden change of mood. Either you are full of optimism, or at the bottom of the deepest hole. Moreover, often such “slides” are not caused by any objective reason. This is a clear sign that someone doesn't like you very much, and the negative energy is having a negative impact on your aura.
  • The right eyelid twitches. This is how our body reacts to gossip and bone washing.
  • You always feel like there is someone behind you. And this is worrying. This sign means that someone is plotting behind your back, and your aura reacts to the intrigues in this way.

Unusual activity on a social network

If a man tells a woman that he misses her, then it really is so. Today, the veracity of the chosen one’s words can be easily verified. As you know, you need to believe not in words, but in actions and deeds.

Social networks today are a kind of litmus test for relationships between a man and a woman. When a guy is embarrassed to tell you that he misses you very much, he begins to do things that make it easy to understand. He likes your photos from a hundred years ago. Can write nice words on your page wall or send cute statuses and cards.

All these actions are designed to make you evaluate his activities. But the man himself may not write first, but will continue to hint, waiting for the first step from you. Unfortunately, some guys tend to behave this way. Although not all girls may like this.

Prophetic dream

The most accurate information is provided by midnight scenarios. The one who thinks will definitely break into the dream. In addition, the following scenes speak about the tossing and turning of the soul of a certain person:

  • a cat with kittens are villains;
  • big black dog - friendly participation;
  • pig - gossips;
  • ex from Thursday to Friday - he bites his elbows.

The dreamer will certainly try to take the initiative. It’s up to you to decide whether to reject his step or accept it.


Sometimes when a man misses a woman, he feels awkward. Sometimes, he does not understand how to behave in such a situation. Therefore, instead of showing tender feelings, the primitive instinct of jealousy and importunity awakens in him.

He starts calling his beloved several times a day, sending her messages with stupid questions. And especially inventive men can also present several funny gifts. They shower their chosen one with flowers, sweets, invitations to the cinema or cafe. But often all these presents look awkward. The fact is that a man who is truly in love may not yet have realized the feelings that arise when separated from his chosen one. In other words, he hasn't learned to be bored. Mostly such situations concern young couples who have not yet started living together.

He doesn't have a new girlfriend

You have a more ambiguous criterion. It's not always the guys who are in no hurry to take on new commitments who miss their ex-girlfriends. Probably, past failures have taught them to be more picky, and they are in no hurry to rush out of the frying pan and into the fire. It depends on how long ago you broke up and how long you spent in the relationship. If you've been in a long-term relationship, he's probably not dating anyone because he's still bored. A new romance depends on a man's ability to recover from a breakup or his introverted nature. It’s another matter if you find out that free girls are hovering around him, making dates for him, but your ex-man steadfastly rejects all these tempting offers. In this case, there are chances indicating that there is a spark of past love in his heart.

Other signs

What does it mean if a man misses a woman? He has sincere feelings for her.

  1. The guy openly declares that he misses him. But if there is no meeting between you in the next couple of days, then we can assume that his intentions are not serious. You shouldn’t convince yourself that the guy might have some business to deal with, so he couldn’t spend time with you. When a man is really bored, he will always find a reason to meet.

  2. If you are not in a relationship, then unanswered messages and calls can seriously upset him.
  3. When a guy is bored, he will take the first step towards you and make an appointment with you. Representatives of the stronger sex do not tend to sit and meekly wait; if they are in love, they always immediately begin to act.
  4. A man who is bored very rarely allows his chosen one to have doubts about this. Therefore, when you are “racking your brains” over whether he misses you or not, then most likely he doesn’t.
  5. Claims and grievances. An indifferent man does not have such feelings. He may not show any emotions towards you. A guy who is in love is very often offended and jealous. Even though his emotions can be negative, they demonstrate his sincere feelings.
  6. A representative of the stronger sex, who has become attached to a girl with all his soul, cannot endure separation for long. And already on the first date he begins to plan the next one.
  7. He introduces you to his friends, invites you to look at his children's photo album, and so on. In general, he does everything to bring you to the decision not to separate anymore, because he is very tired of constantly missing you.

What dreams will tell you about

Dreams will help you understand what a person thinks about you from a distance. Midnight dreams will provide especially accurate information.

Depending on the plot, you can understand what exactly they think about you, and perhaps even say, among your friends.

So, how to understand from dreams:

  1. If you dream of a cat and kittens, then your enemies are making plans against you. Be careful and careful not to fall into their trap.
  2. The big black dog is a symbol of what friends remember and experience. They are ready to provide support and participation.
  3. A pig, piglets, a wild boar - all these are signs that gossipers are washing your bones behind your back and sucking on some details of your life.
  4. An ex or an ex in a dream is a clear sign that your ex-love is going through a breakup and is yearning for a relationship.

ON A NOTE. If you dreamed about a person, it means that he is filled with determination to take the first step. Be prepared for this and decide in advance whether to accept or reject the expressed feelings.

Expressions of feelings

When does a man miss a woman? We have looked at the signs, now let’s move on to considering the manifestations of this feeling.

  1. He asks you to send him your photo. This request is not related to the desire to see you naked or anything like that. He is just interested in what you are doing, what your mood is. Moreover, he is interested in seeing you at a given moment in time, as if you were nearby now.
  2. At the beginning of the week, he starts planning weekend activities for the two of you. And in general, he tries in every way to initiate as many meetings with you as possible.
  3. Tries to surprise you. When separated, a man has a lot of free time to think about coming up with a cunning plan that will help capture the maximum of your free time and attention.
  4. A guy who is bored tells his family and friends about you and his feelings. Even with the most ordinary conversation, aimed at a completely unrelated topic, he still will not miss the opportunity to mention his beloved. The thing is that thoughts are occupied with the chosen one when it is common for a person to miss her.
  5. He won't tell anything. Alas, some men do not tend to openly show their feelings. They will be sad, but they won’t show it until the last moment. Although passions may rage inside them. It is most difficult with this type of man at the beginning of a relationship, as it may seem that he is absolutely indifferent.

Does he miss me

1. He tries to contact you when you're not together.

When you post a photo or share something on social media, he is more likely to like your post or leave a comment.

He may be looking for any reason to send you a message. Don't be surprised if you receive a random message from him out of the blue. Thus, a man looks for any opportunity to socialize and find ways to connect.

2. He unobtrusively wants to find a reason to meet

When a man misses you, he finds many ways to meet you. For example, he may hint that a cafe has opened nearby and ask if you would like to check out the new place.

Or casually mention that he would like to go to a movie or a concert, but cannot find someone to keep him company. All this suggests that he is looking for an opportunity to spend time with you.

3. During a conversation, he mentions your personal memories or stories.

If he's always trying to find an excuse to insert an anecdote or memory into the conversation that only you both know about, he's trying to get closer to you.

This is his way of making your relationship closer. He wants to give you a feeling of nostalgia to push you towards him even more.

4. He can't stay away from you for a long time.

This can be communication in any form. A man who misses you feels the need to talk or see you at least from time to time. He can't help it.

He likes the knowledge that you are in his life, and he terribly misses you in moments of your absence. If he thinks about you, he will try to connect with you.

5. He gets excited or embarrassed when you meet unexpectedly.

If usually when you meet, he looks quite confident because he is preparing to meet you. But if the meeting happens unexpectedly, it can take him by surprise and unsettle him a little.

Yes, he may have been waiting to meet you, but a spontaneous meeting may make him a little nervous for fear of losing face in front of you.

6. If you spend time together, he tries to extend it.

If a man is interested in you, he will try to do everything possible to make this time as quality as possible.

He will try to prolong the dialogue by asking many questions. If he's giving you a ride home, he'll drive a little slower. He doesn't want to rush our time together.

7. He remembers important dates

If it's your birthday, he will send you a greeting to talk to you. If you mentioned an exam you need to take, he will wish you luck on that day.

He is looking for even a slight opportunity for closer communication to arise between you.

8. He belittles other men.

If you start talking about men or guys who are interested in you, the man will try to avoid the conversation or change the subject.

If this does not work out, he will try to somehow downplay the merits of other men in your life. No matter how stupid it may seem, he can even make them look bad in order to look much better in your eyes.

9. He gives you compliments or kind words.

A man in love will not hesitate to let you know how disarmed he is of you. He will let you know how important you are to him, how your presence affects his life.

He will simply find a reason to shower you with beautiful words or compliments.

10. He pays attention to you when you're together.

When a man thinks and misses you, he actually listens to what you say. He will try to make you feel as comfortable as possible and express yourself freely.

You may feel like you are the most interesting person in the world and everything you have to say is worth hearing. You are unlikely to hear reproaches from him or feel shame for what you said. Your words will be heard.

11. Drunk texts

As you know, what’s on a sober person’s mind is what’s on the drunken person’s tongue. Don't be surprised if you receive a drunk text from him. This happens almost instinctively.

Observe his behavior

How do men miss a woman? All representatives of the stronger sex are very different in the expression of their feelings. Some people tend to openly express their longing for their beloved, while others try to hide this feeling as much as possible. Psychologists advise paying attention to your partner’s behavior when surrounded by people close to him. To do this, you need to take a closer look at his body language and listen to his speech. If a man, while in the company of friends, remains a little withdrawn and agitated, then, most obviously, his feelings for his chosen one have not cooled down, and he really misses her.

Caution must be exercised. Often the feelings of a former young man are not always positive. Guys tend to get angry in such situations, especially if the girl hurt or offended. Therefore, the man’s behavior in this situation must be considered in the context of a breakup.

Analyze the guy's behavior from the outside. If in the company of girls and boys he continues to look in your direction, most likely he still has feelings for you. Men who are afraid of losing sight of their ex-girlfriend most likely still have feelings.

If you still have good relationships with mutual friends, then you can find out from them whether the man was interested in you during the conversation. The information received will help to lift the secret veil and find out about the feelings of the former chosen one. It is better if your friends are reliable and do not tell the man that you asked about him.

What does the male “I miss” mean?

The fact that the fair half of humanity loves with “ears” is readily used by representatives of the stronger sex.
That’s why they often manipulate women’s feelings for the sake of their often selfish goals. So, you can return your old relationship with a banal phrase, uttered with a sad face and a trembling voice: “I can’t live without you. I miss you terribly. “Well, who can resist after this? So, what does a man’s “I miss you” actually mean? “Age-related melancholy,” what is it?

Longing for the woman you love manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on what kind of man he is from a psychological point of view. For example: words about missing his beloved, uttered by the lips of a strong and confident, often wealthy and accomplished person in every sense, indicate that it is very important for him to return moments of happiness with his beloved, that he really misses him with all his heart, otherwise he would not waste his time talking , would not waste precious time on this;

Men in their prime (from 30 to 50) are not, a priori, likely to be bored; they, as a rule, easily switch from the personal front to the war zone at work, and spend their evenings actively searching for a replacement for their ex-lover. And even if they are incredibly bored, they feel very bad, it is unlikely that anyone will know about it. Their best medicine is work and achieving career heights, “so that she understands who she has lost!”;

young people, guys from 20 to 28-30 years old, do not yet know how to “put” their feelings and desires into words, so they say what they think and feel at a certain moment. And if he says that he is bored, it means he is bored “here and now”, that he is uncomfortable alone. He doesn’t bother with actions, but simply says that he’s sad, and that’s all. Here the young girl must unravel the true meaning of these words: she missed comfort or missed her - and these are very different things;

The most sincere love is the first. Falling in love during this period is the brightest, and a guy who is barely 14 years old will love with all his heart and will suffer just as sincerely, so when he writes or says that he misses him, it will mean only one thing - he really suffers.

Nonverbal signs of male melancholy

People are used to complicating things. So, instead of just making an appointment, taking the hand of a loved one and looking into the eyes and saying “I miss you,” the strong half of humanity avoids this in every possible way. But a wise and observant woman will always be able to understand that her ex-partner still loves and misses her. It will be revealed by actions such as:

total surveillance of your loved one - and everywhere: on social networks, among mutual friends, at work and/or study. He will look for "random" encounters in places where she frequents. And at the moment of the long-awaited meeting, his pride will forbid him to say how much melancholy he was bursting with;

a bored, proud man will radically change his behavior - now she is invisible to him, he “doesn’t remember” her existence for a long time, and during meetings he is not even interested in her life. He becomes distracted, withdraws irrevocably into himself; Another thing is a man who is bored and very wounded - he blames only her for the separation and will do everything possible so that she “bites her elbows.” Photos with new passions will be dazzling on his pages, one brighter than the other, he will allow himself everything at once! The boredom of the former chosen one will manifest itself only in a sad look upon meeting - no one has yet managed to hide love in the eyes.

Misses means he loves or.

Everyone is familiar with homesickness, especially when you are on a business trip or studying in another country for more than a month. Love for the homeland, family and friends seems to only intensify every day. More and more often in letters and phone conversations one hears a trembling “I miss you.”

Can this be compared to what a man experiences when he is separated from his beloved? They broke up. He wants to come back. A mysterious “something” won’t let me in. Question: does he still love, or does he just need communication, time spent, but with the feelings of “something wrong happened”?

Psychologists give the best advice in this case: trust, but verify. Perhaps, after leaving the comfort zone, the former partner is confused and simply wants to return to everyday life, cleanliness in the apartment, socks folded in the chest of drawers, clean shirts - for this, some alpha males will sing like nightingales.

On the other hand, his words about difficult experiences due to a long separation can be justified by the expression “what is close is seen at a distance.” What can I say - “only the heart is vigilant.”

What and how to respond to the confession of “bored”

The most important thing is to never respond with a stupid “me too,” even if it’s true three times. The answer to a man’s phrase “I miss you” directly depends on what further development of the relationship the lady wants to see.

So if she wants:

If you find yourself with him that same evening, thereby breaking the long silence, then you should say with a smile: “Well, what did you wait (for so long)?”

to maintain friendly relations and nothing more - in this case it is better to laugh it off, saying, “It hasn’t even been six months. “, or “Well, you said it!”

to make it clear that everything is in the distant and irrevocable past and not to torture either yourself or your partner, you need to abruptly cut off his barely begun speech about uncooled feelings “Let’s leave this in the past.”

Advice from psychologists

When does a man start missing a woman? Representatives of the stronger sex tend to miss their chosen one when almost all his thoughts are occupied with her. The easiest way to find out from a person whether he misses you is directly. However, not every man dares to admit this. Moreover, many people tend to feel afraid of having frank conversations with a woman. But even a simple conversation on abstract topics will allow you to understand the answer to this question.

  1. Even if a man is bored, he can hide it. Representatives of the opposite sex who have had a painful breakup in the past tend to be especially cautious. If you are an ex-girlfriend who initiated the breakup, then you should not hope for sincerity on the part of your ex-man.
  2. Often a man misses a woman after a breakup. A follow-up meeting may clarify the situation, but only if it goes off on a good note. If the date is accompanied by quarrels and showdowns, it may be worth stopping all meetings. And even more so, do not ask questions related to whether the chosen one is bored or what feelings he still has towards you.
  3. If a young man does not miss a girl, then he no longer has feelings for her. This means you need to let go of the current situation and move on with your life. Perhaps soon each of them will meet their new love.

Meaning of words

If you've ever been in love, then you know that even a minute of separation evokes strong emotions. As soon as you leave a date, you already begin to miss your loved one, an irresistible desire appears to return, to stay together for some more time. It is quite possible that in his own words the young man shares precisely these feelings with you.

Do not think that all young people are intriguers who think through their own actions and words. Sometimes men just talk and it doesn't mean anything anymore. Such representatives of the stronger sex exist. This is not a myth.

It may seem to you that in this way he is hinting that it is time to think about living together, but in fact he is simply expressing what is on his soul. Without any additional information. Don't jump to conclusions.

Feminine tricks

Why does a woman miss a man? A girl misses an object of the opposite sex when she is overwhelmed with feelings towards her partner. Sometimes women have to resort to tricks to get what they want. Let's look at some tips that will help you make your lover miss you.

  1. Beauty is an effective weapon for every woman. If you live together, then forget about homemade and unattractive dressing gowns. Choose beautiful dresses, sexy blouses and light shorts. It is better to replace the bun at the back of the head with beautifully styled hair or braids.
  2. Make your man jealous. The attention of other guys to a girl makes a partner think about her more often, and, accordingly, get bored. And admiring glances and compliments addressed to his partner only increase his self-esteem.
  3. Play with your chosen one. Constant everyday life negatively affects the relationship between a man and a woman. To make it interesting with you, and for a man to think about you more often, alternate between hot and cold. Even if last night you were sultry and passionate, then in the morning pretend as if it were not you. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you risk turning your relationship into a “swing”.
  4. How long does a man miss a woman? Romantic tricks can prolong the longing for your beloved. Send a nice message saying how excited you were about last night's romantic evening. If you live together, then prepare a surprise for him, wear a sexy outfit, and also surprise him in bed. The next day he will think only about you, and will really miss his time last night.
  5. Remember that male psychology does not accept female superiority. The chosen one should be in charge, and you “play the role” of his inspirer and muse. Commanders are often left with weak-willed men or alone.
  6. Love is not a purchase. You should not treat your beloved man as a solution to your financial problems. Enjoy the little things and admire surprises. Don't be shy to talk about your dreams and desires.
  7. If you want your man to miss you as often as possible, then start a hobby or spend time with your friends as often as possible.
  8. Change your appearance periodically. You can dye your hair, change your hairstyle or clothing style. Master new hobbies, so you will become more interesting to your lover.
  9. How do men miss a woman? They don't miss annoying girls. Moreover, most men try to get rid of them at the very beginning of a relationship. Several calls and messages in the messenger, which were sent one by one, only irritate, but do not bring them closer together.

The main advantages of sincerity

  • Sincerity will help push him to action
    . Often for a guy the message: “I miss you” is like a “green light” for decisive action. There is a good technique that works on the stronger sex, namely a message with promises. For example, instead of: “I miss you, I want to see you so much,” you should write: “I’m cooking your favorite Peking duck and I’m looking forward to our meeting.” There may be erotic and gastronomic fantasies, the prospect of watching football together, etc.
  • Will help him take his mind off his problems
    . It’s nice to receive an SMS during a boring meeting: “There are five (six, seven, etc.) hours left until our meeting.”
  • You can get a meeting with the man you are interested in
    . Representatives of the stronger sex understand direct words, not hints. Therefore, you need to talk about your emotions directly, and if the girl is interesting, then the guy will understand and offer to meet, and if not, then you should not count on a long-term relationship.
  • Thanks to sincerity, relationships between partners will improve
    . As experts note, many problems in couples arise due to understatement between partners. Both husbands and wives are often embarrassed to talk about their feelings, arguing that since we live together, the other half should know about it. But both sides are pleased to receive recognition that the other half is bored.
  • Most guys want to hear good words addressed to them
    . People's attitude towards us can be a mirror reflection of our attitude towards them. It is easy for others to stumble upon a hypocrite. By being sincere with others, we receive sincere affection towards us. If the gentleman is “the one,” then sincerity will improve the relationship, otherwise, while the game of pretending is going on, another woman will get ahead, who will quickly realize that the stronger sex also wants to hear kind, sincere words.

Secret tricks

So we figured out the topic related to whether men miss women. If you want your chosen one to always remember you, then give him a small gift in the form of a keychain with your photo. Or leave your item in his house in a visible place. Every time he looks at the item, he will remember the time he spent with you.

Olfactory perception works perfectly. Use the same scent for meetings with him. On a date, try to cuddle up to him as much as possible so that your scent lingers on his clothes. When he comes home, he will remember you when he smells the perfume.

A man who misses a woman always remembers her touch. Therefore, you need to choose one part of your chosen one’s body that you will regularly touch. This could be the hand, neck, wrist, etc. 20–30 touches are enough. Subsequently, he will develop a habit, and if someone touches the same part of his body, he will remember you.

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