How men miss a woman: signs, expressions of feelings, advice from psychologists

  • September 8, 2018
  • Psychology of communication
  • Irina Bukach

People can miss someone for a variety of reasons. For example, they feel in love, regret breaking up with someone, haven’t seen an old friend for a long time, etc. Sometimes a person can be overcome by a strong and all-encompassing feeling of melancholy that he cannot cope with. And sometimes he doesn’t miss someone at all, but simply because he’s bored. An unexpected statement, right?! Psychologists have also noticed that when you miss a person, a double feeling appears. Sometimes it is truly melancholy, and at times completely different emotions appear.

Always in touch

How long does it take for a man to start missing a woman? In different ways, a lot depends on the feelings he has for the girl. But as soon as you see an SMS on your phone or an email from him, you can be sure that he really misses you. In general, the guy will remind you of himself in any convenient way.

Always pay attention to the text of the message. If a man calls with standard phrases such as: “how are you”, “what are you doing”, “how is the weather”, or the like, then be sure that your guy is not sincerely bored. Perhaps he perceives you as a sweet companion or a girl for sexual pleasures. If he writes you a couple of messages, but they show care and concern for you, then most likely he really misses and loves you. After all, sincere feelings are, first of all, care and reverent attitude.

Never judge a person's attitude by the number of calls and written messages. Judge by the intonation and tenderness in his voice, as well as by the questions he asks you.

Remember that men do not tend to openly express their feelings, but they will always find a reason to show you their true attitude. Especially when they love and miss you.

Reasons why you might be bored

There are certain reasons why this feeling appears. By recognizing them, you can prevent the development of emotional dependence.

Photo by KoolShooters: Pexels

  • You're used to him always being there. Especially if you live together;
  • You are in love so much that you cannot be alone for a long period of time;
  • You have become too dependent on your lover;
  • You feel so good with your man that you simply cannot live without him.

These reasons can indicate not only love and deep feelings, but also obsession, which is quite capable of harming your relationship.

Unusual activity on a social network

If a man tells a woman that he misses her, then it really is so. Today, the veracity of the chosen one’s words can be easily verified. As you know, you need to believe not in words, but in actions and deeds.

Social networks today are a kind of litmus test for relationships between a man and a woman. When a guy is embarrassed to tell you that he misses you very much, he begins to do things that make it easy to understand. He likes your photos from a hundred years ago. Can write nice words on your page wall or send cute statuses and cards.

All these actions are designed to make you evaluate his activities. But the man himself may not write first, but will continue to hint, waiting for the first step from you. Unfortunately, some guys tend to behave this way. Although not all girls may like this.

"Hell's Addiction"

To understand what we're talking about, it's worth imagining a guy and a girl in love, trying to say goodbye and telling each other that they already miss you. Quite a sweet display of love, right? But no! These harmless words actually indicate more emotional dependence than love. And if it becomes an obsession, then this is already a signal that it’s time to do something.

Psychologists believe that when you miss a person, it’s as if you are talking about your powerlessness and the impossibility of somehow passing away your leisure time. It’s as if a person is tying someone to himself and placing responsibility for his leisure time on his shoulders. Simply put, he emotionally clings and binds to himself the one to whom he constantly tells that he misses him. That is, this is ordinary manipulation, or “hellish addiction.”


Sometimes when a man misses a woman, he feels awkward. Sometimes, he does not understand how to behave in such a situation. Therefore, instead of showing tender feelings, the primitive instinct of jealousy and importunity awakens in him.

He starts calling his beloved several times a day, sending her messages with stupid questions. And especially inventive men can also present several funny gifts. They shower their chosen one with flowers, sweets, invitations to the cinema or cafe. But often all these presents look awkward. The fact is that a man who is truly in love may not yet have realized the feelings that arise when separated from his chosen one. In other words, he hasn't learned to be bored. Mostly such situations concern young couples who have not yet started living together.

How to make a man miss you - tips for girls

First of all, for a person to miss you, you need to disappear from his life for a while. If you are constantly close to him, then it is natural that he will not miss you. In addition, it is not at all easy to voluntarily leave a loved one. But this is the only way you will give him time and space to understand, as well as the opportunity to realize how much he needs you in your absence.

To make a man miss you, you can be very busy for a while or just pretend, even if in reality this is not the case. The next time, talking with your partner, when he asks a question about what you are doing, you don’t need to give a definite answer, you can just laugh it off. This way you will show that you are a cheerful and easy-going person, but at the same time you will make the person agonize over the question of what you are actually doing in your absence.

Other signs

What does it mean if a man misses a woman? He has sincere feelings for her.

  1. The guy openly declares that he misses him. But if there is no meeting between you in the next couple of days, then we can assume that his intentions are not serious. You shouldn’t convince yourself that the guy might have some business to deal with, so he couldn’t spend time with you. When a man is really bored, he will always find a reason to meet.

  2. If you are not in a relationship, then unanswered messages and calls can seriously upset him.
  3. When a guy is bored, he will take the first step towards you and make an appointment with you. Representatives of the stronger sex do not tend to sit and meekly wait; if they are in love, they always immediately begin to act.
  4. A man who is bored very rarely allows his chosen one to have doubts about this. Therefore, when you are “racking your brains” over whether he misses you or not, then most likely he doesn’t.
  5. Claims and grievances. An indifferent man does not have such feelings. He may not show any emotions towards you. A guy who is in love is very often offended and jealous. Even though his emotions can be negative, they demonstrate his sincere feelings.
  6. A representative of the stronger sex, who has become attached to a girl with all his soul, cannot endure separation for long. And already on the first date he begins to plan the next one.
  7. He introduces you to his friends, invites you to look at his children's photo album, and so on. In general, he does everything to bring you to the decision not to separate anymore, because he is very tired of constantly missing you.

What to do to make a man miss you

“Keep some distance between you. Don't confuse distance with indifference. You have a life together and a personal life. Live them both. I really don't like it when a man or woman complains that after meeting their partner, he or she stopped doing the things that used to bring them joy. This means something is wrong in their relationship.

To make a man miss you, don’t force yourself on him, don’t try to fill his whole life with you. Both of you should have your own lives. This is completely natural and normal. And there is no need to put any other meanings here. My wife has a very high opinion of me, but she does not at all demand that I be with her every minute. She considers me special, but without fanaticism. She has enough to do without me.

I have to travel a lot for work, as a result of which I sometimes don’t show up at home for several days. I like these business trips. I meet new people and find myself in places unfamiliar to me. But despite the pleasure I get, I think about my wife all the time. I return home and I can’t wait to tell her everything I saw and heard.

She could go on these trips with me, but she doesn't. I enjoy such trips, she doesn’t, so she prefers to stay at home, and I don’t try to convince her. If she is interested in the place where I am going, she arrives towards the end of my business trip, and then we do everything there that people who love each other should do on a trip.

Once you become a couple, you will remain a couple, regardless of whether you are in the same room or at a great distance. No one said we had to keep each other on a leash twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If used improperly, bonds of love can turn into shackles of hatred. Keep your distance for his sake and for your sake.”

Expressions of feelings

When does a man miss a woman? We have looked at the signs, now let’s move on to considering the manifestations of this feeling.

  1. He asks you to send him your photo. This request is not related to the desire to see you naked or anything like that. He is just interested in what you are doing, what your mood is. Moreover, he is interested in seeing you at a given moment in time, as if you were nearby now.
  2. At the beginning of the week, he starts planning weekend activities for the two of you. And in general, he tries in every way to initiate as many meetings with you as possible.
  3. Tries to surprise you. When separated, a man has a lot of free time to think about coming up with a cunning plan that will help capture the maximum of your free time and attention.
  4. A guy who is bored tells his family and friends about you and his feelings. Even with the most ordinary conversation, aimed at a completely unrelated topic, he still will not miss the opportunity to mention his beloved. The thing is that thoughts are occupied with the chosen one when it is common for a person to miss her.
  5. He won't tell anything. Alas, some men do not tend to openly show their feelings. They will be sad, but they won’t show it until the last moment. Although passions may rage inside them. It is most difficult with this type of man at the beginning of a relationship, as it may seem that he is absolutely indifferent.

What to write to a stranger to make him smile?

When messaging a stranger, it is important to appear unobtrusive and establish easy communication.

It is important to appear unobtrusive when messaging a stranger

You should not use diminutive expressions so as not to scare off the guy you like.

  • You can send a neutral emoticon and see the reaction. If the guy sends a smile back, you should continue the conversation.
  • Give a compliment: “I wonder if nice guys make interesting conversationalists?”
  • “I think our t-shirts match perfectly in our profile photos! What do you think?".
  • "Hello! My friend said that she has a cute boyfriend who wouldn't mind chatting. Can you guess who she meant?
  • You can send him a beautiful photo with your face, but without bare parts of the body. Then use the standard “Oh, sorry, wrong number” and look at the reaction.
  • You can write honestly and openly: “Hello! I really don’t want to distract you, but I’m missing new people and interesting acquaintances in my life right now. Let's try to chat a little?"

Observe his behavior

How do men miss a woman? All representatives of the stronger sex are very different in the expression of their feelings. Some people tend to openly express their longing for their beloved, while others try to hide this feeling as much as possible. Psychologists advise paying attention to your partner’s behavior when surrounded by people close to him. To do this, you need to take a closer look at his body language and listen to his speech. If a man, while in the company of friends, remains a little withdrawn and agitated, then, most obviously, his feelings for his chosen one have not cooled down, and he really misses her.

Caution must be exercised. Often the feelings of a former young man are not always positive. Guys tend to get angry in such situations, especially if the girl hurt or offended. Therefore, the man’s behavior in this situation must be considered in the context of a breakup.

Analyze the guy's behavior from the outside. If in the company of girls and boys he continues to look in your direction, most likely he still has feelings for you. Men who are afraid of losing sight of their ex-girlfriend most likely still have feelings.

If you still have good relationships with mutual friends, then you can find out from them whether the man was interested in you during the conversation. The information received will help to lift the secret veil and find out about the feelings of the former chosen one. It is better if your friends are reliable and do not tell the man that you asked about him.

How to get over a breakup with the person you love

Unfortunately, not all relationships end as in fairy tales. “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day” is a rather rare scenario today. Sometimes separation is inevitable. If your partner is the initiator, you have no choice but to quickly erase him from your memory.

However, some people act completely wrong in this situation. As a result, they get stuck in a love gestalt for many years and cannot start a new story. Follow our tips to avoid making fatal mistakes after breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Get rid of everything that reminds you of him

It is very difficult not to think about a person when his photograph is looking at you from every nightstand. The first thing to do is to remove all traces of his presence in your life out of sight. It is better to return expensive gifts and personal items through mutual friends, and throw away all sorts of little things and trinkets.

When you clear the space of all these artifacts, you will literally be able to breathe easier. Gradually, the image of your ex will be forced out of your head, and you will stop yearning for him.

Stop monitoring his social media

Due to the rapid development of the Internet, it is much more difficult to forget a person today than 20 years ago, for example. My hands are itching to look at his pages on social networks and find there signs of mental anguish and suffering from separation from you. After such forays, nostalgia overwhelms with renewed vigor and unsettles you for a long time.

To prevent this from happening, you need to pull yourself together and turn on your willpower at full capacity. To make it easier for you, I will scare you a little now. You must realize that looking at its pages is not just a pointless waste of time. This is a harmful and to some extent dangerous pastime.

You feed the human figure with your attention, and it takes up more and more space in your head. So you not only lose the opportunity to forget him, but also risk developing a love addiction. Remember - time heals only when you don’t interfere with it.

Don't fantasize

The main reason why you cannot forget someone is to maintain the image of their love for you. You remember the person as loving, passionate and open. Naturally, no one wants to part with such a nice and expensive trophy. Therefore, people ignore the coldness and indifference that caused separation and replace real feedback with illusions.

Every time your ex-lover appears in your thoughts, remind yourself that he does not love you. Picture him as cold, indifferent and distant. If you manage to discard the illusions, his figure in your head will very quickly begin to shrink. The process will be accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness - get ready for this.

Cut off all contacts

Continuing to maintain a connection with a person, it will be difficult for you to forget him and stop missing him. All communication must be stopped. Don't give in to the temptation to remain friends. While your feelings have not yet cooled down, a normal friendship will still not work out.

After a while, you can resume contact if the desire remains. But by this point you should already be starting a new story. A new person should appear in your heart who you like and reciprocates. Otherwise, melancholy and sadness may return.

Avoid Depreciation

Most people try to forget their ex by devaluing him. I want to warn you against this method - it has not helped anyone yet. While you sit and go through the shortcomings of your ex-partner, his figure in your head grows.

Devaluation is one of the most insidious psychological defenses. You may feel better for a short time, but then a setback will certainly follow. Longing and nostalgia will overwhelm you with renewed vigor. And all because you are trying to deceive yourself.

Advice from psychologists

When does a man start missing a woman? Representatives of the stronger sex tend to miss their chosen one when almost all his thoughts are occupied with her. The easiest way to find out from a person whether he misses you is directly. However, not every man dares to admit this. Moreover, many people tend to feel afraid of having frank conversations with a woman. But even a simple conversation on abstract topics will allow you to understand the answer to this question.

  1. Even if a man is bored, he can hide it. Representatives of the opposite sex who have had a painful breakup in the past tend to be especially cautious. If you are an ex-girlfriend who initiated the breakup, then you should not hope for sincerity on the part of your ex-man.
  2. Often a man misses a woman after a breakup. A follow-up meeting may clarify the situation, but only if it goes off on a good note. If the date is accompanied by quarrels and showdowns, it may be worth stopping all meetings. And even more so, do not ask questions related to whether the chosen one is bored or what feelings he still has towards you.
  3. If a young man does not miss a girl, then he no longer has feelings for her. This means you need to let go of the current situation and move on with your life. Perhaps soon each of them will meet their new love.

What does it mean if my girlfriend asked me to help her after breaking up?

The second sign that the contactless period is working: if she is the first to get in touch and ask for help.

She may ask for support in resolving some issue, she may ask if she forgot something of hers at your house, she may ask for help with your common child.

And many men fall for it, play Robin Hood.

They think that if you refuse to help her, then she will definitely think that you have lost interest in her and will never return.

But I remind you. When you are in a neurotic state, sleep for three hours, eat practically nothing, then nothing good will come of your communication.

And if she also said that you broke up, that she no longer loves you, then what kind of help can we talk about? Moreover, when entering the non-contact period, you tell her in black and white about your desire to understand yourself.

She asks you for help solely out of curiosity, to check whether you are still sitting on her leash or not.

Not because she needs help.

Yes, it happens when a situation with children requires some kind of emergency measures and they cannot do without you, but this happens very rarely.

And most requests for help are nothing more than a ping to check your condition.

If you fall for her provocations, then she will understand that you are still available to her, still love her and will lose interest, and a new cycle of suffering awaits you due to unrequited love.

Therefore, think first of all about yourself, and not about her.

Next, I will tell you when you can get in touch with her.

Feminine tricks

Why does a woman miss a man? A girl misses an object of the opposite sex when she is overwhelmed with feelings towards her partner. Sometimes women have to resort to tricks to get what they want. Let's look at some tips that will help you make your lover miss you.

  1. Beauty is an effective weapon for every woman. If you live together, then forget about homemade and unattractive dressing gowns. Choose beautiful dresses, sexy blouses and light shorts. It is better to replace the bun at the back of the head with beautifully styled hair or braids.
  2. Make your man jealous. The attention of other guys to a girl makes a partner think about her more often, and, accordingly, get bored. And admiring glances and compliments addressed to his partner only increase his self-esteem.
  3. Play with your chosen one. Constant everyday life negatively affects the relationship between a man and a woman. To make it interesting with you, and for a man to think about you more often, alternate between hot and cold. Even if last night you were sultry and passionate, then in the morning pretend as if it were not you. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you risk turning your relationship into a “swing”.
  4. How long does a man miss a woman? Romantic tricks can prolong the longing for your beloved. Send a nice message saying how excited you were about last night's romantic evening. If you live together, then prepare a surprise for him, wear a sexy outfit, and also surprise him in bed. The next day he will think only about you, and will really miss his time last night.
  5. Remember that male psychology does not accept female superiority. The chosen one should be in charge, and you “play the role” of his inspirer and muse. Commanders are often left with weak-willed men or alone.
  6. Love is not a purchase. You should not treat your beloved man as a solution to your financial problems. Enjoy the little things and admire surprises. Don't be shy to talk about your dreams and desires.
  7. If you want your man to miss you as often as possible, then start a hobby or spend time with your friends as often as possible.
  8. Change your appearance periodically. You can dye your hair, change your hairstyle or clothing style. Master new hobbies, so you will become more interesting to your lover.
  9. How do men miss a woman? They don't miss annoying girls. Moreover, most men try to get rid of them at the very beginning of a relationship. Several calls and messages in the messenger, which were sent one by one, only irritate, but do not bring them closer together.

Making a man bored - women's tricks and secrets

It's not easy to make a man you like very bored. After all, for this you will need to use almost the entire arsenal of feminine tricks. First, you need to tie a guy and make him fall in love with you, so that his thoughts are constantly only with you, and only then check the feeling of melancholy by breaking up for a certain period.

Male psychology is straightforward and less emotional than female psychology, so before checking your lover, you should call your chosen one for a frank conversation and try to intuitively feel love and affection for the girl. In order for a young person to feel a lack of communication and begin to get bored, it is necessary to provide him with free space and time to think.

You can make a man suffer and get bored if you know male psychology, the secrets of manipulating people and female tricks. Among all methods, the main spheres of influence are distinguished:

  1. Beauty is a terrible force to which all male subjects are subject. A girl's spectacular appearance will lead to constant lust on the part of a man and, as a result, will make her feel very bored and jealous.
  2. Changeability is the main female weapon. Gray everyday life gets boring, monotonous sex is boring, so why not diversify the routine? Make surprises, become a playful tigress or a shy schoolgirl.
  3. Romantic surprises will make the lover think and remember the girl with warmth. Come up with a puzzle, a small quest, or you can have a dinner with a continuation.
  4. Don't be intrusive. Give up the constant presence of a man in your life, occupy your free time, transfer the initiative to men's hands.
  5. A smile and a sense of humor will help you become unforgettable. Gloomy people who are fixated on their problems are repulsive; try to abstract yourself from everyday and everyday difficulties in the presence of a guy.

It will be quite difficult to make a married man get bored and, moreover, run after you, because he has little free time. In such a situation, all feminine charms should be used together with care, patience and a great desire to be close to your loved one.

Secret tricks

So we figured out the topic related to whether men miss women. If you want your chosen one to always remember you, then give him a small gift in the form of a keychain with your photo. Or leave your item in his house in a visible place. Every time he looks at the item, he will remember the time he spent with you.

Olfactory perception works perfectly. Use the same scent for meetings with him. On a date, try to cuddle up to him as much as possible so that your scent lingers on his clothes. When he comes home, he will remember you when he smells the perfume.

A man who misses a woman always remembers her touch. Therefore, you need to choose one part of your chosen one’s body that you will regularly touch. This could be the hand, neck, wrist, etc. 20–30 touches are enough. Subsequently, he will develop a habit, and if someone touches the same part of his body, he will remember you.

Olfactory perception

The ideal way to remind yourself from a distance is to use the same perfume. Choose “yours”, be sure to have a pleasant scent for him. Use this perfume for romantic meetings and walks together. Don’t quarrel with your loved one or make a scandal, when you are “dressed” in this scent, it should be associated with warmth and tenderness.

If you are facing a temporary separation, cuddle up to the man, leaving your scent on him. When preparing your husband for a business trip, spray some perfume on his underwear or other frequently used items. Thus, the beloved will yearn for his wife, haunted by a familiar scent.

What not to do in correspondence with guys

You need to remember what not to do in correspondence with the guy you like.

After all, the wrong phrases can destroy even the most promising relationships:

  1. Don't be intrusive. Based on the speed of his answers to you and his desire to develop the dialogue, you will understand everything yourself. Don't waste your time, there are many worthy men in the world.
  2. Do not use rude words or obscene expressions. You need to create a feminine and soft image that you want to protect.
  3. Don't respond to his messages for a long time. Guys are annoyed by feigned pride.


You should not write SMS messages containing grammatical errors. When sending love confessions, it is important to follow the spelling rules. Also, a girl should not demand increased attention from a young man or find fault with him. By becoming intrusive, a girl will only push her lover away.

If disagreements arise, you should not insult or humiliate your interlocutor. It is allowed to use light irony in letters, but jokes invented out of place can disappoint a person and push him away from the girl. In this case, it will be difficult to regain the goodwill and trust of your chosen one, and to keep the relationship the same.

Sources: /cto-napisat-parnu-ctoby-on-ulybnulsa.html


The goal that the girl set for herself when she was going to write to the guy is important. It is also necessary to understand the character of a person and his needs. Phrases may differ from each other in content and writing style. If a girl wants to make a guy laugh, cheer him up, she can write something humorous or ironically recall some situation in which she found herself. A young man will appreciate light humor and the ability to laugh at himself.

These words must come from the heart

The guy's smile will be caused by warm, tender words sent to him by his beloved. Such a message must be sincere; it is important to convey your true feelings. Among loving couples, the use of romantic nicknames and addresses is allowed: kitten, bunny, sunshine. The message can highlight the guy’s merits and strengths. A girl can emphasize that her chosen one is the best in the world.

Great option to write something original

You can write an original message to a young man and surprise him with some ingenuity. Using an SMS message, a girl can unobtrusively invite her lover on a date or ask him for help: fixing the computer, troubleshooting the operating system. The man will feel that his girlfriend appreciates his competence and professionalism, so she will gladly come to the rescue.

Every young man has his own weaknesses. If a girl is able to detect them, saying in time what the chosen one wants to hear, she is guaranteed success. The most attractive phrases for the stronger sex:

  • "You are my hero".
  • “For me, you are the best, smartest, bravest man.”

These phrases may look banal, but they have the most powerful effect on the recipient. During a long separation, you can write the following to your boyfriend:

  • "I miss you so much."
  • "I love you so much."
  • “It’s so lonely and empty here without you.”
  • “I can’t wait to see you again.”
  • “Without you my life is empty.”

It is impossible to find a universal phrase that can please every single man. Here it is necessary to take into account both the character of your loved one and his lifestyle. A brutal man leading a sporty lifestyle will not be delighted with an endless stream of tender messages. A girl can carefully and unobtrusively emphasize his strong qualities - courage, courage, and show that she admires the physical strength of her lover. It is best for a researcher to say pleasant words regarding his high mental abilities.

There is no need to be afraid of experiments, using new, unusual and pleasant words in practice. To prevent beautiful phrases from becoming boring, you should regularly expand your vocabulary of “tenderness”. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the young man, understanding what effect this or that spoken phrase had. Sometimes a girl can write something vulgar to a guy with whom she has a close relationship, but such a phrase should not be too provocative. When flirting with a guy, a girl can use the following unusual and original phrases:

  • “I so want to be on a desert island, alone with you, so that there is no one else there except us - only the azure ocean coast, palm trees and beautiful jungle around. How do you like this idea?
  • “When we met your eyes, I was lost in the maze of your charming gaze. Can you help me find a way out?


The best way to understand what “bored” means is to look at verbs that are similar in meaning. In the concept itself, two points should be highlighted:

  • There must be an object that evokes certain feelings in us.
  • A word is needed that describes this emotional process.

Who or what do you miss? We list the most common objects:

  • Friends, parents, other relatives and loved ones.
  • Pets.
  • Favorite person.
  • Homeland, certain places with which fond memories are associated.
  • House.
  • An activity that, for one reason or another, is not possible to engage in.

What feelings do these objects evoke in a person when we use the concept of “bored”? We list the main synonyms:

  • to be sad;
  • yearn;
  • sadden;
  • languish;
  • mourn;
  • languish;
  • recall.

We deliberately do not use the word “love,” although in the minds of many it is the main source of what we miss.

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