Gray color in psychology: meaning, what it symbolizes, characteristics

Ash is one of the least noticeable and most modest in the color spectrum. Many people call it a shade of boredom, melancholy, mediocrity and try to avoid it in interior design and clothing. However, few people are aware that until the 19th century, all royal nobility and high ranks dressed exclusively in ash and dark blue tones, considering bright materials a sign of vulgarity and bad taste. The smoky color is obtained by mixing red, dark blue and green and depends on which of them predominates and the tint groups are formed. The color gray and its derivatives have their own meaning in psychology and influence the consciousness of an individual in different ways. I will talk about how to use color and where to apply it to improve the emotional background in this article.

What means

In an esoteric sense, the color represents Saturn, the deities of time, the formation of maturity and the beginning of aging. A party of the same name has even been created in Germany, which has been defending the rights of older people for many years. Esotericists perceive the planet with rings as a scrupulous judge who, through long and grueling tests, cleanses us from moral dirt inside. That is why one of the direct characteristics of the gray color is an attraction to spirituality. Monks and parishioners of many occult groups wear precisely such robes.

Also, the nickel metallic color signifies great power. It is not for nothing that the expression “gray cardinal” was born in medieval France. In addition, in those days, all the nobility mostly dressed up in graphite tones. During the reign of the king, Cardinal Richelieu had a large piece of influence, but few people knew that he was only a puppet in the hands of a more significant figure - the monk Joseph, who wore a dark gray cassock.

Negative properties include dullness and facelessness. Preferring the role of a “gray mouse,” people strive to destroy their unique “I” and merge with the world around them. Also, such shades are considered primitive and mean poor origin. In Rus', the expression “gray little peasant” was common in everyday life, meaning a narrow-minded commoner.

Symbolic meaning of brown

Since ancient times, humanity has associated brown with soil. Therefore, this color is traditionally considered a symbol of fertility, stability, and reliability. It was in brown that numerous figurines of ancient goddesses of the Earth were painted, to whom they turned with requests for a good harvest or the fertility of women. Therefore, in a sense, brown can be called a feminine color. On a symbolic level, this shade is also closely associated with family ties and the warmth of the hearth. In Ancient Rome, there were special home altars, larariums, where ancestors and spirits of a village or city were revered. Usually they were painted brown. In addition to figurines of gods, death masks of deceased relatives were also kept there. It was believed that in the lararium they turn into good spirits that protect the clan. It is not for nothing that most fireplaces, which can be called modern variations of home altars, are also made in brown.

The symbolism of any color has two sides: positive and negative. Therefore, in addition to stability, brown can also mean authoritarianism and even dictatorship. Brown uniforms were worn by military units of the German party, which later became the Nazis. This is why fascism is still called the brown plague. In its negative version, this color means the unshakable power of authorities, dogmatism, and stiffness.


To most accurately describe what the gray color symbolizes, you need to imagine a fine sunny summer day, when everything around is fragrant, riotous and shimmering with bright reflections, but suddenly, the sky is covered with lead clouds, it becomes almost dark and featureless.

Another association is old photographs, in which all the details are conveyed through many shades of ash - from pale to dark and even gloomy, almost black.

Gray temples are a symbol of wisdom, aging, years lived, but endless respect and compassion. It is also the embodiment of internal experiences - fear, anxiety, confusion. Finally, grayness is something that has been passed and forgotten, covered with a layer of dusty grains of sand and covered in a dense cobweb.

A dark shade has a depressing effect, can spoil the mood and even cause apathy and depression, while light colors create a neutral, calm environment and do not cause internal rejection.

What does it symbolize

Before you choose the gray color of clothes or shoes, wall cladding or flooring, you need to know what it means and how it is treated in other parts of the world:

  • Christian countries wear anthracite when they feel sad, are in mourning, sadness, want to isolate themselves from the world, erect imaginary borders. It is a connotation of sorrow, humility and detachment.
  • In the east it is an attribute of humiliation, anger, betrayal and meanness.
  • In Europe - the tone of high society, world progress, technical equipment.
  • For most African tribes, this is a symbolism of ashes and loss.

Choice of stars

Luxurious shades of mahogany and golden brown are perfect for dresses for the most special occasions. Therefore, they are often chosen by famous personalities. For example, actress Tracee Ellis Ross chose a golden-brown velvet dress for the 2016 Oscars.


Light gray is a neutral color that is used to smooth out the brighter colors of the color spectrum. Even red in combination with ivory causes less aggression and becomes softer.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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Walls painted in the Gainsborough color, named after the English artist and representing gray hair, visually expand the space and give a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Nickel is a neutral shade, used to mark the border with other colors, the fullness of which cannot be appreciated without its presence.

Makeup and accessories

In order not to get lost on a gray background, it is recommended to wear bright makeup. Of course, you need to follow the basic rule - you should highlight only the lips or only the eyes. It is very important to pay attention to your skin tone; it should be as even as possible.

A variety of decorations are suitable for gray clothes. A string of pearls is suitable for a classic outfit; when creating a youthful look, you can use bright jewelry.

Everything about a person who likes the color gray - psychology

Those who have favorite metallic shades look modest and faceless in appearance. It is mainly preferred by older people, sad, apathetic and depressed people. They want to be invisible, to hide from others behind a curtain of gloom.

These are tired of life and communication, antisocial people who love peace and quiet. Such representatives of society rarely rush into the abyss, avoid risks, and are prone to long thoughts and a long search to identify an acceptable solution.

These are good analysts, logisticians, accountants, and economists. Their boring pursuit of goals, complete emotionlessness and modesty make them attractive to managers in all spheres of activity. However, when establishing communication with such a person, it is worth considering that, just like herself, she sets high demands on others, is distinguished by moral principles and perseverance, and cannot stand public events. Usually these are excellent employees, but difficult people to communicate with.

Practical and conservative people, they like to use things that they are sure of, even if the whole world has already switched to popular new products. They use hidden methods to remain unnoticed and get out of the water dry. On the other hand, these are pleasant interlocutors - they listen without interrupting, give practical advice, and are endowed with compassion. These are reliable candidates for friends and partners who will never reveal your secrets and will help you in difficult situations. To better know the person who prefers the shade of ash, sign up for my personal consultation.

Clothing color and your personality

Let's look at the most popular colors: black, blue, red, yellow, green, white, orange and brown. This will serve as a good basis for understanding the psychology of color in clothing.


Outfits dominated by black can appear dominant, aggressive and even dark. The color black is associated with prestige, power and seriousness. Villains in movies often sport black, and it is also worn by powerful CEOs and grooms at weddings. More often than not, wearing black tells the world around you that you should be taken seriously.

What is Black Identity ? People who prefer black clothes are usually distinguished by their ambition and determination. They can be emotional and easily excitable, but often try to hide it.

If you are in a leadership position, the color black can help strengthen your authority. But don't be surprised if people start to maintain some distance from you.

Situations where a predominantly black outfit may be appropriate:

  • When you want to assert your authority so that you can be taken more seriously.
  • If you occupy a high leadership position, where your status requires you to demonstrate power.

What does rejection of the color gray mean?

Those who don’t like gray hair strive for brightness, contrast and variety. These are people who love adventure, travel and a change of scenery. They avoid uncertainty and want to clearly understand the end result, their condition and position.

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Those who refuse and do not accept this color are afraid of being defeated, want to attract attention to themselves, success, communication and recognition of society are important to them. They do not understand people who are delighted with the silver color, considering them boring and secretive.

Brown lovers - who are they?

Psychologists divide those who love the color brown into two conditional categories: “those in need of protection” and “self-sufficient.” For the former, sympathy for the chocolate and coffee environment flares up suddenly or intensifies in waves, and then, with the loss of need, fades away. These people, as a rule, are defenseless in the face of difficult life circumstances and are in dire need of stability and constancy.

“Self-sufficient” include conservatives who consciously perceive life as endless resistance to opposing forces. The characteristics of people whose favorite color is brown are as follows in psychology:

  • low creative quotient;
  • high efficiency;
  • pragmatism and prudence;
  • lack of daydreaming and adventurism;
  • consistency and logic.

Fans of dark coffee tones are not artistic or sociable, but they are wonderful friends and excellent leaders. The only clear fear of these people is the need for spontaneous actions, which they will try to avoid with all their might.


Unlike other tones of the color palette, gray hair does not have a clear beginning and end, getting lost between contrasting black and white. Such a scattering of completely opposite colors makes the gloomy palette rich and varied:

  • There are metallic tones: nickel, pewter, steel and platinum;
  • gray as an old man's hair - Gainsborough;
  • French, monsoon shade;
  • silver, like the precious metal of the same name;
  • rich and dark, like wet asphalt;
  • gray – gray-blue;
  • light and light - ivory;
  • gray-blue, like a thundercloud or the evening surface of the sea;
  • the so-called cadet - blue-gray;
  • almost black – charcoal gray;
  • illegible, with various inclusions, but overall airy - ashy;
  • light, like granite - stone.

These are not all of the lists; in fact, there are many more of them. In fact, depending on the time of year, the position of the sun's rays, everything can turn into a retro color - from the sea, the sand of trees and grass, to the silhouette of a person or animal.

Physiological and health effects

Platinum gray causes lethargy, inhibits active movement, and slows down all processes in the human body. He, like a sponge, is filled with lightning speed with various excitements and emotions. That is why it is often used in the process of meditation, to treat inflammatory diseases, neutralize stress, and lower blood pressure.

“Gray environment” helps you focus on one goal and clearly move in the right direction to achieve it. Calmness and detachment prevent you from being distracted and fixated on solving the problem. However, for good results, the concentration of color should be in moderate quantities and accompanied by a harmonious combination with other shades of the palette. Its excessive presence can develop from a calming stage into a depressing one.

Zodiac preferences

Since in psychology the value of brown color is emphasized as a factor of “grounding”, a return to nature and natural simplicity, this color is ideal for two zodiac signs - Virgo and Capricorn.

The practical Capricorn always strives to remain unconvinced, but he hates to complicate everything and, in search of the truth, inevitably returns to the basics. Capricorn has a vital need to periodically turn to the experience of his ancestors, and the brown color helps him not to lose this connection and remain something of a keeper of family traditions and ancestral memory.

Thoughtful and pedantic, Virgo never has her head in the clouds, and in all matters prefers to use the shortest path to solving a problem. Dark shades such as “brown”, “mahogany”, “chocolate” help Virgo to concentrate and not be distracted by unimportant details.

What does the color gray mean in psychology?

Ash helps to cope with emotions of any format. After all, not only grief and disappointment, betrayal of loved ones or problems can knock you out of your working rut, but also spontaneous joy, excessive cheerfulness and a sudden feeling of happiness. The metallic tone restrains character, makes a person more strict, pragmatic, calculating and balanced, not allowing him to be led by his emotions and approach business with a clear mind. Therefore, we recommend using the shade during important and responsible events - business meetings, negotiations, exams.

Gray gives the owner confidence and self-sufficiency. A person feels protected from problems, the negative influence of the surrounding world, free from extraneous opinions and demands. It, like a protective shield, repels any psychological attacks and helps to dissolve in the bustling crowd, if appropriate and necessary.

In large doses, the tone causes melancholy, sadness about the past, thoughts and regrets about wrong actions, unfulfilled dreams. It does not need to be worn by depressed people, but it is shown to those who boldly stand on their feet and do not need support or praise from others, symbolizing independence.

In some cases, the color of wet asphalt eliminates bad habits and chronic addictions.

Psychological effects of brown

This color, especially in its warm versions, relieves stress like a hand. It is especially recommended for people suffering from anxiety and fear of change. Brown, as the color of stability, brings back a feeling of security. It also increases endurance and helps cope with heavy stress, both physical and psychological. It builds self-confidence, inspires trust and respect. Therefore, psychologists recommend wearing clothes in brown tones before important interviews, business meetings or long trips.

The color brown encourages people to cooperate, helps smooth out contradictions in the team and inspire its members to work productively. Light brown or coffee is especially good for this. Darker shades of this color, on the contrary, serve as a kind of barrier against unwanted acquaintances. A man in dark brown clothes subconsciously makes it clear that he is not interested in close communication.

Why is it used in advertising?

A retro palette is often used as a background; it does not carry a load and does not attract unnecessary attention. It is widely used for advertising household appliances and innovative new products, as it is associated with technical progress. The tone of wet asphalt and ivory evokes the atmosphere of a metropolis, which is why real estate agencies and recruiting organizations also prefer it in their advertising campaigns.

Silver indicates the elitism and high quality of the product and evokes a feeling of reliability. No wonder Apple chose it for their logo. The labels of most famous automobile brands are also made in silver-pearl palettes.

Brown from a psychological point of view

To begin with, it is important to note that brown has an impressive range of shades.

  • Bronze shimmer
  • Chestnut
  • Brown
  • Tea
  • Cream

Photo by Ainur Iman on Unsplash

  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Brown
  • Terracotta, etc.

This color, from a psychological point of view, represents a “reduction in speed.” Associated with comfort, relaxation and peace. It means reliability, stability and security. Brown is associated with family, responsibility and a sense of duty. It is worth noting that brown symbolizes material wealth and also implies the accumulation of material values.

Brown goes with the image of home comfort and family hearth. As you probably already guessed, this is primarily due to the fact that wood materials have brown shades.

Who can be recommended to use

By itself, the metallic tone looks featureless, but in combination with other colors it can not only sparkle with new colors, but also significantly transform the appearance. Pale ladies and bright blondes will suit the monsoon shade, rich graphite will complement dark brown-haired women and brunettes. Everyone, without exception, suits traditional dark gray or lightened - Gainsborough or zircon with a barely noticeable shine.

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In clothes

Its combination with white and purple looks great. The unusual color of a black pearl will be complemented by bright yellow and fresh light green.

Although it is believed that the best uniform, emphasizing the reliability and high status of the enterprise, will be asphalt, it is better to dilute it with things and accessories of more positive shades - wear a bright tie, brooch, scarf. A pastel blouse, sweater or jacket in a sunny color in combination with a silver jumpsuit, sundress, trousers will not take away the business focus and responsibility that envelops the client, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the desire for lightness and creativity.

The charcoal tone depresses the nervous system, which is why explosive choleric people are advised to fill their wardrobe with appropriate things. It is not recommended for melancholic people to wear a blue palette, despite their attraction to similar colors. It has a neutral effect on sanguine and phlegmatic people.

For girls, in addition to the wardrobe, makeup is important. And here silver-gray will also come to the rescue. After all, black mascara or eyeliner in an everyday look can look intrusive and even vulgar, while shimmering mother-of-pearl is ideal for creating daytime and evening makeup.

In the interior

In interior design, gray, platinum and nickel are simply irreplaceable colors. Such kitchen facades look discreet and discreet; bedroom furniture has a relaxing effect. Household appliances – refrigerators, TVs, toasters, kettles – look stylish and expensive. Shiny chrome details create bright accents. In combination with black and white, gray forms new minimalist interior styles - loft and hi-tech. Light cladding materials give the room lightness and visually expand the space.

Coal is also indispensable when decorating office rooms. Its deeper and darker shades promote intellectual work, calmness, and regularity. An atmosphere of rigor and concentration will reign in the work rooms. However, it is worth taking into account that a long stay in such walls is tiring, fatigue occurs, and productivity decreases. Therefore, an excess of metallic presence needs to be diluted with joyful colors: yellow, orange, green: various decorative elements - rugs, flowers.

Fashionable looks

Brown clothes can look formal or sophisticated, everything will depend on the chosen styles and color combinations.

Business images

Brown is perfect for creating strict but elegant business looks. Every business lady should have classic trousers or a brown skirt in her wardrobe. A fitted white shirt is perfect for this item of clothing, but it is better to choose not a snow-white blouse, but items in ivory or ecru color. The set should be paired with shoes that match the shirt. The ensemble will be complemented by a brown jacket, different in shade from the trousers (skirt).

The classic combination for a business look is brown plus blue. For example, we’ll combine a fitted dress with checkered prints in blue tones with a fitted mocha-colored jacket. Let's complement the ensemble with a small blue handbag and high brown stiletto boots.

In business attire, it is acceptable to combine brown and black. A suit of camel hair color and a black blouse looks interesting. You can complement the ensemble with white accessories.

Everyday looks

Practical brown color is simply created for creating everyday fashionable looks. The basic element can be brown trousers or a skirt of a suitable style. Thus, tight-fitting trousers in the shade of dark chocolate will form a harmonious ensemble with an ocher sweater with a white and black pattern. Complete the look with a small black bag, brown ankle boots, and a large wristwatch on a leather strap. If you want to add a bright detail to your look, you can use a neckerchief with an orange-yellow pattern.

For the cold season, you can buy a brown coat. Military-style outerwear looks great in dark brown, but to create romantic looks, fitted coats in light shades of brown are better suited.

Evening looks

A rich palette of brown shades allows you to choose options that are suitable for creating luxurious looks. Evening dresses made of golden brown silk look chic; they can have a fitted or loose fit.

For a champagne-colored corset dress, you can choose an openwork walnut-colored bolero. Shoes to match the bolero will complete the ensemble.

Brown evening dresses can be combined with bright red accessories - shoes, handbag. An interesting looking turquoise dress complete with a wide brown belt and a short coffee-colored velvet jacket.

For evening dresses, you can use glossy fabrics in brown shades with a metallic sheen. And also fabrics with “animal” print. For example, the Dasha Gauser collection features a long evening dress made of fabric with a metallic sheen and a print imitating snake skin. The dress is seamed at the waist, has long flared sleeves and a boat neckline. Black shoes complete the look.

Only brown

Using different shades of brown, you can create interesting and harmonious ensembles. For example, a set of a bright brown ankle-length pleated skirt and a simple camel-colored top does not look boring at all. Especially if you complement it with sand-colored shoes and a café-au-lait handbag.

When creating monochrome ensembles in brown, you need to carefully think through the details so that the image does not turn out to be too gloomy.

What are the positive aspects

Not everyone sees dejection and detachment on the metal spectrum. You can look at it in a completely different way: dark shades, close to black, are associated with elegance, moderate drama and mystery. Lighter ones - ivory, blueberry-cream - belong to lightness, freedom and have a calming effect. This is a multifaceted color that can convey the entire spectrum of human emotions.

A gray cat will make your home cozy and soft, a metallic outfit will be indispensable in creating a sophisticated look for an interview. It is a conservative and serious color used in many contexts. It reflects modernity, reliability, safety, modesty. Represents self-control, accuracy, wisdom, high knowledge. In moderate doses, it creates a feeling of calm and tranquility.

Mental component

Color promotes calm and relaxation. But these feelings are different from the cold and indifferent blue. The feeling is more like home comfort, a soft sofa with a fluffy blanket, where you can sit with a cup of fragrant tea or aromatic latte with chocolate. Brown is associated with a calm fireplace fire, the rustling of leaves in an autumn forest, or a fluffy cat curled up on your lap.

Brown color in psychology is the best way to overcome stress or blues. A special role is given not only to some sedative influence, but also to associative images: tree, earth, fresh crispy bread. All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Brown not only has a calming effect, but also helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence, gives a feeling of stability and trustworthiness.

Based on psychological studies conducted by scientists, it was revealed that the beige color also has a good social influence. It encourages teamwork, helps to establish business connections, but at the same time helps to maintain a certain distance in communication.

Psychologists recommend using brown shades when many problematic and unresolved issues arise in life. The color means hope for a good outcome of events.

Such shades mean that the people who choose them are hard-working and truth-loving. When going for an interview, it is advisable to wear a brown outfit.

Brown simultaneously signifies common sense and stability, but also some frustration and depression. It contains red, which signifies aggressiveness and activity, and yellow, which suppresses these traits.

Brown lovers are very cheerful and reasonable. If a critical situation arises, they can suggest a rational way out, showing composure.

In the sexual sphere, this color denotes conservatism and traditionalism. For such a person, first of all, emotions are important, and only after that physiology.

A person is considered to be secretive if he rejects the color brown in any of its manifestations. He does not consider physical comfort a necessity and does not indulge the needs of his body. Such people tend to take risks and do not think about danger.

Negative characteristics in psychology

If you have an affinity for elephant tones, then most likely you have the following qualities:

  • fear of communication;
  • frequent depression, sadness and depression;
  • melancholic views, fear of loss and withdrawal from the world and ultimately loneliness;
  • lethargy, low activity, facelessness;
  • reluctance to experience new emotions and update your life.

Grayness, the love of dull days without sun characterizes a pessimist or a dejected realist.

Negative effects of color

In psychology, gray color, in addition to neutral ones, also has negative nuances. It does not bring anything significant; accordingly, it does not progress and has no future.

Adherence to gloomy colors speaks of pessimism, uncertainty, and a tendency to self-examination. In large quantities, ashen colors, especially dark shades, cause:

melancholy, regret about unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans, unmotivated craving for the former, constant delving into past actions, dejection from the inability to return to them or change them, oppression, depression, decreased activity, loss of vitality, reluctance to strive for better, to change one’s life, isolation from new events, emotions , dating

A sudden attraction to gloomy, inexpressive shades indicates emotional exhaustion, overwork, a desire to escape from reality into a fantasy world

Dark shades have a particularly negative effect. They suppress will and cheerfulness, making a person gloomy and unsociable. Excessive use leads to emotional and mental stagnation.

The negative impact of light colors is less pronounced. They cause apathy only in large quantities and with constant use. In such cases, inexpressive clothing or a nondescript interior can inspire a feeling of facelessness, uselessness, and depressing monotony.

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