Do you wake up in the morning and feel exhausted? How to recharge your batteries in five minutes

For some people, the morning is the best part of the day. Already at five in the morning they cheerfully get out of bed, go for a run, do exercises, prepare a smoothie, manage to read 20 pages of a book and go to the office in high spirits. For others, waking hours are torture and constant bargaining with themselves. They wake up exhausted and tired, constantly switch the alarm clock, and cannot get out of bed until the last minute. The main thing is to exclude chronic fatigue if you belong to the second type of people.

We tell you how to distinguish one from the other, and also start the day cheerfully and swing faster than usual.

Keep a sleep schedule

A hackneyed truth that is important to mention. The biological clock is extremely important for the body, and you will feel completely different if you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am, or fall asleep at 4 am and wake up at 12 pm. In both cases, you sleep for 8 hours, but in the first, the body, brain and organism as a whole rest, and in the second, only the body.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time - it doesn’t matter whether it’s weekdays or weekends. A properly tuned circadian rhythm, or biological clock, affects how you get up in the morning and how you feel throughout the day.

Other tricks and tricks

Pull your earlobes down . If you briefly massage your earlobes in this way, you will be able to get rid of drowsiness.

Run your tongue across the roof of your mouth . It’s not very pleasant, and it’s also particularly ticklish, right? But the signal from the nerve endings reaches the brain almost immediately and promotes concentration.

Give your neck a massage . Pay special attention to the top, pressing with your fingers where the neck meets the head.

Do a short session of breathing exercises . 5 minutes will be enough. You can start with the simplest exercise: concentrate on your breathing, breathe deeply, mentally counting to four as you inhale and exhale. This practice will fill your circulatory system with oxygen and invigorate you.

Use aromatherapy . Many essential oils stimulate brain function, making you feel more energetic. These include: citrus fruits, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, ginger, pine, rosemary, basil.

Turn on the light . When you have work to do, never sit in the dark. The brighter the light, the more active your brain is.

Listen to high tempo music . If this doesn't distract you, make a special playlist with catchy songs and listen to it every time you want to cheer yourself up.

Laugh . A surge of positive emotions energizes you, so after watching a video with funny animals, you will relax for a while and restore your balance of power a little.

Motivate yourself . We have written repeatedly about various ways of self-motivation.

Change your socks . Frankly speaking, the trick is strange, but it works. And if you change your socks to fresh ones in the middle of the working day, a surge of energy is guaranteed.

Create conditions for quality sleep

If possible, buy a comfortable mattress and pillow that won't cause back or neck pain and won't leave you feeling groggy. Buy a sleep mask and earplugs, cover the windows with dark curtains that do not allow light to pass through, exclude any lighting, even that which seems insignificant. It is also advisable to ventilate the room, monitor the optimal temperature and humidity in the bedroom: the normal level is considered to be 30-60%.

Sell ​​yourself your own goals

Many people believe two contradictory things at the same time: that marketers can convince them to do a lot of things that they would not do on their own, but at the same time they cannot change their own motivation to do what they need to do.

This is wrong. You need to sell yourself on your own goals. It all starts with packaging. The way you frame your goals and projects has a huge impact on your motivation. Compare two expressions: “a thing I must do” and “an exciting, interesting task.” Do you feel the difference?

The next step is to remind yourself of what inspires you. Remember why you got started and what you wanted to achieve. The client must visualize his desire in order to make a purchase, and good marketers help him with this. And you need to visualize what you want to achieve so that you have the energy to do it.

Challenge: Spend 10 minutes a day thinking about where your actions today are helping you move.

Choose the right alarm clock

One option is to buy an alarm clock. Half an hour before the set time, the lamp on the device turns on, the intensity of which constantly increases. This has a gentle effect on the sleep hormone, melatonin, which helps you wake up easier.

You can buy a sleep tracker for your wrist or download an app for your phone that monitors your sleep phase and cycle and wakes you up when you're ready to wake up. Alternatively, turn on the volume fade-in feature on your phone so that the alarm goes off gradually.

Take a nap during the day

This is not laziness, but a useful habit with a lot of positive consequences for the body, including memory. Daytime naps are especially helpful if you're trying to remember a lot of new information. In addition, it recharges, because after lunch we usually feel tired. Even if you don't have a separate place at work where you can take a nap, try to use part of your work break to rest.

The main thing is to sleep for a short time. You need to wake up immediately after the alarm rings and not let yourself doze off again. If you stretch your daytime sleep too long, you will go into a deep sleep phase and wake up even more lethargic than when you went to bed. Although there will also be benefits from such sleep, you will just feel it later, when the drowsiness wears off.

Challenge: Take 20 minutes after lunch to take a nap and recharge.

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