How to fill yourself with energy: the best ways to recharge

  • July 15, 2019
  • Life style
  • Kristina Degtyareva

Do you feel like your strength is running out? Do you urgently need a recharge? This is not at all surprising: the modern world, filled with bustle and haste, literally weakens a person and deprives him of energy. Each of us has to do many things every day, sometimes even simultaneously. In the pursuit of money and success, a person inevitably loses internal resources. How can I get them back? How can a man or woman be filled with energy? We bring to your attention the main ways to get inspired and recharge!

Full sleep

Every person, regardless of gender, should have all the conditions for proper sleep. The best option is a separate room in the apartment, a large bed with a comfortable mattress, suitable pillows and blankets. Also, don't forget about your bedroom decor: eye-catching trinkets also help you recover from a busy day. At the same time, experts recommend going to bed before ten o’clock in the evening and getting up before dawn: this will allow you to accumulate energy, restore your body’s strength and feel invigorated.

Healthy eating

Filling with energy is impossible to imagine without proper nutrition. The thing is that what we eat always affects our health and well-being. That is why, by eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet, such as fatty foods, fried or salty foods, you will rid your body of toxins and gain energy. In addition, this will allow you to control your weight. The diet should contain as many vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains as possible, and you can’t do without desserts. People with a sweet tooth should allow themselves to indulge in sweets from time to time, preferably natural ones.


When talking about how to fill yourself with energy, one cannot fail to mention such an item as solitude. In order to put your thoughts in order, clear your head, and have a good rest, it is important for both men and women to retire at least twice a week. You can spend this time in different ways. Psychologists recommend reading your favorite books, drawing, listening to music, walking through a flowering park or fragrant coniferous forest, and meditating. Almost any activity that calms your mind and allows you to look into your own inner world will do.

Get a blood test

General and biochemical, at a minimum, as well as hormones, vitamins and microelements - their deficiency and imbalance can cause chronic fatigue. I found the lab4u service, where you can order complex examinations online for various reasons, pay and come to the nearest laboratory to draw blood. Thanks to this system, the cost of tests is two times cheaper than in other places. I'm not advertising, it's just convenient for me.

It was like this for me - I woke up cheerful and active, but at 12-13 o'clock I was knocked into sleep so that I could only fall and fall asleep. I will not go into details of the research and methods of correcting the condition, I will only say that the health situation has leveled out, and living in a state of calm energy has become simply wonderful.

Communication with nature

One of the easiest ways to fill yourself with energy is to communicate with nature. It is advisable that it does not occur from the window of a car or bus that takes you to work. Every person, especially a woman, is able to capture the natural vibrations of nature. Nature is a wonderful way to calm the mind, slow down a little, breathe out worries and leave fears and nervousness behind.

In order to get an energy boost, just give your ears a break from the unbearable city noise, inhale the sweet aroma of flowers, contemplate the palette of bright natural colors, and light a fire. Doctors have long been talking about the fact that nature has a positive effect on the human body. For example, neurophysiologists note that just half an hour in a natural environment is enough to increase the so-called cognitive abilities - the ability to concentrate and analyze. Numerous experiments confirm that such rest makes a person more effective when it comes to solving problems. Try to get out into nature (even a nearby park will do) - and you will feel how your body is filled with energy and your thinking becomes positive.

Helping others

When talking about how to fill yourself with energy, you can’t help but remember about helping the people around you. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance: it is enough to simply listen to your best friend who is in a difficult life situation, please children who are deprived of family warmth, feed or shelter homeless animals, and help the elderly. You can also hold a cleanup day, plant a few bushes and trees, donate blood... By helping others, you will certainly feel happy, filled with energy and joy.

Chakra Meditation

According to Indian beliefs, a chakra is an invisible small spindle that pumps energy. Each of the 7 energy centers, chakras, is associated with a specific area of ​​life. For example, we need the energy of the first chakra to maintain all vital activity and the desire to live, and the energy of the third is for motivation to fight and succeed. By “pumping up” all 7 chakras in this meditation, you will feel ready for any achievement.

This meditation should be done lying down. Be sure to make sure that the spine is as straight as possible, elongated like a string. Turn on some nice relaxing music. Breathe at your normal pace for a few minutes, then take a couple of deep breaths in and out.

Focus on the first chakra, it is located at the very bottom of the abdomen, at the base of the spine. Imagine it as a dark red spinning wheel. Imagine how dark red threads are wound onto this wheel from space. Say to yourself: “I exist!”

Move to the second chakra, it is located a little higher, between the genitals and the navel. She is an orange spindle with threads of the same color. Imagine how it spins, and the threads seem to appear from space. Say: “I want!”

The third chakra is at the level of the navel, near the solar plexus. Its color is yellow. Imagine how it is “pumped up” with yellow energy from the outside. Feel how the chakra “wheel” spins faster and faster. Say: “I can!”

The fourth chakra is located in the heart. This is the green spindle, responsible for our emotions and the ability to love. Feel it inside you, imagine how it spins threads of a beautiful emerald color. Say: “I love you!”

The fifth chakra is located in the throat area. She is responsible for our self-expression, realization, and creativity. Her energy is blue. Think of it as a wheel or ball. It absorbs the energy of a heavenly hue. Her motto: “I speak!”

The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows, in the area of ​​the so-called third eye. It gives us paranormal abilities and enhances intuition. The color of this chakra is deep blue. Focus on the sensations in it. See a dark blue spinning wheel towards which the blue threads are moving. Say to yourself: “I see!”

The seventh chakra is at the top of the head. This is our connection with the cosmos, the most important source of energy. It corresponds to the color purple. Feel a slight tingling in its area, imagine how a violet ray from space saturates it. Confidently say, “I understand!”

Spiritual practices

In the modern world - with a huge amount of information and a crazy pace - not everyone has time to be in silence, to feel balance and peace. A person is constantly running somewhere, solving some issues, doing something; thousands and even millions of thoughts appear in each of us’s heads every day. This way you can completely lose touch with yourself, forget about your needs and aspirations. How to fill yourself with strength and energy in this case? In order to look inside yourself and talk to yourself, you need to set aside time for spiritual practices. This could be prayer or meditation. Ask yourself questions: are you going there, what are you doing, what are your values ​​now, what do you really want. Throw away all the outer husks and try to see what is truly valuable to you. Of course, such internal dialogues provide incredible energy and fill a person with strength.

Give cardio exercise

I fell in love with swimming, and to my kilometer, which I have been swimming weekly for six months now, I added a second one per week. I go for a walk with my dog ​​every day, and began to slowly add light jogging to the regular 4-6 km walk. I kept taking care of my knees after the injury, but a respected doctor said that I needed cardio exercise and that I could run at least in place for 5 minutes a day. I started running at sea, and now I continued, and it works.

I feel fantastic after my swims and races, I feel how strength comes and how this energy accumulates in me.


Any trip begins long before departure: the starting point can be called planning and thinking through all the nuances of a future vacation. And this already brings a huge amount of positive emotions. Add to this the incredible atmosphere of new cities, acquaintance with famous masterpieces of architecture and art, natural treasures and cultural heritage that you will meet along the way... The impressions from visiting such places will last for a long time, which means that you will feel inspired, happy and energetic – and it won’t be long before you wonder how to fill yourself with energy.

Filling with feminine energy

The question of how a woman can fill herself up, how to be more energetic and at the same time happy deserves special attention. There are a huge number of ways. Here's just a small part:

  • hair care, for example, using masks for curls, trimming split ends - this can be done both in the salon and at home;
  • manicure and pedicure;
  • dancing and singing;
  • visiting a psychologist;
  • use of aromatic oils and incense;
  • general cleaning - after it, of course, you may not have any strength left, but the very next day the results of your work will inspire you;
  • charity;
  • flower care;
  • reading a good book;
  • photoshoot;
  • cooking - you definitely need to put all your love into this process;
  • inviting guests to a gala dinner - with candles and delicious dishes;
  • keeping a gratitude diary;
  • visiting exhibitions, theater or concerts.

There are other ways to fill yourself with feminine energy. As you already understand, there are a lot of them, the main thing is that they should bring joy. Let's look at the most effective ones!

Arts and crafts activities

It's hard to imagine something more natural than a woman doing painting or crafts, cooking culinary masterpieces or making cute home decorations. It seems that woman and creativity are made for each other. Self-expression can be called the simplest way to fill with energy.

Of course, at a time when there is not even a minute left for rest or self-care, it is extremely difficult to engage in creativity. But if you are thinking about how to fill yourself with energy, pay attention to this method. Try to properly manage your time so that you have at least half an hour a day for your favorite hobby. Those minutes that you spend doing something that inspires you will surely give you an incredible surge of energy, joy and inspiration.

Allow yourself to be happy!

It took me no more than 10 minutes to describe these methods. Imagine how many more methods you can add to your treasury of methods for restoring strength and filling with energy if you devote at least an hour of your time to this. How much benefit will you get in the end?

Be happy right this minute, don’t put off your happiness for later. It is always there and patiently waiting for you to notice it. Every day is the best!

Don't wait until your body puts you to bed so that you can't move from fatigue. Fill yourself with energy as soon as you feel that your strength is about to run out. What needs to happen for you to come to your senses and allow yourself to just be happy? Regardless of whether we have everything you want. Because we always have enough. Even if it seems like it could be better, the best is always here and now.

Having fun

When talking about how a woman can fill herself with energy, we cannot help but talk about pleasure. The whole point is that representatives of the fair half of humanity absolutely cannot live without them! As soon as a woman becomes fixated on her household responsibilities, worries and affairs, her life fades and loses its bright colors.

But you just need to allow yourself a cup of aromatic vanilla cappuccino, a piece of cake, a trip to the cinema or buy a new dress, and smells, tastes and colors begin to return to life. Every woman, psychologists say, needs to ensure that her daily routine includes those activities that bring her joy, pleasure and relaxation. If such things do not happen spontaneously, you need to plan for them intentionally. Of course, it doesn’t sound too good, but pleasure also needs to be included in the schedule. Later, when it becomes a habit, everything will work out by itself.

Physical training

Regular physical activity helps keep the body in good shape. You shouldn’t think that when you don’t have the strength, there can be no talk of any sport. Once you try to go to the gym and play an enjoyable sport, you will want to repeat it. Just don’t overload yourself “to the point of losing your pulse” - light exercises for an unaccustomed person will be an ideal start to developing a useful habit.


This point can be called one of the most effective. How can a woman who is driven like a squirrel in a wheel be filled with energy? Take a break. It’s enough to get together with your favorite friends - in the kitchen or in a nice cafe. You can laugh to your heart's content, tell each other about all the latest news, share a bottle of good wine, try pies prepared according to a new recipe, post a selfie on Instagram... No matter how old you are, meeting with friends is always a source of joy and pleasure. Of course, this point can be attributed specifically to positive communication between friends. Washing bones and exchanging gossip can hardly be classified as ways to fill up with energy.


Do you remember if you kept a diary as a child? Most likely, the answer will be yes. Have you ever thought about why many girls have such a need? Psychologists say: every minute ideas and thoughts, plans and dreams arise in a woman’s head. It is extremely important to systematize them and organize them. When you write about your feelings, plans and dreams, you express your state of mind. And this allows you to understand yourself, your desires, and feel a surge of strength.

Keeping a gratitude journal is equally important. Look at your life: every day you can find a huge number of reasons to thank someone. A cozy, happy home, family and friends, the opportunity to do what you love... Once you begin to focus your thoughts on what you have, you allow even more amazing things to appear in your life. And this also fills a woman with positive energy.

What helps you feel a surge of vigor and strength? What makes you feel happy?

Cold and hot shower

This way to recharge your batteries is suitable for owls, who find it stressful to wake up every morning. A contrast shower will increase blood circulation to all organs and activate the brain. After alternating hot and cold temperatures, you feel relaxed and at the same time energized. You can do this procedure during the day, as well as in the evening after work.

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