How to test a guy's fidelity: the most effective ways

How to test a guy's fidelity - we offer 4 best options that will help you get to the bottom of the truth.

Men are polygamous.

Works of fiction, psychological studies tell us about this, and men themselves, in general, do not hide this fact too much.

Women come out of the situation in different ways: some put up with male infidelity, some advocate open relationships, while walking to the left, some refuse to forgive infidelity.

When we start dating a guy, we expect loyalty from him.

But we don’t know whether he will keep it or not, so we suffer, we suffer, we constantly wait for a catch.

Don't torment yourself like that!

If you can’t learn to trust your partner, then testing your fidelity will help you.

Organizing it is not as difficult as many girls think.

And a little bit of effort is worth the peace of mind when you are convinced that the guy is faithful to you, or the saved time if he doesn’t pass the test.

Why check

When organizing a guy's loyalty test, women rarely think through what they will do with the information they receive. Walk away, forgive, or not tell your partner at all that your integrity has been questioned. But initially, the girls set themselves the following surveillance goals:

  1. Make sure your partner loves you.
  2. Thoroughly check that he is ready for a serious relationship, family and children.
  3. See even more advantages in him, because he is not like other men.
  4. Deal with a difficult relationship with a guy.
  5. Find a reason for separation.
  6. Understand that the time spent on the relationship was not wasted and the guy is worthy of the girl’s attention.
  7. Make sure that he is satisfied in bed, and he is not looking for pleasure on the side.

You can find answers to all these questions without checking your personal VKontakte page or mobile phone. It is enough to talk frankly with your loved one, talk about sad thoughts, suspicions and anxiety. Or carefully observe the guy’s behavior, evaluate his affection for you, and remember his actions recently. But if this does not help, doubts remain about his loyalty, then act radically.

Method 3. Ask about cheating directly

Ask if something is wrong

You don't have to accuse your boyfriend of cheating, but tell him that you think there's something wrong with him. Not being able to communicate with your partner can cause serious problems in a relationship, so it's best to simply address the issue directly.

Try to remain as calm as possible. If you immediately put your boyfriend on the defensive, you probably won't get any real answers. Remember that your goal is conversation, not confrontation.

Point out changes in his behavior

You don't want to appear irrational or paranoid, so it can be helpful to provide specific evidence that made you suspicious of him, even if it's just the fact that he stopped calling you pet names or always takes his phone to the bathroom.

Ask point blank

If explaining changes in your boyfriend's behavior that are bothering you doesn't bring up the topic, you can simply ask him directly if he's cheating. You will likely become angry and upset, but do not become abusive or physically violent. The calmer you remain, the more likely you are to get a straight answer from your boyfriend.

Give your boyfriend a chance to answer your questions. Don't yell at him or assume you know what he's going to say. He may have an explanation for his actions that will allay your fears.

If you have doubts and you critically need to know information about him on social networks, use social network profile analysis. You will certainly learn useful information for yourself.

If you still doubt whether your boyfriend is cheating on you, we suggest taking a test, the results of which will definitely dot all the i's.

Psychological signs

The behavior of a relationship partner can tell a lot about what is happening in a couple now. When you first suspect a guy, pay attention to his behavior.

Psychological signs of infidelity in men are the following:

  1. Change in behavior in relationships: the partner has become cold or, conversely, overly affectionate.
  2. Increased attention to your appearance: purchasing new clothes, changing your hairstyle, trying to lose weight.
  3. Changes in sexual behavior: cessation of intimate life or the emergence of new desires.
  4. Pays attention to other women.
  5. Doesn't part with his mobile phone, encrypts passwords on devices.

Cheating husband: how to determine

After marriage, almost all women tend to suspect their other halves of going “on the side.” Not in a literal sense, they turn into private detectives, pestering their husband with explicit questions, arranging interrogation and scandal. The wives of womanizers act much wiser; they do everything quietly and unnoticed, observing behavior and taking on board proven advice from experienced people, resorting to unthinkable methods.

Should you forgive betrayal?

Folk remedies

These methods are quite original and unusual in nature. When your loved one comes home from work, you can arrange a small romantic evening, which will begin with a candlelit bath. After he settles into the warm water, the woman should pay close attention to his testicles. If the spouse previously had sexual intercourse, they will float up. The full ones will remain floating below.

The second method is quite cruel towards a man. It involves the use of pepper, which the wife must pour into her panties. This will cause a terrible itch, against the background of which the husband will presumably decide that he has become infected with something and admits to adultery.

Using the test

You can expose a womanizer to clean water using a simple psychological test. As a joke, invite your chosen one to take the test. Based on the answers, draw appropriate conclusions. The test does not give a 100% guarantee, it is only a reason to think about it.

With the help of fortune telling

By making predictions about the future and past, you can determine whether your loved one is cheating. From a religious point of view, turning to people who can tell the future is considered a great sin. It can negatively affect a person's destiny.

How to find out that your husband is cheating on you: signs.

Particular negativity applies to card fortune telling, which can only create the appearance of truth or be interpreted by different people in their own way. A person begins to involuntarily believe, thereby constantly keeping this thought in his head, creating devastation and scandals in his own family. Provocative actions can push a man to commit the same betrayal, so that, as they say, “getting to the point.” According to many people, fortune telling with Tarot cards, which attempt to predict the future, is considered dangerous. And if there is no fact of betrayal in the present, then the cards can predict it in the future. It destroyed many families.

Psychologist's advice

According to psychologists, betrayal is not an easy thing that just comes out of nowhere. Many people have different attitudes to this phenomenon.

In any case, the responsibility always lies with both. Especially if there have been omissions in the marriage for a long time, loss of interest, frequent conflicts and hushing up grievances.

An ideal relationship does not push the other half to seek solace in other arms. Often this is done by the partner himself, through constant reproaches. Sometimes this happens when a person realizes that the relationship has long since exhausted itself. Psychologists assure that betrayal is not the end of a relationship. Many couples have gone through this, forgiven and compromised. They became more attentive to each other, thereby strengthening their union.

The fact of the duration of the relationship on the side is important here. Understanding the possibility of forgiveness is also very important. If a woman feels that she will never be able to forgive her partner, it is better to let go of this relationship. In every quarrel, she will reproach her husband for wrongdoing, thereby gradually destroying the marriage.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Natalya Tolstaya. Treason: understand and neutralize.

Questions to check

The best and safest way for a girl to bring a guy to clean water is to talk frankly. You can ask questions by phone, write via SMS, or carefully voice them in person:

  1. Tell us about your ex(s), why you broke up, did you cheat on her?
  2. How do you feel about cheating in general?
  3. Can you forgive your partner's infidelity?
  4. Do you think it’s worth talking about a new love or crush to a girl right away, or is it better to wait until the feelings on the side go away on their own?
  5. Do you often tell lies to your parents and friends for your own benefit?
  6. How long will it take you to walk away from the relationship if there is a breakup? Or will you immediately find a replacement for your ex?

When the guy answers questions, watch his gestures and the direction of his gaze. If he wants to lie, he will stroke his face, touch his nose or lips. If he looks straight into the eyes, answers without hesitation, smiles when asked “stupid” questions, then he is frank. Next, evaluate the essence of the answers: the potential cheater does not see anything reprehensible in the rapid change of partners, treats correspondence with other women as entertainment, and mistakenly thinks that he will quickly forgive the betrayal of his beloved.

Behavior of traitors

It is advisable for girls to take a closer look at the behavior and habits of their gentleman even before marriage.

How to check a guy</p>

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