How a man tests a woman for sincerity and fidelity

  1. An ultra-short skirt, lace stockings, bright makeup, and large jewelry can alert men. Psychologists say that a girl who is not in a relationship dresses more brightly and provocatively than one who has found her other half.
  2. A man may become suspicious if a girl is too friendly, sociable, and affectionate. The thought will involuntarily come to him that she communicates with all the guys in the same way.
  3. If a lady's social circle is male (friends, colleagues, roommate), her partner will most likely feel wary and mistrustful. According to experts, women who prefer male company are subject to scrutiny much more often.
  4. A woman’s relaxedness, lack of shyness, and bad habits can also alert a man. Many representatives of the stronger sex have a subconscious belief that modest women deserve more trust, and that smoking and drinking alcohol reduce moral principles.

By subjecting women to tests, men try to figure out the “weak link”, i.e. a frivolous and accessible lady. There are several most common verification scenarios:

  • The argument “we need to check our compatibility in bed” is used most often in communication with young ladies. They have no life experience, and it is easy to convince such girls that before starting a serious relationship they must try each other out in sex.
  • Blackmail by treason. Many males are confident in their polygamous nature. A guy might argue that if a girl doesn't have sex with him, he'll have to cheat on her, because... he does not have the strength to curb his natural needs.
  • In our world, everything is for sale. The truth is primitive, but often true. A man bathes a woman in expensive gifts, while hinting or saying directly that he expects some gratitude from her.
  • “You’re still too young for this” - men involve very young girls in this game. Demonstrating his ostentatious nobility and care, the man begins to assure his chosen one that he is too old and needs sex, and she is so pure and immaculate that he does not want to ruin her life. Therefore, they need to end the relationship.

How a man tests a woman's fidelity

Both men and women believe that without fidelity it is impossible to build a serious relationship. This quality underlies trust in the family, gives strength to achieve goals, to realize oneself as an individual. The stronger sex can forgive their partner many sins, but never betrayal.

If a man begins to suspect his other half of infidelity, then the world around him ceases to exist until the problem that has arisen is somehow resolved. To check his chosen one, a man resorts to the following tricks:

  • Checking using correspondence on social networks

A man registers on a social network under a false name and starts writing to his other half. He tries to get her to open up, asks ambiguous questions, flirts, and offers to meet. Of course, the girl’s actions in such a situation will speak for themselves.

  • Checking with friends

The guy makes an agreement with his handsome friend, and a performance is performed in front of the girl. At first she is asked out on a date, but the girl's boyfriend unexpectedly stays very late, and while she is waiting, a handsome stranger approaches her. He starts showering him with compliments and offers to exchange phone numbers. And again, the girl’s actions will be more eloquent than all words. Will she resist the handsome stranger or not? Her future life will depend on this.

  • Verification using anonymous gifts

A man anonymously sends his lady flowers or a gift, such as jewelry. If a woman accepts the gift without surprise, it means she has another gentleman. If the lady directly says that she does not know who organized the surprise, or starts asking questions about whether he sent the gift, the man will make sure of her fidelity.

  • Spying on your chosen one

When going on a business trip, a guy can ask his friend or hire a professional to spy on his other half to find out where she goes and who she communicates with while he is away.

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How a man tests a woman for commercialism

Unfortunately, in the modern world, when choosing a partner, girls often focus only on his financial situation. Of course, no man wants to be treated only as a money bag, so guys want to protect themselves from selfish ladies.

A man who is successful as a person wants to be loved as a person, and not as a source of wealth. Wealthy gentlemen often test their chosen ones for a love of money and a thirst for enrichment. What kind of tests can men give?

  1. A wealthy gentleman modestly looks after his chosen one: invites her to inexpensive restaurants, gives modest gifts. The purpose of his actions is to look at the woman’s reaction. Will she be capricious because he does not spend significant sums on courtship, and will she happily greet the modest gift?
  2. A rich man can put on a whole show for the lady he likes. For example, come in a cheap car and invite them into a rented one-room apartment, as if to your home.
  3. Often, on the second day of meeting, a wealthy gentleman promises to take his lady to exotic islands or on an exclusive tour of Europe. If the girl immediately after these words packed her suitcase and bombarded her with questions about when they will go on a trip, most likely the dates will stop.
  4. A wealthy man can invite a girl to go shopping in expensive stores and observe her behavior: will she rush into the maelstrom of shopping without counting money, or will she act modestly, without passion.
  5. A wealthy bachelor listens carefully to what his companion’s friends are discussing. If they are talking about rich suitors, about expensive gifts, then there is a high probability that his chosen one is of the same kind.

Method three, combined

Subjecting his supposed chosen one to all sorts of tests, the man himself, without expecting it, becomes hysterical and tense. In this case, sex becomes an outlet for him. No one will argue with the statement that a sexy and liberated woman is the ideal for most men. What are Italian women worth, who have a loud voice and are capable of throwing a huge scandal both in public and in private? Perhaps the very thought of a stormy reconciliation following this pushes a man to rash actions.

Tolerance Test

He will definitely try to make you unhappy with his behavior. A gift given for a holiday may not be what you expected. Flirting with one of your best friends may happen in front of your eyes. You may wait for him in the cafe for too long a period of time.

The man will look forward to your violent reaction after these tricks.

All these actions are aimed by your chosen one not only to check how scandalous you are, but also to see what kind of punishment you can come up with for him. Therefore, feel free to use your main weapon - sex. Try to behave wisely and do not try to refuse him, even if you harbor a grudge against the gift of perfume, and not the expected gold necklace. A huge scandal should definitely end with a stormy reconciliation in bed. This action of yours will add advantages to you and will be appreciated by your chosen one.

How a man tests a woman's feelings

Women's logic is often subject to doubts and jokes. Girls can behave completely inconsistently. Today she has one thing on her mind, and tomorrow she has something completely different. Such a sharp change in mood and train of thought often confuses guys and makes them suspect insincerity. How does a man test a woman to see if she loves him? What tricks does the stronger sex resort to to check the authenticity of the chosen one’s feelings?

  1. The gentleman disappears for some time after a successful date or even a long-term relationship and tests the woman’s feelings for him from a distance. He does not call, does not write, does not respond to attempts to contact him. Most likely, the man wants to see how his chosen one will behave, whether she will worry, actively act, trying to get a meeting and return the relationship.
  2. Jealous means he loves. This folk truth becomes a way to test the girl’s sincerity. How does a man test a woman's feelings for him with jealousy? He deliberately awakens this feeling in his chosen one: he flirts with other ladies, flirts with a waitress in a restaurant, goes to a strip club, stays late from work without explanation, asks friends to write love SMS at night from an unfamiliar number. By provoking jealousy, a man will watch the girl’s reaction. If she worries, worries, waits for him in the evenings, then her feelings are sincere. At the same time, it will be a big plus if the woman does not go into hysterics, does not make a scene, and controls her emotions.

  3. Asking for help can also be part of the check. We can even talk about a small service: buying milk, choosing a model of jeans. The main thing is that the woman sincerely responds to the request for help.
  4. Testing methods are sometimes cruel to women. But there are also more gentle options, when a man asks questions regarding different aspects of his chosen one’s life in order to understand her true values ​​and feelings. During the conversation, the guy analyzes the information received, facial expressions, gestures, glances, voice timbre, trying to determine whether the girl is being cunning or honest.

Method two, similar

Has your chosen one suddenly become concerned about your past encounters with other men? Did he suddenly start asking you detailed questions about your previous relationships? Is this really evidence of his love for you and jealousy of your past?

A man's jealousy of the past

Perhaps, but this is also one of the tests you must pass. So remember to choose your words carefully when talking about past hobbies. A man may assume that you were previously too available, and his woman should be the personification of purity and inaccessibility. If previously you really enjoyed success with the stronger sex, then your current chosen one does not need to know about it.

Men tend to constantly draw parallels between themselves and your former boyfriends, and this results in unmotivated outbursts of anger and aggression.

You don't need this at all. Therefore, it would be best to remember past hobbies in passing, putting the reliability and uniqueness of your loved one in the first place, by doing this you will only strengthen his male ego.

How to understand that a man is checking a woman

If a bachelor is ready for a serious relationship and is looking for a wife, he will definitely want to test her. It is quite easy to understand that you are being tested. It is enough to note some behavioral nuances:

  • If in a conversation a gentleman is interested in your plans for the future, worldview, moral values, family traditions, do not think that he is a boring moralist. Maintain the conversation and answer questions as truthfully and comprehensively as possible.
  • Don't praise yourself as popular with the opposite sex. Answer questions about your experience with men with restraint, without embellishment, but do not deceive. Stories about numerous admirers can characterize you as a frivolous lady who is capable of treason, and arouse in your interlocutor a feeling of jealousy and inner insecurity.
  • Your companion is interested in the number of partners who came before him. At the same time, outwardly he may be completely relaxed and calm, but inside a whirlwind of jealousy, suspicion and uncertainty will rage. Concentrate on convincing the man that he is the best for you, the relationship with him is valuable and is not similar to your past experience. Make him feel important to you.
  • Sometimes a man tests his lady for submissiveness and obedience. This can be done during a game, for example, checkers. If a woman wants to win with all her might and is worried about defeat, most likely she will never obey unquestioningly. A cunning move on the part of a man can be to test your submission. You can do this while playing billiards. If a woman reacts painfully to losses, then a man can conclude that she will never obey her chosen one. You should demonstrate not only calmness, but also some composure. This will be evidence of your independence and self-confidence.
  • Testing accessible boundaries. At the start of a relationship, a man “tests” the acceptable limits to which his companion agrees. For example, he may raise his voice in a minor squabble, forget about an appointment, or speak disparagingly about his chosen one in a circle of mutual acquaintances. With such tricks, a man tests the boundaries of acceptable behavior. It is important for a woman to remember that her partner will treat her the way she allows. There is no need to accept harsh treatment in the hope that things will change in the marriage. Protect your borders right away.

If you guess that you have become the object of verification, then do not show it, be natural. Your task is to convince the man of the sincerity of your feelings and the decency of your intentions. If the attempts to test you are too obvious, it is better to reduce the reaction to them to a joke. In any case, self-control is necessary in the early stages of building a relationship. On the other hand, if you are constantly being tested, you should think about the adequacy of your partner’s behavior. Perhaps, even after passing all the tests, you will have to fight his suspicion, mistrust, jealousy and self-doubt. Not every woman can bear such a burden, so it is important to set priorities right away.

Method one, very important

A man is quite concerned about the question of how faithful his chosen one is to him. Therefore, you will definitely undergo a serious test of loyalty. But what about love and trust between partners? This will not play a role for a man, since his decision to marry you should be strengthened by his confidence in the right choice.

Loyalty check

How will this test take place?

One obvious way would be to meet friends, after which expect that the most important playboy from his social circle will hit on you. But the most dangerous thing is the hidden check. You may have an appointment somewhere in a cafe, to which the man may be late, or even not come at all.

At this time, a cute “charming guy” may sit down at your table with an offer to continue acquaintance in another place and at another time. If you agree and exchange phone numbers with your new acquaintance, the trust of your chosen one will be lost forever. The Internet is also a great helper for a man. Offers from social networks are tempting, beautifully designed and in your opinion may not mean anything. However, the outcome of such communications is just as disastrous.

How men of different zodiac signs check a woman

Astrology is an officially recognized science. She claims that the location of the Moon, Sun and planets on a particular day and hour of a person’s birth influence his character, life guidelines, professional preferences, health and destiny. Many men and women rely on their horoscope when choosing partners. Representatives of different zodiac signs make different demands on their chosen ones, and as a result, test their other halves in different ways. We will talk about this further.

  • Aries

Men born under the sign of Aries can be cunning and treacherous in relationships. If Aries suspects a woman of insincerity or treason, he will immediately test her, regardless of moral standards and moral principles. Aries is able to use all test options, even the toughest ones in relation to the lady.

Men of this sign are capable of reckless actions. To make sure of the faithfulness of the chosen one, they themselves can commit treason, explaining this by the fact that they wanted to see the response of their partner. Aries is a fire sign. Its representatives are emotional and cannot tolerate indifference on the part of their other half.

  • Taurus

Taurus is an Earth sign. Its representatives strive for stability and reliability. Taurus associates confidence in the future primarily with material well-being. Therefore, the Taurus man will take an interest in the financial wealth of his chosen one. Guys born under this earthly sign will not connect their lives with a girl who does not have a financial base, even if they feel sympathy and attraction. The willingness to invest equally in the family budget, the desire to work and the desire for prosperity are more important for Taurus than ardent assurances of love and fidelity. How does a Taurus man check a woman’s availability? No way. Taurus do not doubt the loyalty of their other halves. But this does not mean that a man, having learned about the betrayal, will accept it; on the contrary, he will be adamant and break off the relationship.

  • Twin

Gemini men are inveterate egoists. They view relationships with women from the point of view of how much they will be allowed to maintain their freedom. For Gemini, true love is the absence of boundaries, but it applies only to them, and not to their partner. A woman needs to accept everything from a Gemini man, but remain within certain limits herself. A gentleman can begin to check the limits of what is permitted already in the first stages of acquaintance: he will be late for a date, give a compliment to a stranger, and will not hide correspondence on social networks with other ladies.

Men born under the sign of Gemini, due to their egoism, believe that they are the center of the universe for a woman, the meaning of her whole life. At the same time, they themselves, confident in impunity and permissiveness, are capable of committing offensive, ugly acts towards their chosen one. Here you can encounter rudeness, rudeness, and threats to break up.

  • Cancer

Cancer men are ideal for family relationships. For them, the basis of a family is love, loyalty, caring for each other, mutual respect, and home comfort. Cancer will check whether his chosen one has these qualities. He may unexpectedly come to visit you to evaluate how clean and thrifty the girl is. She may ask for dinner to test her culinary skills, or invite her for a walk with her little nephew to see how the woman gets along with children.

Cancers are known for their practical approach to life and attention to everyday details. The loyalty of the other half is very important for them, but in addition to this, it is necessary that the woman can cope with household chores, maintain cleanliness, cook delicious food, be affectionate and not stingy with kind words.

  • a lion

Leos will always test their chosen ones for the sincerity of their feelings: does the girl really love as much as she says. Leo men are selfish. They love themselves, and all other people should love them. A guy born under the sign of Leo will appreciate the gifts that a girl gives him, as well as her ability to share, care and help. Leo will not connect his life with a narcissistic girl. It is important for him that the chosen one is compliant, patient, stays in his shadow and can sacrifice her interests.

Leo men will not allow a woman to take over and be stronger. Therefore, the best quality for a Leo companion is compliance. If a woman unexpectedly shows strength of character and insists on her own, Leo will be seriously worried and will emotionally blackmail his other half until he achieves what he wants. Leo men tend to manipulate their partners to keep them under control.

  • Virgo

Virgo men do not tolerate competition. They are so confident in themselves, in their ideality and uniqueness, that they do not even allow the thought that a girl might look at some other man. However, he can check his chosen one for the presence of another gentleman, for example, by sending a bouquet without an accompanying card. If a girl is sincerely outraged by receiving such a gift, she will shed balm on the soul of a Virgo man, confirming his inimitability.

Men born under the sign of Virgo are not prone to rational analysis. If a Virgo man finds out about the presence of a rival, he will not take hasty actions, but will most likely present his chosen one with expensive gifts in order to return the candy-bouquet period.

  • Scales

Libra strives for equality and reciprocity. It is important for them to be sure that the woman is ready for an equal relationship, i.e. not only to receive, but also to give, to be a reliable support in any situation. When checking on their chosen ones, Libra men want to make sure that they are valued and afraid of losing them. Libra is just one of those men who can disappear for several days, not pick up the phone, while watching how the other half will behave, whether she will worry and actively look for her loved one. If the lady passes the test, she will end up with a good husband, confident in himself and his companion.

Libra values ​​balance in relationships, i.e. they must be mutually beneficial. Partners invest equally and receive equally. If the balance is thrown towards a woman, the Libra man may turn his gaze to the other to compensate for the loss of balance.

  • Scorpion

According to Scorpio men, betrayal is the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. Scorpios are proud and have difficulty accepting the fact that their chosen one chose someone else. Testing a woman for fidelity is a common practice for this sign. The tests can be cruel: surveillance, reading correspondence, provocation with expensive gifts.

Because of the fear of betrayal, Scorpios are jealous, unsure of themselves, and suspicious. They are ready to be jealous even of a lamppost. The Scorpio man will not restrain his emotions and will create a scandal for his chosen one, even if the claims against her are not justified. The intended opponent may also get it if he gets in the way. Scorpio is capable of tormenting his other half with suspicions of infidelity and regular hysterics until she cannot look at other men at all, or simply runs away.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius are the kings of fun, humor, and practical jokes. They will definitely choose women with a sense of humor as their companions, so that they can laugh at this world together. At the same time, Sagittarius men prefer boring and monotonous relationships. It is important for them that the other half accepts and shares the tendency to joke about any reason. Sagittarians also carry out tests on their chosen ones in a humorous manner, joking, playing around and observing the reaction.

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius know how to trust and appreciate this quality in others. They do not stoop in relationships to such base feelings as jealousy, suspicion, and vindictiveness. They need elevated relationships, spiritual kinship with a fair amount of fun.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn will not associate himself with a mercantile companion. Fearing that the lady is looking for personal gain, the Capricorn man will definitely test her for sincerity and selflessness. To do this, he can put on a performance, pretend to be poor and observe the woman’s behavior. Her actions will tell about her real feelings better than any words.

When choosing a partner carefully and carefully, Capricorns rarely make mistakes. Their other half will have all the necessary qualities: to love sincerely and not seek benefits in relationships.

  • Aquarius

Aquarians always strive to make a bright impression on others. To do this, they surround themselves with the best and most beautiful things. An Aquarius girl, of course, must be spectacular, and not only in appearance. An Aquarius man will definitely test his lady's intellectual abilities. He will start a conversation about trivial things, gradually increasing the complexity of the topics. If a girl cannot carry on a conversation or pretends to be knowledgeable without having real knowledge, Aquarius will not continue the acquaintance.

If a woman has the necessary intellectual abilities, it means that you can build a family relationship with her. Aquarius does not require any other checks. Representatives of this sign do not suffer from jealousy and suspicion, as they are very friendly.

  • Fish

Pisces want to see in their chosen one a like-minded person, a faithful companion with common views on the world, interests, and spiritual values. Beauty, everyday life, family comfort are in the background for them. On the first - comprehensive support from the beloved, her active participation in the life of her chosen one, sincerity in the relationship. Violation of emotional harmony is experienced most acutely by Pisces. Even the betrayal of a loved one is not capable of unsettling them so much. Therefore, if a woman needs a strong relationship with a Pisces man, she should participate in his life as much as possible and share all interests. Then checks will not be needed.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Checking acceptable behavior boundaries

In fact, almost all of us perform this “test” on each other at the beginning of a relationship, but we often do it unconsciously. And some men do it quite deliberately.

Simply put, in this way he checks how he can behave with you in the future. Is it possible to raise your voice, be late for a date, refuse help, save money on you, etc. If you react calmly, endure it, remain silent, such behavior will become normal. The more you endure, the more rude your man’s behavior will be.

People always behave with us the way we allow them to. Regardless of gender and nature of the relationship. If you want to be treated with dignity, know your boundaries and demand that others respect them.

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