The man calls me good, what does it mean? If a man calls a woman my good

First of all, I would like to say that we all must understand and accept that a woman and a man are radically different creatures. Male or female body is different, different hormones, thoughts, mind, body. Women's nature is the opposite of men's. If a woman wants a real and strong man, she herself must be a real woman, since strong men are drawn to precisely such women, and it is with such women that men strive to start a family. A woman must be loving.

Acceptance of a man One of the three qualities that makes a man feel loved is acceptance of a man for who he is. The fact is that there is a whole category of marriages that are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. According to the results of long-term research and therapeutic work by John Gray, from 10% to 20% of marriages are doomed to complete failure due to only one sign - incompatibility. What is especially scary is incompatibility in the goals that people set in life, and not some kind of astrological incompatibility. There are couples who live for ten years or more...

The relationship between a man and a woman has always raised certain questions. Most often they relate to personal relationships, preferences and desires. When solving them, many look for advice, resorting to book aids or the Internet - a storehouse of information.

One of the interesting aspects of the relationship between a man and a woman is the nicknames they give each other. Such nicknames are needed in order to express your feelings for your soul mate. There are dozens of them and mostly they all have an affectionate character. For example, some of these common nicknames are cat, bunny or sunshine. Each of them carries a certain meaning. By nature, it is much easier for a woman to express love and affection for a loved one than to do the same for a man. Since they like more specificity, directness and clarity. It is much easier for men to calmly work a shift at work than to devote the whole day to their chosen one, satisfying her natural desire to be loved. By his nature, a man will much sooner give a woman a pleasant surprise in the form of a gift than openly express all his feelings for her. Therefore, if a man calls a woman not by name, but with such affectionate words as “my beloved,” “my dear,” this indicates his strong feelings for her. For most men, these are not just empty and routine words, but what he experiences deep down. Many women, when uttering the phrases “my husband”, “my beloved”, “my dear”, most often express their love, confidence and tenderness. And when a man calls a woman such titles, it can say a lot.

In most cases, when a man calls his beloved woman “his,” this means that he has warm and tender feelings for her. Thus, he shows that for himself he has found the only woman with whom he is ready to share everything in his life. And that it is with this woman that he is ready to continue sharing all the most valuable things he has. This means not only material means, first of all it is his inner world, experiences and doubts. And having shared the most valuable things, he will be completely confident that “his” beloved woman is attentive to him and understands him correctly, will support him if necessary, and most importantly, will not share his trusted information with anyone else. Also, such a man, by his attitude towards his wife, shows that he is ready for frank conversations and, if necessary, will apply the advice of “his beloved woman. In addition, if a man calls you “my woman,” this indicates that he will restrain his emotions and feelings for as long as possible at a time when your points of view on some issue differ. But it is also important for a woman to remember that any patience and self-control will eventually come to an end.

Another important facet of such an appeal can be called a veiled request. In other words, if a man calls a woman “my beloved,” this may mean that he wants to receive more care and tenderness from his wife, and this should not be ignored.

Simply put, happiness and mutual understanding can be achieved if both spouses strive for this in the family. Coming home after a hard day at work, any man wants to have a pleasant rest. He expects that when he comes home, he will be able to receive care, warmth and attention from his wife. It is no secret that the way to the heart of any man passes through the stomach, that is, if the wife fully satisfies this need of her husband, it will be much easier for him to notice the good in his wife. For him, she will be the best woman in the whole world. And as a result of this, he will do everything in his power to be a good husband and family man.

But sometimes when a man calls a woman “mine,” this also speaks of another reason. Everyone knows that any person, regardless of gender and age, has a tendency towards greed, property and selfishness. For example, some mothers become jealous when their daughter calls her mother-in-law “mom,” or when she expresses a point of view on some question that her mother-in-law holds. The same is true in the relationship between a man and a woman. Some men, having taken a woman as their wife, believe that after the wedding she becomes his property. And therefore, he does not have the right to independently decide who to be friends with, where to go, with whom to communicate, and so on. In this case, if a man calls a woman “his,” this indicates his jealousy. In such a situation, and unfortunately there are many of them, a woman feels completely disadvantaged, deprived of freedom and the right to privacy. This behavior of a man does not necessarily mean that he does not love her. Rather, on the contrary, he loves her so much that his love goes beyond all boundaries. Often such a man is ready to do everything to ensure that his wife is nearby and does not leave for some other man. Ladies often ask their friends a question - what does it mean when a man called me “my woman” and what kind of relationship should we expect after that. A woman living in such a family is often alarmed and frightened by the phrases “my dear,” “my beloved woman,” and others, rather than being assured of love, care and safety. In such relationships, any kind word from a man nearby evokes negative feelings.

Very often, the true meaning of words can be recognized by the facial expressions of the person who pronounces them. The same is true with affectionate words. You can determine what is behind such words by observing the further actions of the person who uttered them and the one to whom they were addressed.

If these words evoked only positive feelings and emotions, then behind such kind words there is true love, respect and trust. In this case, the woman feels truly happy. The same applies when there is no mutual feelings and love in a relationship.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in most cases, when a man calls his beloved woman “mine,” this speaks of his tender feelings, love and warm attitude. But, unfortunately, sometimes behind the phrase “mine” there is a feeling of ownership and mistrust.

There are several phrases that a man says only when he really likes a woman:

Women have a whole arsenal of phrases that we say when we don't like a man. We use body language, eye rolling, to show an unwanted man that he is not welcome.

But what about men? They have a reputation as the less talkative sex, although in fact they tell us quite a lot, we’re just not always ready to hear what we really don’t want to hear.

But there are a few phrases that a man says only when he really likes a woman:


Every girl dreams of being a princess, who will soon turn into a beautiful queen.

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Such men have a hypnotic effect on women, and they know it very well. Charming gentlemen, gallant and well-mannered, who are always surrounded by the attention of women. You can’t relax with such men, because you feel the weakness of your chosen one, he will immediately leave for another. Great in bed.


A guy obsessed only with sex, and exclusively with his own feelings. He doesn't care about his partner's feelings. When such a man is truly in love, he is ready to put the whole world at her feet (though only in words), but with the fading of feelings, the promises will come to naught.

On you

A man who wants to produce a cheap effect on a woman. He is very loving and does not try to hide it. Such guys do their best to make a false impression on the lady. Usually, they like everything bright and expensive. Nothing good will come out of this novel.

Gold, darling

A man in this way shows the importance of relationships and how much he values ​​them. When choosing such a nickname, his feelings prevail over reason.


This is a witty and charming partner. A woman is very lucky if she meets such a gentleman on her way. But she shouldn’t relax: at the first possible opportunity, such a man could be taken away by her rivals.

Psychologists' opinion

A young man can use various epithets to address his beloved woman. Often these are images of animals that look harmless and affectionate. For passionate games in bed, comparisons with graceful and flexible creatures are used. But when a man says “mine,” he is unlikely to be able to explain what it means. After all, the desire to appropriate does not always express the natural desire to possess. Sometimes the pronoun shows that the young man has a complex character.

The manifestation speaks of a desire to completely control the girl, to subjugate. Subsequently, this can be expressed in constant jealousy and aggression in case of disobedience. When a guy uses an expression with the pronoun “mine,” take a closer look at his actions and behavior.

Nicknames that men call when they truly love

Young people choose different nicknames. Here are examples of the most common ones:

  • my good - I positively assess the qualities of my beloved, the young man understands the value of relationships;
  • candy, bunny, cookies
  • — Unconscious association with frugality, a person guesses about culinary abilities or hopes for them;
  • beloved, beloved - simple expressions indicating the sincerity of feelings;

swallow, fox, mouse - attracting attention to the partner, her special position in relation to others, emphasizing.

Nicknames for girls when a man is sincere in his feelings

A man calls me &quot;my girl&quot;</p>

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