Principled people are... Behavioral characteristics, definition and interesting facts

What associations arise when you are called a person of principle? First of all, it depends on the situation in which this word is used. In some cases, integrity is considered a very important and positive quality, in others it is negative. A principle is a person’s internal attitudes, it is how he reacts to what is happening around him and in the outside world. These actions are always conscious. But how did it happen that the same word can have two radically different colors? It remains to figure out what integrity is?

Basic concept

Principled people are individuals in whom a certain core of behavior is fixed, which they adhere to always and everywhere. A person has a set of his own rules and beliefs, which he uses under any circumstances.

There is also the opposite meaning - an unprincipled person. This is precisely the person who does not have a specific formed model of behavior. It’s quite easy to put pressure on such people with someone else’s opinion.

The adverb “fundamentally” and its synonyms

After going through the path, the adverb “fundamentally” is not at all difficult. Because the object of research has no independent meaning. The explanatory dictionary refers us to the adjective, which we have already discussed a little higher. Another thing is a synonym for the word “fundamentally”; they haven’t existed yet:

important; seriously; firmly; essential; much; weighty; paramount. It is clear that without any juxtaposition adverbs look lonely

But the main thing is to know the replacements for the object of study. In any case, excess is not deficiency. If there is too much knowledge, you can always push it into the far corner of your soul, let it gather dust there, and when you need it, you can extract it from there without much difficulty.

It is clear that without any juxtaposition, adverbs look lonely. But the main thing is to know the replacements for the object of study. In any case, excess is not deficiency. If there is too much knowledge, you can always push it into the far corner of your soul, let it gather dust there, and when you need it, you can extract it from there without much difficulty.

Positive sides

Is a principled person good or bad? There is no exact answer to this question. In him, just like in any other person, there are a lot of positive and negative qualities. In total, there are seven main advantages:

  1. It is very difficult to impose your opinion on such a person. He always has a clear, persistent “working” position, which he adheres to throughout his life. Most likely, people respect him for this.
  2. Despite the fact that the circumstances around this person will always change, he will continue to correspond to his demeanor, this will allow him to always stay afloat.
  3. Such people never doubt themselves. They are confident that everything will go according to their rules.
  4. The psychological object will usually achieve great success in life. It is quite difficult to scare him off with something, and it is almost impossible to convince him.
  5. Principled people are the most reliable individuals. If they say that they will do something at such and such a time, then you can not doubt them. They will cope with this task no matter what, so as not to contradict their behavior.
  6. The individual has formed a “steel” character. For this, his relatives, friends and colleagues will respect him.
  7. Life is easier for such a person. He always has the right way out of the situation for any situation.

Based on the description of all the positive qualities, it is not difficult to create a sociological portrait. What does “man of principle” mean? This is a self-confident person who cannot be influenced by someone else’s opinion.

Corporate culture – what does it consist of?

Typically, a document with these principles is called a mission or statement of corporate ethics and culture. The issue of culture in a particular company is considered in several ways. First of all, these are the very values ​​that we have already talked about. These are statements that explain what we believe and why it happens. If values ​​begin to acquire a leading position in importance, then they turn into principles. A principle is a guide to action in each specific situation; it is characterized by the following features. This is the ability to clearly show how to act, this is openness to all employees of the enterprise, this is continuity in action and consistency in decision-making based on these provisions. In accordance with the principles, mechanisms of behavior of employees within the framework of functioning at a given enterprise are formed. As a result, such conceptual documents as an enterprise's personnel management policy, standards and regulations of conduct, a description of production procedures, as well as codes of conduct in the company appear.

Negative qualities

There are also several negative aspects regarding this person:

  1. Such people almost always have enemies. Not everyone shares the same views on what is happening.
  2. Often such individuals become “slaves” of their behavior. Perhaps they sometimes want to take a slightly different path, but they cannot afford it, since an incorrect step would be contrary to their principles.
  3. A principled person is some kind of obsessive psychotype who wants to instill his “ideal” opinion in absolutely everyone and is not ready to give in. Often communication with him becomes unbearable.
  4. There was an opinion that if you always adhere to the established behavior, you won’t have to “strain” your brain once again. This may soon lead to a stop in intellectual development.
  5. Such people become bad colleagues with whom it is difficult to work well.

As a rule, it is easier for such psychological objects to live alone than with those who do not take into account the principles they impose.

Rule 9. Integrity is a refusal to think

Integrity is the unconditional adherence to one's convictions. A principled person acts in accordance with his principles, no matter how dangerous, expensive or unpleasant it is for him.

In other words, adherence to principles can be defined as the voluntary replacement of one’s reason with the crutches of principles. Voluntary refusal to think.

Q-9-1: Integrity is more than just a refusal to think?

A: The word “principle” can be loosely translated from Latin as “primary.” In other words, a “principle” is a rule that is “primary” and does not need further justification.

Integrity is, accordingly, following principles. That is, in certain situations, a light bulb lights up in a principled person’s head and he automatically, without thinking, follows his principle.

Now about the definition.

Let's compare two non-drinkers. Both do not drink, because they consider drinking alcohol a vile and dangerous habit. However, the first abstainer is principled, and the second is not.

Let's say both end up at a birthday party for a descendant of Georgian princes. And the highlander, having consumed a lot of wine, asks the teetotalers to at least symbolically sip the wine in company with him.

The principled one will simply refuse. Well, he doesn’t drink and that’s all. There's nothing to even think about. Unprincipled - will think first. And he will wonder if Zaza Zurabovich will stab him when he hears a refusal.

As can be seen from the example, the difference between our abstainers lies in only one thing: the principled one refuses to think. Therefore, the definition of integrity as “refusal to think” is quite correct:

Integrity is a refusal to think in certain situations.



Q-9-2: But sometimes you need to make decisions quickly, without thinking?

A: Indeed, it happens that time is precious. And in such situations, it is better to make a bad decision than not to make any one. Well, for example, if you were cutting bread and accidentally cut your artery, it is better to immediately start bandaging it, rather than think about it.

However, what does principle have to do with it?

Integrity manifests itself precisely when there is time to think. In films, as a rule, the Main Villain says to the Main Character: “You, d'Artagnan, think carefully about my proposal. This is the third time I’ve already suggested it. You’ll regret later that you didn’t think.” But the Main Character refuses to think. They say, “my principles are dearer to me than anything else.”

If there is no time to think, then no one thinks: neither d'Artagnan, nor Milady. They simply draw their swords and engage in combat.

Q-9-3: Sometimes it pays to be principled

A: Definitely. I readily agree that there are situations in which it is beneficial not to think. For a variety of reasons.

At a minimum, it may turn out that the “compilers of the principles” are simply wiser, more experienced and more prudent than you. And, it is much safer to thoughtlessly rely on their intelligence and knowledge than to use your frail mind.

I'll say more. If a person’s brains are not doing very well, then perhaps it’s really better for him to be principled. From sin. As a matter of principle, don't steal. Don't kill. Don't commit adultery. And so on, down the list.

If a person with “short thoughts” throws principles aside, it may well turn out that life will give him time to think everything over properly. In a prison cell or in a hospital bed.

Q-9-4: Would you personally want to deal with an unprincipled person?

A: Strange as it may sound, principled people are not at all such good friends and partners as they themselves think. Rather, on the contrary, dealing with a principled person is not a pleasure for everyone.

Well, for example, a principled person has a principle: “always tell the truth.” Often occurs in life.

On the one hand, it seems to be convenient: it won’t deceive.

On the other hand, it turns out that such a person cannot be trusted with a single secret. Because they will ask him about this secret, and he, some kind of miracle, will tell the whole truth about you to just anyone.

Simply put, a principled partner is not responsible for himself. He is governed by his principles. It is sometimes simply impossible to come to an agreement with them.

Q-9-5: But the principles are good for something?

A: Indeed, principles are not only harmful, but also useful. In other people. A principled person is quite easy to manage.

Let’s say I know that Vasya is a principled person: he doesn’t take bribes on principle, he doesn’t cheat on principle, and he basically brings all things to the end.

Good qualities for a subordinate?

Simply magnificent. And even though Vasya, from my point of view, is not acting very wisely, he is guaranteed a responsible place in my office. Since a predictable subordinate, in most cases, is much more convenient than a smart one.


This is how life works - we, unprincipled Satanists, are in a very minority. Most normal people with whom we communicate every day have no principles whatsoever. Well, if so, colleagues, it is very useful for us to imagine how these very principles work.

To debrief, let’s take one deputy who, like me, was lucky enough to be born a Jew. A few months ago, I smiled with a smile when I read an interview with this tough guy, where he voiced his principle: “punch anyone who calls me a Jew in the face.”

And let’s take, for comparison with the deputy, a certain abstract, unprincipled Jew. Who also considers it right to beat everyone who called him a Jew.

What will be the difference between these two fighters?

I'll start from afar. You, of course, know how traffic jams work in an apartment. As long as electrical appliances work normally, the plugs quietly pass electric current. The lights are on in the apartment, the iron is heating up and the refrigerator is humming. But as soon as some kind of overload occurs, the traffic jams are triggered and the electricity is cut off.

So here it is. The unprincipled Jew has traffic jams. Their role is played by the brain. And when an unprincipled Jew hears the word “Jew” addressed to him, bloody boys do not immediately appear in his eyes. First, the brain checks whether it is possible to hit the offender in the face in this particular situation. And if the brain says that you can’t hit the face, the signal doesn’t go any further. The Jew puts his hands in his pockets and politely tells his opponent to go fuck himself.

Well, the deputy’s lazy electricians ran the wiring directly - from the ears to the fists. He hears “kike” and hits him in the face. Regardless of the circumstances. These are his principles.

And in this regard, our deputy can easily get into some trouble out of the blue. Well, for example, a pensioner sent by the enemies will approach the deputy and call him a Jew. The deputy (the wiring is directly closed) will react and punch the pensioner in the face. And the next day the newspapers will come out with headlines: “Deputy Rabinovich brutally beat a pensioner, a disabled person of the first group.”

In short, colleagues, the principles are a gross violation of safety regulations. “Don’t lie”, “Don’t hit women”, “Give place to elders”, “Help your comrades” - all these are normal habits that have the right to life. Exactly as long as we include these habits in the chain along with our built-in fuse - the brain.

Table of contents

Opposite concept: positive qualities

Unprincipledness is the opposite of principledness. People endowed with this quality also have several positive aspects:

  • This is a very free person. They do not have a developed manner of behavior that they have to adhere to in absolutely any situation. They can decide for themselves how and when they will act.
  • It is pleasant to communicate with such people and easy to cooperate with. They can always change their minds and listen to what their colleagues or acquaintances tell them.
  • They constantly have to think, since new circumstances for them force them to develop a completely different manner of behavior.

An unprincipled person is “easy-going.” His soul is always open to new experiences and unknown impressions.

The Opposite of Integrity: Negative Qualities

Every individual has positive and negative qualities. Those people who do not adhere to any principles are no exception. In total, there are several negative aspects:

  • It is difficult to rely on such a person. For example, you asked for help: he responded to this request, arrived on time and completed his task efficiently. This does not mean that if you ask him to do something again, he will react the same way.
  • The opinion of such a person often changes. He is subject to other people. Today he will firmly insist on his point of view, and tomorrow he will change his position.
  • Unscrupulousness is a rather dangerous quality from a psychological point of view. You can expect anything from such a person.

Thus, it is possible to create a psychological portrait of this person. A person is a “slave” of his mood. One day he is having fun - he is ready for new discoveries and experiments. Another day he will turn into a boring guy who is not interested in anything that happens around him.

How can good turn into evil?

There are often situations when the principles seem correct, but something goes wrong, and good turns into evil not only for the person himself, but also for those around him. A good example of the problem of integrity is the story of a monk who, as a matter of principle, spoke only the truth all his life. Seems like nothing bad, right? But not everything is so simple, one day he saw people hiding in a cave from forest robbers, the entrance to which was disguised by bushes. The robbers were confused and turned to the monk asking where the fugitives had gone. In fact, the monk had to save innocent people, but due to his principles, he, without hesitation, revealed the place where the fugitives were hiding.

It turns out that the monk did the wrong thing, it seems that he did not betray his principles, but violated much more important principles in life - the need to be faithful to goodness and justice. There is also such a thing as male integrity. Here a lot of questions arise for the fair sex. Male integrity or excessive jealousy? These concepts are sometimes intertwined. To thoroughly understand the issue, we recommend reading the book “Male Integrity, or How to Catch Your Betrothed” by Queen Margot. It will be interesting.


What do you call a principled person and an unprincipled one? This image can be “broken” into several components.

honestyalways honest, first of all, to yourselftwo-faced both in front of himself and in front of others
opennessalways closedalways open
supportyou can always count on himyou can't always hope
variabilitynot ready to changeready to change
communicationnever listens to other peoplealways listens to other people

Interesting Facts

  • There is a simple way to understand whether a person is principled or not. The speech of a principled individual will be filled with phrases: “I am sure of this,” “I always do this,” “I said it will be like this,” and others.
  • It is difficult for such individuals to establish communication even with the closest people.
  • Principled people are selfish. As a rule, in most cases, they are unhappy.
  • An unprincipled person is the most unreliable.
  • Principled people are negative characters who always stick to their own opinions in order to satisfy their demands. They rarely think about the feelings of others.
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