Gallant man: features, signs and interesting facts

  • September 20, 2018
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Sofia Chetverikova

When people hear that a man is said to be gallant with a woman, they can perceive it in two ways. Most people think that this is an undeniably positive quality. It adorns a man, even gives him additional advantages over others. But there are also those who consider gallantry not a very pleasant quality, but one of the character traits of a real henpecked man.

We hasten to inform you that gallantry is a very useful and necessary quality, but many do not understand its limits. The behavior of a gallant person differs from the behavior of a sycophant, but not all men are able to see this difference. What is the meaning of the word “gallant” for men? Some of the synonyms for gallantry are: refined politeness, courteous behavior, and a sense of tact.

What does "gallant man" mean?

For some, gallant behavior is one of the ways of seduction, for others it is good manners instilled from childhood. This phrase has a different meaning for each person. What good (or bad) does such behavior give us and why in our era gallant men are becoming a rarity?

Offering a hand when exiting a vehicle, opening the door for a girl, handing over a coat... It seems that there is nothing special here, and there are men who still perform these little rituals. Naturally, any woman will be pleased to feel respectful attitude towards her. Gallantry is very closely related to good manners, from this we can conclude that being gallant for a man is outdated behavior, since there is no necessary example in families and schools.

Of course, you can pay attention to the fact that gallantry is not always something natural, but rather a skill developed at a certain age when communicating with the female sex. However, now women will prefer sincere tenderness that comes from the heart than false politeness. Most likely, many women will agree that these two concepts could be divided into different areas of life. Tenderness and sincerity coupled with gallantry are more pleasant to receive from a loving man, but I would like to expect good manners and good manners from strangers.

How to become a gallant man? Let's see what qualities are attributed to him.

Self-tuning “Angel Wings”

The effect of such a technique can be very strong, to the point that significant changes begin to occur at the external level.

People around you will begin to treat you differently, you will become attractive to other people and even animals.

Don’t be surprised if they start turning to you for help, just like the angels.

It’s simply impossible to tell everything, because this is a real adventure. Let it happen and enjoy this game.


1. Focus on your Divine essence. Feel the beauty, Strength, Power and Love of the Divine Self, the Lord of your heart. Do this for as long as it takes to fill yourself with divine energy as completely as possible.

2. Feel that you and your Divine Self are one. You are one, inseparable. You are this Divinity. Forget about your human incarnation for this time. Do not divide into the human and the divine, now it has all become one.

3. Imagine powerful snow-white, luminous wings behind your back. Activate all your imagination, try to physically feel them behind your back. The wings are so huge that they can fully open and cover your entire body, like a blanket. Enjoy them.

Know that these wings are your protection from any negative energy of a subtle level: negative thoughts of other people, thought forms, low-level entities, etc. unwanted energies. These wings are always with you, and when danger or unwanted influence arises, they themselves open and protect you from all the forces of Evil. Feel the power and energy of the wings. Feel their white-golden light.

4. Wings can also heal your inner world, transforming your own fears, guilt, sadness, hatred - everything negative that you experience. The embrace of the wings envelops you and your bodies (physical, emotional, mental), your aura is penetrated by their white transformative light. Allow this power and divine light to transform all Darkness into Light. Just allow and watch. No tension.

5. Angel wings can heal. Let them shelter your body for physical healing. You can express the intention to heal a specific sore spot, but it is better if you simply allow them to heal, since everything is interconnected, and you just need to establish the correct flow of energy, restore disrupted flows, heal wounds and burns.

6. Angel Wings can be called upon to activate your chakras and harmonize them. Create an intention and call on your wings, open them, feel them, let everything happen, watch the process.

7. Angel wings can slow down the aging process and rejuvenate. Form an intention and call upon the wings, their light and power.

8. Angel wings can also help a loved one. For example, you can cover your child or another person close to you with them, the one you want to help.

9. Angel wings help improve relationships. When communicating, you can surround yourself and your interlocutor with them. Or just let them be, they increase your energy, power, charisma.

10. Angel wings always charge you with energy and increase vitality. Summon them if you need Strength and Energy.

11. Work with the wings for at least 30 minutes daily, for 21-90 days. You yourself will feel when the wings are completely fused with you, and now they will act independently, reacting to any negative changes, and opening spontaneously even without your conscious intention, in order to protect, heal - maintain your energy at a light, positive vibration or even increase it .

12. After meditation, do not fold your wings, let them always be with you, even when you do not think about them while doing everyday things.

13. At first, remember them throughout the day.

14. When the wings are always with you, perform self-tuning once a month, then once a quarter, feeling the merging with the Divine essence. The more often you use the wings, the stronger the effect.

15. You can call on the wings with the mental call “Angel Wings” and try to feel their light, power, feel or see.


A man’s gallantry towards women is manifested in the fact that he is always modest, courteous, and respectful of other people, their beliefs and opinions. There is no need to try to convince or argue with a person in front of everyone - he will hold the line until the last moment in front of strangers. It’s better not to behave straightforwardly and impudently; most likely, your significant other will feel awkward because of you.

No nervousness

A gallant man needs to pay special attention to his hands during a conversation: there is no need to hide them in his pockets, wave them, or generally make any unnecessary movements. From the outside it looks like you are nervous, and when people are nervous, they are usually trying to deceive their interlocutor. Never show that you are bored with the conversation and do not be distracted from the conversation.

Recommendations for developing gallantry

I will present to your attention a few tips that will allow you to be more gallant today than yesterday. Just try to follow them.

  1. Always be calm, no matter the circumstances. Quarrels and misunderstandings should be resolved calmly.
  2. Never be late.
  3. Your feelings with your girlfriend should not be a subject of public discussion. You are doing this only for yourself and for her. Don't make your relationship public.
  4. Introduce your girlfriend to your friends and vice versa. Do not allow direct acquaintance.
  5. Don't smoke in front of her. If there is a need, step aside when she is busy with something.
  6. Do not discuss other people with your girlfriend, their personal lives, some bad deeds, etc. Gossip is evil, everyone understands that. If you are against it, the girl will support you.
  7. Help her with weights. Even if it's a small package. Just don’t snatch a clutch or purse from her hands; this is one of the items that shapes her appearance, which should always be with her.
  8. Don't interrupt the girl in conversation.
  9. Try to listen more than talk. Don’t make allowances for modesty; most of the girls can be talked into.
  10. Don't argue with her, it's rarely constructive. It is better to prefer a simple exchange of opinions to a dispute.
  11. You should never swear in front of a girl, under any circumstances.

The advice is elementary; everyone can follow them, even if they have any shortcomings or deviations. If it’s difficult, cultivate gallantry in yourself gradually. You will definitely need it. If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my VKontakte page.

No gossip

A gallant man will never discuss spicy situations, gossip, other people's personal lives and problems that are associated with anyone - this is low, even if your lady does not know these people. But telling funny stories that happened to you is a very good tactic. You are allowed to tell funny moments about your friends who have already gained wide publicity, where your friends show their good sides. The girl will be pleased to think that you have good friends, since they are a reflection of you. In quotes about gallant men you can often find the expression that gossip is alien to them. By the way, there are many quotes about gallantry.

Adrien Decourcel, a French writer and playwright, said this:

Gallantry is the coquetry of men.

No less interesting is the opinion of the British writer Sarah Waters:

Men gain chivalry like women gain wrinkles. My husband was very gallant. It's good that he doesn't see what I've become. His gallantry would be severely tested.

Good company

Fairies are friendly, sociable creatures, so it is very rare to meet loners who do not communicate with anyone.
But considering that some girls who have just become fairies find it difficult to find new friends and make acquaintances, you can pay attention to those who you already know. As noted earlier, a fairy can be distinguished by its wings, which only it has, and only other fairies can see them. Therefore, it is quite possible that among your friends there are already fairies - this will make it much easier for you to join a new company

It is quite possible that you will be able to form a full-fledged team that will work together effectively. You will be able to help your friends, and they will also be able to help you. This is exactly how fairy society works.

Therefore, it is quite possible that among your friends there are already fairies - this will make it much easier for you to join a new company. It is quite possible that you will be able to form a full-fledged team that will work together effectively. You will be able to help your friends, and they will also be able to help you. This is exactly how fairy society works.


“If a man helps his wife out of the car, then he either has a new car or a new wife.” It shouldn't be like this common joke. The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman get out, and if they get into the car, then first of all he seats the lady, and then gets in himself. Friends usually ride in the front seat. If you don’t know the person at all or know him only mediocrely, then according to etiquette he should ride diagonally from the driver’s back.


What does a gallant man mean? There are several extremes, one of which is that you speak the language of the great-grandmothers of the Queen of England, cater to the girl’s every whim and shower her with handfuls of banal compliments. If this does not work, then the man may go to the other extreme, because halftones are very difficult for the male sex to understand.

What is the second extreme? Playing a complete scumbag and tough behavior. This is pointing out the girl’s shortcomings, boundless ignorance, nitpicking over little things - in a word, when with all their appearance they show that they don’t care about the girl at all. The girl will not tolerate this for a long time, so her instinct to “fix what is” is activated. And while the lady is trying to “fix” it, the man thinks that everything is fine, until the woman tries all the ways and is convinced that everything is useless. Therefore, in no case should you play the role of a gradually improving scumbag; this does not work with all women.

So what is gallantry? Attention to detail - you need to show more respect in small actions. Give a compliment, find something special in her appearance, let her go first when entering the room, be the first to enter the elevator, open the door for the girl. All this is easy to do, and your companion will be very happy with such courtesy and attentiveness on your part.

When a man begins to understand the meaning of gallantry and becomes attentive to detail, he gradually turns into a real professional in this field. And this is becoming a serious problem. He can turn into the most boring pedant, capable, for example, of getting to the bottom of absolutely every little detail in a restaurant. Girls don't like bores.

A gallant man is also a tolerant man. If you notice a flaw, it is better to remain silent. Don't scold yourself publicly if you forget something. Don't constantly worry about how you are misbehaving. The lady will notice this and will also worry, and this is not a very good turn of events, right?

How does this work with girls?

The vast majority of guys believe that you can simply buy a woman's heart.
Appearance, expensive gifts, parties, trips abroad or good sex. Actually, all this is loot, to one degree or another. But in reality everything turns out to be not so simple. To attract a lot of female attention, you don’t need to have millions in your account, a model appearance, a bunch of material resources, expensive toys, because you can surprise a girl without money. A guy with normal qualities, but who has not yet had time to acquire expensive accompanying material, feels uncomfortable next to a beautiful girl. He believes that he is not even worthy of her attention, not to mention sex, relationships, and so on. Consumer culture, that’s what it is. Let's at least gradually move away from it and appreciate what is truly valuable.

A guy who, with great pride and pain, uses his last money to feed a girl expensive dinners, drive a sports foreign car, and buy female attention in other ways, is doomed to failure. He thinks that all his efforts will just go down the drain. Such thoughts also make the girl nervous; she does not understand what the problem is. The result is just money down the drain, complete dissatisfaction with oneself, and an empty wallet. Is it normal? I believe that money should not be at the forefront. And gallantry is valued much more than material wealth.

I'll explain it simply. A girl will not tolerate a disdainful attitude towards herself just because the man has all the benefits of civilization

, and she came with everything ready. She will find herself a more modest, but respectful companion.

Not all girls agree to heaven in a temporary home with a loved one. Some enterprising representatives of the fairer sex want to meet a wealthy and generous gentleman who can solve all their financial problems: give gifts, give money for expensive things. In this case, young ladies will have to try hard to scam a man out of money.

Do you have a lot of money and think you can buy the whole world? You're wrong.

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