How to live without a man - the secret of a self-sufficient woman

How to be happy without a man? This question worries most women who have recently experienced a breakup and those who have not been able to find their soul mate for a long time. From childhood, girls are taught that a full, happy life is possible only if you have a partner in life. Is it so?

Thinking: men vs women

Of course, we think, feel and perceive the world differently. Just, dear women, have you ever wondered why you never hear about “single men”? It's about how they perceive periods of non-relationship. For them this is freedom! Why not also start looking at the situation from this angle?

We wonder how to learn to live alone. But it sounds somehow painful, with a slight note of sadness and suffering... Why have we stopped perceiving loneliness as a chance?

Loneliness or opportunity?

Women, being alone, think that something is going wrong in life... It feels like in the absence of a partner, some important piece is missing... A puzzle that can be placed in the right place, and everything will become complete and harmonious. But is it?

Is breaking up with a man really that bad? Why are we accustomed to considering ourselves useless to anyone during these periods? Why do we carry loneliness in our hearts like a heavy weight on our shoulders? But there are a lot of advantages to being alone!

Pros of loneliness


Energy. Think about how much time, effort and patience a woman spends to maintain a relationship. Especially when living together. Cleaning the house, reconciliation after conflicts, the ability to give in on time... You must adapt to the other person: what movie to watch, when to go to bed, with whom to spend the weekend, how to spend the family budget.

If you are alone, all this is left to you to decide. You can see a friend, go to the store, or spend the whole day in bed. And there will still be strength left!


A free woman gets more pleasure from life. You can say “no” if, for example, you didn’t like the sex. You may never see each other again if you quarrel. Without a husband, you are able to choose with whom you want to spend the evening... And not be afraid of how he will react, whether he will call it “cheating”, or whether he will decide to take revenge.


Being alone for some time, alone with themselves, women without men begin to love and respect themselves more: space, time, resources. You will finally be able to open your inner world, better understand your character, realize what you like to do? What places to visit?

It may turn out that the list turns out to be the complete opposite of the one you followed when you were with a man.


You should not be afraid of loneliness for the reason that it is not forever, but will also end. Instead of grieving, it is better to enjoy.

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