The concept of worldview, attitude and worldview.

Worldview is how we see this world. And believe me, it is different for everyone: white, gray, black. Maybe even pink!

The quality of our daily life largely depends on how we approach it. This plays a big role in how life turns out in the future. If you choose to live with a negative attitude, always expecting the worst, not enjoying what happens to you, it will greatly affect your outer world. If you have a good attitude towards the world, you will be the kind of person who works hard and believes that life is meant to be lived. You will live the way many would like to live.

How you perceive the world around you is your choice. You can feel good or bad about him, only you can decide whether any external factors influence your choice.

Several ways to improve your outlook and turn a bad day into a good one

Do something and forget it

If you have something that you have been putting off because the outcome is unpredictable, you simply must finish it. Don't let things that make you anxious and restless ruin your mood. Worrying is a waste of time. If you can't control something, then do your best and forget about it.

Read on the website Frog affairs

Forgive the shortcomings of others

We are often disappointed by the actions or inactions of other people. There is no need to get angry or take revenge; the best way out of the situation is forgiveness. Most people are not aware of why they act a certain way or why they say the things they say. Through forgiveness, you will improve your relationship with the world. Resentment will cause you more harm than good.

What is the structure of the worldview?

Worldview structure is what a worldview is made of; what shapes it.

Thus, a worldview is formed from:

  • your knowledge;
  • ideas;
  • principles (i.e. your point of view);
  • convictions (steadfastness on any issue);
  • ideals (your goals);
  • spiritual and moral values ​​(that which has no monetary value. This is what you consider extremely important based on your morality);
  • life attitudes.

Don't compare yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s natural to compare your own and other people’s lives, but you shouldn’t do it too often. Otherwise, you risk starting to drag yourself down and worry that your life is not going the way it should. When comparing, it always seems that someone else’s life is somehow better. It is important to remember that we only see the lives of others superficially. We have no way of knowing what happens behind closed doors. Free yourself from worry and stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on your own life and how you feel about it. You'll be much happier this way.

Three functions of worldview

Worldview is an integral part of human life as it guides a person.

Based on his worldview, a person makes decisions and acts .

  1. Cognitive function (or epistemological). Worldview is not only formed from our knowledge, but also gives us knowledge.
  2. Value-orientation function (axiological). This function is responsible for the formation of life values ​​in a person.
  3. Practical function. Worldview influences a person's actions.

Worldview is the basis for a person’s way of thinking, his actions and actions.

Always expect something good, not something bad.

Do you often focus your attention on the bad things that could happen in your life? You shouldn’t even think that something bad will happen to you. Life is too hectic and you often feel like you don't have enough time to do what others expect of you. As a result, your mood deteriorates and you are unhappy with your life. We tend to focus our attention on what can go wrong. Sometimes we like to complain, it starts to feel like complaining becomes second nature. Try to think about good things that can happen to you. Try not to complain for a week. Expect only the positive from every situation. You definitely won't be disappointed.

Live in the moment

At the moment when you read these lines, there are probably a hundred other things on your mind: unfinished tasks, plans for the weekend, something that is bothering you. We too often get lost in thoughts about the past and future and rarely truly live in this very moment. Such a life will not bring you comfort. You will not find peace, because your inner world is constantly in conflict because of this, this greatly affects your mood and attitude towards the world.

Try not to rush anywhere, watch your thoughts, pay attention to what you say to yourself. If you are worried about something, then you are not living in the present moment. Anxiety, stress and worry are all signs that you are in the past or future. If you experience this too often, it can even cause health problems. Learn to appreciate the present moment, take at least 10 minutes a day to just sit and be silent. Your body and mind will be grateful for this, and your worldview will change for the better.

Worldview and worldview

Worldview and worldview are elements that determine our inner world and interaction with the outside world. Worldview is a sensory perception of the world, transformed and transmitted to the realm of consciousness in the form of identified (in a certain way meaningful) images. Worldview is the core of human consciousness and self-awareness.

Worldview and worldview is a very complex topic. That is, a topic that is difficult to comprehend and understand. I will explain why this is so later. But this is so, and to understand the declared subject, I turned to the Internet. In one of the abstracts

“The essence of worldview. Introduction"

I found a text suitable on the topic, which I present below in my somewhat free presentation:

What does each of us do when we find ourselves in an unfamiliar environment? We, often unconsciously, are looking for something that we can “rely on” and create psychological comfort in our usual worldview. For example, when we find ourselves in a room where there are a lot of strangers, or the situation is unusual, or the atmosphere is unusual, we immediately mechanically look for familiar faces or familiar objects, and if we find them, then it is easier for us to endure the situation, even if the situation only reminds us of what is familiar to us, i.e. e. we overcame the alienness of the situation, relying on past experience of worldview, on imagination and on our ability to wishful thinking.

Apparently, primitive people began to do the same. They began to organize their inner world, their own worldview, relying on their worldview and introducing familiarity into it with the power of their imagination, thereby overcoming the alienness of the outside world. They populated the world with various gods and deities, cute and not so cute: goblins and mermaids, trolls and gnomes, brownies and kikimores.

The deep basis for metaphorizing the world is the original, unshakable conviction in the unity of the world. Where did this conviction come from: is it a genetic memory, is it brought in from the outside, but the fact remains that a person wanted to know that the world is one. And this encouraged him to transfer into nature what he observed among people in his worldview. A completely new conditional reality arose - the world in which man had to live became the World of Man, it was adjusted by people to suit themselves, subjectified. Paganism became the first stage in the construction of a new world..."

This fragment - it is given with abbreviations - makes some general features of people's worldview and worldview more clear. But my question is more specific. Once again I thought about the phrase “curvature of space” in the interpretation of the theory of relativity. I don’t understand how such a meaningless, in my opinion, phrase could arise in people’s brains.

Since I have not found an answer anywhere that is satisfactory for me, the only chance left to understand the problem is to ask such a question to myself. I concentrated on this issue - the process, I tell you, is not quick - and gradually the situation began to become clearer. Within the framework of my worldview and worldview, of course. Yes, I have already read that the tendency towards religiosity or atheism is determined, among other things, by a person’s genetic predisposition. A person’s inclination towards decency or towards banditry is also partly embedded in his genes. That’s how the idea came to me that the formation and content of our concepts about the world of things and nature also largely depends on the structure of the genes of a particular person.

Then the situation began to manifest itself in a more concrete way. I asked myself a question: how do I personally, under the influence of my genetically determined instincts, worldview or attitude and other predispositions, form the concept of space... Here I am now in the space of my room. I mentally remove all objects from here - the space remains. That is, what remains is what I can call space. Within the framework of my worldview, I know that in addition to objects, space is filled with various kinds of energy fields or some other types of matter known and unknown to me and humanity. In reality I cannot remove this, but mentally I can do it, and what I understand as space still remains. Instead of the space of a room, I can take something broader, but this does not change the essence: in my internal reflection, space does not consist of anything specific. And since this space does not consist of anything, then there is nothing to bend in it, etc. This "curvature of space" is absolute nonsense in relation to what I mean by the concept of space. And it is my instincts that force me to build my worldview in this way and thus understand the nature of things.

Having decided on the worldview in this part and on the mental predisposition of my own person, I asked myself another and more difficult question for me: how can the concept of space be formed in other people - with a different structure of genetic predisposition to worldview and worldview.

My inner responder gave something like this explanation. Some people, unlike me, cannot imagine space as something containing absolutely nothing. Within their worldview, space is some part of the material world. Simply put, on an intuitive or reflexive level, they cannot mentally separate space from matter. Once they can use the word “space”, another time – the word “matter”, but for them this, in essence or in their internal reflection, is one and the same.

Within the framework of my worldview, as well as in my own idea, I cannot bend space, since there is nothing in it that can be curved, and I also cannot imagine such a “curvature.” But, having made some effort and imagining that space is matter, I can already imagine that the space of, say, my room, was simultaneously distorted with everything material in it, as if I were looking at it in a distorting mirror.

After these mental exercises, I was able, without my usual mental resistance generated by established worldviews and worldviews, to read Lee Smolin's passage in the book The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Decline of Science, and What Follows:

“Albert Einstein was certainly the most important physicist of the twentieth century. His greatest work was perhaps his discovery of the general theory of relativity (GR), which is the best theory of space, time, motion and gravity we have today. His deepest insight was that gravity and motion are closely related to each other and to the geometry of space and time. This idea capped hundreds of years of thinking about the nature of space and time, which had previously been viewed as fixed and absolute. Being eternal and unchanging, they provided the background we used to define concepts such as position and energy."

Anyone who is even slightly familiar with the problems of interpreting the concepts of space and time knows that “hundreds of years of thinking about the nature of space and time” are not yet completed. But for that part of people who are predisposed to see the world within the framework of Lee Smolin’s worldview and worldview, it is possible that, in fact, such reflections have already been completed. However, Lee Smolin also demonstrated other examples of worldviews and worldviews, as discussed in the previous article on the postulates of the theory of relativity.

We, and I, of course, am no exception, are reflexively predisposed to see our reflection in another person - to believe that the other person perceives the world in the same way as we perceive it, which leads to misunderstandings. But in fact, this a priori implied similarity of worldview may be similar to the similarity of perception of the blind and the deaf. Both of them can somehow judge colors and sounds, but the content of their worldviews, their internal ideas on these matters will be different. This is, of course, a crude example, but it allows you to understand that if you, like me, are puzzled by the phrase “curvature of space,” it is because the person using this phrase means something completely different by the concept of space than you or I .

This is not only a problem of worldview and worldview that is difficult to clearly understand. This is, no less, a subtle and very difficult to understand problem of the correct use of language. It seems to me that it is high time to start solving this problem. But, instead of this, pundits puzzle us with phrases that reflect their specific worldview and their internal and sometimes not very correctly organized world.

Well, this is roughly how I answered my question of why such strange phrases as “space curvature”, “time dilation”, etc. appear in the minds of some earth multipliers. These phrases do not come from the nature of reality - they are in the peculiarities of the inclination to word creation and in the peculiarities of worldview and worldviews. I would like this answer to be clear not only to me, but to those who read this article.

Good luck to you in understanding the worldview and worldview and, most importantly, in using the language correctly!

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