Why do relationships end in hatred? Basic...

This article is about hatred; for funny faces from comics, see Rage Comics

! This text contains an overwhelming amount of HATE. We strongly recommend keeping people, mentally weak animals, nursing women and children away from screens.
Beware of mutually exclusive paragraphs!
As a result of maliciously postmodern literary experiments, a war of edits, the behests of P-tra P-trovich Kashchenko, love for totalitarianism, the raid of holy warriors, or simply because of stupidity, one part of this article clearly contradicts the other. Consider us communists, this is a feature and don’t rack your brains in search of the Truth. She's out there somewhere. It's possible that it's close.
« Hatred languishes in swollen buds, Hatred bubbles secretly within us, Hatred then oozes through the skin, It burns our heads!»
— Ballad of Hate, Vladimir Vysotsky
« Silently I take the rifle, everyone is an enemy I have not lost my mind, hatred is my flag!»
— Margarita Pushkina
« And deep down in my heart I hate all of you, just like this whole world.»
— Mitsgol

V. Mayakovsky - “HATE!”

- an acute feeling of strong hostility and disgust, expressing a negative and, at the same time, aggressive attitude towards someone/something. Accompanied by the desire to take and fuck the object of hatred, if there is one.


- a very strong negative emotion, expressing a little more than three times a completely negative and, moreover, aggressive attitude towards something. Accompanied by the desire to cause a terrible nuclear death to the object of hatred, if there is one.


- a very, very strong negative emotion, resp.


— the desire to take and fuck applies to 100,500 individuals, each of which deserves a nuclear crack in the fuck.

[edit] Why hate hate

« He demonstrates his superiority Who sees something that you cannot see Natural inequality is an ugliness Once all that remains is to hate The one who is better, who is smarter than you»
— Jan Koo, "Plebeian"

Google approves.
The essence of the process. The first place among the causes of hatred in terms of prevalence is shared by dissatisfaction with some aspects of life, a feeling of inadequacy, inferiority, insignificance, and so on, but the main thing is fear of the object of hatred. Another reason could be the offense caused.

One day in the life of a hater

This naturally suggests the conclusion that the lower strata of the population are most prone to hatred (but we know that all segments of the population and of all ages are subject to hatred), and when this hatred goes beyond all reasonable limits, it becomes possible to use it for a coup d’etat . This is one of the reasons why the Christian Church

, which declares forgiveness and humility, should in theory be an important player in domestic politics.

How do misanthropes differ from sociopaths?

Phlegmatic - who is he, brief description

Some people equate both concepts because the types are based on hatred. If a misanthrope fences himself off from people, thereby showing his hostility, then the behavior of a sociopath manifests itself in aggression towards others, in the desire to cause pain, ignoring all social norms.

Thieves, rapists and murderers suffer from sociopathy. They have to some extent the traits of a misanthrope. But this does not mean that the opposite assumption will be true. When a person considers himself to be a hater of people, it does not mean that he will become a sociopath capable of robbing, raping and killing.

[edit] In literature


discussed in detail in the class-correct novel 1984. There, to maintain doublethink and the general psychological health of the population, “two minutes of hatred” were used - something like Soviet political information, only with a higher degree of inadequacy.

A secondary creative on the same topic is Rybets’ “two minutes of hate.” About the same thing, only in writing and in reality.

The story “I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream” by the American writer Harlan Ellison is simply permeated with hatred of disgusting organic nonentities. The following copy-paste can be considered the quintessence of the story:


In the Bible, namely in the psalter, in Psalm 138 there are the lines:

Should I not hate those who hate You, O Lord, and not be disgusted by those who rebel against You? I hate them with complete hatred: they are my enemies.

Doom 3 is just full of hate.
The work of Yegor Letov also fully reveals the topic:

Hatred, hatred, Hatred, hatred, Hatred, hatred, Hatred, hatred, Everyone is united by hatred, Everyone is united by hatred, Everyone is united by one desire To kill and rape all the others.

The Strugatskys in one of their books give the following definition:

Stepashka hates you too.

HATE is a feeling; like many feelings, the body’s defensive reaction in the event of a conflict of attitudes, designed to overcome a rational conflict in an irrational way - for example, love is intended to overcome the conflict between an attitude towards procreation and an attitude towards saving strength and a quiet life; hatred is intended to overcome the conflict between humanity and the obvious expediency of an inhumane act.

And in another (“Expedition to the Underworld”) this:

Hatred is the humus of fear.

The draconian fighter Lockhart became especially famous in hate literature. Here's an example.

“Hate is the other side of envy,” therefore it is unworthy to glorify such a feeling. And you should think about its soil and reasons everywhere. Sometimes this is a derivative of rabies, then it needs to be treated.

Also, Vysotsky has a “BALLAD OF HATE”:

Hatred disfigures the faces of the young, Hatred cries out from its banks, Hatred thirsts and wants to drink in the Black blood of its enemies!


Let's continue to look at the definition of the word "hate". Psychologists and scientists identify another term. It's called "social hatred." What is this phenomenon? Some believe it is a feeling of disgust and hostility experienced by a group of people. In this case, the object that causes negative emotions does not play any role. Others say that the definition of enmity, hatred of social groups is called precisely that, that it is directed at a specific group of people or at a specific person as a representative of a given community. The target of hostility can be any socially relevant characteristic, such as race, gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation, and much more. In the field of sociology, the term “intolerance” is used to denote this kind of hatred. There is also the most narrow understanding of such a subject. In some cases, social hatred is called class hostility. Racial and religious strife are excluded.

Social hatreds are based on differences between specific groups, and they are given an inevitable leading role in the conflict. Lifestyle, different appearance, cultural values ​​are most often the reason for inciting serious confrontations. It is interesting to note that the degree of these differences does not play any role. Anger between close, related, culturally similar groups, for example, peoples, states or religious denominations, manifests itself more fiercely than, for example, between communities that are strangers to each other.

[edit] In music and so on

TO "420"'s view of hatred

PTVP, "Hate"Racially Russian hatred!
The maestro once again hits the eye and wakes up the SRSG...What all celebrities think about fans but are embarrassed to say.Vladimir Semyonich about hatred
Revenge + hatredVasya OblomovBrett Gurevich
  • There is a French film “Hate” (“La Haine”) from 1995 with Vincent Cassel.
  • Hate is a Polish band that explores the theme of hatred in their music so completely that the lyrics in their songs seem completely unnecessary.
  • The thrash band Megadeth, for example, has a song “Recipe For Hate... Warhorse”, full of fierce hatred. In general, mitol, motherfucker, punk, hardcore and other hard rock are so often pushed into the subject that making lists would probably be too much.

24 hour rule

If someone attacks you, you may experience negative emotions. If attacks happen in public, then other people may also experience unpleasant emotions. They might think, “Jane said that about James, so he must be an idiot.” Attacks can also be part of office politics or personal relationships.

The 24 hour rule works in almost any case. If you do not respond to the first attack, it will disappear within 24 hours. But if you answer at least once, reset the timer. It will take another 24 hours for the aggression to subside in the web of human communication. That's why some conflicts last for years. Participants react to each other's attacks, and all this continues until one of the opponents dies. And according to Onion magazine, the mortality rate in the world remains stable at 100%.

[edit] Samples of HATE

  • HATRED!!!
  • Racial hatred.
  • I hate everything
  • Ideal transport
  • Irish racial hatred is such HATE.
  • Varg Vikernes hates those who hate people and Jews.
  • He even HATES it.
  • Radio “HATE!!!”
  • Even hares can hate.
  • And hedgehogs too.
  • A comparative sample proving the superiority of cats.
  • Outhouse hatred.
  • Warhammer is full of all kinds of hatred.
  • Polivanov is furious at your judo.
  • I hate it here.
  • Bloody guts got hot!!
  • Hi and bye.

How to live and fight with all this

Photo: pinterest.com

First, you need to honestly admit to yourself that there really is a problem: hostility towards a person who seems to completely not deserve it. He does us no harm, he has no or almost no influence on our lives, but irritation or disgust towards him is present.

Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it, because, having realized it, we seem to take the problem outside, we can look at it from the outside and understand what to do next. By the way, it’s not so easy to realize, because we are used to considering ourselves white and fluffy, and even admitting to ourselves that we are incredibly angry at a person who is, in general, innocent of anything is difficult.

“You better train... on cats”

While rodents are most often used in fear research and pigeons in operant learning research, cats have been the first model to study aggression responses (both proactive and reactive). The most significant for understanding aggression (in cats) were the pioneering studies of Walter Hess, a neurophysiologist who in 1949 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology “For the discovery of the functional organization of the diencephalon as a coordinator of the activity of internal organs” [8].

Hess was one of the first to stimulate deep brain structures in freely moving animals that could live for a long time with electrodes implanted in the brain. In 1943, Hess and Bridger described a strange defensive response when the so-called perifornical region of the lateral hypothalamus was stimulated [9]. This reaction was an integrated emotional response consisting of characteristic posture and facial expressions: head down, ears flattened, fur standing on end, constricted pupils and hissing (“the animal looked as if it had collided with a dog”). But there was no real stimulus other than electrical stimulation. Hess showed that stimulation of different areas of the hypothalamus caused reactions in the animal from fear and flight to violent attacks on the experimenter.

Already in modern studies in the brain of mice, similar to zones in the hypothalamus of a cat, neurons were discovered that themselves began to discharge at the moment when the males attacked each other. Selective optogenetic stimulation of these cells caused mice to attack not only their relatives, but also inanimate objects: toys and rubber gloves [10]. The attack of rage caused by the stimulation immediately stopped when it ended (video). This zone, which causes unconditional reactions of aggression in animals, is called the hypothalamic aggression area (HAA).

But in the brain it is rare that everything is tied to one structure. And the mechanisms of aggression are no exception (Fig. 2). The “danger system” is arranged hierarchically - the hypothalamus in it is the executor, receiving instructions from the overlying amygdala and transmitting commands below. The organization of this system was demonstrated in complex experiments combining electrical stimulation and destruction of brain structures [11]. Experiments have revealed that when the amygdala is stimulated in cats, the hissing and rage reactions are predominantly observed, while both the rage and flight reactions can be evoked from the hypothalamus.

When the lowest level of this system is destroyed - the PAG zone in the midbrain - reactions cannot be caused either by stimulation of the hypothalamus or the amygdala, but if they are destroyed, then reactions are caused from the PAG. These experiments shifted the interest of researchers towards the “highest” level that controls aggression in the brain - the amygdala. It is here that a variety of stimuli come from the external environment (from pain to olfactory and auditory stimuli) and according to some rules, a “decision is made” - a command is sent to the hypothalamus.

Competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021

This work was published in the “Free Topic” category of the “Bio/Mol/Text” competition 2020/2021.

The general partner of the competition is the annual biotechnology conference BiotechClub, organized by the international innovative biotechnology company BIOCAD.

The sponsor of the competition is SkyGen: a leading distributor of life science products on the Russian market.

Competition sponsor: the largest supplier of equipment, reagents and consumables for biological research and production.

"Book" sponsor of the competition - "Alpina Non-Fiction"

The amygdala is a small paired structure resembling an almond in shape and size, and its volume varies from 1.24 to 1.68 cubic centimeters [1]. The tonsils in the brain should not be confused with the tonsils in the throat (aka tonsils). Yes, yes, “inflammation of the tonsils” and “removal of the tonsils” are not about brain surgery.

The two “brain” tonsils are located bilaterally (right and left) under the cerebral cortex in the temporal lobes (Fig. 1). Despite their modest size, the amygdala plays a key role in the emotional behavior that unites us with other animals. It is believed that these two small areas of the brain form an important part of the “threat system”, associated with feelings of fear, pain, the perception of negative stimuli, and providing the body with behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to them. Other parts of this system are the hypothalamus (attack area), prefrontal cortex (PFC), and periaqueductal gray (PAG) (Fig. 2) [2]. The emergence of excitation in this system leads to an adequate response of the body to environmental challenges—the “fight or flight response.”

Figure 1. Tonsils in the human brain (marked in red)


Figure 2. Parts of the brain's "danger system" responsible for processing negative stimuli and initiating the body's adaptive response. Several pathways involved in the body's aggressive response (Aggressive behavior) are shown. Amygdala connections (Amygdalar route), hypothalamic connections (Hypothalamic route) and the influence of external stimuli (Environmental stimuli and processing): auditory, visual (Visual and auditory cues) and even olfactory (Olfactory cues).


Disturbances in the functioning of this system underlie a variety of conditions, from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), panic attacks and anxiety disorders to uncontrollable outbursts of rage and antisocial behavior. In addition, the amygdala is one of the most common sources of epileptic seizures, the so-called. temporal lobe epilepsy, which is sometimes preceded by attacks of panic or aggression. Therefore, understanding the workings of the “danger system” may be the key to unlocking the symptoms of many human psychiatric and neurological diseases.

But how can we study the work of a system that is activated in situations that, frankly speaking, are not the most pleasant for a person - aggression and fear?

Types of aggression

As mentioned above, hatred generates the desire to harm its object. Evil can be caused in different ways, so psychologists distinguish several types of aggression.

Verbal and physical

Using physical force to express negative emotions is called physical aggression. Hostility expressed in the form of arguing, swearing, verbal accusations and threats is considered verbal.

Indirect and direct

Direct aggression is aimed directly at the object of hatred, indirect - these are actions that affect another person in a roundabout way, through gossip, malicious jokes, as well as disordered outbursts of rage (stomping feet, screaming, and so on).

External and internal

External hostility is directed outward, and internal hostility is directed towards oneself. The latter manifests itself in self-deprecation and the desire to harm oneself.

Reasonable (healthy) and destructive

The boundaries of aggression are sometimes difficult to determine. Some see hostility in energetic behavior. If aggression looks attractive and evokes sympathy, then it can be called healthy or justified.

This section does not list all types of manifestations of hostility. In this type of activity, people are often very inventive.

Examples of hatred[edit]

Serves him right, this redneck. And the same thing will happen to you if you don’t learn the types of hatred!

  • First, I’ll explain with a simple example: one redneck like you had as many as 2 apples, but a real kid like me only had 10. So, this redneck, despite the fact that he was asked in a good way, refused to share with it apple boy Naturally, the latter hated him and began to sort things out. But the kid is normal, unlike a redneck like you, not some kind of thief. And he concluded a completely fair barter, exchanging 2 measly apples for 2 magnificent lanterns under his eyes. But this redneck was still dissatisfied with something and also hated the honest and fair dude. In short, mutual hatred arose between them. Although, for whom am I writing all this? Well, not for you, that's for sure. Learn the types of hatred, brat, I'll check in an hour.
  • 2+2=4
    . Do you still have the nerve to ask what hatred has to do with it?! Yes, despite the fact that I wrote this crappy example, feeling hatred towards you, how can you not understand?!
  • Oh yes, I hate you, such a creature. This is also an example of hatred.
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