Substitute relationships: why does a man immediately find another girl after breaking up?

In practice, situations often arise when, even after a painful breakup, an ex-man quickly finds another woman and even lives with her.
There can be many reasons for such behavior, and most often they are not associated with the sudden appearance of feelings.

The process often proceeds unconsciously, and the guy feels confused when he comes to the conclusion that he has made a mistake - it is no longer possible to go back, and the relationship with a new passion begins to cause psychological discomfort.

To avoid ridiculous situations, it is important to know about the nature of the need for a new girl, ways to build a relationship with her, as well as methods for preventing disappointment.

Psychological reasons for quickly entering into a new relationship after divorce

The duration, as well as the nature of past relationships, greatly affects the behavior patterns chosen by a man after a breakup. Rapid dating and entering into close intimacy with another woman can be due to various reasons, but literally each of them comes down to the need to satisfy certain needs.

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction . It is known that for guys sex life plays a very important role. A banal need for physical relaxation can serve as a good reason for entering into a new relationship.
  2. Character traits. A man’s personal traits begin to develop from childhood and are determined by the upbringing style adopted in the family. Often single mothers raise boys in conditions of excessive care and supervision.

    Growing up, such men look for a passion who is ready to take responsibility and patronage over him. After breaking up, the guy is simply unable to live on his own, so he is forced to find an alternative replacement guardian as quickly as possible.

  3. The need to assert oneself . Some men are so hurt by the injustice on the part of their ex-girlfriend that they begin to look for someone who will restore his confidence in his abilities and help him restore his self-esteem. Often such relationships do not last long, the man receives the desired attention and leaves.

  4. Benefit .
    It is natural that after a breakup, life changes qualitatively: problems appear at work, earnings decrease, appearance deteriorates, and living conditions deteriorate. The man begins to look for a new keeper of the hearth, who will help improve the situation and provide the necessary help and support.

  5. Provocation . Most men are sure that if they arouse a feeling of jealousy in their ex-passion, she will immediately begin to show attention and try to get her partner back. As a rule, the new girl looks impressive. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what her interests, life values ​​and beliefs are. A woman is needed for only one purpose - to attract the attention of her former lover.
  6. Intentionally causing pain. Sometimes just breaking up isn't enough. Some men seek to offend, insult and humiliate their former passion. This is especially often practiced when the breakup is initiated by a woman. The new girl, certainly much more spectacular than her past lover, will be present in all photos on social networks, in all public places where there is a chance of meeting her ex.

    When the object of humiliation appears in his field of vision, the guy will probably activate all his charm and will show incredible attention to the new woman - demonstratively and absolutely consciously.

  7. Maintaining status . Some guys are highly dependent on the opinion of society and are afraid to appear at a party or social function alone. Perhaps this is due to the position held or a banal desire to show off in front of friends.

Replacement relationships in men are mainly reduced to consumer ones. As soon as the need is satisfied, they say goodbye to the new woman, or she leaves them. After a breakup, guys don’t feel anything, except perhaps the need to again spend time and energy searching for a new replacement object.

There are very rarely cases when sincere feelings serve as the motivation for starting a relationship. If, after breaking up with his ex-girlfriend, a guy began a serious and long-term relationship with a new one, it is likely that they began even before the breakup with his previous lover.

There are always other options

Fifthly, you should treat everything philosophically. Think about the fact that your ex might not actually be the soul mate you dreamed of. And that’s why life has taken you in different directions and your ex now has another woman. It’s just that you may not understand it now, but in the future it would become obvious. Maybe life is preparing a huge surprise for you in the form of that very cherished meeting, but you still can’t let go of this situation?... “I will look for another” is one of the surest lines of your behavior. Direct your energy to creating new things, rather than being sad about the past and waiting for it to return. Plus, remember that if he really is your soulmate, he will still return to you. But there is no need to wait for him. Just move on with your life, meet friends, go on dates, and if you meet a new good person, that will be great.

As they say, everything passes, and in a few years you most likely won’t remember what you were sad about today. Surely in a year or two you will remember this meeting with your ex simply as a random episode. Remember the good saying - “life never closes one door without opening another”! Let go of all grievances against your ex, wish happiness to both him and yourself, move on with a light heart and joy. Improve yourself and your life, and everything will be fine with you!

Signs of a substitution relationship in a husband

Often men enter into substitution relationships unconsciously, justifying their behavior with a difficult life situation.
It is important to understand in time the motives for such rapid actions and take appropriate measures, because otherwise the guy will cause pain not only to himself, but also to the girl he is using for his own purposes .

Signs of substitution relationships:

  • lack of interest in communication or leisure activities;
  • vague prospects for further development of relations;
  • reluctance to introduce the passion to parents and close friends;
  • the desire to spend as much time as possible outside the home;
  • painful memories of an ex-girlfriend;
  • unconscious comparison of two rivals;
  • awareness of serious shortcomings in the replacement woman;
  • lack of desire to pay attention to her, to please and care for her;
  • sexual fantasies about your ex, etc.

If a man notices these signs in his behavior, it’s time to admit to himself and the girl next to him his insincerity and end the relationship. It is natural that even over time, feelings will not appear , which means that only scandals and disappointments await ahead.

Using a girl to make your ex jealous, or being content only with material goods - dooming yourself to mental anguish and pangs of conscience.

Engage in self-improvement

So, while you don't have the partner you dream of, direct your energy not to regretting that your ex has another woman, but to becoming a more perfect version of yourself - both externally and internally. Change your clothing style - for example, if you previously preferred mostly jeans or comfortable casual, now choose outfits exclusively in a feminine style. Wear skirts, romantic dresses, long sundresses, high heels, small handbags. Buy yourself the perfume you've been dreaming of for a long time. Change your hairstyle, style it, curl your curls or vice versa, straighten your hair to a mirror shine. Moreover, these changes in appearance should not be for one day, but at least for the next few months!

How to understand that a guy is an object of replacement?

Not only men, but also women enter into substitution relationships. Naturally, the beloved will remain silent about the sad experience experienced quite recently.

However, the guy is able to draw appropriate conclusions based on some characteristic signs in the girl’s behavior:

  • requires attention, gifts, courtship;
  • often posts photos of them together on social networks;
  • insists on meeting her friends;
  • is in no hurry to start intimate relationships;
  • avoids serious conversations about the future;
  • does not answer or avoids questions about the past;
  • hides a mobile phone, hides its location;
  • does not value relationships, easily supports any quarrel;
  • nitpicks over little things.

Women enter into vicarious relationships in order to cause jealousy or to quickly get over a painful breakup. One way or another, girls immediately understand and realize that they are using a man. They confess only at the stage of repentance, when it becomes obvious that there is simply no chance for a future in this relationship.

What to do if your husband leaves for another woman

After the door slams behind the man, the farewell words hang in the air, the woman is left alone with questions: “Why did my husband leave for another? So what's now? How to survive this?

If the spouses lived together for many years, made plans, then words like: “Don’t cry, forget him, you will find someone else even better, everything will be fine,” do not bring the desired consolation. After all, it turns out that not only does the woman have no future together, but her present has also become somehow blurred and unclear. She begins to blame herself for everything that happened, remembering that she often made scandals and was offended over trifles. However, such torment will not help to return your spouse. But does a woman need a man who overnight betrayed her and destroyed everything that they had created together for years - a question that should be thought about. In general, instead of useless soul-searching, a woman should calm down, realize and analyze her mistakes in order to prevent them from happening in the future.

You need to let go of the situation and look at it from the other side. With one in which a woman is now free and independent. And find many advantages in this.

First, wipe away your tears, relax and imagine how streams of cool, clean water wash away problems and failures.

Of course, it’s difficult to accept the fact that a man left, abandoned, betrayed, did not appreciate. But this means that another young man, reliable and loving, may appear in a woman’s life. You should not cling to the past, otherwise you may not notice the present and miss the future.

How to behave?

Regardless of the position a man occupies in a substitution relationship, it is not advisable to continue it. This is just a temporary solution to the problem , because it is unrealistic to sincerely love someone else immediately after breaking up.

No matter how much effort and time the object of replacement puts into these relationships, they are doomed to failure in advance. Series of quarrels and conflicts will gradually lead to the same need to separate, and this is another depression in the life of each of the partners.

Time cures?

Sometimes it seems that everyone around has already been in similar situations and knows the right answer: they constantly give advice and recommend waiting, they say, time heals. Time heals, time heals... And what does it heal? And is it possible to cure this, is it treatable (I don’t mean all sorts of sedatives)?

In my opinion, these are some kind of excuses, and the treatment itself sits somewhere in our heads, in that wonderful gray mass that is generally called upon to think. While you are in love, hormones are rampant, and the brain seems to be in a state of blackout. Hormones blind us and often make us helpless and stupid kittens. But there is another side to this. These same hormones awaken our feelings and spread their wings, and butterflies in the stomach appear for a reason...

It is not for nothing that they say that love is a great happiness and a great misfortune for a person. It seems to me that in any case this is being in another reality, as in youth, when the world becomes very black or very white and no rationality works and adequacy is not used by the brain.

Remember in Pugacheva’s song “A Million Scarlet Roses”, and all of them for just one smile from their beloved. The whole world is ready to be thrown at her feet, and her heart too. They write poems for you, sing serenades, perform actions in your honor, and not because you so skillfully manipulated this man, but just like that. It is as if a person finds himself in a different reality, and the world is painted in different colors.

This can only be seen by going through something very, very, very painful. Divorce, infidelity, betrayal...


Despite the guy’s insincerity, there are many advantages to be found in a substitute relationship. They are what men are guided by when they reject the idea of ​​the advisability of a serious conversation with a woman:

  • constant support, affection and tenderness;
  • well-established life;
  • a man's neat appearance, satiety, sexual satisfaction;
  • financial stability;
  • a feeling of permissiveness and impunity.

As a rule, men do not take a new woman seriously and do not value her feelings at all. That is why they can afford things that were impossible in past relationships. But without mutual respect and minor concessions, the future of such a couple is obviously doomed.

Think about happiness in your personal life

Thirdly, there is no need to deny the possibility of personal happiness just for yourself. Most often, after you have met your ex with someone else, you begin to be overcome by thoughts that he has arranged his personal happiness, but you have not, and it is not known when you will arrange it. On the one hand, this is true - we never know when and how we will meet our soulmate. On the other hand, one can hardly doubt that Fate will still provide you with a chance for happiness in your personal life. At the moment, your main task may be self-improvement. This is a very exciting process! And besides, you will experience a pleasant result in the form of increased self-esteem and the return of a good mood.

Negative consequences

When entering into a substitute relationship, not every man adequately assesses the possible negative consequences. When establishing contact with a new passion, it is important to be prepared for :

  • a significant decrease in the likelihood of returning your former love;
  • women's revenge;
  • meeting a woman of stronger character;
  • anxiety from disrespect;
  • condemnation from loved ones;
  • the need to get to know each other again;
  • accept the shortcomings of the new partner.

Despite the fact that a man enters into a substitute relationship not out of love, this does not exclude the sincere motivation of his new passion. Sooner or later, a serious conversation will take place , during which the real reasons for starting another novel will become clear.

A girl can be extremely impressionable, and suffering after a breakup often provokes overly emotional women to commit irreparable acts. It is unlikely that a man will be able to simply get rid of the disappointment or anger of his deceived passion.

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