What is profiling and how to learn it: types, areas of application + examples from life

Hello everyone, dear readers! I think every person at least once in his life “turned on” Sherlock Holmes when he needed to determine or find out something. I have one friend from the “stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut” category, who even caught a thief with her bare hands while on vacation. And then she proudly handed herself over to the police. There are people whom you don’t feed with bread - just let them dig into someone, uncover all the “skeletons in the closets.” And it’s great when it really brings benefits. For example, it is useful to detect a “rat” in a department or an unscrupulous accountant. It is useful to hire a person with a suitable set of personal characteristics that meet the requirements. In this article we will talk to you about what profiling is, why it is needed and how to get the necessary information about a person.



Profiling is a selection of psychological tools for assessing and predicting human behavior. This is a relatively new direction in psychology, where a trained specialist can analyze verbal and non-verbal personality traits, identify lies without a detector, and determine a person’s further behavior.

The blog already has an article How to recognize a lie: 10 mistakes of lovers of lies and effective ways to identify deception and others that will introduce you to personality psychology. Profiling is based on recognizing a person’s emotions and character. They can be recognized using tests to determine their psychotype, as well as by reading gestures, facial features, facial expressions, speech, and eyes.

Profiling capabilities

Very interesting science. Some people think it's pseudoscience, but I'll give you some data where you can see how profiling has helped with serious problems. Let's dive a little into history.

Interestingly, this method has been used since the end of the 9th century. In 1888, it was first used by surgeon Thomas Bond from England, when he compiled a psychological profile of the serial maniac Jack the Ripper. Therefore, the first area where profiling was used was forensics.

Almost a hundred years later, in 1985, profiling techniques were used to identify and apprehend criminals who committed serious violent crimes. The methods were developed in the USA by Ressler and Brooks. And this direction works to this day and greatly simplifies the work of FBI employees.

This branch of psychology has been adopted by airline employees. You probably know that the favorite place of terrorists is the airport. During pre-flight inspection through questioning and observation of passengers, profiling methods have saved not a single aircraft from an on-board terrorist attack.

Now interested people around the world are learning profiling, since an experienced specialist can detect lies even while talking on the phone. Why not believe in such useful science? Who among you wouldn’t want to spot a scammer or a deceitful person right away?

Today, in Russia and neighboring countries, profiling is actively developing in the HR and security sectors. Specialists monitor the hiring of employees in the company, work with the psychological climate in the team, and the effectiveness of each employee.

The importance of this direction is difficult to overestimate. Profiling is used wherever it is possible to apply it. For example:

  • in security, in order to timely identify and prevent illegal actions;
  • in large companies, where serious negotiations are constantly carried out in order to spot the “set-up” and deception in time;
  • in trading, to calculate discounts, bonuses and benefits for yourself;
  • with numerous contacts with other people (administrators, reception staff, etc.);
  • in psychology, so as not to bother with psychodiagnostics, but to immediately find out who is standing in front of you.

Personality types in profiling

As we noted above, profiling is interesting because it helps recruiters determine how suitable a candidate may be according to his personal characteristics and whether he can cope with the responsibilities that will fall on his shoulders after hiring.
For this purpose, typification is used, which is widespread in psychology thanks to the works of many researchers of human personality structure. In modern profiling, when typing personal characteristics, the following psychological types are distinguished:


Such people can be seen from early childhood.
Surrounded by a large number of spectators, the child strives with all his might to attract the attention of the audience: he loudly recites poems at all holidays, standing on a high chair, enthusiastically sings songs, and happily shows off new outfits. He loves applause, his motto is: “the best spectators are admired spectators.” The hysteroid strives to constantly be in the center of attention, hence the main character trait is demonstrativeness. He longs for worship and veneration. At the same time, with age, he may develop such typical traits as a love of intrigue and demagoguery, a tendency toward hypocrisy, and increased selfishness. Inflated self-esteem and excessive touchiness may occur.

But, despite this, hysterics are often proactive, persistent and resourceful in achieving their goals. Their positive traits are communication skills, pronounced leadership and public speaking abilities. Recruiters who use profiling methods recommend hiring such people for leadership positions.


Since childhood, the epileptoid has been thrifty with things and toys, and also reacts very sharply and even angrily to the “seizure” of his territory and disobedience. In the future, such people may become pedants and conservatives; if necessary, they can take on the role of a leader.

Among their positive traits, they are characterized by accuracy, diligence, reliability, as well as punctuality and attentiveness. In close communication, such a person can be barely tolerable, since he is less empathic towards others, he often does not care about the grief of others. In addition, he is extremely intolerant of disorder and violation of rules. Profiling experts recommend selecting epileptoids for the position of lawyer and tax inspector: in this role the person will feel most comfortable.

Paranoid psychotype

A paranoid psychotype is a person who does not know the phrase “goal not achieved” because the word “not” does not exist in his vocabulary.
Such a person is constantly evolving. Of course, it cannot be said that he is the same “follower” on Instagram who buys courses from all bloggers. Such people are often called nerds at school, and nerds at university. But unlike boring know-it-alls, this type can form an excellent team around itself that will achieve its goals.

The disadvantages of this type are stubbornness, virtually no feedback during work, as well as excessive negativism towards any criticism and underestimation of his work. Profilers note that people with this psychotype are in demand in the political sphere; they are often approved for the positions of directors, for example, of research institutes or experimental productions.

Emotive psychotype

This type of person constantly feels responsible for others. They constantly take to heart all the pains and failures of those around them, they are too compassionate towards others, which is why they are easily manipulated. People of the emotive type often pick up kittens on the street and take care of abandoned animals.

In the crowd they are modest, quite natural in their emotions and feelings. From the point of view of profiling, people with an emotive psychotype are recommended to be hired as designers, illustrators, volunteers and shelter workers.


People with this psychotype can be compared to the Soviet cartoon hero Winnie the Pooh.
He is an extroverted energizer who constantly tells fascinating stories, knows where the best pizza is and where the best places to go on the weekend are. To any of his own or someone else’s failure, he replies: “It’s okay, next time it will definitely work out!” However, in a leadership position, such traits may not always be beneficial, since the hypertim can quickly get bored with such work, since in this position there is no need to generate new ideas every day. Hypertim is more suited to creative creative work; he can easily come up with funny slogans or develop concepts for new video games. Creativity is everything for hyperteam.

On the plus side: he can always make friends with the most unsociable colleague and unite the not-so-friendly team. Hyperteams, according to HR people who use profiling in their work, will be good advertising agents, since they are responsible and efficient, easy to contact, and therefore can sell anything to anyone.


A schizoid is always in thought and analyzes all incoming information. Since childhood, his behavior has been different in that, unlike other children, he thinks a lot and speaks little. His ideas and solutions to problems are unconventional. Who, if not he, will come up with the idea of ​​gluing the curtain with tape to the wall so that the cat stops dropping flower pots?

For a schizoid, it is not the result that is important, but the process. Profiling notes that in business such a person can be a good analyst and generator of ideas. Such people often become journalists, translators, designers, and directors because of their unconventional, deep view of the world.

Anxious and suspicious psychotype

An anxious and suspicious person can make anyone doubt him at first glance.
He constantly cannot make up his mind, and the person who falls into his field may also begin to doubt along with him. The anxious and suspicious hero has a thousand doubts: “Is it worth playing chess today?”, “Which shirt to choose - red or crimson?”, “Is it worth staying at work until 19 o’clock today?” Anything can disable such a person and add additional anxiety to him, which leads to a rapid decline in performance. But not everything is so unequivocally bad: anxious and suspicious people are often quite persistent and demanding. If they have set a goal for themselves, they do not see any obstacles to achieving it. All tasks assigned to them will be completed on time.

HR specialists and profilers recommend hiring such people for the positions of document specialists, accountants or librarians, that is, for those positions where increased responsibility and scrupulousness in relation to work is needed.

Hypothymic psychotype

The hypothymic type is also often called the depressed-sad type. This person is unlikely to ever become the team's favorite. He won’t make toasts at corporate parties - most likely, he simply won’t come to them. He is not responsive by nature, loves to be alone, and also in the company of 3 friends: a Netflix series, a melancholic song in headphones and a favorite historical novel.

Hypothym is not sociable and rarely comes into contact with other people unless necessary. Such people are often called hypochondriacs. When meeting them, they give the impression of an intellectual who does not like platitudes.

One of the positive traits: such people know how to concentrate on their work. Profilers note that usually such people with arms and legs are taken to internal control services.

Cycloid psychotype

The cycloid's mood often fluctuates between euphoria and depression, which may depend on the time of day and season.
Cycloid, as noted in profiling, combines the characteristic features of hyperthymic and hypothymic, which manifest themselves depending on the current phase of mood. Such a person can be sociable and energetic, open and friendly at one moment, and become depressed and withdrawn at another moment. In the phase of low mood, they often go on sick leave and refuse contacts. But, as a rule, they quickly recover and return to their previous wave. The cycloid may often change jobs, but he treats his responsibilities fairly conscientiously. The period of apathy is accompanied by inactivity and a critically low level of initiative; even a favorite activity in this case can weigh on him. From a profiling point of view, the cycloid type is an actor, musician, blogger, creative figure. Calmness and tranquility during periods of “stagnation” are important to him, so a work option that is not tied to a strict schedule may be better suited.

Types of profiling and their characteristics

Reading people's behavior and emotional states is needed wherever there are people. Therefore, the main types are distributed according to areas of increased danger from criminals to civilians:

  1. Aviation profiling is the identification by the behavior of passengers which of them has intentions to commit a terrorist attack, offense or hooliganism.
  2. Zheleznodorozhny – prevention and control of crimes against people on railway transport, in station buildings, and in surrounding areas.
  3. Hotel - crime prevention techniques in hotels and surrounding areas.
  4. Criminal – drawing up a psychological portrait of the criminal’s personality for the relevant services.
  5. Personnel – needed to identify candidates for a position and their compliance with the requirements. It is important that the specialist also checks the candidate’s past: criminal activities, debts, various types of addictions (gaming, drugs, alcohol).
  6. Audit profiling is the work of a profiler (specialist) in an audit company. He studies not only documents, but also the personalities of employees.
  7. Data profiling is necessary to prevent theft of funds.
  8. Banking – needed to minimize losses when issuing loans to private legal entities.
  9. Insurance – identifying fraudulent schemes in the work of an insurance company.
  10. Family - determining the level of trust in a partner, developing a feeling that there is reciprocity in the relationship, there is no deception.

Research in the field of automation of profiling today has a different vector.

Profiling based on data from social networks is actively developing, and the analysis of speech and video continues to be improved. The SearchInform team and I are working in a unique direction - profiling based on text evaluation. The module will work as part of the KIB SearchInform DLP system and compile a psychological portrait of the user based on the analysis of the text he creates (messages in instant messengers, emails, comments on the Internet, etc.). The system analyzes the structure of the text and the essence in it, semantic coloring, and also conducts psycholinguistic analysis. As a result, the basic and current values ​​of a person, criminal tendencies and inclinations, the level of conflict, risks and much more are determined. The effectiveness of this technology, like any other, will not reach 100%, but it is absolutely possible to improve the methods to 90-95%.

Profiling tests

When I was not yet planning to enroll to study as a psychologist, I was always interested in taking tests, discovering something new and interesting in myself. And now I see more and more people who want to know about themselves. This is fine! The golden rule of psychology says: “Know yourself and it will be easier to understand others.” Psycho personality type tests help you understand yourself and find out why others behave the way they do.

  1. What is your psychotype? The test helps to identify your abilities, predispositions, strengths and weaknesses of your character. Contains 36 questions. It will allow you to correctly use your resources in life and develop.
  2. Myers-Briggs personality type test. The technique allows us to identify a person’s inclinations and characteristics. Defines basic worldviews and decision-making mechanisms.
  3. Socionics. Test to determine personality type. You have to answer 28 questions. They determine your personality type, how you position yourself in society, the characteristics of your nervous system and interpersonal relationships.
  4. Leonhard test. Determination of personality type online. The questionnaire consists of 88 questions and helps to thoroughly study the personality. It is used in professional research, as well as in criminology, psychology, and medicine.

How to learn profiling

As we have already decided, everyone wants to understand people! So now is the time to learn how to learn profiling. Often specialists are given only 3-4 minutes to study a person and create a portrait of his personality. And trained profilers cope with this using special methods.

Profiling technologies include several areas:

  1. Primary study - establishing contact, briefly explaining to the person why the questions are being asked.
  2. Inspection – recording a person’s appearance and behavior, special attention is paid to non-standard moments and deviations.
  3. Drawing up a psychological portrait - identifying signs of fear, aggression, depression, focusing on personality traits.
  4. Checking documents - detecting signs of forgery.
  5. Conversation – standard questions to obtain the necessary information, especially regarding a person’s goals and plans.

These technologies address the area of ​​profiling where security needs to be ensured. In everyday life, there are also several techniques that help “read” a person on the spot.

TOZ (points of approximate freezing) in profiling is a technique for determining lies based on a person’s physiological reaction. This is a pause that occurs when a person thinks about what to say. When asked uncomfortable questions, he tenses up, thinks over the answer longer, freezes a little (his gaze stops, his breathing freezes, his movements “freeze”).

A lie is always a conscious choice, so in the TOZ a decision is made: to lie or not to lie. This is a kind of flag for detecting lies, but TOZ is not an exact guarantee of deception. This only indicates that the person was thinking whether to tell the truth or a lie. To determine TOZ, you need to ask a simple question, then a complex one: “What is your wife’s name?”, “Have you identified the shortage today?”

Determining personality type based on messages on social networks. This is a new direction that is just being developed. To achieve this, new technologies are being used that automatically determine a person’s psychotype.

So, we come to the training materials on creating a personality profile. To understand the secrets of personality and become more familiar with the techniques of “reading” a person, you can study the list of books on profiling. Literature will help you figure out what signs to recognize different human emotions.

There are also meaningful profiling training courses available. They help you learn not only theory, but also practice “reading” and understanding a person in practice.

Profiling - a course on reading people from Vikium. It consists of 20 lessons. Includes a set of practical methods for reading non-verbal words, tools for practicing new knowledge, simulators for recognizing microexpressions, tests that check the level of skill proficiency.

Will help:

  1. Anticipate a person's actions in negotiations.
  2. Identify fake emotions.
  3. Recognize signals of deception at the non-verbal level.
  4. Predict people's actions.
  5. Detect deception in writing.

Cost – 990 rub. After completing the training, it will not be difficult for you to distinguish between attempts to manipulate and see through people.

What is profiling? Or how to test a man with a lie detector without a polygraph


Often girls are captivated by the first impression a man makes on them. They idealize the image of the chosen one, presenting him as a handsome prince. Alas, the prince often turns out to be not who he says he is. For example, it soon turns out that the man is married and has children and generally only wants sex from the girl.

Is it possible to immediately determine whether a man is serious or not? Is he telling the truth? Will he cheat? Is it really possible to do this on the first date? Quite!

Profiling is the best method of “reading people”, based on the technologies of special services and practical psychotherapy. Profiling allows you to predict a person’s behavior by determining his psychotype. Based on clear criteria, you too can “read” a man in 2–3 minutes!

As an example, here is a brief overview of five of the eight basic psychotypes of men with whom girls most often build relationships.


A characteristic feature of this psychotype is a “stuck” nervous system. These are strong, purposeful leaders. The main values ​​of such a man are work and achieving goals. In his mind, the woman next to him should help him or at least not interfere.

In a relationship:

Paranoiacs, of course, are not against serious relationships, but due to their high employment and self-sufficiency, they usually do not bother about it. As a result, they are often lonely and prone to open relationships. Family and everyday life are secondary tasks for them.

In sex:

They agree to everything that does not contradict their values.

External manifestations:

Clothing is usually quite formal and appropriate to the context. The speech is clear and convincing, the gestures are not expressive, the smile is “social” (the lips smile, the eyes do not). Even when paranoiacs try to smile in photos, the smile turns out unnatural or asymmetrical.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • criticize the goals or value system of the paranoid.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • support or assist him in his goals and aspirations.


They fall into the category of “real tough men.” The basic emotion is anger. The purpose of interaction with a woman is family, children, conservative forms of relationships.

In a relationship:

The epileptoid will certainly bring order to your chaotic life (albeit, according to its own rules!). He is caring, reliable, but intolerant of female infidelity, although he himself can cheat, because he considers it acceptable for a man. He will tear anyone apart for his relatives and family! Breakups are hard to bear. In long-term relationships, he is often prone to tyranny. The obsessive desire of the epileptoid is to comply with certain rules and force others to comply with these rules. In general, such men prefer classic, stable family relationships.

In sex:

Epileptoids are quite conservative. Some individuals are prone to rough sex.

External manifestations:

Classic clothes, nothing extra. Everything is strict and conservative. The gait is “from the shoulder”, the gestures are clear (not distinguished by softness and grace), the speech is clear, direct, specific, the voice is a little rough.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • speak quickly, constantly change topics of conversation.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • behave conservatively and standardly.


The characteristics of this psychotype are due to a fast and strong nervous system. Hyperthyms are tireless liveliers, they are very energetic and cheerful. The purpose of interaction with a woman is communication for the sake of communication, hanging out.

In a relationship:

It is difficult to imagine a hyperthymic man in a long-term relationship. Hyperthyms are too loving to become attached to one partner. They are usually promiscuous in their relationships. They change quite often. Alas, this is their essence.

In sex:

We are ready to do anything to avoid getting bored. Group sex and partner exchange are possible.

External manifestations:

Often they are not distinguished by their beautiful appearance, but they captivate with their positive attitude. Fast speech, crazy eyes, lively facial expressions, constant flickering and twitching. Bright, colorful clothes, often sportswear (to make it comfortable to move). Many hyperteams love extreme sports, so look for them at mountain biking, motocross, etc. competitions.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • There are no specific prohibitions.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • you just need to catch his eye, and then he’ll do it himself...


This psychotype is based on a low threshold of emotional response. Emotives are sensitive, kind and gentle men. The purpose of communicating with a woman is love, a high relationship.

In a relationship:

As a rule, they are faithful to their beloved, caring, and tolerant of even her negative antics (especially if they fall in love). They feel others well, value sincerity, become strongly attached to the chosen person, and experience separations very hard. Attuned to family relationships.

In sex:

Sex is usually sensual. Emotional connection is very important for emotive.

External manifestations:

Harmonious clothes, but not provocative. Avoids bright colors and sharp lines. A sincere smile, a calm, quiet voice. Gestures are smooth. On a date, he asks more than he talks.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • behave in a boorish manner;
  • lie;
  • ridicule high ideals.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • talk about emotional topics;
  • accept the key values ​​of the interlocutor;
  • be sincere.


As a rule, hysterics are beautiful and well-groomed metrosexuals. They have a fast but weak nervous system. The purpose of communicating with a woman is drive, emotions, self-demonstration, and receiving sensory pleasure. They don’t set global goals for themselves. Everything, as a rule, comes down to the desire to simply “get high from life.”

In a relationship:

They are fickle, selfish, emotional, capricious, and require a lot of attention. In short, you definitely won’t get bored with them. Loyalty is not about hysterics. They tend to believe their own lies. Excellent lovers, but not the most reliable in terms of serious relationships.

In sex:

Sex is often very vibrant and emotional. Everyone loves it “like in the movies.” Women are chosen based on their attractiveness.

External manifestations:

Bright, provocative clothes, lots of accessories, an expensive car, but bought on credit (or not his at all). The main thing is to impress a woman. Emotions are feigned, facial expressions too. The voice is fast and very emotional. Great actors. They know how to speak beautifully.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • burden the hysteroid with your ideas about life;
  • communicate for a long time on the same topic;
  • believe his words.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • give compliments;
  • talk about his beloved;
  • change the topic of conversation frequently.


Schizoid men are real intellectuals. The thing is that this psychotype is based on the need for constant study of the world and creativity. Family for a schizoid is an addition to intellectual existence.

In a relationship:

They love loneliness. It is important for them to be understood and accepted for who they are. They are vulnerable if they are treated roughly, pressured or ridiculed. Their house is always a creative mess.

In sex:

They are interested in sex more in theory.

External manifestations:

Greasy hair, a dirty shirt and combinations in the style of “hat, leather jacket and sneakers” are the norm for a schizoid. As a rule, they do not pay attention to their appearance, since high materials are much more important to them than banal clothes. Schizoids do not always have intelligible speech and awkward movements. The physique is often asthenic, but some men of this type tend to be overweight.

What NOT to do on a date:

  • make fun of him;
  • try to push and dominate harshly.

What is GOOD to do on a date:

  • accept him as he is;
  • show friendliness.

Understanding the basic psychotypes of men will allow you to:

  • do not be deceived by the first impression;
  • “don’t fall for” male manipulations;
  • do not waste time on unsuitable men;
  • quickly “read” people;
  • understand what kind of man you need;
  • hold the man you like and manage his behavior.

Build relationships with worthy men!

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Examples and interpretation of gestures and speech

And here’s where the fun begins – let’s look a little deeper into human psychology. In the section of examples, I will reveal several secrets on the operational diagnosis of a person, how to understand that they are trying to “cheat” you.

It is important to remember that deception always entails a chain of gestures, so the veracity of the information cannot be judged by just one of them. So, a person is lying to you when he displays the following gestures:

  • touches the tip of the nose - here it is the tip that matters, since other parts of the organ have a different meaning;
  • uncontrolled movements of the hands near the face (stroking the lips, forehead, temples, chin, rubbing the eyelid, lips, covering the mouth with the hand);
  • tries to maintain a distance from the interlocutor (leaning his body away from the person, stepping back, moving away, crossing his legs under the chair);
  • quickly rubbing hands is just that, fast, because if a person does it slowly, then the meaning changes radically;
  • he pulls his legs under him and taps them on the floor.

The following verbal signs may indicate hypocrisy:

  1. Generalization of facts, concealment of essential details, presentation of information one-sided.
  2. Only short sentences are heard in speech, so as not to forget all the adjectives and adverbs that were carelessly added.
  3. A minimum of direct answers, constantly trying to evade: “I’m not the type to...”, “I think it shouldn’t be so one-sided...”
  4. An abundance of peremptory remarks like “I won’t tell anyone...”, “I won’t do anything...”, thereby trying to make you trust him.
  5. Changes the pace of speech, the hypocrite, pondering the presentation of information, slows down in his comments, and then, so as not to forget what he said, quickly speeds up.
  6. Repeats your words, for example: “Were you in the cafe yesterday?” - “Was I in the cafe yesterday? Yes". This is done in order to adapt to you and reduce your vigilance.

These interesting data about liars and hypocrites can be useful to you in negotiations or when communicating with unfamiliar people.

And in addition, watch this interesting video:

Instructions from a profiler: how to find the culprit of an incident among employees

When an incident occurs in a company and it is not possible to invite a professional, use the instructions from a profiler with more than 10 years of experience:

Set aside half an hour and gather your employees together. First of all, explain the situation, what the problem is, what details of what happened you know, what the consequences will be. Explain in detail how you will understand the situation and what responsibility awaits the perpetrators. Explain what awaits those who help clarify the situation.

This is done in order to exert psychological pressure on those who are related to the incident and to reassure those not involved. During the process, please note: after about 15-20 minutes, innocent people will no longer be interested in what is happening. Their poses will be relaxed, their gaze will wander around the hall, looking at the landscape outside the window.

Some will rummage through their phones out of nothing to do.

Those you need will be on edge, carefully monitoring what is happening, the reactions of others and listening to you. The next stage is that you need to have a separate conversation with each of them to find out the reasons for such attention, recognize lies in the answers and understand true thoughts.

How to Conduct a Conversation to Identify a Cheater and a Liar

  • Make it clear what the conversation will be about. Why, as the employee himself thinks, was he called for a conversation. What is his attitude towards the fact that he was called? What does he know about what happened?
  • Go into more detail about the reasons. What, in his opinion, provoked the culprit to such an act. How would he conduct the investigation himself and what would he ask those he suspects?
  • Involve him personally in the situation. Find out who he suspects. Did this person intentionally commit an offense or was it an accident. Why would he never do this himself? Why can't he be removed as a suspect?
  • Clarify the employee's attitude towards the culprit. Let him tell us who he could definitely vouch for, other than himself. What punishment does the offender deserve? How does a guilty person feel, in his opinion? Can he be given another chance?

List of markers: guilty or not

The guilty person will struggle to “not understand” why he was called to this conversation. The mood will not be very friendly. They can change the topic, generalize what is already known in their answers. They may bombard you with counter questions. But an innocent person can also become indignant because you doubt his integrity. So be careful and don't make hasty conclusions.

An uninvolved person will usually calmly explain that he is most likely suspected because he was in the office at that moment. The culprit will sarcastically say that the questions are completely absurd, that you are wasting your and his time.

Also remember: if you announced in advance that individual interviews will soon take place, the perpetrator can prepare and calmly answer your questions. The speech will be structured logically and calmly. You will be able to hear verified, prepared answers. This is a marker that a person has prepared. This might be who you are looking for. If you know this employee well, you may notice words that were previously uncharacteristic of his speech.

Pay attention to how the person reacts. The reaction is usually very strong, because any deception is a stressful situation. If you play along and trust him, he will even calm down at first. The relief on your face may even give way to contempt that you are such a simpleton and they managed to deceive you.


Will I be able to read people after learning profiling?

To “read” people, it is not enough just to read an intelligent book. To “scan” a person you need to know the basics of psychology and be able to observe. Only in this case will it be possible to find out about a person what he is hiding.

Is it possible to determine by gestures whether a person will set me up or not?

Will he set you up or won't you set him up, no gestures are shown. But, knowing the basics of profiling, you will be able to predict a person’s behavior: whether he is deceiving you, whether he is ready to sincerely communicate with you or not. This science provides such data.

Will knowing profiling make my life easier?

This knowledge is universal. And they really make life easier. Forecast and knowledge of human psychology help prevent some mistakes or, conversely, provoke him to openness. You need to develop and study profiling even for everyday life.

What qualities should a profiler have?

  • good memory;
  • attention to detail;
  • ability to analyze;
  • honesty;
  • control of emotions;
  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • good speech and diction;
  • intelligent manners;
  • the ability to find an approach to people, talk, get the necessary information;
  • good intellectual development;

Profilers must be versatile, be able to find an approach to people, and conduct a conversation correctly.

What a profiler should know

  • interpersonal communication, negotiations
  • nonverbal communication, gestures, microexpressions
  • psychology and physiology, including personal, emotional, psychology of deception
  • modern technologies

By the way, the profiler has quite a lot of colleagues with similar professions. If you find yours, it may be easier for you to gain a new skill and retrain.

These are professions such as:

  • polygraph examiner
  • psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist
  • teacher
  • HR
  • investigator, detective, security service, traffic police officer and other law enforcement officers
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