Narcissist, social predator or just charismatic? How to recognize a psychopath and protect yourself from his manipulations

In the system of modern international classification of diseases, there is no such concept as “psychopathy” - it was replaced by the term “personality disorder”. Experts believe that this definition is more suitable to describe this disease, which is characterized by persistent personality deformation, distortions of internal perception and thinking. Psychopathy is less common in men than in women. However, in representatives of the stronger sex, the pathology manifests itself at an earlier age, is more severe and is quite difficult to treat. The complex therapy offered by the doctors of the Leto mental health center makes it possible to achieve stable, long-term remission and socialization of the patient.

Causes of psychopathy in men

Until recently, experts were convinced that the main role in the etiology of the disease belongs to the hereditary factor. However, during long-term clinical studies this theory was not confirmed. Most likely, from an early age, children see an example of their parents’ behavior and subconsciously copy this manner of communication.

In addition, the causes of the disease may be:

  • severe psychological trauma suffered at any age;
  • damage to the central nervous system (neoplastic tumors in the brain, toxic or hepatic encephalopathy, acute or chronic hypoxia, consequences of stroke, etc.);
  • long-term stressful situation associated with conflict in the family or at work, financial troubles, health problems, etc.

Breakup rules

If life has begun to resemble a minefield where every step is risky, there is no need to delay the breakup. This will not be easy to do, since the psychopathic husband will try to show all his charm. Manipulation will be used again: depictions of repentance, requests for forgiveness, romantic behavior. If the partner is unwilling to give in, he will begin to threaten, and may even put what he says into practice. Fear often keeps women close to such husbands.

If a woman nevertheless decides to break up, she must remember that she must act very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of running into his uncontrollable aggression. It is best to start a conversation in a public place or in the presence of loved ones. It is dangerous to be alone with him, and he will not show aggression in public.

If a man allowed himself to be assaulted, you should not talk to him about divorce in person at all. You need to secretly pack your things and leave the house, informing him of the breakup by phone or by letter. A personal meeting will certainly end in violence.

No matter how a relationship with a psychopathic man develops, a woman must decide for herself how appropriate it is. This diagnosis does not always imply aggression. You can learn to live with such a person and even benefit, but it all depends on how much the woman is ready to sacrifice herself. In addition, if a man himself is aware of his illness, then there is a chance to correct his behavior.

Clinical picture

Personality disorders are not accompanied by pronounced neurological symptoms, with the exception of cases when the cause of the pathology is organic brain damage. Therefore, the diagnosis is made based on the characteristics of a person’s behavior, socialization skills, and interpersonal relationships.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, there are several forms of psychopathy in men:

  • asthenic;
  • anancaste;
  • schizoid;
  • paranoid;
  • dissocial;
  • emotionally unstable;
  • hysterical.

Prevalence of the disease

According to statistics, 1-2% of the world's population suffers from psychopathy. Moreover, 80% of such patients are representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Quite successful people in leadership positions often suffer from psychopathy. Of the men in prison, pathology was detected in 1/3 of their total number.

Approximately 10% of the population exhibits psychopathic forms of behavior. They can also harm others. However, there are clearly insufficient grounds to make a clinical diagnosis in these cases.

Asthenic personality disorder

The main symptoms of this form of the disease include:

  • rapid exhaustion;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • shyness and timidity;
  • apathy;
  • general depressed state.

Men suffering from this type of psychopathy are characterized by impressionability and a tendency to introspection. Characteristic is a feeling of one’s own inferiority, insolvency; the future is always seen in a pessimistic light. They do not believe in their strength, are afraid of any difficulties and make every effort to avoid them.

As a rule, they take a passive position, are entirely dependent on the opinions of others, endure all insults without complaint, and unquestioningly carry out instructions. A tendency toward hypochondria is noted; the patient listens to all internal sensations. And even a slight deviation from the norm is perceived as a severe pathology.

Types of tyrant husbands

A tendency towards tyranny can manifest itself in different ways, but most often a man acts this way:

  • Strives to control everything.

It is important for a domestic tyrant to always know who is and where he is. He may ask why his wife took five minutes longer to get from the stop, how much she spent and what she bought. He even cares about the plot of his partner’s dreams.

Every day a wife receives hundreds of questions from her tyrant husband. Simply remaining silent here will not work, so it is better to give an answer right away, otherwise his suspicion will reach its peak and conflict cannot be avoided. The main problem lies in the fact that a man covers up his behavior with concern for his beloved. This approach often does not allow a woman to quickly recognize obsession.

Over time, the husband forbids his wife to intersect with all members of the opposite sex, including relatives, and does not trust her colleagues and friends. He monitors the movement of vehicles on maps, checks his wife’s page on social networks, carefully looks at what she wears and how she makes up. Such a person may well install a listening device at home.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

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  • Devalues ​​his wife's actions.

Insulting his wife is the norm for such a man, because it is important for him to suppress her will and self-esteem. No matter how much a woman tries, he will never be satisfied: the soup is too salty, the hair is poorly dyed, the clothes are inappropriate, the smile is crooked.

Humiliation can take a humorous and sweet form, and in the speech of a tyrant husband there are phrases: “Who will tell you the truth, if not me?”, “You will simply die without me,” etc.

If, through the efforts of a man, you begin to doubt yourself, think about why he still hasn’t left you, since you are so sloppy and clumsy? The answer is simple: he perceives you as a source of energy and inspiration - only thanks to his chosen one can a despot gain confidence and assert himself.

  • Shows aggression.

This is the most dangerous type, since such a tyrant husband is prone to physical violence. It is not enough for him to morally humiliate the victim, so he reinforces his words with actions. We are talking about a person of mood who does not control his anger and cannot say for sure what will set him off this time. For example, a red rag turns out to be the look of your spouse, an unsuccessful dish, an outfit or a smile. A man may be infuriated by the fact that his wife expressed her position or remained silent. It’s difficult to guess, because it’s not the woman herself who is to blame, but, for example, a dog that barked under the window early in the morning and did not allow the man to sleep.

There are two types of aggressive husbands. The former understand the asociality and illegality of their actions, so they always ask for forgiveness for what they have done. And the latter are confident that they have every right to do this.

Among individuals of this type, there are often people with alcohol addiction, and the combination of aggression and alcohol is quite capable of leading to tragedy.

It is worth noting that only rare tyrant husbands fit into one of the described categories - more often they combine different qualities.

Schizoid psychopathic disorder

In terms of external signs, some experts compare this variant of pathology with autism, since men suffering from this disease are withdrawn, very sensitive to their personal space, and prefer loneliness. They note emotional coldness and aloofness, and very often these traits are combined with a passion for reading, nature, and culture.

At the same time, the patient can experience troubles in the family, at work, and in his personal life very painfully. He is unable to free himself from memories of failures, insults addressed to him, or any shameful situations. Patients are very vulnerable, vulnerable, but they skillfully hide self-doubt and resentment behind external coldness and indifference. But at the same time, they do not take into account the opinions of others, they like to interfere in other people’s affairs, and give inappropriate advice.

In bed with a psychopath

Psychopaths came into my life. I used to hear about them from friends; in a mixture of admiration and horror, they experienced relationships from which they emerged as victims, sometimes with financial losses. They called their exes “psychopaths,” but I took these epithets as an exaggeration. And so... in this wonderful year I had the pleasure of meeting real psychopaths, both in my work at a psychiatric clinic and in my personal life.

Psychopaths are usually talked about and written about in connection with the cold-blooded and well-thought-out crimes they commit. But today I would like to write about those psychopaths who have not yet committed illegal acts, but, nevertheless, cause harm by parasitizing acquaintances, “friends” and sexual partners. The facts presented in the article are based on personal material and on the material of the brilliant novel “Deprived of Conscience” by Canadian psychologist, Doctor of Philosophy Robert D. Hare.

Psychopaths are dangerous but extremely charismatic

They tell incredible stories that present a positive side to them, and although insincerity and superficiality can be noticeable, these stories enhance their appeal. Psychopaths are so charming that even if you are absolutely aware of the degree of destructiveness of the proposed relationship, you can find yourself in it and sincerely regret the loss when the psychopath, having caused emotional and/or material damage, disappears. It must be said that most often this happens extremely unexpectedly and without explanation. For example, we lived together, went to the store, saying I’ll be back in 10 minutes, and never came back

A relationship with a psychopath is intoxicating as long as he is interested in it for some reason. Most often his interest is consumer

Sometimes a psychopath starts a family, but in this case he considers his wife and children to be his property
A relationship with him, or rather the beginning of it, is always an incredible fireworks of feelings. A psychopath is an excellent manipulator, and he knows how to guess desires and offer exactly what you dreamed of
For example, getting married after a week of dating. He is talkative, two-faced, lies easily - he hits the very bull's eye of the victim. One psychopath, for example, said that there are two people in him, and one of them is bad.
Conflicting facts, inconsistencies or outright lies are revealed gradually, but the psychopath's charm is so strong that sobriety comes after he has disappeared, having injured or taken something with him - and the damage becomes obvious.
The consequences of a relationship with a psychopath are always devastating. For example, one man, talking about his ex-women, boasted that he had ruined the lives of each of them
Most often, psychopaths demonstrate indifference to the destructive consequences of their actions
(or formal repentance).

A psychopath easily confesses his love, partly because it is a wonderful way to charm, take away vigilance and get his way, partly because only a limited range of feelings is available to him

Scientists have proven that psychopaths do not experience feelings of fear at the physiological level, that is, they can only be aware of it, but not feel it. A psychopath can simplify and confuse feelings, for example, equate love with sexual attraction, and his declarations of love mean practically nothing
, although they look very sincere.
Limited feelings also explain the lack of empathy in psychopaths,
that is, sympathy for others.
They treat others as a means of satisfying their desires and needs ( for example, such a man says about the women with whom he enters into relationships, “I use them because it’s convenient for me now”
Heartlessness can manifest itself from parasitism ( living on the money of a man whose girlfriend is in a sexual relationship, visiting his home, trying to start a joint business with him)
, neglect of the physical and emotional well-being of relatives, participation in endless random, faceless and banal sexual relationships (
one a psychopath I knew complained that a brightly flared passion for a new partner was very quickly replaced by a loss of all feelings, he had about a dozen sexual relationships in a year) -
committing crimes .
Psychopaths have no guilt or regrets

about their destructive actions
, for example, complaining that they cause significant harm to people without any regret about them, but in order to evoke sympathy for themselves
While not sympathizing with their victims, psychopaths
like to talk about their “crimes
For example, one man, two weeks after declaring his love and proposing marriage, borrowed money from his “bride” and disappeared without explaining anything - at the same time he happily boasted to his friends that he “almost married this girl” and showed them their joint photos

The lack of guilt and regret is complemented by psychopaths with a distinctive ability to find a reasonable explanation for their behavior and shift responsibility for their actions to family and friends

Even if a psychopath admits to his actions, he greatly downplays or even denies the severity of the consequences. They treat their personal problems as failures and blame them on lack of luck or injustice. For example, if you remain unemployed for years, explain that now specialists in your field are not in demand;
and the “parasitic” cohabitation is due to the fact that his parents took away his apartment. A psychopath considers himself unique, and with a favorable combination of circumstances and the resignation of the victims, he can really move forward in life. A psychopath thinks big, but always at the expense of others

For example, one man, having found himself in the victim’s apartment (at that moment he himself was living in much more deplorable conditions), commented that he did not understand why buy such a small apartment.
And when he managed to get behind the wheel of someone else’s car, he explained that this car meant nothing to him, “today I’ll drive this one, tomorrow I’ll drive yours.” All this is combined with the inability to make real plans. Therefore, the path of a psychopath often leads from parasitism to committing crimes. However, many of them do not cross the line and cope with their responsibilities quite well. These are the so-called “lucky”, sub-criminal or corporate, psychopaths,

who find socially acceptable ways to realize their characteristics.
Their work is always associated with the manipulation of other people and adventurism, for example, this could be financial fraud or working with criminals in a correctional facility for “split” or “recruitment”.
However, such people always have a great chance of crossing the line; it’s just that for some time, due to luck, social status, fear and/or patience of relatives, they manage to stay on this side of the law.

Characteristics of psychopaths include impulsiveness

(such a person requires immediate satisfaction of needs, like a child; tends to often change his plans and live for today);
weak behavioral control, need for mental stimulation
(many begin to take drugs, have a passion for adventure and other emotionally stimulating activities);
irresponsibility and unreliability
(they easily borrow money, hide from creditors, do not adhere to formal or moral obligations).
Psychopaths are indifferent to children, both their own and those of their cohabitants
(for example, they may offer to give the child to relatives to raise so that he does not interfere).

Causes of psychopathy. Can psychotherapy help? How to protect yourself?

Literally, psychopathy means mental disorder without insanity. Psychopaths do not lack a sense of reality and do not suffer from delusions or hallucinations, that is, they think rationally, and their actions are the result of meaningful choices. However, there is a lot of confusion about the concept of psychopathy, due to overlap with some related concepts such as sociopath, antisocial personality disorder, and the difficulty of diagnosis. The diagnosis of “psychopathy” can only be made by a doctor, but based on the traits described above, you can understand that this is a person prone to psychopathic behavior, and you should be wary of him.

The opinions of experts regarding the origin of this disorder are also ambiguous. Some believe that psychopathy is based largely on biological causes.

, that is, this is a certain brain dysfunction.
Others suggest looking for social factors at the basis of psychopathy: difficult experiences, emotional deprivation, parental indifference, etc. There is also an interactive model
, that is, a view of psychopathy as an interaction of biological and social factors. In other words, the biological “raw material” for the formation of psychopathy is the insufficiency of genetic material for socialization and the formation of conscience. And how this predisposition will develop depends on social conditions: if a psychopath is brought up in a good family and has access to resources, he will grow up, for example, to be a white-collar criminal, while a psychopath who grew up in deprivation and cruelty may become a tramp , murderer, etc.

Society has no way to treat psychopaths because they are incapable of emotional experiences and self-absorption. For example, psychotherapy turns out to be practically useless. It provides the psychopath with ever new ways of exploiting human weaknesses. There are studies that show that the likelihood of committing crimes among psychopaths after a course of psychotherapy only becomes higher.

At the same time, the likelihood of meeting a psychopath is high for any of us. And it will be useful to know some ways to protect yourself from them: 1. Admit your powerlessness (it is very difficult not to become a victim of a psychopath). 2. Understand the nature of psychopathy (I hope you understand this a little better after reading the article). 3. Do not pay attention to brilliant props, only to actions (meaningful aspects of communication). 4. Be doubly careful if someone or something seems too good to be true!!! 4. Know your weaknesses. One such common weakness that is attractive to psychopaths is adventurism. Your adventurism will make you especially “sweet” prey for a psychopath.

The generalized experience of women who have been in bed with a psychopath tells me that the codependent-psychopath relationship is common.

. After all, in order to be a victim of a psychopath, you need to be predisposed to the position of a victim. And this is often about codependency and broken boundaries.

Photo by Ekaterina Basova-Gonzalez

Paranoid psychopathy

The clinical picture is dominated by suspicion, which takes precedence over logic and reason. Such men are pathologically neat and conscientious, intolerant of injustice. But their horizons are very narrow, their interests are limited, there is no desire for self-development, no desire to achieve any goals.

Even in words or actions accidentally thrown by someone, a person sees a hidden meaning and threat. Distrust is typical, which very quickly develops into suspicion. The patient is sure that they are treating him without due respect and want to insult him. Without treatment, the disease usually progresses with the formation of delusional ideas involving persecution, jealousy, etc.

Dissocial disorder

There are no prohibitions or restrictions for men with dissocial psychopathy. They live without caring about family, relatives, or their future, never finish what they start, prefer easy income (they often note an addiction to gambling), and strive to satisfy their financial needs at the expense of others.

Sometimes, by obeying the demands of family members, a man can find a well-paid job and do all the necessary things, but as soon as control is weakened, everything returns to normal. Patients easily become involved in antisocial companies, often use alcohol and drugs, and commit minor offenses.

Emotionally unstable psychopathy

The main external sign of the disease is impulsiveness in words and actions without taking into account possible consequences, lack of self-control. Any little thing can make a person angry; sometimes outbursts of aggression and irritability arise for no reason. Usually the disease manifests itself at a relatively early age, when the child is first forced to comply with certain requirements. Gradually, the pathology progresses up to episodes of twilight stupefaction for no apparent reason.


Symptoms and signs of a personality disorder often include persistent deception from a partner. At first, the woman does not attach any importance to this, because the chosen one lies to her over trifles. However, after some time, the deception acquires impressive proportions.

Nevertheless, the woman cannot accuse him of being a psychopath. Whenever he tries to find out the truth, he immediately shows resentment or aggression. At the same time, thanks to his high intelligence, the man deliberately deceives his victim in such a way that she notices his lie. And this moment is quite joyful for the psychopath, allowing him to enjoy the helplessness of the victim and his impunity.

Hysterical psychopathy

In men, the pathology is extremely rare. With this disorder, all emotions and feelings are exaggerated. Characteristic:

  • demonstrative behavior;
  • theatricality of facial expressions and gestures;
  • emotional lability;
  • infantilism.

All actions are dictated not by the desire to achieve a certain goal, but by the desire to impress others. Such men are very amorous, but at the same time they quickly become disappointed in their feelings and often change partners. They cannot find a permanent, well-paid job and are irresponsible. Under the influence of any external reasons, hysterical attacks are possible, accompanied by uncontrollable aggression, anger, and rage.

What do the experts advise?

If you find out that you have connected your life with a psychopath, first of all, visit a professional psychologist. The specialist will select a specific model of behavior for your case. You should also know that a psychopathic man is an excellent manipulator. Despite his coldness, he has a well-developed instinct. If he notices that your relationship is on the verge of collapse, he will begin to be a hypocrite and lie, choosing the right words, appealing to your best feelings. Therefore, it will not be possible to part with him right away. In order not to give a reason for a psychological attack, a woman should not show her true feelings during a quarrel. It is best to keep your distance at these moments, citing being busy. It may be that you still decided to leave such a man. In this case, we should not forget about the high impulsiveness of psychopaths. It is possible that the news will cause rage and aggression in your partner.

Cost of services

Initial consultation with a psychiatrist (60 min.)6,000 rub.
Repeated consultation5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist (60 min.)5,000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist3,500 rub.
Consultation with Gromova E.V. (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (session)7,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (5 sessions)30,000 rub.
Psychotherapy (10 sessions)60,000 rub.
Group psychotherapy (3-7 people)3,500 rub.
Psychotherapy session with E.V. Gromova (50 minutes) 12,000 rub.

This list does not contain all prices for services provided by our clinic. The full price list can be found on the “Prices” , or by calling: 8(969)060-93-93. Initial consultation is FREE!

Treatment of psychopathy in men

Therapy is carried out using medications that are selected individually, taking into account the severity of symptoms and the severity of the disorder. As a rule, psychotropic drugs are prescribed. Preference is given to tranquilizers of the benzodiazepine group. If a depressed, depressive state predominates in the clinical picture, antidepressants are prescribed. Treatment is carried out over a long period of time with constant dose adjustment to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

Psychotherapy is required, the main goal of which is the patient’s adaptation to society, correction of behavior and incorrect subconscious attitudes, and control of one’s own emotions. Sometimes group classes and art therapy provide good results.

The specialists at the Leto specialized clinic know very well how to treat psychopathy in men, and our doctors have extensive experience working with patients suffering from this illness. To schedule a consultation, call us at any time 8(969)060-93-93.

About correction

Symptoms of psychopathy appear at an early age. For example, a boy with a dissocial disorder may torture animals, bully peers and those who are weaker. Schizoids are often immersed in their inner world and are very closed. The hysterical type experiences frequent and inexplicable mood swings. These manifestations signal a problem. The psyche of a child with such symptoms should be corrected. Early adolescence is the optimal period for this purpose. To prevent the progression of pathology, it is necessary to begin treatment of psychopathy in a timely manner. According to psychologists, it is impossible to completely get rid of the syndrome. But after passing the psychopathy test, a person will know his diagnosis. The specialist will familiarize the patient with the characteristics of a particular type of disorder, and will also teach him how to control himself.

This is precisely the main treatment for psychopathy. Socialization of the patient is achieved by a psychotherapist or neurologist using the following basic methods:

  1. Group work.
  2. Family psychotherapy.
  3. Individual consultation. The specialist studies the conditions under which the patient’s personality and cognitive characteristics developed, and then makes a diagnosis and conducts a treatment course.
  4. Cognitive-behavioral method.
  5. Hypnosis.

It may be that by the time of diagnosis the pathology has acquired a severe form. In this case, the above methods for correction will not be enough. In this case, they are treated with special drugs, namely tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Their use is advisable only if the patient exhibits extreme aggressiveness, severe emotional disturbances in the form of depression and full-blown delusional patterns. For example, Haloperidol is used to suppress anger and aggression. In addition, the therapist may prescribe sedatives, antioxidants, immunomodulators and multivitamins.

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