Controlling another person’s subconscious and how is this possible?

Hello, my dear readers and site visitors! I would like to touch upon a particularly important topic for today, namely: how to control the subconscious of another person and how to learn to use this knowledge. There is no need to find pitfalls under the word “use”, because this is completely normal. Do you disagree with me? Then let's try to figure out this delicate issue together. You can read about what the subconscious is on the blog pages here: “How the subconscious works and what it can give to any person.”

Is manipulation good or bad?

Somehow it happened that the word “use” evokes mainly negative emotions and attitudes. And you probably want to ask: “Is it good to manipulate?” I will answer with a counter question: “Is it good to communicate?” Confused? So, know that you apply manipulations every day.

When making appointments, conducting business negotiations, talking with a friend over a cup of coffee, in a cozy cafe, or simply living in society, in each case you try to give the interlocutor a message, on a subconscious level, and wait for feedback, his reaction, actions. All this is nothing more than an attempt to control – to manipulate.

How to inspire your thoughts about love at a distance to your loved one?

How to make your loved one think about you?
Keep in mind that you can inspire thoughts about love at a distance, but you won’t be able to fall in love with a man this way. You can simply make a person think about you, inspire interest and win them over.

Perform the ritual when you have a lot of strength and are healthy. If you are sick, it is better to postpone the ritual until you recover, because otherwise you will not get the result.

Go to bed around the time your loved one gets ready. Relax as much as possible and get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. It’s worth turning on some nice music. Mentally imagine your man, connect with him and penetrate his consciousness.

Then say short phrases - “miss you”, “remember” and always add your name. If you make a quality suggestion, the man will definitely think about you.

What does psychology say?

From a psychological point of view, when trying to influence, a person is trying to get to the subconscious, while bypassing the conscious mind. After all, consciousness is capable of controlling any information received and even resisting it. The area of ​​feelings cannot do this; it waits for the green light from consciousness. Therefore, the technique of controlling the superconscious is more of a hidden nature.

But despite this, two spheres of influence are distinguished:

  • Directive (direct)
  • Indirect (hidden)

Directive influence is usually common between superiors and subordinates. He directly says what he expects from the employee, without veiling his demands. This control technique is today the exception rather than the norm. Since, at this hour, more attention is paid to communication, and it has reached a new level of development.

Indirect control techniques are much more widespread. Each of us has requests, desires to achieve the mutual sympathy of a person important to us, to achieve favor in society. And this is all, programming other people, an attempt to achieve a certain result by influencing their subconscious.

The danger of using religion as a tool to control society

Corollary 56. Of course, religions are too multifaceted phenomena of human culture to evaluate them only negatively .

Each religion is a system of rules (!) for organizing human society (!) . The most widespread religions became so because (!) that their rules for organizing society at a certain stage of human development provided them with an advantage (!) in the struggle for existence. But religions cannot forever (!) remain a source of such an advantage , because they are based on unchanging (!) dogmas that are written down in “sacred” texts, and, over time, inevitably come into conflict with changing life .

The difference in living standards that exists between “ Western civilization ” and the rest of the world is a consequence of the advantage of the secular (!) social order over the religious one . The peoples that make up “Western civilization” moved religions away from government (!) and, thereby, showed that they do not recognize (!) religious dogmas as true knowledge of reality . Religions retain significant influence in these countries only because part of the ruling circles of these countries continue to use it as a tool to control people . In addition, religions continue to be a significant source of income for some of the Western elite.

But in our time, the use of religion as a tool for controlling people is becoming dangerous (!) for the very existence of humanity . Indeed, in many religions there are statements that in addition to the usual “ earthly World ” there is also a “ heavenly World ”, Paradise, which is immeasurably more beautiful than the “ sinful earthly World ”, and where “ earthly righteous people ” can find “ eternal happy life ”. Earthly life is declared to be just a test for the “ immortal soul ” to be worthy of “ eternal bliss .” Thus, earthly life is declared immeasurably less valuable than “ eternal life in Paradise ”, and the pass to Paradise is declared to be blind obedience to religious rulers and, in particular, active work to spread the influence of one’s religion , including the use of violent methods , including the physical destruction of one’s own people. opponents. Thus, a person who believes in the existence ofafterlife ” can well count on personal “salvation” , even if all of humanity perishes . It is precisely these ideas about reality that are characteristic of suicide bombers and people like Archpriest Chaplin , mentioned above. If we take into account that such religious views are professed by at least 55% of the world's population , it should be recognized that the likelihood of man-made global disasters with religious motivation is quite high. The huge gap between the technological power of humanity and the level of social consciousness makes humanity look like a monkey with a grenade .

In many religions there are statements that declare this religion the only (!) true teaching , their God - the only (!) “true God” , and all people who believe other Gods are declared “ heretics ”, “ infidels ” and other similar labels . “ sacred texts ” of some religions are intolerant of dissent and set before their adherents the task of establishing world domination , subjugating or exterminating everyone who refuses to recognize the power of religious rulers . Supporters of other religions are declared “outside the law ,” they are not provided with security , and in many cases the murder and appropriation of the property of a “heretic” is declared a “ feat in the name of faith .” The instructions of the “sacred texts” about “ love for one’s neighbor ”, about the prohibitions on murder , concern only “ brothers in faith ” (!), and those who believe in other gods or do not zealously express their devotion to the “ true Godare subject to punishment (! ) or even murder .

True believers are fundamentalists who take the “sacred texts” literally, as they are written.

Of course, the current leaders of religious organizations, in words , try to soften the meaning of such statements, calling for religious peace and even the unification of religions. But the real believers are the fundamentalists who have managed to be so brainwashed that they understand all the “sacred texts” literally , they really believe (!) in the existence of heaven and hell, the afterlife, the end of the world and the Supreme Court . From their point of view , no compromises with heretics and infidels are really possible , especially since both God and Allah promised eternal bliss in paradise for feats in the name of faith.

Therefore, it is for modern society , with its weapons of mass destruction and the dangers of man-made disasters, to abandon the idea of ​​​​controlling people with the help of religious fairy tales , it is time to recognize science as the best source of reliable knowledge and seek moral ideals in accordance with the natural biological goal of humanity - to maximize its existence.

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Basic rules for manipulative tricks

First, let's look at the most primitive options for influence. For example, if the situation is such that you need to ask a direct question, but it is inappropriate, then the person should bring the dialogue to such a level as to get an answer without particularly annoying the colleague (friend).

To do this, the conversation must contain “hidden” questions: “I would like to know your opinion” or “I wonder what you think about this,” that is, everything that will prompt reflection in the interlocutor.

Simple rules of manipulation also include “hidden” commands and presuppositions. Indirect installations are applicable when a direct order is impossible or incorrect.

For example, the difference in instructions: “Close the window!” and “Look, the window is closed?”, that is, in any case, this instruction must be followed, but which option is more pleasant to follow?

Presupposition is when a situation is taken for granted. That is, a person (manipulator) builds a dialogue in such a way as to get a positive answer (result) from the interlocutor in any case.

This requires a special formulation of the question: “Will you pay by credit card or cash?” This situation already implies that you will have to pay for the service; your choice remains only with the payment option.

Acceptable methods of psychological influence on a person

Knowledge of how to psychologically influence a person can be used not only to the detriment of others. Here are a few psychological tricks in communication, the use of which will not harm anyone, but will help make interaction more effective:

  • Don't discuss another person's failures and failures unless you can offer a viable alternative. This recommendation fits into the short advice “If you criticize, make suggestions.” If you understand that nothing can be changed in the current situation, or if you simply don’t like something in a person’s actions, but you cannot offer a worthy replacement option, refrain from making negative comments in his direction, because they will not improve your communication more pleasant and efficient.
  • End the conversation on a positive note. This way the person will have a pleasant impression, and next time he will be more willing to start contacting you than if you ended the conversation on the negative.
  • If you need to criticize someone, do not forget to emphasize their merits. This point is in addition to the first: if you need to explain “how not to do it,” always back it up with a positive example and a list of “how not to do it.”
  • In a discussion, refer only to arguments. Do not humiliate the personality of your interlocutor - this is the lowest and most tactless technique when conducting a dispute. Do not consult “authorities” unless their opinion is backed by factual evidence. To argue reasonedly, follow the bare facts and rely only on the constructive elements of the dialogue.
  • Remember the rule of three yeses. If you have to conduct a discussion, prepare your arguments in such a way that the interlocutor will definitely agree with them at least three times in a row. Once the psychological threshold of three “agreements” has been passed, it will be much easier for a person to continue to accept your position.
  • Watch the body language and facial expressions of your interlocutor. Involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and body during a conversation will help you identify “trigger” arguments. These are the most painful points for the opponent, on which you can continue to put pressure and receive a response. Also pay attention to “yes” and “no” gestures - nodding, waving, shaking your head. This will help you understand how a person really feels and whether it matches the words.

It can be manipulated for various purposes, with varying degrees of skill. You should not forget just one thing: in order to maintain calm and a clear conscience, you cannot use those methods that leave your opponent in a situation of fear, hopelessness, and helplessness. And if such methods have unbalanced you, you should contact a psychologist so that he can help restore peace of mind and learn how to avoid such “traps” in the future. For example, to Nikita Valerievich Baturin. It is also useful to study special literature on how to influence a person psychologically - not only to benefit from manipulation, but also to protect against such “dirty” techniques.

For a big ship, a long voyage

The current, perfect human brain requires more and more new knowledge and more complex tasks. After all, the more knowledge, the more opportunities. Thus, manipulative tricks have become much more skillful and skillful.

Of course, this is not always done for the benefit of a person; sometimes people deliberately resort to influencing other people out of greed. In any case, people must have knowledge, and how they use it depends on themselves.

Therefore, you need to know additional, leading methods and methods of influencing the sphere of the subconscious, namely:

  • Repetition
  • Direct contact
  • Frame 25 effect
  • Hypnosis

Today, these suggestions are the most effective and widespread. Repetition is a powerful method of influencing a person’s mind through constant influx of information. A good example would be marketing and advertising. Here the instructions start in a circle - the consciousness gets tired, resistance decreases, and now, it turns out, we can reach the superconscious. A person is amenable to manipulation and “complies” with the necessary regulations.

Direct contact of influence is different in that it occurs in real time, here and now. A person who uses this type of manipulation tries to “relax” the consciousness of the interlocutor with friendly dialogue and focused direct contact, in the eyes.

The fact is that people are actually untrained for long-term eye-to-eye contact. At the same time, it is difficult to logically construct answers. Consciousness is confused, the subconscious is looking for other “suitable” options, which, as you understand, are beneficial to the manipulator. This method is often used by folk healers to heal the soul and body of a person through working with the subconscious.

The effect of the 25th frame is a very unique way of controlling the subconscious. Until now, scientists cannot decide on its real usefulness. Nevertheless, this method has enough admirers. The mechanism of its action is hidden from the human consciousness in the 25th frame.

The human visual center is capable of receiving only 24 frames per second, therefore consciousness does not perceive the 25th frame. Thus, the perception zone of the embedded information in a given frame is programmed. This method of manipulation is very controversial.


  1. Types of external influence on the human psyche.
  2. training and education
  3. deception
  4. propaganda
  5. agitation
  6. mind manipulation
  7. zombification
  8. generalities and differences between methods of external influence
  9. The dangers of mind manipulation and zombification
      harm and dangers of methods using false information
  10. the most dangerous sources of zombies are totalitarian regimes and religions
  11. danger of zombification of the population using the media
  12. danger of religious zombies
  13. Orthodoxy of the brain (Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church MP V. Chaplin)
  14. Religious zombies
      tools of religious zombieting - sermons, prayers, rituals, holidays and confession
  15. Zombification is “ordinary” training, but with false knowledge and using neurolinguistic programming methods
  16. The essence of zombification methods is the formation of conditioned reflexes through repeated repetition of verbal formulas and actions.
  17. Orthodox Christianity shapes the psychology of a slave who rejoices in his slavery
  18. The danger of religion for modern society

Corollary 46.

How to act, how to influence a photograph with the power of thought in order to attract your loved one?

An equally interesting way is to use photos. This method of instilling thoughts at a distance is suitable when a person is very far from you. Moreover, as we have already said, this method is more suitable for a beginner.

Try not to be disturbed by anyone and sit comfortably. You should be comfortable, and every cell of yours should relax. Once you are focused on the object, start sending signals to it. Remember that the result cannot be doubted. You must be confident in him.

Technique of instilling thoughts at a distance to attract a loved one: features

There is another way to instill thoughts at a distance, but only at a short distance. For this method, the man must be in the same room with you. Mentally connect with him and send signals, for example, “You are in love with me,” “You want to date me.”

When you send a thought, imagine that a ray comes out of your forehead and penetrates the forehead of your loved one. This is a special energy channel and all thoughts are transmitted through it. Do it confidently so that everything works out.

How to make a guy think about you?

You can understand that the method works by the heat during the procedure. Well, a feeling of burning or unpleasant warmth indicates that you have received an answer. This means that the man will call you soon. In this way you can make a man think about you constantly.

How other people control you

Photo by Sarah Trummer: Pexels
Sooner or later, every person finds himself in a situation after which he wonders whether his reaction was really a reflection of his own thoughts or desires, or whether they were imposed on him from the outside. For example, in the midst of shopping, when you are meditating in front of the mirror, your thoughts are interrupted by a consultant: “Girl! This is a trendy color!

Remember the dress that closed the last Valentino show? The style is the same, but 20 times cheaper. Take it, don’t even think about it!” You look around timidly and run to the cash register with another trophy. Will you get hurt badly? No. What about your wallet? Maybe.

The more people want to get from you, the more you risk becoming a puppet in the wrong hands. If you play on feelings of guilt or fear and force you to experience those emotions that you usually avoid, and then “save” them from them, you can find the key to controlling your mind. This is exactly how cults work. Therefore, it is important to learn to recognize external pressure and know how to resist it.

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