Signs of a successful person: 15 touches to a portrait

The consulting company TalentSmart conducted a large-scale study of the phenomenon of success. After studying data from more than a million people, the company found that super successful people have many common traits. For example, 90% of them know how to manage their emotions, remain focused, calm and productive in difficult situations. Dr. Travis Bradberry, CEO of TalentSmart, has identified 12 key strategies that super successful people use to achieve their goals. Some of these strategies may seem obvious, but the challenge is also learning how to apply them in time.

A successful person knows what his problems are

If you can quickly figure out what exactly the main difficulties are, success will very soon find you. You must be able to see the whole situation as a complex equation in which the difficulties are presented as unknowns and you need to calculate them. If you get over it quickly, that's a big success. If you don’t have this habit yet, try reading specialized literature that develops visualization abilities.

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A successful person eats right

There is nothing worse than eating unbalanced and poor quality food. You need to be a healthy person, and for this the body must receive all the necessary nutrients. A body that is exhausted by an improper diet is unable to function normally. Make sure to eat healthy and regularly so that your body can cope with all the challenges that come your way throughout the day. On top of everything else, it's also worth adding daily exercise. Untrained people often have inflexible thinking. Finally, your lifestyle is reflected in your appearance, which also plays a role in achieving success.

Success concept

Unambiguously speaking, success is a positive result, the achievement of a goal. Success implies a lasting feeling of satisfaction and pride in this achievement. An important component of success is the social recognition of an individual.

Note! People experience great enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards success when they manage to overcome themselves and move towards their goals, developing talents, training new abilities in order to achieve prosperity.

People have different associations with the word success. For some, it is great luck to bake pancakes without spoiling them. Others are filled with optimism without ever falling off their roller skates. Still others see a reason to be proud if they managed to catch a subway car that is about to leave.

Success is some work in which an individual has achieved completion, as a result of which he has achieved a goal, reinforced by positive emotions and social recognition.

However, it is worth mentioning what other success there is according to the definitions of psychology. Success is a state in which a person’s activities, his dreams, goals and thoughts, and communication with others occur in the same direction.

How to tune in

To become successful, you should evaluate your strengths and take care of some nuances that will help you achieve your goal. It will be easier to find the path to wealth if a person has the following qualities:

A sober assessment of your capabilities. In order to develop, you need to use certain resources. It's like going shopping: in order to purchase a product, you need to have the means to do so. The right attitude towards your health. To achieve what you want, you will have to work hard. And without health, all efforts will be in vain

While showing hard work and even workaholism, it is important not to forget about rest and healthy sleep. Ability to manage money. Development will only occur with a constant flow of funds. Constant self-improvement

More often it concerns knowledge. Today, in the digital era, this is not a problem. The main thing is to force yourself to study the features of both your field of activity and related areas. Implementation of your knowledge for the benefit of your own development and expansion of professional activities. Communication skills, expanding the circle of acquaintances from different fields of activity. This is not associated with fateful meetings, when meeting a successful person can cause a sharp rise in your career. New acquaintances can become good advisers or assistants in certain matters.

It is also important to think about the time it will take to achieve what you want. By setting a specific time frame for yourself, you will speed up the process of self-improvement.

But we must not forget about the objectivity of this factor. The allotted time to achieve the goal must be realistic

By setting a specific time frame for yourself, you will speed up the process of self-improvement. But we must not forget about the objectivity of this factor. The allotted time to achieve the goal must be realistic.

Always learn new things without stopping there. With the knowledge you have gained, find your own style of doing things and don’t forget about time, which is always in short supply. By correctly planning your tasks, delimiting the period of work and rest, you can achieve what you want and become happy. The main thing is not to give up and continue to work, enjoying it.

Not workaholics, but “hard workers”

The second common quality of successful people is hard work. When Richard asked Martha Stewart what helped her achieve phenomenal success, she replied: “I have always worked hard. I just work, work and work all the time. Never trust that someone else will do your work for you.” Labor is the price of entry into the territory of success.

According to Larry Page, work was the key to Google's success:

We started working on this search engine eight or nine years ago, while we were still at Stanford University. And we always worked on it very hard, 24 hours a day. Inspiration alone is not enough for success. It is probably 10% inspiration, and 90% working up a sweat.

Qualities and habits of successful people

To achieve success, a person must have the following personal qualities:

Resistance to stress.

Remember that any problem is half controlled and uncontrollable factors. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, highlight the controllable factors. Determine what you can do and what is beyond your control. Learn endurance and self-control. This way you will stay healthy and save time.


An incorrectly structured dialogue or a ridiculous remark can harm your project. Therefore, improve your knowledge in the art of communication. Feel the mood of those around you. Learn to recognize non-verbal gestures, signals, facial expressions.

Good memory.

Train your memory. The more you learn, the better your memory becomes. Repeat new information 2–3 times. Establish a cause-and-effect relationship between new information and old information.


The ability to be original and find fresh solutions are signs of success.

The list of qualities of a successful person goes on. But to achieve high results, it is important to develop the habits of a successful person.

We recommend developing the following habits:
  • Love your job.
  • Be prepared for challenges. The best question for moving up is “For what”, not “Why”.
  • Catch the positive wave. Don't be afraid of difficult tasks. Their solution leads to progress.
  • Think positive. Thoughts are material.
  • Live in the moment. The past cannot be returned, the future cannot be known.
  • Stick to the 20 Minute Rule. Spend 20 minutes a day doing exercise, cleaning the house, reading, relaxing, and other activities. It will help in the fight against laziness and push you to conquer new heights.

Working on these habits will begin the formation of the necessary character traits.

Let's list the following traits of successful people:
  • A strong desire to grow and develop.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Hard work.
  • The scale of thoughts.
  • Ability to take risks.
  • Sense of humor.

Make your list. Think about which trait will be more difficult to work with. Believe in yourself and start working. After all, the right habits have a positive effect on achieving success.

How to succeed in life, work and business

Many of us do not have clear life goals and priorities. Often we cannot say “NO” to certain people and things. We don't know our strengths and weaknesses. We do not control our energy and often scatter it aimlessly. We are constantly afraid of something.

Self-organization (self-government) means competence, one’s personal and professional development, regardless of external circumstances. Part of self-organization is time management, or in simple words, time management.

Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the most prominent authors on self-management of the 20th century, said that we live in an era of unprecedented personal and professional opportunity.

However, these opportunities require taking responsibility for your development and personal maturity. On this subject, Peter Drucker says:

  • You must become both a leader and a subordinate for yourself, in other words, on the one hand, you must be able to set the right goals and objectives, organize your time and, on the other hand, follow your plan and complete the intended tasks.
  • Throughout your life, you must remain curious and productive.
  • In order to do things well, you must maintain a deep awareness of yourself.
  • You need to know what skills you have and where you can use them most effectively.

The ultimate goal of self-organization is for us to consciously take our daily work into our own hands.

This also includes: planning, organization, motivation and goal setting.

To achieve success in life you should:

  • better organize yourself
  • plan your tasks,
  • prioritize and of course,
  • be always motivated.

It would seem that such simple advice, however, it is hard work. Scientists say: every day we make more than 20,000 decisions, most of them within a few seconds. It's quite difficult to imagine!

Especially in the process of work, we again and again find ourselves in situations in which we have to make decisions quickly. We find ourselves in this state, under pressure from lack of time, 60 percent of the time.

Methods for developing personal qualities

The most important thing that a successful person should have, regardless of his professional activity, is self-confidence. This is the basis in any profession. It is not necessary to have leadership and lead everyone, it is enough to be able to adequately assess yourself and your capabilities, all possible risks. If you take on a task, you should never give it up if difficulties arise.

There are several basic methods that help in the development of personal qualities. The first step should be self-analysis to help highlight the qualities that you already have. Having decided on the missing qualities, you should choose ways to form them. This is a long and difficult process

It is important to initially decide on the desired result and develop several ways to achieve it. A prerequisite for success is the presence of deadlines for achieving the goal and an example to follow.

Successful people count money well

To develop this habit, specialized literature on financial management is also suitable. This is important for your life in the long run, so take the time to do your research. Planning and counting is not an easy task, but it is truly worthwhile if you want to make your life better than it was before. Even the largest entrepreneurs began their journey with the ability to plan and save. And many Hollywood stars are not averse to sitting over columns of numbers - for example, actor Will Smith loves to count money and knows how to invest.

Rules, skills and goals of successful people

Let us outline four elementary rules of a successful person:

  • Solve all important and complex matters in the morning.
  • Take action during the day.
  • Before going to bed, read your favorite or professional literature.
  • Rest at night.

Follow these rules and life will begin to change for the better. And the skills of a successful person will help you with this. Among them we highlight the following:

  • Speak competently.
  • Write beautifully and legibly.
  • Think critically. Learn to soberly assess the situation.
  • Know how to sell.
  • Work in a team.
  • Know how to rest and recover.

All of the above works to achieve the goal. But what goals do successful people have? Different. Therefore, we propose to divide them into two groups:

  1. Long-term.
  2. Short term.

Development of personal and professional qualities

With the beginning of active professional activity, a person begins to realize not only his personal qualities, but also his professional ones. The choice of a field of activity and the successful realization of oneself as a specialist depend on them. A person spends most of his life at work, and many expectations and aspirations are associated with this side of life.

It is the qualities of a person as a professional that are the guideline by which a person’s compliance with his position, and in general, his field of activity, is assessed. An adequate perception of oneself in the team and the employees around is also an indicator of success as a professional. A person who has a certain set of qualities suitable for his chosen profession develops much faster and achieves high goals, is confident in himself, and knows how to act to climb the career ladder.

Each individual requires certain professional qualities

Despite this, there is a list of general criteria that employers pay attention to. Their presence is welcome in almost any field of activity.

Since not only his personal success, but also the development of the entire organization depends on the professionalism of each employee, the employer pays special attention to this factor.

The most important qualities are:

  1. ability to work as a team with a team;
  2. fast learning and flexibility;
  3. , but not focusing on one’s own person;
  4. ability to complete a task without constant supervision from superiors;
  5. the ability to defend and argue one’s opinion;
  6. reaction speed and ability to take responsibility for one’s decisions;
  7. ability to accurately follow job instructions;
  8. and the ability to resolve conflict situations.

Professional qualities, like personal ones, are the result of the educational process. The contribution of parents, the general atmosphere in the family, confidence in a reliable rear as relatives help a person to feel confident, easily set goals and achieve them

The social sphere, the influence of teachers, friends is also important. However, the absence of traits instilled from childhood is not necessarily the final verdict.

A person can always independently develop the necessary professional qualities.

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