Is it possible to cure anxiety depression and start a new life?

Contrary to popular belief, depression is a serious mental disorder that requires treatment. Once caught in a loop of negative experiences, a person can no longer get out of this anxious state on his own. A combination of factors leads to the development of depressive disorder, many of which people cannot consciously explain.

Immersing a person in a hypnotic state allows one to find the underlying causes of depression hidden in the subconscious.

Treatment with hypnosis (hypnotherapy) is a safe method of combating not only depressive symptoms, but also the causes of the disorder. Psychotherapists assure that of all the information a person receives

  • 20% is realized by the brain.
  • 80% of what is heard, seen and experienced is processed by the brain on an unconscious level.

By accumulating psychological trauma, negative experiences, fatigue and anxiety, a person often comes to a state of deep depression. At the same time, others often do not see objective reasons for difficult emotional experiences.

Doctors recommend contacting a specialist when the first signs of depression appear. They appear

  • pessimism,
  • despondency,
  • lack of interest in life.

If depressive disorder is not dealt with, somatic symptoms are gradually added to the bad mood - insomnia, migraine, loss of appetite. Prolonged ignoring of these dangerous signs increases the risk of suicide in patients. Hypnotherapy will help to avoid the severe consequences of depression, restore motivation, and restore the taste of life to the patient.

Depressive psychosis, causes

This psychotic state is a phase of a mental illness - bipolar affective disorder.
The opposite status is called manic. Depression as part of this pathology occurs over a longer period and with severe impairments. The outpatient format of therapy is recommended only in the recovery phase or for prevention during remission. Patients require hospital treatment based on the following factors :

  • The behavior of sick people is often inappropriate. They can harm their health and be dangerous to others.
  • To alleviate the condition and eliminate the manifestations of the disease, potent drugs are used that require constant monitoring of the patient.
  • Patients often exhibit suicidal tendencies. Doctors can notice them in a timely manner only with constant monitoring.

Among the reasons leading to pathology, several of the most obvious stand out.

Depressive-psychotic abnormalities are detected against the background of:

  • suffering mental trauma;
  • development of an intense stressful situation, especially in its chronic course;
  • tendency to melancholic experiences, despondency;
  • pessimistic mood, excessive “soul-searching”;
  • psychasthenic accentuation of personality;
  • old age and the presence of serious illnesses;
  • undergoing complicated childbirth;
  • alcohol, drug and gaming addiction.

These factors can be combined, which significantly increases the possibility of developing pathology.


According to reviews of people who have been treated for depressive syndrome under hypnosis, the technique is very effective. About 30% noted improvement after the first two sessions. The full course (8-10 procedures) relieved depression and depression in more than 80% of patients. Interestingly, positive dynamics of therapy are observed even among skeptical people.

In their reviews, patients note the following effects after a course of hypnotherapy:

  • a surge of strength;
  • increased performance;
  • restoration of motivation;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • increased self-esteem;
  • improved appetite;
  • increasing physical activity.

Symptoms of the disease go away as a result of replacing negative unconscious attitudes with positive ones. Moreover, during a hypnotic trance session, the doctor can additionally work out other problems - phobias, panic attacks, alcohol and drug addiction, and feelings of guilt.

After working with a hypnologist, most people can stop taking antidepressants completely. Another important feature of this line of treatment is the ability to treat depression in adolescents. During adolescence, self-doubt, problems in relationships with parents and peers, as well as complexes often lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts. Timely hypnotherapy helps save the health and life of a teenager.

  • “Having completed a course of hypnotherapy, I can confidently say that this is a very unusual experience. After the first sessions, I was able to completely give up the antidepressants (carmabazepim, eglanil, etc.), which had been present in my life for several years. I managed to cope with insomnia, the nightmares that had haunted me since childhood went away. I can’t say that a new life has begun, but some of the problems definitely remained in the psychotherapist’s office. I continue to work on myself. I’m glad that I didn’t have to wait very long for the result.”
  • “I encountered depression after experiencing trauma. I honestly admit that going to a hypnosis session for the first time was scary. It seemed like nothing would work out. However, in the process of working with the doctor, I myself did not notice how I lost awareness and fell inside myself. I managed to feel light and free. My mood improved after just five sessions. What else I would like to note is that the pain that tormented me after the accident is almost gone. I can’t say for sure that hypnosis had this effect, but I almost managed to give up painkillers.”
  • “Since childhood, I considered hypnosis to be deception and quackery. My parents frightened me with stories about gypsies and other horrors. After the divorce, he could not control himself and began to abuse alcohol. I drank a lot until I realized it was time to stop. With treatment came depression and apathy. I didn’t want to live at all. I couldn’t get the desired effect from the pills, after which I gave up. A friend advised me to go to a clinic that treats trance. Almost 2 months have passed since the first procedure and I can say that it really works. Of course, it’s hard to immediately believe skeptics, but I felt the result myself. I returned to work, started noticing changes in the weather outside, communicating with people, and not avoiding holidays. Thanks to the one who gave useful advice in a timely manner"


The duration of treatment in a hospital is from 14 to 90 days, depending on the severity of the disease.



Inpatient treatment – ​​accommodation options

Accommodation in a triple room10,000 rub./day
Double roomRUB 13,800/day
Single room of increased comfort16,000 rub./day
Treatment in a single VIP ward25,000 rub./day


Ambulatory treatment

psychiatristFOR FREE
Consultation with a psychiatrist (first appointment) – free of charge during hospitalization3,000 rub.
Full psychodiagnostics (all tests and procedures)from 5,000 rub.
Appointment with the head physician of the clinic4,500 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist at homefrom 4,000 rub.


Depression in teenagers

The appearance of a condition that may require treatment for depression in adolescence is associated with hormonal changes in the body.
During this period, the nervous system may be unstable, which is a stimulus for depression. We also must not forget that as we grow older, our understanding of life in general changes, problems associated with learning and the home environment appear, and psychological influences increase. All this can provoke nervous breakdowns and strong feelings. Often in children, depression manifests itself precisely in the form of irritation as opposed to depression, which is more typical for adults. The emerging aggressiveness and hostility towards people can be complemented by a decrease in appetite or its increase, constant lethargy, drowsiness, insomnia, and inability to concentrate.

If parents ignore such conditions in a child, this may worsen the situation in the future; as a result, problems will arise at school, the child may begin to actively drink alcoholic beverages, and become withdrawn. One possible manifestation is thoughts of suicide.

If parents suspect this condition in their child, they should begin to treat it. In such a state, it is important to have an attentive attitude, a desire to support, to become a support in order to help get through the difficult stage of recovery.

Selecting a depression treatment clinic may be relevant. An experienced psychotherapist will help you find contact with the child, become an assistant who will help resolve the current situation, and advise you on what to do.

Features of depressive psychosis

Psychiatrists identify this type of disorder in 0.01–1% of the population of the Russian Federation, depending on the severity of clinical complaints. We are not always talking about severe manifestations. Deviation is most often found in mild variants. A number of individuals experience a single psychotic episode. After the symptoms subside, a stable remission is formed. The most common classic form of the disorder lasts from 2-3 weeks to 6 months. Prolonged options last up to 2 years.

In recent years, doctors have noted a trend towards an increase in severe forms of the disease. All patients with complicated cases require adequate therapy. Without proper medical care, they are at risk of worsening their condition with loss of adaptation, loss of work, place of study, and complications in family life.

Bad mood or depression?

If you have lost interest in things that used to bring you pleasure, you feel tired and get tired easily, you have difficulty getting yourself to move or do anything, and a depressed mood haunts you every day, and this condition continues for more than two weeks, you may have depression .

Also, look out for symptoms such as:

  • emotional excitement or, conversely, inhibition;
  • self-blame, tension, irritability, dissatisfaction with oneself, decreased confidence and self-esteem;
  • passivity, alcohol abuse;
  • negative thoughts, pessimism, difficulty making decisions, decreased memory, concentration, indecisiveness;
  • thoughts of death and suicide;
  • early awakenings, insomnia or increased sleepiness;
  • eating disorders - loss or uncontrollable increase in appetite;
  • decreased sexual needs;
  • Possible intestinal dysfunction, pain in various organs. It turns out that depression and pain are interrelated: up to 50% of patients with depression suffer from pain. In this case, the examination will not reveal organic disorders - the physical cause of pain, since it is a manifestation of latent depression (somatoform disorder).

If the painful condition drags on, it is better not to postpone a visit to a specialist (psychotherapist or neurologist).

Depressive psychosis - symptoms and signs

A psychotic episode contains 2 main components. In diagnosis, the doctor relies precisely on their presence.

During examination and questioning of the patient, the following are determined:

  • Hypotymia is a depressed state and mood.
  • Bradypsychia is a slowdown of all mental processes, in particular reactions to ongoing events and inhibited thinking.

Clinical stages:

  • Initial. An ill person experiences increasing depression of all psychophysical functions. Lost interest in work and study. Family relationships are deteriorating. Everything that happens around me is burdensome. Appetite decreases. The patient withdraws into himself and tries to be alone all the time. He experiences insomnia and night terrors.
  • Increasing signs. The symptoms described in the initial stage progress. The sick person does not leave the home, sits motionless all the time, avoids conversations and any contact with people. He eats only under duress and hardly sleeps.
  • Maximum violations. At the height of internal experiences, the patient develops delusions, most often of the nature of self-accusation. Severe phobias, hypochondria, and suicidal alertness appear. Delusions are accompanied by hallucinations filled with fears.
  • Reverse development (regression). All painful manifestations begin to gradually subside. The person returns to normal with residual complaints.

Pros and cons of treating depression with hypnosis

The traditional approach to the treatment of depressive conditions includes three areas - the prescription of medications (antidepressants), psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Of these approaches, hypnosis has the fewest disadvantages. If a specialist diagnoses severe depression, it is advisable to combine all three areas of work.


  • Health safety. Unlike antidepressants, which cause addiction, digestive disorders and disruption of the central nervous system, hypnotherapy is completely safe. If the therapist strictly follows the procedure protocol, the risk of negative consequences is minimal. The absence of a chemical load on the body is a significant advantage of this technique.
  • Long-term effect . Tablets can eliminate symptoms of depression - depression, insomnia, headaches, etc. However, drug therapy does not affect the causes of mental disorders. After completing a course of drug therapy, symptoms return, often gaining strength. In a state of hypnosis, the patient works through the causes of depression, loss of motivation, and self-doubt. This allows you to achieve long-term effects. Some psychotherapists tend to call this effect lifelong, but no treatment method provides one hundred percent guarantees. People who have experienced depressive syndrome must control their emotional state throughout their lives. This will help avoid relapses.
  • Psychological comfort of the patient. During sessions of traditional psychotherapy, a person experiences strong emotional experiences. Procedures often cause violent reactions, aggression, and unpleasant memories. It is difficult for patients to open up and trust a stranger. In a state of hypnotic trance, this stage occurs comfortably, without psychological stress. After emerging from a state of altered consciousness, a person often does not remember what he shared with the hypnologist. This eliminates embarrassment, shame, and concealment of information.
  • Possibility of deep correction of settings. No matter how much close people, together with psychotherapists, convince a depressed patient of the benefits of positive thinking, this will not produce results. Unconscious pessimism works autonomously, causing anxieties, fears, and depression. Under hypnosis, a person's brain works differently. His receptivity increases many times over, which allows the specialist to establish new attitudes and truly change the way of thinking.

The advantages of the method also include its effectiveness in combating other problems - nightmares, phobias, language barriers, barriers to communication with others. After undergoing hypnotherapy, people feel more confident.


There are few downsides to the hypnotic approach to treating depressive syndrome.

Disadvantages of hypnotherapy often include:

  • Periodically arising need for long-term therapy. It is not always possible to solve the problem in one session.
  • There is a group of people who feel drowsiness, weakness, and inhibited reactions after hypno-sessions. It is impossible to determine this in advance.
  • Many people are afraid that they will not be able to come out of a trance state after the procedure. If the session is conducted by an experienced hypnotherapist, these fears are unjustified.
  • Instilling negative thoughts or taking advantage of the helpless state of a hypnotized person is also unlikely to succeed. Even while in a deep trance, the brain rejects commands that contradict its principles and worldview.

In rare cases, a complication occurs called loss of rapport. This term refers to the loss of contact between the hypnotist and the hypnotized. In such cases, the specialist is unable to get a response to requests. This is not a dangerous complication, which ends with the transition of hypnotic sleep to normal sleep. After the session, the hypnotized person wakes up on his own, without the use of medications.

How is the disease detected during diagnosis?

Upon admission to the clinic, the doctor examines the patient and takes into account all existing abnormalities before making a diagnosis.

The diagnostic process includes:

  • Conversation with the client and relatives.
  • Examination and identification of specific symptoms.
  • Testing.
  • Involvement of other specialists if necessary.

It is important to exclude other pathologies: schizophrenia, neuroses, psychoses associated with the use of psychoactive substances and other diseases.

The diagnosis ends with laboratory tests and an ECG.

Technology for treating depression with hypnosis

Hypnosis is not magic. This is a scientifically proven phenomenon of an altered state of consciousness. While in a hypnotic trance, a person concentrates on certain thoughts without scattering his attention. In this state, he is able to find in the subconscious the smallest details of his past, which he had long forgotten.

After “turning off” awareness, our brain is subject to external influence (suggestion or programming). This allows the hypnotherapist to identify negative attitudes and replace them with positive ones. This is the work that is carried out during the treatment of depression with hypnosis.

To cope with the causes and symptoms of depressive disorder, it is necessary to undergo a whole course of procedures.

The hypnotherapy algorithm for depression includes three stages:

  1. Preparation. Most patients experience strong excitement, anxiety, and fear before their first hypnotic trance session. This is due to a lack of knowledge on this topic and established frightening stereotypes about hypnosis. To cope with anxiety, relax and begin to explore the subconscious, the patient needs preparation. One introductory session is usually enough for this. During this visit, the hypnotherapist gets to know the patient, finds out his problem, and puts him into a state of hypnosis for the first time. Having experienced this experience once, most people stop worrying, and the anxiety before the next procedures goes away. This becomes an excellent foundation for future effective work.
  2. Search for unconscious automatisms . This stage begins from the second visit to the hypnotherapist. A calm, comfortable environment for a person is created in the specialist’s office. The doctor’s task is to completely capture the patient’s attention. Objects (pendulum or clock) are often used for this purpose. When a state of hypnotic trance is achieved, the specialist gently “leads” the patient through the dark corridors of the subconscious. The purpose of this journey is to find traumatic situations of the past, restore vivid experiences, and identify a person’s unconscious programs. Almost all patients themselves bring the specialist to the solution, since the painful experience quickly returns when awareness is turned off. By reciting traumatic situations and events from his life, a hypnotized person experiences this experience again. However, this happens painlessly and safely.
  3. Therapeutic work . When a negative unconscious program is detected and the reasons for its occurrence are obvious, the doctor begins therapy. Its task is to erase pessimistic attitudes from the subconscious, as well as to instill in a person models of positive thinking. Having experienced painful moments again, the patient usually does not even remember about it. However, internal anxiety and tension subside. At this moment, the subconscious is ready to accept new information. It depends on the experience and qualifications of the hypnotherapist which attitudes will be introduced into the patient’s thinking. Therefore, you should trust such an important procedure only to trusted specialists.

Each hypnologist has his own secrets of working with patients suffering from mental disorders. At the same time, a change in the patient’s state of consciousness remains common to all techniques.

The ability of people to be influenced by a hypnotist is called hypnotizability. There are people who are more difficult to bring to the required concentration. However, a qualified hypnologist can cope with tasks of any complexity.

How long will the treatment last?

The duration of the course depends on several factors. The deeper the patient’s problems are hidden in the subconscious, the more difficult it is to find the keys to solving them. There is never just one factor that leads to the development of depressive syndrome. This is a combination of fear, anxiety, childhood trauma, self-doubt, guilt and aggression. By working through these mechanisms, the hypnologist, like a ball of thread, unwinds the reasons for the appearance of negative attitudes.

Subconscious attitudes that cause depression in people include the following programs:

  • "Nobody needs me";
  • “I am untalented”;
  • “I am not worthy of happiness”;
  • “I won’t succeed”
  • “There will be nothing good in my life anymore,” etc.

Without realizing this, a person automatically carries out a vicious program, depriving himself of the pleasure of living fully. To replace negative programs with positive ones, 4-8 sessions of hypnotherapy are required.

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