How to remove scars from self-harm - is it possible to cure them completely?

Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to perceive information received from online publications due to the emergence of a significant number of “new” words. All possible “hater”, “feedback” and “crowdfunding”... psychological terminology has long gone beyond the workroom, such as “bullying”, “mobbing” or “gaslighting”. Among others, the word “SELFHARM” stands out. In this article we will try to figure out what it is – self-harm. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the number of self-harms that people deliberately inflict on themselves has sharply increased. This dangerous and painful trend is currently gaining momentum and is very popular among children, adolescents and adults from different social strata of the population.

Selfharm: what is it really?

Cutting indicates aggression directed inward. It is difficult to understand the reasons for this phenomenon without the help of a psychotherapist. In each individual case, it is necessary to establish prerequisites, and these can even be innocently thrown phrases. Most often, self-harm is committed by teenagers in attempts to:

  • draw attention to yourself and your problems;
  • punish yourself for wrong actions;
  • cope with emotions - a big child translates mental pain into physical, tangible pain;
  • again experience any feelings that are dulled against the background of a depressive state.

Psychologists confirm that shy, introverted teenagers, people with low self-esteem, and introverts often decide to engage in self-harm. Auto-aggression is a kind of protective mechanism for them, arising as a consequence of circumstances that are traumatic to the psyche. A person, especially a child with an unstable psyche, needs qualified help. suspect a tendency towards self-harm based on characteristic signs:

  • hiding body parts - choosing long sleeves even on hot days;
  • refusal to go to the beach, to the pool - any place where the body will be exposed;
  • secretive behavior;
  • lighters, blades, bandages, antiseptics in pockets;
  • blood stains on clothes;
  • irritability, isolation, refusal to dialogue with parents, teachers, friends.

It is worth noting that when intentionally injuring oneself, improvised means are not always used. Sometimes their own nails are used: people scratch their backs, limbs and even their scalp until they bleed. Selfharm is individual in nature.

Scars after self-harm as a result of auto-aggression

Even a single injury does not go away without leaving a trace. Visible scars remain on the body. They are not always located on the wrists. Teenagers cut or burn the skin on their thighs, ankles, and forearms. They deliberately look for places that can be easily hidden by clothing.

Selfharm does not solve psychological problems , but only temporarily drowns out feelings and distracts from the current situation, switching attention from traumatic circumstances to real, tangible, physical pain. Unwittingly, when carried away by self-harm, people can inflict too deep wounds on themselves, requiring emergency surgical care - suturing.

Even if the cut is minor, the danger remains. Self-harm is not performed under sterile conditions, so wounds can become infected. As a result, purulent inflammation develops, accompanied by pain, swelling, and redness of the skin. Even if this does not happen, there will still be scars on the body, which the teenager will later try to get rid of by any means. But removing old scars is much more difficult than removing fresh scars from self-harm. The sooner you start fighting defects, the better the cosmetic effect will be. What product can help get rid of scars or at least make them less noticeable? - read on.

Mechanical peeling

Along with chemical peeling, there is also mechanical peeling. This is the name for the method of removing the upper layer of the dermis using cutter attachments. There are 3 types of procedure:

  1. Exfoliation – superficial removal of skin up to 15 microns.
  2. Epidermolysis – removes a layer up to 50 microns.
  3. Deep dermabrasion – depth up to 150 microns.

The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. But in the first days, side effects such as pain and swelling may occur. It is also difficult for patients to eat (If they have undergone cleansing of the relevant areas of the face). In the coming days, a new crust will form on the surface. It needs to be treated with antiseptic drugs, as well as various ointments to prevent inflammatory processes. Full recovery takes up to 3 months.

Types of scars from self-harm

Before choosing a method for removing scars, it is necessary to determine their type. It is difficult to identify it on your own. You can send a photo of the scar to a special section and receive recommendations from leading doctor Svetlana Ogorodnikova. The method of its correction directly depends on the type of scar .

Experts distinguish the following types of scars:

  1. Normotrophic . The scar does not protrude above the surface of the skin and looks like a thin, flat, light line. Such a scar does not cause discomfort and is almost invisible to others.
  2. Atrophic . The scar is clearly visible. It resembles a chickenpox mark - a depression on the surface of the skin. Cells in the damaged area are deprived of proteins - collagen and elastin, so they quickly age and lose their elasticity. Such a scar is represented by a tissue deficiency.
  3. Hypertrophic . The scar protrudes above the surface of the skin. Often brings itching and burning. It has a red or burgundy color, can degrade over time, and never goes beyond the original wound.
  4. Keloid . The scar is similar in appearance to a hypertrophic scar, but unlike it, it tends to grow, increasing in size and affecting adjacent areas of the skin. It has a red or bluish color, does not disappear on its own, and hurts.

Teenagers are more likely to get rid of a scar or make it less noticeable, since regeneration processes are actively underway in the skin. As you age, the amount of collagen and elastin decreases, so healing is slower.

It is necessary to remove scars not only for aesthetic reasons. Scars can cause difficulties even in everyday situations. For example, the inability to pass a medical examination when applying for a job or in the army if there are marks on the body from attempts to damage the veins. This can be a serious obstacle for careerists.

Laser resurfacing

Laser radiation affects the surface layer of the skin and destroys the tissue that forms the scar. As a result, dead cells are removed and the restoration of healthy tissue is activated. Today, 2 laser therapy methods are used:

  1. Carbon dioxide laser, based on carbon dioxide, helps remove scars and lighten the affected area.
  2. The Fracel laser softens scar tissue and enhances collagen synthesis.

The procedure has proven its effectiveness. However, in a number of cases its implementation is contraindicated:

  • formation of rough scars (keloid);
  • blood clotting problems;
  • diabetes;
  • mental pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • all stages of pregnancy and lactation;
  • tumors (including benign ones).

How to get rid of scars after self-harm?

It will not be possible to restore the skin to its original smoothness after numerous cuts. Most often, after self-harm, whitish normotrophic scars remain that do not disappear completely. If dark, dense scars remain on the body, their size and brightness can be reduced with the help of cosmetic procedures, physiotherapy and medications for home scar correction.

A more accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor. He will examine the areas of damage, determine the type of scars and propose the optimal scheme for eliminating them. You should not self-medicate.

How to help

Speaking of self-harm, staying alone with your problem will be a big mistake. Try to talk to someone you trust, although this may be incredibly difficult. It is important to find someone who will talk to you about prophetic feelings. Admit to yourself that what you are doing is causing you great harm. Identify the moment that is the “trigger” for self-harm. Try to distract yourself, during especially “acute” periods of your life. Focusing on other things, such as breathing exercises, taking a shower, or reading a book, will help. Express your thoughts in writing, keep a journal, this will help you recognize feelings that lead to self-harm. If you don't feel comfortable asking friends and family for help, you can seek help from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or psychotherapist.

There are now effective treatments for self-harm that allow a person to regain a sense of control over themselves. It is important to remember that even minor self-harm can be dangerous and can lead to serious injury, physical impairment, or even an accident. Such “self-expression” can become more frequent and become a painful habit, when it is simply impossible to cope with negative emotions otherwise. Statistically, many people who attempt suicide have a history of self-harm.

If you, your children or loved ones have signs of self-harm, do not delay your visit to a specialist. Remember, the more a person immerses himself in his painful thoughts and experiences, the more difficult it will be to go through the treatment and recovery periods. It is important to understand that when it comes to mental health, we are literally talking about minutes.

External preparations

If the scar is fresh and small in size, then you can deal with it at home. External anti-scar gels based on collagenase, for example, Fermenkol, work well. It contains nine naturally occurring enzymes that break down the main components of scar tissue into individual molecules.

The method of using Fermenkol depends on the type and age of the scar left after self-harm. For growing keloids or voluminous hypertrophic scars, the drug breaks down excess connective tissue, evening out the relief and color of the skin. For atrophic scars, the gel, on the contrary, stimulates collagen production and increases skin elasticity, first eliminating deformed coarse collagen fibers in the dermis.

This selective activity allows Fermenkol to be prescribed in different situations. However, it is important to remember that the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. With regular use of the gel, you can cope with fresh scars after self-harm in a few months. In addition, Fermenkol is safe and recommended for children and pregnant women.

Effective ways to treat scars

Scars and scars are treated in different ways. The specific type of treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the cause, the patient’s condition, concomitant diseases and other factors. The main methods of therapy are:

  1. Special creams - for example, Imoferase, Dermatix, Naftaderm, Contractubex, Clofibraza, Narbiril and others.
  2. Chemical peeling - this method is used in cases where treatment with ointments is ineffective.
  3. Introduction of dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. These components not only smooth the surface of the skin, but also activate collagen synthesis by the body itself.
  4. Laser therapy can eliminate the most noticeable scars. They are destroyed under the influence of laser radiation, as a result of which collagen synthesis also increases.
  5. Surgery is indicated in extreme cases when scar tissue needs to be removed. It is possible to transplant a small part of the skin or dermotension.

Physiotherapeutic methods

Physiotherapy with Fermenkol is necessary in case of rough, voluminous scars and old defects. The most effective correction methods are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • microcurrents;
  • phonophoresis.

Exposure to alternating galvanic current or ultrasonic waves together with the use of Fermenkol gel provides a complex effect. Enzymes from the drug penetrate deep into the tissues, accumulate there in the form of a medicinal depot and work from the inside, significantly accelerating the process of skin regeneration.

Chemical peeling

Peeling is the destruction of scar tissue due to the action of various organic acids. They also help optimize fat metabolism, which can also help get rid of acne. There are several types of chemical peeling (depending on the reagent used):

  1. TCA peeling (using 3-chloroacetic acid with a concentration of 35-50%).
  2. Retinoic (based on retinoic acid, which not only destroys scars, but also has an antibacterial effect).
  3. Phenolic (phenol-based - it also helps get rid of scars and destroys bacteria). However, phenol is toxic and can have a bad effect on the nervous system.

Chemical peeling is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • recurrence of acne;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • wounds, neoplasms;
  • individual intolerance to the substances used.
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